CHIM - Life in the limelight

By GeordieDoll

359K 4.9K 531


CHIM - Life in the limelight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (Last chapter)

Chapter 3

5.3K 45 2
By GeordieDoll

Cheryl’s POV

I’ve been struggling to sleep for hours it’s starting to seem impossible, I keep tossing and turning in my large very empty bed. The sheets are cold on my body and it’s quiet, too quiet. How did this happen? How did I go from being happily married with a loving husband to this, a huge house so quiet and empty I’m lonely and I need someone, I need someone to snuggle up to at night, to talk about my day with I just need some companionship but I’m off men, I’ve been so emotionally damaged by their lies and of course I know all men aren’t like that but I can’t seem to picture myself ever trusting another man like I did my ex again. I shiver and pull the duvet up over my shoulders as Goosebumps dance over my bare skin. I’m shattered; its 2am I need to be up by 5 for a TV appearance but just can’t seem to sleep. Today has been very eventful I have loved every minute of it. Meeting fans is the biggest perk my job has. Sometimes I question why I got myself into this, paparazzi drive me crazy, the media continue printing lies, I have not a smidgen of privacy but my fans are always there for me no matter what. They have stuck by my side through thick and thin and I know I couldn’t do any of this without them.

I keep thinking about this girl I met today she was different to the rest of the people I had met she really stood out and for some reason I can’t get her off my mind. She was so easy to talk to after her initial shyness she treated me like I was a normal person which is rare these days. Her accent was perfection, she was so well spoken and well mannered. I think her name was Kimberley … yes definitely Kimberley. She was so beautiful, she had lovely hair it was long in soft blonde curls and she had the most naturally beautiful face with the perfect figure which I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. She had a little girl with her, her daughter, Paisley. She was almost the double of her. They had the same long blonde hair and the same glisten in their eyes the only difference is in Kimberley’s I see a hint of hiding sadness, I see mystery deep in her ocean coloured orbs I’m intrigued by her there is something about this girl I just can’t put my finger on but for some reason I want to know more. Her daughter is almost 3 which means she must have been around the age of 16 or 17 when she had her, she was a baby herself. I hate myself for it but I can’t help but feel slightly bitter. I was married, I had a husband, a career, my own house I was desperate for a baby but it just never happened, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just the result of a drunken one night stand. I shouldn’t be thinking like this she was a lovely girl and she seemed to be a great mam, her daughter was dressed well, clean she seemed happy. She was unbelievably cute and very bright for her age, who am I to judge? I’m broken from my thoughts as my dog Buster scratches on my closed bedroom door. The dogs normally sleep in the kitchen but tonight I needed company even if it was from a dog. I ignore it hoping he would soon give up but Coco jumps down from the bed to join in with his early morning annoyance.

“Buster!” I call but still he doesn’t stop. “Howay!” I pat the bed but still they don’t stop. I sigh and throw the sheets off me and swing my legs out of the bed immediately being met with the bitter cold air. I open the door for them and they run back down the stairs, I follow behind them in nothing more than my short silky nightgown that I’m sure Ashley once bought me, why I still have it I have no idea. I flick on the kitchen light and funnily enough they are both back in their usual bed, great even my dogs don’t want to be in my company. I open the fridge and pull out the milk pouring myself a cold glass of it just like I do every other night I can’t sleep. I Sit at the marble island in the middle of the kitchen and drink it until its gone just staring out of the window into the pitch black world, I don’t know what I’m looking at its not like I can see anything through the darkness. After a while I decide enough is enough and retract back upstairs into my bed before grabbing my phone from the bedside table. I open up twitter and smile as I look through my latest tweets, everyone’s tweeting me their pictures of us from today that’s when I remember! ChezzasLezza! I said I would follow her. I type her name into the search bar and find her name, she already has the picture of both of us nd her daughter grinning from ear to ear as her display picture, it’s adorably cute. I tap the follow button before scrolling through some of her tweets. I read one and started chuckling to myself as I picture it in my head.

