By KoMiyuRen

18.4K 535 126

What's more fun than having a trip with your dearest one? Vongola Decimo, Sawada Tsunayoshi and his family a... More

Chapter 01: We're Going To Italy?!
Chapter 02: Another Problem
Chapter 03: The God Of Fate, Bazooka-Sama
Chapter 04: Reborn's Plan of Surprise
Chapter 06: The Guardians
Chapter 07: The Day for The Trip
Chapter 08: We Are Off to Italy
Chapter 09: The Beginning of Trouble
Chapter 10: The Sudden Fight
Chapter 11: Midnight Test of Courage
Chapter 12: The Cursed Shrine
Chapter 13: The Stolen $3 Million Watch
Hiatus for a while
Chapter 14: Mistakes and Solution
Chapter 15: Hot Spring Bath in Wreck?!
Special #1: A Hero Before A Boss

Chapter 05: ...lonely?

933 31 11
By KoMiyuRen

Okay, in this chapter, there will be a mood changing situation.

Though I'm not very good with the stuff, so please bear with me.

Anyway, safe read!

    After Sora transfered into their class, Gokudera had been jealous of him. The Tenth paid a lot of attention toward the boy, making himself feeling like being left alone.

The Tenth had always be the one who tried to stop him from throwing dynamites around; but not today.

    Even without Yamamoto telling him, he knew that Tsuna had been distant to them for a while.

" Yo, Gokudera! Wanna hang out together today? " Right after school was over, at the shoe locker, Yamamoto asked him. The silver haired used to decline his invitation before.

   " Sure. " A simple reply, which stunned the Rain. Tsuna and Sora passed by them at the same moment, and he asked them out too.

Obviously to the Storm's expectation, Tsuna had to decline. Although Sora seemed excited for it, but they had to rush home to pack things. The brunet smiled apologeticly. " Sorry, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto. I'll come with you guys next time. "

   " Okay! " The Rain waved to them. " Be careful on your way, both of you! "

After the two brunets left, Yamamoto sighed. He spoke to himself. " Maa...seems like Tsuna had to leave us for the time, I see. "

    Gokudera grunted softly. " I don't care. As long as the Tenth is comfortable, I will not bother him for the day. " His voice sounded forced, although he tried to stay normal. He turned around as he said to the taller guy. " What? Let's go. "

  The teen noticed him being strange, and with cheerful expression, Yamamoto walked next to him. " Are you okay, Gokudera? " he questioned as he glanced to him.

   The storm looked at him with an upset look. " I'm fine, of course. You don't need to- " His voice trailed off as his eyes landed onto something. Yamamoto was curious on why he stopped, but then he looked at the place the silver haired was looking.

     In a certain store, the Decimo was choosing some outfits for Sora who was beside him. They were smiling while they talked. Yamamoto pointed to the place as he looked at Gokudera.

  " Want to go at Tsuna's place? Maybe we can help them a bit- "

The Storm strolled away as he replied coldly. " Don't disturb the Tenth. Let's go. " Although dumbfounded with the sudden cold answer, the taller teen followed him nevertheless.

    Inside the store somehow, Sora noticed them two. He glanced toward his grandfather. " Are you actually fine spending the day without them, Tsuna-jiisan? "

The Decimo smiled bitterly at his question. He knew that his actions were actually opposite from his feelings. Still...

" It's okay. They can manage it somehow. By the way, let's bring these clothes to the counter. " He said as he walked toward the counter, leaving the worried Sora behind.


    " Slow down, Yakyu Baka! "

Gokudera snarled. The said guy grinned cheekily as he wiped the ramen noodles on his face. They decided to stop by the ramen restaurant for a while and Yamamoto was making a mess like a child.

    " You should eat some, Gokudera! " The teen beamed.

Gokudera stared at him angrily as he refused. " No way. I lose my appetite seeing you eat like that! "

    They sat next to each other at the counter. Gokudera ordered a drink only as Yamamoto ate some ramen. The female customers were staring at both them and whispered to each other. Some even fangirled over their looks, which irritated Gokudera.

Yamamoto tried to speak between the silence. " It's kind of fun once in a while for the of us hang out without Tsuna! " The Storm was not in the mood to talk about it, so he replied with a simple " Hmm.. ".

    The taller teen knew that the teen was actually not fine. He smiled and said, " The two of us hanging around, it's almost feel like a date! "

Gokudera spitted out his drink, almost choking himself. He turned toward him with a mad face. He yelled at him. " Stop your nonsenses! I'll not date you, never! "

   He was very angry that he grabbed Yamamoto's colar. The teen tried to smile and calmed him down. The females who were staring at them before were fangirling than ever. Somehow they were excited.

" Eh? Are those two a couple? "

" Really? They look good to each other! "

The situation was awkward for both of them, so they stayed quiet for the whole time.

After Yamamoto finished his bowl and they paid their food, they left the restaurant. Since the Rain declared something stupid and embarrassing before, Gokudera tried to distance himself from Yamamoto. He did not want another misunderstanding between them to the public.

     " You seem mad... " Stated Yamamoto, out of nowhere.

Gokudera frowned. " Of course I am mad! " He admitted. " That's why I hate going anywhere with you! "

" R..relax, Gokudera. It's not like I'm interested with you. I'm just wanting to cheer you up, " said Yamamoto, trying to fix the matter. The silver haired shot him a glare.

