The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

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The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood
Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion
Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise

57 3 3
By yumekawaalchemy

After paying our respects to the church, we begin our journey home. With what I told both the angel and Regiuma, I begin feeling a little embarrassed. However, from that experience I've learned a valuable thing.


Reiguma clung to me like a slime ball and refused to remove herself.

"If you keep clinging onto me like that we're going to take forever to get back home."

"Aww, don't be like that.~ I haven't seen you be that honest in a long time so at least let me indulge myerself!~"

"Give me a break..."


Upon reaching our home, I immediately slump against the couch it was already pass sunset. That means I'd have to visit the church tomorrow so I can report my findings to the Priestess.

"See, like I tell you, if you would've just walked on your own we could've made it back in time."

"Ehhh? It's not my fault!"

She takes a seat on the corner end and stretches her arms up high with a gasp of relief.

"Ahh, my body, it's all jelly now... Today was really fun, Kiro.~"

"Yeah, it was quite the day. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

Sitting up, I move towards her and reel her in to my chest.

"It seems I've come at a bad time."

Thinking Aliza was still drinking and Jang Mi off in search of cats, a familiar voice calls to us. I immediately distance myself from Reiguma as I hop off the couch and face them.


Not believing my eyes, I rub them a few times as I shake my head, however their presence remains.

"Ah, it's the Angel!"

Reiguma follows suite as she seems less surprised than I. Or better yet it's due to her being indifferent around her as I do think highly of her, religious or not.

"If you wish to continue then I'll remove myself."

"N-nono, I-I..."

Tongue tied I feel like I've been caught red handed in the middle of a bad act. Not like I was planning on doing anything shameless or anything...

"Kiro, you're sweating buckets, are you okay?"

"I'm fine... No, the better question would be!"

I point towards the Angel as I believed we wouldn't come in contact anymore.

"Why are you in my house?"

"Why else? To watch over you, I assume that won't be an issue."

"A-An issue..."

Trying to find reason in her request, I start running a few numbers in mind, however with her sudden appearance, my entire being is a wreck.

"Do you not trust, Kiro?~ He said he'd take responsibility! Better yet, I think he was about to be responsible for my shouts...~"



The Angel makes a statement that she's still here as we got a little off topic thanks to Reiguma's outrageous remark.

"Sorry... Back to the subject at hand, you're detecting doubt in me?"

"No, that's far from it. In the short time we've been apart I can see your has grown stronger. However, my mission isn't complete until the both of you have successfully formed an unbreakable bond. In your terms, marriage."

"Is that how it is... I was actually planning to next-"
"Can't it be today?"

The Angel moves closer as though to pressure me into the idea. Nothing has been prepared so having a wedding today would be a terrible idea.

"N-No, I cannot... You see, preparations haven't been made, nor do we have a venue set."

"I'm well aware of that, however there's a place in mind, no?"

There is..?

"But Kiro said it's just an official statement or something, doesn't that mean this marriage thing isn't of concern?~"

From the moment Reiguma appeared she's lived here, sure we had a small argument but we've come to terms with that. Asides from it being official, nothing much would change.

"It's human nature; a natural instinct to marry one you care deeply about. It's an official statement yes, however it is much more than that. Usually between a man and a woman, they offer themselves to each other entirely. Don't you think it's the next stage for the two of you?"

"Oo... So if we marry, Kiro would be mine forever?"

The angel nods as Reiguma soon expresses her excitement and readily accepts it as she pulls my arm.

"Then let's go marry right now, Kiro!"

"W-We can't! There's much more to it than what she says!"

"Am I wrong?"

"T-Technically no, but you didn't specify how important it is for others too."

"That is true, not only is it a big event for you but for your friends and family too."

She looks far off into the distant towards where my family's graves lie. I'm certain I haven't told her about my parents nor friends, if that's the case...

"All you should be concerned about is holding the wedding."

As though she read my mind again she turns her back on us.

"If it cannot be today, then tomorrow will suffice."

Leaving no room for further discussion, she gives me one final look before disappearing.

"Is marrying that much of a bother, Kiro?"

Reiguma looks to me in concern as I simply shrug.

"Haven't been to a wedding so I can't say, but I do know it takes preparations, at least a few months. So if we're to be married by tomorrow then we have to skip steps, a lot of them."

I stare at the ceiling as I'm sure she's still watching over us. The consequences of defying her are unknown, however I'm sure the outcome would be severe; with her powers anything is possible.

