By aishitae

77.7K 3.5K 843

A story of a girl meets a boy who's really quiet and not even answering everything she asks. She always wonde... More

Chapter 1 : Who Are You?
Chapter 3 : Pearl Voice
Chapter 4 : New member
Chapter 5 : Time with Him
Chapter 6 : Bursted Chilli Peppers
Chapter 7 : Empty Without You
Chapter 8 : Truth
Part 9 : Tell Me Why
Chapter 10 : Forever Friends
Chapter 11 : Bitter Time
Chapter 12 : Bitterness × Sweetness
Chapter 13 : Hate
Chapter 14 : Devil to Angel
Chapter 15 : Plan
Chapter 16 : He Changed Him
Chapter 17 : Blooms
Chapter 18 : Tied Together

Chapter 2 : We Meet Again..?

5.1K 201 41
By aishitae

Sunlight shines through my window. It's already 7:30 am. I should get ready to go to school. I comb my not-so-long dark brown hair and walk to the kitchen for breakfast. But I hear such a lot voices in it.

"Y/N.. Come here eat with us." My mom grabs my hand, pulling me to the kitchen.

I see a family that I haven't seen before. I take a seat beside my mom and dad, eating slowly. "Omo! This must be your daughter. She's really pretty. How old is she?" The aunt asks my mom.

I keep munching on my food, try to not bother their conversation. Suddenly, my mom hits my back a bit, whispering to me. "Answer her question honey. Don't be so rude. They're our new neighbor."

I choked on my food. I take a glance at the family. I take deep breath and answer her question calmly. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Y/N, 18 years old. Nice to meet you, aunty."

"Ouh! Really? You're the same age as my son. Sadly, he doesn't want to come here as he have something to settle in his new school." She explains.

New school? Is it C9 High School? My school?

"Y/N, I think you should go to the school now or then you will be late." Mom advises me.

I finish up my food as fast as I can. I bow to the older ones and wear my shoes. I keep thinking about yesterday's boy and this new neighbor's son. Are they the same?


"Y/N~ How are you today?" Daniel hums. I chuckled and smiles brightly.

"Arghh! My eyes become blind. Your smile is too shiny." He acts cutely, making me hit him shyly.

"*Yedeulah!!! I have big news." Jisung suddenly runs to us — Daniel, Seungwoo and me. "There'll be a new student and his class is same as yours Y/N."

"New kid?" I ask, surprised. Jisung nods his head continuously, it's look cute. I sigh quietly as my left seat is empty. I already know that teacher will put him to sit next to me. I will miss that empty seat.


"Okay class! Today we will have new students. Please come in, Bae Jinyoung" Mrs. Park introduces the new boy to my classmates. I just keep my head leaning on the table, not looking in front of the class. I just feel don't want to welcome more new classmates, I don't know why.

"Y/N! Wake up!" Mrs. Park yells at me.

I lazily looking at her and the new boy. My pupils grow bigger, shocked by what I'm seeing. It's yesterday's boy. The strawberry milkshake boy.

"Shit!" I accidentally shouts out the curse words. I quickly shut my mouth by closing it with my hands. Great everyone is looking at me in questioning looks, including that new boy.

"Choisonghaeyo.." I apologize and bow for a long time, hiding my red face.

"It's okay, Y/N. Now, Bae Jinyoung will sit next to you." I'm not shocked at all with Mrs Park decision. I already knew it.

"Psst, Y/N. Have fun with your new partner." Guanlin whispers to me from behind. Yeah, that Byeongari maknae sits behind me.

"It's not partner! Just seatmate.." I whisper to him back while gritting my lips. He chuckles and brushes my hair until it become messy. A sound of someone coughing is right beside me. That milkshake boy looking at messy haired me, expressionless. I knew it again.

He sits down and take out a brown colored notebook. He writes something in it. Okay, is he ignoring me? He not even saying hi to his seatmate. Is he arrogant or shy?


Hope u enjoy it wannable 😘

*Yedeulah = Guys

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