RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert

By NehpetsSanders

141K 1.3K 860

In this story RWBY Chibi Episodes will be featured along with you, dear reader, of course.... And I noticed t... More

RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert {Ep. 1}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 2} XTRA!!!
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 3}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 4}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {5}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep.6}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 7}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 8}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 9}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 10}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 11}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 12}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 13}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 15}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 16}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 17}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 18}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 19}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 20}

RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 14}

4K 48 24
By NehpetsSanders

You were casually walking your way towards Blake's classroom to spend some time with her after her classes. Although you heard they were having long tests, and you secretly hoped Blake was overdoing herself. Speaking of which, you saw her walk out her class.

You: Blake! Do you wanna---

Blake: Not now, (Y/N)

It was all she murmured as she staggers along the hallway. Tealle then walked out of the classroom as well afterwards, who lets out a heave of sigh. She leans on the doorway, her arms crossed as she looks down in dismay.

Tealle: Sorry, Cap. Apparently, she went a bit overboard with the test.

You: And that means....?

Tealle: Her mind's basically fried right now.

You slouched down the wall as you sighed. Tealle accompanied you on our way towards the dorm, still disheartened that you aren't able to spend your time with your beloved girlfriend. You turned the doorknob to find Weiss, Claire, and Zwei inside, with Sky sitting on his desk, seemingly working with something.

Claire: I'm guessing things didn't go pretty well with your hang out with Blake, huh?

You: Is it that obvious?

Weiss: Well, judging by the looks of things. It is.

Sky: And a just a little more tweak there and.... Done!

Sky suddenly exclaims as he raises his screwdriver in triumph.

Hmm.... Something's missing. I'll just have a quick chat with Prof. Oobleck for a while. And you guys: Don't touch anything.

With that, Sky covers his work with a cloth before leaving the dorm. Claire checked if Sky was nowhere to be seen or heard outside, and when he was, she makes her way towards Sky's desk.

Tealle: Claire, don't. He specifically told us not to---

Weiss: A... mind switching ray?

Tealle had an exasperated look on her face as she just witnesses something out of the ordinary. When Weiss caught sight of this, she began blushing in embarrassment.

Weiss: Wh-What? I-I'm his g-g-girlfriend! S-So I'm allowed to at least know something at what he does!

You: But you also have to be the one to respect Sky's personal space. And did you say 'Mind-Switching Ray'?

Claire: Well, that's what it says here on the diagram.

You all made your way look at the design plans that were once covered by the cloth. You weren't able to make much of a sense to it, but it looked pretty legit to you. And knowing Sky, his inventions never fail. You then got an amazing idea on how to get your Faunus girlfriend to like dogs.

You: Hit me.

Claire: Excuse me?

You: I said hit me?

Claire: A-Are you sure?

Just do it!

Then out of nowhere, you suddenly felt a huge amount of force being pressed unto your cheek that sent you spinning down to the ground. Realizing Claire had just punched you right in the face, you fumed.

You: Ooow! You idiot! What'd you punch me for, you hothead?!

Claire: What?! You told me to hit you!

Oh, for the love of Monty! With the Ray! Hit me with the ray, you moron!

Claire: Well, that's what you should have said in the first place then!

Tealle: Oh, for freak's sake, you two!

Tealle had enough of the argument, and suddenly grabbed the ray gun out of Weiss' hands and shot the Ray gun at Zwei then to you. There was a glowing effect that happened between you and the canine, as flows your Aura color went inside Zwei, while his went into your body. After a few seconds, your body started acting like Zwei, while your mind was inside Zwei's body.

Tealle: It.... worked!

Weiss: As without flaw. Much expected from Sky's inventions.

You: Nice!

But all that ever came out of Zwei's mouth was a bark. Then, you realized that every time you'd speak, it would either be a bark or a whimper. Knowing that you can't really, communicate with either the three of the girls inside your dorm, you just bounded off out of the room.

Tealle: Uh.... What are we supposed to do with Cap's body?

Your body: Ruff!


A weary Blake staggers into RWBY's dorm room. She only gets to the center of the room, before falling to her knees, then splaying on the floor.

Blake: Ugh, that test was brutal! Must... rest... brain.

She was just starting to relax herself when you appear with Zwei's body, and prop yourself on Blake's head.

You: Ruff! (Blake?)

Blake: Go away, dog.

You: (In head) Please take the hint, please take the hint, please take the hint.

Instead of leaving, however, you just recited your mantra in your head as you just stroll around to Blake's right side. Trying to take this to the next level, you tried licking her. (Don't get any dirty ideas, reader.)