"Oo, I still don't quite get it but okay!"

Since Reiguma doesn't know a single thing about it asides from marriage itself, it's all up to me.

"Hahh... It's going to be a long night and I bet tomorrow's going to be a tough one."

"Ehee, you can do it, Kiro!~"

Reigiuma simply cheers me on as I head down towards the workshop.

"That's easy for you to say."


After finishing my business, I pay Wil a quick visit at his tavern as I thought for sure Aliza would still be available. To have her assist in tomorrow's preparation would be a huge help, however it seems she's not here.

"Hey, Wil, have you seen Aliza?"

The tavern as always was bustling as Wil himself seems to be busy pouring drinks at the counter.

"Aliza? Yeah, she was here not too long ago. Sorta surprised me when she came here this morning and already asking for a heavy drink. You sure know how to pick'em, Kiro. That lass sure can hold her alcohol."

"I guess it's something that comes with practice... You don't know where she went do you?"

"No, after paying for her drinks and I emphasize on the word drinks; cause that's all she had, she simply up and left without word. One who can hold her drinks like that is my kind of lady, hahahah!"

She could be very well literally be anyone's lady. The thought alone is terrifying. 

I take a seat to calm my nerves and to process my thoughts. A being like Aliza would have experienced many things in her life, I've no doubts she's lived longer than I. The way she carries herself is proof enough. Which would mean she's my best bet on making preparations for tomorrows event.

"I take it that you're carrying a heavy burden?"

As the rush dies down, Wil steps up to me and looks me in the eye.

"That obvious?"

"Obvious enough. I've known you since you were this small, even if you did try to hide it, I'm sure I can see through it. What's eating you?"

"Well... There'll be a wedding tomorrow."

"A wedding? Now why would that be troubling you?"

His brow raise in interest as he leans in for further details. Simply attending a wedding shouldn't be too much trouble, however, if the wedding revolves around you... That's an entirely different scenario.

"It's my wedding, with Reiguma to be exact."

"Hmm I see, your wedding with Reiguma- Wait what!?"

After nodding as though he understands, he snaps in utter surprise. The commotion wasn't loud enough to draw any attention to us, however, I could feel my ears ringing.

"K-Keep it down, Wil! You're not the only one who's surprised here."

"A-Ah, well it's just that I never thought you out of all people would get married. But I see, a wedding hmm. So when's the big day?"


"I see, tomorrow..."

His eyes widen and just before he was about to shout, he covers his mouth as he begins coughing.

"K-Kiro, with all these surprises I would think you're trying to kill me."

With a quick chug of water, he clears his throat while signalling for me to follow him towards the back.

"You have to explain it all to me, Kiro. If it's bothering you this much then I'm sure someone has their hand in on this."


Bringing in some light snacks from the pantry, he lays it out on the table as I sit in front of him at the table. I take the time to explain in detail as to what occurred today.

"You know if I heard this from somebody else I'd say they've been drinkin' too much. But if it's from you... I take if you're not lying either or should I say there's no reason for you to lie."

"There's nothing to gain from it. Better yet, I wouldn't be wasting my time telling you this."

"Hah! Fair enough. But meeting a real angel though? A lotta people would go crazy for that experience."

I never thought they were ones to meddle with mortals, or perhaps this is a special case.

"So for tomorrow, Wil, would you be able attend?"

"You're asking a question that you already know the answer to, Kiro. Wouldn't want to miss out on your big day. But I never thought I'd see the day where you'd be married off, to a Serabrae no less."

"...Yeah, it's been pretty crazy these past few weeks... Ever since she came into my life."

"Hah, you got that right! ...I'm proud of you, Kiro and I'm sure they'll be too."

Referring to my parents, I'm not too sure what they'd have to say to this. Which reminds me, I should talk to them after this.

"Well, I'll leave you for the night, Wil. ...Thanks."

"Hah! You weren't ever cut out for these sorts of talks. But you've grown a lot, kiddo. I'll be sure to prepare some form of banquet in your honor."

It's extremely difficult for me to put my feelings into words, or thoughts at that. I'm truly thankful that Wil's been with me on my journey. If it weren't for his helping hand, I doubt I'd be in this position.


After sharing details on the location and the timing I'd like for it to be held, I head back home to find Aliza just by the entrance.

"Isn't quite the time to have a late night stroll, Kiro."