   " Cheer me up? By saying something nonsense like that?! " he questioned angrily to him. The Rain just grinned sheepishly. He muttered an apology after knowing that the silver haired didn't like it. Nevertheless, Gokudera accepted it without giving another more crap about it.

They started to walk back home, and suddenly, Yamamoto spoke. " Didn't you feel like it's lonely without Tsuna? " There was a couple of silence between them, until Gokudera talked.

   " Now you feel it, huh? " His answer was obvious. The three of them had never parted ways when going home from school before except for a certain circumstances. Still, not having their Decimo around felt like a lost children wandering.

They stopped by a place to wonder about it. Just as Gokudera was going to speak, the person they mentioned before appeared like magic beside them.

" Eh? Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto! "

   Both of them turned around as they saw Tsuna, bringing a lot of stuffs. When they saw him, they began to tear up.

" Yo, Tsuna! "

" Tenth! " Gokudera walked over to the brunet. " Let me help you carry them, Tenth! "

" Eh? There's no ne- " Tsuna stopped his words when he saw the tears from Gokudera's face. Just as he wanted to ask, the silver haired said, " It was lonely when you are not here, Tenth! It feels like the day I haven't meet you! "

    Tsuna let him to hug him and cried. Yamamoto watched with a small smile. At the moment, the Decimo felt guilty for leaving them by themselves. He apologised. " I'm sorry for leaving both of you, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto. I thought you guys can handle it... "

Yamamoto shook his head and smiled. " I realised that having you around were more fun. "

Gokudera stopped crying and looked at Tsuna. " As your right hand man, I have to protect you all the time! "

The brunet smiled to them. He thanked them. After the moment, Sora appeared while grinning happily toward them three. He asked, " So, how it goes? Better now? "

    Both Gokudera and Yamamoto were confused for a bit, but then Tsuna nodded and spoke. " Thank you, Sora. I think you are right. It's fun to be with them actually... "

" Huh? " The two said in unison.

" I feel bad if you guys didn't hang out together because my mom said that the three of you used to be like that. " Sora explained and smiled to them more. Gokudera was slightly proud and embarrased at the same time.

" Of course I will never leave the Tenth before! I'm his right hand man after all! "

   Tsuna and Yamamoto laughed to hear the Storm saying like that. However, a beam of light suddenly shine from the watch around Sora left's wrist. The three of them were surprised when they saw a hologram of a person coming from it.

    Especially, Yozora.

" Hello, there Baka-Sora. How are you doing over there? "

   The person in the hologram spoke. All of them got a glimpse of a man dressing in a suit before Sora breaking out.

  " Rei-san! How can- Ahh! Right! How is the mansion doing? Is it still intac- "

His words were cut off by the man called Rei. " If you were asking about the mansion still standing, I'm sorry. A lot of paperwork waiting for you here. Including the hospital treatment cost. "

   Sora dropped onto his knees, shadow loomed over him. Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto felt bad for him. For someone young like him, of course handling a bunch of monster guardians were not easy. Tsuna was grateful that he didn't yet become the Decimo for now.

The image was giving a clear view after a while. The three of them stared at the person with paled expression. The man resembled someone very much.

    " What is your relationship with Reborn-san?! " Gokudera blurted out suddenly. Tsuna and Yamamoto glanced to him.

Rei, who had noticed them there, smirked. He replied, " Who knows? Even Baka-Sora doesn't know who am I. "

    Sora was holding the urge to punch at the man.  Tsuna looked at the boy with fear. The situation thickened as Rei's expression getting serious. He turned to Sora and told him the situation.

" By the way, Yozora. Your past self isn't here. I've got a feeling something is going to happen after you. " Looking at his worried eyes making Sora understand that he should not take his problem lightly.

   " So... " He asked, " What am I suppose to do? Do you know how to get me back? "

" Even if there is a way, we can't help you. You need to find the time machine in that timeline to get back. "

Tsuna interrupted, " But, the time machine of this time could not go further than 10 years in the future. How can we send him back? "

Even Sora was concerned with the matter. Rei agreed to it as well. " That's one of our hindrance. To get it upgraded, you need our technology. "

" It will be impossible for us to find it. We don't even know how you guys make this weird watch functioning weapon? Or cellphone? " Gokudera said as he scratched his own head. The genius was intrigued with the grin slipped off the man's face.

    " And that's why I have send our alliance there. After analising your flame rates through the time machine, we send him to hand over the technology to Vongola mechanic. Since the time machine was at the Headquarters, he might have been there already. "

He continued with a serious look. " Can you do it, Yozora? Go to Vongola Headquarters in Italy. You will find your way back. "

    Silence overwhelmed Sora. After a few thoughts, he nodded. Rei smiled to see this. Before he ended the conversation, he told him a very crucial information.  " There might be an enemy of the future trying to get you, so, I sent them too. Good luck taking care of them, especially your Cloud and Mist. Oh! I think there were there already. "

As soon as he cut off connection, there were explosion occured not far from them. Sora turned pale as he almost cursed.

  " What the hell?! "

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this! Hehehe... Can't wait for the next chapter!

Any comment and vote are appreciated.

Ciao ciao!

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