Blake: No, this is not a game. This is not what a game looks like.

Blake tries to wave her mortal enemy, with you in it, away, but you whined a little and simply lick her fingers.

Blake: Agh, whatever. Dumb dog.

Blake lets her hand droop, allowing you to nudge her for a few seconds.

(In head) Oh, come on, Blake. Don't be like that! Just please notice me! (Notice me senpai? Nah...)

You plop onto your butt, and scoots to Blake's side, snuggling with her.

Blake: I did not ask for this. These are unauthorized snuggles.

Ruff! (Please?)

Blake ignored the dog(you) by looking the other way. You gave up, looking sad, saddened that Blake isn't playing along. As you plod away, Blake suddenly grabs you and pulls you closer, to your surprise.

Blake: I didn't say to stop.

(In head) There we go!

You looked at Blake happily and lickss her face, only for her to show her intimidation to you

Blake: If you tell anyone about this, I will shave your butt. And don't tell (Y/N) about this, because I only snuggle with him only.

You: (In head) Oh, don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.

You thought sarcastically as you lick her face again in agreement. Blake smiles, and the both of you fall asleep snuggling.

You: I wonder how my normal body's doing with Zwei in it.


No! Zwei! Stop! That tickles! No! Stoooooop~!

Tealle is giggling uncontrollably as she was pinned down to the ground, with Zwei in your body holding her down by her arms, while simultaneously licking every inch of her face. Weiss and Claire are trying their best to get Zwei in your body off of Tealle, with Sky on the background, pinching his nose in annoyance.

Sky: What happened when I said not to touch my stuff?!

Claire: Hey, curiosity got the best of us.

How long will this effect last?!

Sky: Probably a day or two at the most.

Weiss and Claire stopped whatever they were doing, which eventually led to Tealle being licked mercilessly yet again, while they stared at Sky.

Weiss: You're kidding.....

Sky: Do I look like it?

Claire: Cap's not gonna be too happy about this.

Blake will too.....

"Big Vacation"

You: Is really okay for me to join? I mean.... it's supposed to be your---

Sky: Nonsense, (Y/N). You're my best friend and team leader!

Weiss: (Murmur) But his was supposed to be finally an alone time for both of us, Sky.

She murmurs as she puffs her cheeks in irrittation. You, Sky, and Weiss are waiting patiently at an airline terminal. Weiss decided to occupy herself by tapping on her Scroll with an array of crisp-white suitcases at her feet, Sky only had three silver cases with him, while you only brought one large (F/C) suitcase. Out of nowhere, Ruby shows up with a crimson rolling suitcase and stops by her teammate's side.

Ruby: Guys, wait! Don't go on your exotic beach vacation without me!

Weiss: Hmm, that's funny, I don't remember inviting you.

Ruby: Silly, that's because we're BFFs! And as your BFF, I just knew you'd want me to come along!

Weiss: Ruby, we're not...

Weiss then feels Sky's hand on her shoulder as she was looking at him.

Sky: It couldn't hurt to have another person.

She gives an annoyed sigh, as she realizes Ruby is just too stubborn to argue with.

Weiss: Fine, I suppose one more person won't ruin my vacation.

Right out on cue, however, more people came: Sun, who is running towards the gate with a surfboard...

Sun: Sun's out with his guns out!

Followed by Jaune with a beach volleyball...

Jaune: Beach volleyball champ coming through!

Yang: Who brought the suntan lotion?

Claire: Right here!

Claire holds up the suntan lotion and tosses it to Yang, who catches it, followed by two hypnotic Faunus, holding up their own set of cutlery

Blake: I want all the fish.

Tealle: The salmons are all mine!

Nora shows up with a pirate hat, and Ren is dragging Neptune by his ankle, who majorly fears the water, and is trying to scrabble to get away.

Nora: Nora's captain of the party boat! Arrr!

Ren: I don't understand. Your name is Neptune.

Neptune: No water! Please! No water!

You, Sky, Weiss and Ruby watch as your friends pass by. The heiress turns to look at Ruby.


Weiss: You told them, didn't you?

Ruby: Ah... I, uh, may have mentioned it to a few select individuals.

Riiiiight, don't tell me you brought Zwei with you too.

As if on cue, Ruby's suitcase opens, and Zwei trots out, panting happily and wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He then seats himself between Weiss and Ruby.

Ruby: Okay, I told everyone.

Ruby looks away with a guilty look on her face. Weiss looks down at Zwei, who barks happily twice.

You: This is gonna be a long vacation......