She calmly stands outside whilst leaning against the building, enjoying the cool nightly breeze. If you spent the entire day drinking, then I'm sure it'd be of some relief to her. However she appears to be holding her own.

"Y-Yeah... I suppose Reiguma filled you in?"

"Even for Reiguma, she seems excited. The moment I stepped in, she came running and talked on about some Angel and your wedding that'd be held tomorrow."

I stand beside her and take a deep breath as I wonder what her thoughts are of the situation.

"It's pretty crazy. I was meaning to make this a special day to remember, however, I didn't think It'd come to this."

"Oh what a joy it is to see youth bloom flowers."

Overhearing the sound of fan frying, it appears Jang Mi returned before I. Which possibly means she too knows of this. As Aliza heads inside, I ask for them to not wait for me as I make my way up towards my family's resting place. They too should know of this and quite possibly, it may help calm my nerves.

To see their children marry and live long enough to witness the birth of their gran children, surely they wanted to experience that joy. If they were here, what would they think about this decision? My mind's made up but as their child, thinking about it is enough to make me anxious.

"Having troubling thoughts?"

The moment I sat before them, the Angel appears behind me.

"You know them don't you, Angel?"

The Angel remains silent but she made it clear that she knows them.

"I always knew my parents were amazing, but not to the extent that they've came into contact with both Serabraes and Angels."

"In your terms, it'd be a long time ago. He stumbled upon the Church and sat for a moment in prayer to his beloved. From his very heart, I could tell he's one who'd toss aside everything for their wellbeing."

"For Mum?"

I shift around, hoping for further details on the matter as I could only catch a glimpse of her small smile before vanishing. Whether or not she let it slip intentionally makes me wonder if she's doing this in favor for my Father.

"To sacrifice everything for her... Yeah, I guess that's something he'd do."

That very sentence makes me believe they'd accept this wedding without any problem. ...Asides from the timing of course.


As tomorrow arrives, I stood by the mirror as I take a solid minute glancing at my appearance. Everything's the same and yet I feel slightly dissatisfied with how everything looks. The outfit still feels strange to me, despite having it cut to my size.

"Luckily I don't have to do any work in this... So, how do I look?"

Whilst Jang Mi's tending to Reiguma, Aliza stands off towards the side of me.

"It's a good thing you'll be wearing it only for this day."

With that remark, she walks towards the door as I look back to myself and sigh.

"Brutal, but I guess formal wear never suits me."

"You should be more confident in yourself. Reiguma would cry if she were to see women flock to you."

"A-Ahh... Thanks I guess..."

"You're welcome, now let's be off, we shouldn't keep her waiting."


Taking one last look in the mirror, I adjust my tie as it almost feels like I'm going to choke on my collar anytime soon.


Climbing the slope towards our destination, we come into a small clearing as someone was waiting for us.


Her sudden appearance makes me anxious as we haven't seen each other in awhile. I believed that she simply stopped visiting Krydon all together after our graduation exam.

"It's been awhile, Kiro."

With the same, sweet smile she walks up to us.

"Y-Yeah, it has been... it's good to see you again, Servalewi."

"I'll be going on ahead then, you can take it from here."

With a wave, Aliza walks on wards, leaving us together. Not too sure why, it seems the two made an arrangement prior to this event.

"So, today's the day, isn't it?"

She examines me from head to toe as the atmosphere seemed a little bittersweet.

"It is... though I never thought it'd come to this. At least, this soon..."

"It was a surprise to me as well. Your friend visited me in secret and told me of what would occur today. I was baffled to find out that you were getting married."

"Friend..? Wait, you mean Aliza?"

As no ones allowed to step foot within their forest, Aliza can surpass those boundaries one way or another.

"How did she even know... no, that doesn't matter. I'm glad you're here though."

I shrug off the unnecessary feelings and questions and offer my hand.

"Thanks for coming, Servalewi. I would've send an invite, however with this being so sudden... I myself haven't had the time to fully prepare."

"No no, it's quite all right."

She accepts my hand shake and reveals a warm smile being wrapping her arms around me.

"It goes without saying, that your parents would be very proud of you, Kiro. ...I myself am proud of you. Seeing how much you've grown, it's a good feeling."

"...Thanks, Servalewi. My memory of the past may never come back, and I'm deeply sorry for that."

Releasing her grasp, she hops back a bit.

"It's okay, you were only a child when we met. But, enough about me. "

She steps to the side and looks off towards the direction where Aliza was headed.