Cnt believe @SarahHardcore got kicked out the signing after trying to fight HMV staff #IsShePossessed ?! ’

I tap the star turning it yellow thinking about the loud blonde getting dragged away as her arms and legs flew everywhere along with thrown up middle fingers. I can’t help but giggle, what a sight. I go to send Kimberley a direct message but I stop myself, what if she thinks I’m stalking her? I just favourited her tweet from hours ago after scrolling through her page but I would like to talk to her again, she’s interesting I want to know more about her, she’s mysterious and that draws me to her. I noticed her accent but never got a chance to ask where she’s from or even what she does for a living. Is it weird I want to know this stuff or that I can’t seem to get her off my mind after only meeting her once for about 10 minutes?


Kimberley’s POV

The door from my brother’s room slams shut waking me from my sleep it basically shook my room. I groan and close my eyes again to try and go back to sleep but no luck as I hear my dad’s voice echoing up the stairs.

“You can stay there until you lose the cheek”

I turn over and I hear yet another voice being projected through the walls.

“I’m 18, not 5 years old, dad!”

“For fuck sake” I mutter giving in on my attempt to fall back asleep. I sit up in my bed and rub the sleep from my eyes with the palm of my hand. Sarahs sandwiched between me and the wall she’s still sound asleep she could sleep through an earthquake could this girl. Paisley will be downstairs with either my parents or one of my sisters. As much as I wish I had my own place and get out of this over crowded house living here really does have its perks. I don’t know what I would do without the extra help with Paisley my family have been my rock and supported me ever since I found out I was pregnant I can’t even say how grateful I am. I grab my phone from under my pillow and my heart almost stops. I have a line of notifications staring back at me but two stand out, there from Cheryl!

@CherylCole started following you

@CherylCole favourited: Cnt believe @SarahHardcore got kicke…’

I go to my twitter and straight away go onto my following list and there she is right at the top of them, this must be some sort of fantastic dream I’m about to wake up from. I can’t believe it she’s actually following me!! I shake Sarah’s shoulder and she pulls the duvet up over her head making a low moaning noise. “Sarah! Guess what” I say shaking her shoulder once more.

“What?” She groans her voice laced with sleep and frustration.

“Cheryl followed me!” I practically shout, she again groans in reply and falls back into a sleep, not the reaction I was hoping for. My mentions are full of soldiers tweeting me congratulations on getting a follow. I know she said she would follow me but I never actually thought she would, I thought she would have forgotten … wait if she remembered to follow me that means she must have thought about me. Cheryl actual Cole has thought about me, maybe I’m over reacting to this but it has seriously made my year. Even my friend Nicola had seen and tweeted me.

@NicolaMRob ‘Omg cnt believe Cheyl Cole followed u so happy for u babe! Xxx

A girl I had met yesterday had also tweeted me

@ChezIsQueen ‘You got a follow and saw Cheryl for longer than most of us yesterday, wow so lucky #HappyForU

I am lucky, I’ve been waiting for this day since forever and I guess I did get longer with Cheryl yesterday then everyone else did but I just put that down to Sarah and her dramatic performance. I hover over the button to send her a DM I don’t want to come over to keen or annoying but a simple thank you would be ok wouldn’t it? I decide to just send one simple message it’s not like she’s even going to see it anyways.

‘Hi Cheryl, Thankyou so much for the follow u have jst made my entire year!! It was great seeing you yesterday you were so lovely it was seriously the best day ever ,what are you up to day? Xx’

My sister Amy’s voice travels through the walls as she calls my name. I ignore her continuing to scroll through my twitter before she shouts again.

“What?” I shout back and my bedroom door flies open. She’s holding both of Paisley’s wrists so  she’s unable to touch anything with her hands which are clagged in tomato sauce just like her hair and new pink pyjamas.

“I give up” Amy says before I roll out of bed.

“Back to reality” I mutter under my breath. 

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