Junior Detectives: Bad Cop

It was a murder scene. A food Massacre. The victim: A stack of pancakes. You and Sky went to the crime scene, that take places in the kitchen, to make a little investigation. You look at the scene and found it.

You: By Oum.

Sky: Look at the mess on the table.

You: I've never seen anything like this. Whoever did this is clearly a monster.

Sky: Who ever did this, I don't think they were in the mood for syrup.

You: No. They were in the mood for crime.

You pick up a little strand of ginger hair that was visible at the edge of the table.

You:: A strand of ginger hair.

Me: What is it, Cap? (Y/N), you have been my partner almost a year, I know that look. Speak to me!

: I have our lead. But we need to make sure that they do this.

Sky: Are you sure?

You: I think it's best if we leave this case to the Junior Detectives. They seriously need to learn how to be "bad cop" material.

Sun and Neptune stand in a poorly lit police interrogation room, arguing about their good cop/bad cop routine, and fixing their fake mustaches.

Neptune: That's not fair! Last time you said I could be bad cop!

Sun: Look, you're just not a very good bad cop, okay? I'm sorry!

Neptune looks to Sun with a doe-eyed expression on his face.

Neptune: Really?

Sun: See?! That's not bad cop material!

Neptune: Well, I'm sorry I have feelings!

Sun: Bad cops don't have feelings!

Neptune: I'll show you!

Neptune leaps onto Sun, initiating a fight between the pair.

You: Knock it off! Both of you!

Sky: And here's your suspect.

However, it's cut short as they hear the door open, and see Nora being bodily thrown in. Quickly regaining his composure, Sun grabs a manilla folder from the table, and starts to leaf through it.

Sun: Let's see here. Nora... Valkyrie, is it?

Nora: That's what they call me.

Outside the interrogation room, is you and Sky, looking at a one way mirror.

You: To be honest, I think Nora is the hardest person to break, other than you and me, Sky.

Sky: True, but everyone can't handle to be under pressure that good.

You: Hmm....

Sun: Alright, Miss Valkyrie. Now, what would you say is your favorite breakfast food?

Sun doesn't get much further, as Neptune shoves him aside.


Sun pops back up.

Sun: Yelling already?! That's way too soon! You call yourself a 'bad cop'?!

Nora: I don't know what you're talking about! I'll never talk.

Sun: We have an eye-witness linking you to the scene of the crime!

A couple of minutes earlier,

Ren: Are you sure they ain't going to see me?

Sky: You have nothing to worry about. This joint has one way mirror. They can't see us, but we can see them. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, and a bloated Nora stand in a police lineup. Ruby is picking her nose, Weiss gagging in disgust at Ruby's actions, Blake sitting and reading a book, Yang flexing and posing, much to your exasperation as you facepalmed, Pyrrha waving, and an engorged Nora belching, which surprises Pyrrha. On the other side of the glass, Ren points to Nora, before collapsing at Neptune's feet. Neptune soothingly strokes his head.

Neptune: Shh... Its gonna be alright. She can't hurt you anymore.

Back in the interrogation room...

Nora: (planting a foot on the table) Oh yeah?! Well, where were you on the night of the pancake massacre?!

You: Uh-oh.....

Sky: This isn't gonna end well.....

Neptune: Uh... I don't have to tell you that!

(whispering to Neptune) Dude, this is super common. She's just trying to intimidate you. Just answer her.

Neptune: (Quietly) No.

Sun: Yeah, see?! Wait, why don't you want to say?!

Neptune: (turns away) I don't wanna.

Nora: He's sounding awfully guilty... isn't he, partner?

Sun: Yeah. He is.

Sun takes a step back away from his partner in doubt.

Neptune: I was... I don't know. I was just out for... a walk. Jogging! I was jogging... slowly. I guess that's walking.

Sun: Just tell us where you were!

Neptune cracks under pressure and tells them where he was.

Neptune: I was coming back from dance class!

Sun: A-ha! Uh, wait, what?

Nora: And then what?

Neptune: And then I ate all the pancakes!

Nora: (singing) Nailed him!

Having heard the forced "confession", Nora pulls out her own detective mustache and sticks it to her upper lip before she and Sun bump fists, while you and Sky were surprised, to say the least, at the sudden turn of events....

You: You were saying...?

Sky: Well, I could be wrong.

You: Well, you are.

"Spring Cold"

Spring, often referred to as the Queen of all Seasons. In spring, Nature is as beautiful and charming as a bride. Trees put on new leaves. There are signs of new life in the fields, gardens, forests and in everything. Spring brings us fresh life. It is neither hot nor cold. The weather is delightfully cool. But right now, it was just too cold for you. Unfortunately.