"You should get going before she starts to worry."

"And you? Aren't you coming too?"

"I will, I just need to pass on a message, that's all."

"A-Ah, okay."

It was obvious she wanted to speak of a different matter, however, she chose not to. Not too sure what it may have been, I walk off ahead as I didn't want to keep the others waiting.

 "Don't take too long!"



Just before the edge of the clearing, Reiguma stands by a tree as the dress she's in is simply stunning. Not even able to mutter a sound, I stand there breathless.

"Kiro? Kiroo, are you there?"

She takes a few steps towards me as I manage to snap out of it.

"A-Ah, y-yeah, at least I think so..."

"Hehee, what's with that look, Kiro?~ Did you fall in love with me all over again?"

She does a simple twirl on the spot as her pure white dress presents a small dance.

"W-Well how should I put it... No, I actually can't. You look... great."

"Right, right?~ I wasn't too sure if I'd like it, but Jang Mee said I'd look good in it."

"Jang Mi?"

Wait a second... since when did any of us own a wedding dress?

"Mm! It may not be as nice as my regular dress, but it was worth it to see that face of yours.~"


"Ehee, but you look good yourself, Kiro.~ Oh, like a whole new, Kiro!"

"T-Thanks I guess..."


We stay by each other as we look out towards the others behind the safety of the trees. Wil's at the front of the small audience as one of them seems to be Kai...

"What's he doing here..?"

With today being full of surprises, we walk up to them once Wil finishes his introduction as we stand before our audience. With nothing but smiles and cheers, it felt hard to meet them with the same expression. But as I look to my side, with Reiguma there with me, it's an unexplainable emotion.

If I were to say to myself 10 years ago, that'd I'd be getting married, I don't think I would've been able to believe it. I probably would've given him a snarky remark and be on my way.

"Dare I say, you've known each other for... well a short time. However don't be mistaken, love isn't a matter of time; all it takes is a simple spark. Love is made up of many factors and I'm sure the two of you uncovered every single one. However, always remember the little things, can sometimes very well be the big things that count.

Establishing a relationship where the independence is equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.

It is not marrying the right partner that you should be searching for. It is being the right partner."

Standing face to face with Reiguma whilst holding hands, perhaps the past me wouldn't be able to do such a thing. The feeling of anxiety, crawling through every nook of my body, before I once again storm off away from others.

Whilst the feeling is still there, it's drowned by a feeling of desire. Hand in hand, with Reiguma, I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world.

...I really never thought that I'd be here.


As the time comes for us to speak our vows, I jolt just a little as the thought never came around to me.

Come to think of it, does Reiguma even have hers?

I begin to panic just a little, before I realise; there was never a point in planning my vows. Because everything I want to say would come to me once I let my feelings speak for themselves. The feelings that I haven't voiced, the one set behind bars as I was simply too afraid to let them out.

"Reiguma... I'll love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to always love you, to place my trust in you and respect your views. I promise to work with you to support and cherish a relationship knowing that together, we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Serabrae, or not, it doesn't matter. I've fallen for you, for who you are. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return. I vow to stand beside you, and share with you all of life's adversities and all its joys from this day forth, and all the following days of my life."

"K-Kiro... e-ehee, that really makes me happy.. A-ah, I-umm..."

As her golden eyes shine a new glow, perhaps it all was too sudden for her. Taking the ring I made for her in secret, I slide it onto her finger as she looks up to me with a warm smile.

"...I promise to be patient, and to remember all the things that happened between us that made us fall in love. I promise... to cherish your dreams as though they're mine and to help you reach them; to share my whole heart with you and always remember just how much I care for you. No matter the challenges that'll come our way, I promise to always love you for as long as I live."

Showing a bittersweet smile, her last sentence hit a sore spot, but I'm able to understand her reason why. Fitting the ring onto my finger, we both lock eyes as our lips soon act as a seal for our vows.

Accompanied by countless cheers, perhaps I could get used to this feeling.

The presence of the Angel, soon appears in the sky as she gives a nod of affirmation before disappearing.

With that, perhaps the bond we share is safe, for now.



As the others were invested in Wil's talk about how I was like before Reiguma came into my life, Kai takes the opportunity to speak to me.

"Hey, Kai.. umm..."

With things still being awkward between us, or should I say I seem to be the only one feeling that, he talks to me as though nothing ever happened.

"Congrats man, or maybe I should've said this before hand. Aha, I never thought I'd see you of all people getting married. Especially this early into the game."