You: Achoo! Ugh......

Sky: Seriously, Cap. This is some fever you got here.... You've been sick ever since spring started, and that's about a 2 weeks ago!

He commented as he looked down at the thermometer he had just used on you. Tealle was sitting beside your bed with worry, while Claire was leaning on the doorway with her arms crossed across her chest, shaking her head in disappointment.

Claire: And her I thought you were immune to the cold.

You: How many millenia do I have to tell you, Claire?!. It's not the cold it's a... a-a-ACHOO! ..... It's a cold.

Tealle: And seriously, how are you doing that?!

Doing wha-wha-- ACHOO!

Tealle: That! Your appearance changes every time you sneeze! I mean, your hair turns white, your skin greatly pales, and your eyes turn blue every time you sneeze.

You: O-Oh....

You then realized what Tealle was talking about. She was asking how you enter your Keeper form for a second every time you sneeze. To be honest with yourself, you actually don't know. Although, this is the first time it happened. Also, your fever got even worse throughout the weeks. It started with having a light head, to a small fever, then to an extremely harsh sickness, that even made your whole body too weak to even walk a single step.

Claire: And this is the also the first time that every time you sneeze, this little, annoying snowmen appear. Not to mention they've taken up the whole space inside!

She fumed as she struggles to get one off of her leg, while several more began piling around her body, eventually making her fall over.

Sky: Well, we can't just let them scamper around the campus. Who knows what trouble they could bring!

Claire: Seriously. A couple of Nevermore, we can take that. Deathstalkers?! Not a problem! But a whole herd of snowmen that's even smaller than my own foot?! What in the actual f----

You: Language, Clai--- A-- Achoo!

And another "Snowgie" appears.

Sky: And we can't just mistreat cute, little, harmless snowmen!

Cute, I can take. But harmless?! I don't think so!

You: Guys will you just knock it off?! This whole commotion is making my head even mo--- Ah... ah... Ah--Ahh

They all began taking small steps backwards away from you, their hands raised in defense, as you were trying desperately not to sneeze anymore further.

Tealle: Uh-oh.....

Sky: This is going to an enormous one...

Claire: TAKE COVER!!!

As if on cue, Claire, Sky and Tealle managed to tilt a table to its side for cover while you let out an enormous loud sneeze, that even Creatures of the Grimm would hear.


There was a burst of strong power and breeze that emanated from you as it traveled all across Beacon Academy. Students inside and outside the campus wondered why snowflake was seen falling outside their window, and are also wondering what caused such phenomenon. The school was suffering from a Wintry season over Spring, despite the last season only ended weeks ago.

Meanwhile, on top of the Beacon, inside Professor Ozpin's office, he is seen staring out in the window, a mug of coffee in his hand and his cane on the other. Another man is seen behind him, wearing a light brown leather trench coat. He had medium-long (H/C), and warm, gentle (E/C) eyes. He is leaning on Ozpin's desk as he pinches his nose in irritation, humbly murmuring to himself.

I get that your son inherited your powers, Issy, but did he really need to inherit that one thing we hate you doing it?!

Just then, a chirping beep sounds repeatedly. Ozpin turns behind him to see a hollow-message "Access Requested" on his desk.

(D/N): I smell something.... leaf-y.

Ozpin: Save the nonsense for later, brother.

(D/N): But I wasn't---

He was cut short when Ozpin opened the elevators himself. Inside it was a petite, young woman in a short dress that barely reached her shins. She had a wreath for a hand band, and sandals made out of leaves and vines, this woman was none other than the Spring Maiden herself. The only thing that ruined her decorum of clothing was the little snowmen clinging to her. Her green eyes contained clear aggravation as she stomps her way towards (D/N), who fearfully steps back, trying to get rid off the snowmen in her body.

Spring Maiden: What in carnation is going on here, (D/N)?! Winter, is happening just outside the doors of this school on my SEASON! And just what.... are.... these abominations?!?!

(D/N): Little Snowgies....

Spring Maiden: Snowgies?!

(D/N): At least, that's what Issy used to call them!


You: Huh, that worked. I'm alright now.

You were really surprised that after your very loud sneeze, you felt better already.

You: Hey, guys! Look, I'm--- Huh?

Something caught your eye outside the window, you leaned out to see snowflakes slowly falling down from the sky, and you had no recollecin of where it came from. You managed to catch one snowflake that was slowly descending down, and blew it away with your lips.

You: Hey, guys! You better come and take a look at this--- Aah!!!

You were horrified at the sight of your teammates suddenly frozen solid, all posing in a ridiculous way, as if they were trying to dive for cover.

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