"Y-Yeah... right? I mean... I never thought I would, yet here I am..."

"Hmm? What's the matter, you don't look too well."

"...S-Sorry, Kai... It's just that, I never found the courage in me to apologise... for all the things I have said, or did that may have offended you... and that-"

"Hah? Nonono, don't worry about it. It's your big day, lighten up! We can talk about all those things some other time after this. But... I should say that I'm sorry too, for not trying to understand you and your efforts. And sorry, if I'm acting out of order. But, when Wil sent message that you were going to get married, I was really glad."


As time ticks on, no matter how much I pleaded for the hours to repeat themselves. The sky grew dark as the first star of the night appears before we proceed to clean up.

Or should I say I'd like to, Jang Mi and the others decided they'll clean up which leaves Reiguma and I together in hand walking back towards our home.

"Did you have fun today, Reiguma?"

"Fun? Ehee, I had a blast!~ There was all sorts of nice food out, and I get to share the whole thing with everyone! Not to mention I got to hear how you really felt about me.~"

"Yeah. It was tons of fun, wasn't it?"

Taking one layer off, I take a seat by the fountain as I gesture for her to join me. With the night breeze coming by, it does well on my heated body.

"Makes you want this moment to last forever, doesn't it, Reiguma?"

"Mm... But, we don't need them to, right? Since we're together now, won't we make even better memories than today?"

"Yeah, you're right. Who knows what the future holds for us, with you by my side, I'm sure everyday will be grand."

"Heeheee, I'm not sure if it's the funny drinks you had but you're awfully red like tomatoes, Kiro.~ So honest too, heehee."

Funny drinks or not, maybe after what happened today I can be more honest with myself.

"Oo, that reminds me!"

Reiguma jumps up and offers her hand to me.

"Aliza told me what we could do the moment we get home! She said it'd be a ton of fun, and that I could only experience with the person I love! She even taught me how, so lets get going before the night is over.~"

"Ehh, wait, I'm not so sure..."
"Come on!~"


"Wait wait wait, why are you getting undressed, no wait why am I even looking?!"

In our bedroom, Reiguma begins undressing as I look the other way, or try to anyway.

"Hmm? Because Aliza said we can't start until all our clothes are off. Free from obstruction, is what she said.~ Ehee, come on, Kiro, clothes off!"

This is something Lilly would say! ...Speaking of Lilly.

"Kirooo, the moment I woke up the house was silent and-"

Making a ruckus, it seems Lilly has been in the house for awhile as she catches us by surprise. Whilst I'm still clothed, Reiguma's in the middle of undressing.


"Oh, ohohoho?~ What's this I see, mhmmm?~ Since everyone is out, you're taking it as a perfect opportunity to get a little close to each other...~"

"Yes, Aliza said it's a perfect opportunity as well!~"

"You're talking about two completely separate things!"

With her hand placed against her mouth, she snickers as I can't blame for her taking this the wrong way. ...Does she have the wrong idea though?

No, of course she does.

"Uhuhu, good going Reiguma!~ Now that everything's in light, I somehow feel so much lighter.~ Ahhh, I want to seeee! But I know I cannot! Ahh!~ Please do tell me the experience when you two are done! I want to know everything down to the last detail!~"

She closes the door behind her as her as I could only sigh.

"Kiro? What's the matter?"

Reiguma, now fully unclothed, she walks my way in her usual manner as I shy away.

"N-Nothing... I mean a lot of things are of matter right now, but... C-Could you put some clothes on first?!"

"Ehhhhh? You know I can't do that, Kiro! Now come on, Kiro, work with me! Arms up!"

As it seems Reiguma won't give up unless she gets what she wants, I let myself be at her mercy.

"Okay but, can you at least explain what Aliza told you? In detail."

So I can have a word with her the next time I see her!

"Oh, well you know, we have to be in bed together and then..."

"Yes, I get that much..."

"Then we pick up our pillows and- wait, come to think of it, didn't we do that before together?"

She looks to me questioningly as I feel like a complete, utter fool.

"...You mean fort wars; pillow fight..?"

"Yes, that's it! It was fun the first time, so I'm sure it'd be fun now.~ Now then..."

She hops onto the bed and readies herself with a pillow.

"Come and get me, Kiro! It is I who reigns supreme, huahaha!~"

With her face flustered, her smile beams as I soon recall Aliza offering her a glass of those funny drinks.

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