Bad Timing

By zabellerain

716K 37.4K 5.3K

To the citizens of Beaufort, North Carolina, Noah Callaway was the infamous bad boy who was accused of killin... More

Bad Timing
Author's Note
Venti nove


18.3K 1.1K 189
By zabellerain

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologize if the vulgar language offends some of you guys. It is a part of the story and a part of their characters. Wattpad rated my story an "R" because of the language, but I'm trying to change it back to "PG-13". I mean, I'm pretty sure eleven-year-olds cuss now-a-days, so why would vulgar language be too inappropriate for those over thirteen?

By the way, thank you to everyone who supports this novel. I appreciate every single vote, comment, read, dedication, and fanning. Your support has motivated me to do what I love: write.

 Thank you so much! I love all of you.

 If you have any questions pertaining to the story, please feel free to comment below and I will try to reply to all of you.




Once Noah stepped out of Principal Leroy’s office, I wasted no time in interrogating him.

“What the hell was that all about?” I asked in anger, trying to keep up with his long strides. “Why would you punch Leon? That was completely uncalled for!”

Because Leon was a typical member of the male society, Leon almost fought with Noah. However, the school officers stopped the fight before it could happen. Leon went home to nurse his wound and Noah was sent to the principal’s office for initiating violence.

Noah rolled his steel blue eyes and moved the strap of his backpack higher up his shoulders. “None of your business.”

My eyes rose in bewilderment. “None of my business? Leon’s my best friend and you punched him in front of me! I think I deserve an explanation.”

“No, you don’t,” Noah grumbled, his eyebrows knitting together in irritation. “Can you leave me alone?”

I grabbed his arm and turned him around to face me. I gritted my teeth in anger. As he stared down at me, I cursed my short height. I was sure I didn’t look the least bit intimidating looking up at him.

“Why did you hit him?” I said slowly through clenched teeth, emphasizing each word.

“Because you’re being this slut! After you kiss me, you go around and cuddle with other guys?” Noah snapped. He laughed bitterly. “Or am I just a fucking joke to you and Leon is who you really want to be with?”

All that flashed through my mind at that very second was red. I was angry. All I could think about was his lips on Chelsea, his rejection towards me, his demand that I shouldn’t feel a thing for him, his stupid, infuriating anger at me.

I shoved his chest and felt hot tears wet my cheeks. “Ugh! You’re a huge hypocrite, Noah Callaway! What is wrong with you? You are the one who didn’t want anything between us! You are the one who told me not to like you! Leon’s my best friend, for Christ’s sake! If you were angry at me, you shouldn’t have hit Leon! And don’t ask me that question, Noah! All I’ve been was sincere and genuine with you. Am I just some joke to you? I bet Chelsea is a wonderful kisser.”

Noah stayed silent. He looked down at the floor with the shake of his head.

“Is that why you don’t want anything between us?” I laughed bitterly, crossing my arms above my torso. “Whatever. I just can’t believe you would love your brother’s own love.”

Noah’s eyes snapped to mine at the mention of his brother. He whispered, “Are you really going to assume that?”

I rolled my eyes. “You did kiss her!”

“That didn’t mean anything,” Noah said, looking straight into my eyes.

I felt my heartbreaking at what I asked next. “So, you just kiss girls for the heck of it? Is that why you kissed me?”

“There you go, assuming again!”

“You know what?” I felt my chest tightening. My heart felt like it was being squeezed to death by his own hands. I turned and started to walk down the hallway. “I have to get to class.”

I heard Noah’s hands fall back to his sides in incredulity. “Is that it? Fine. I thought you were different from everybody else in this hellhole, but you’re not. I think it’s good that you’re making assumptions like everybody else and leaving me like everybody else!”

I turned around and flicked him off, something I never did to anyone. I never even cussed. It was too vulgar for my taste. However, at the time, I couldn’t control my anger.

Fuck you, Noah, or better yet, why don’t you fuck Chelsea since you enjoy kissing her so much!” I yelled and stormed off.

▼▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

The rest of the week was worst.

How could one single week be packed with so many horrible events? I felt like the karma for stealing my classmate’s apple in first grade was finally catching up to me. I haven’t slept. I rarely ate. My focus in everything was distorted. I wasn’t me.

My blonde hair was always put up into lazy ponytails. My eyes were surrounded by dark circles. My face was pale, my lips were chapped, and my frown was permanently etched into my face.

“Damn, you look gothic and scary – like one of those possessed-by-the-devil people,” Callum commented, eyeing my appearance.

I looked at him in annoyance. “Thanks, Cale.”

Paige smacked the back of his head, ignoring his snide comments. “You’re not making it any easier for her.”

Evan and I were still slightly angry with each other. We talked to each other, but it wasn’t normal. Noah has been trying to talk to me about what happened between us, but I refused to set myself for more heartache. I even had my monthly gift.

Oh, the joy.

Psychology Education class has been a pain in the butt. Not only was Noah in there, but the toothpick witch sat a few seats away from me as well. It became one of my favorite classes to my least favorite classes. I dreaded coming to class, but it didn’t have anything to do with the subject. I dreaded being in a room with my current least favorite people for more than ten seconds.

I scolded myself mentally for losing control, for letting my troubles get the best of me, for snapping at everything. I even succumbed to violence.

Chelsea smirked as we stood next to each other behind the group of students, trying to grab a textbook from the shelf. To the best of my abilities, I tried to ignore her presence or the sickening smell of her Coco Chanel perfume that would have smelled good to me if it were on other people. Being the attention whore that she is, she tried hard to get my attention, her eyes burning holes in the side of my face.

Chelsea cleared her throat, studying her perfect manicured nails. “Jealous much?”

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. Although she was thin and wore tons of makeup, Chelsea was actually really pretty. However, it was hard to see her beauty when her hideous personality was big enough to make her unattractive.

“Are the chemicals from all that makeup killing your brain cells? Why would I be jealous of you?” I asked, sarcasm dripping from my tongue like honey.

Chelsea didn’t seem the slightest bit offended. In fact, her smirk turned into a smile of amusement. She cocked her head to the side, her curls falling perfectly with her. “Because I kissed your boyfriend.”

I looked away, gulping slightly at the pang in my chest. “Wow, Chelsea, are you that proud to admit that you kiss other people’s boyfriends?” Her smile faltered a little, but her arrogance was still radiating. “I have no clue what you’re talking about. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Oh, really? I saw you being a little psycho creep, spying on me and Noah when we shared that hot, steamy kiss. He’s a really good kisser,” she jeered, folding her arms over her chest.

“Well, he’s not my boyfriend.” I shrugged, trying to keep my calm.

“Why are you so hurt then? I noticed you haven’t been talking to that him.” Chelsea’s eyes brightened like the gears in her dusty brain finally started moving. “Unless, he rejected you!”

“E, Chelsea, is everything okay?” Ms. Brayer asked, eyeing us in concern when everyone was already seated.

Chelsea nodded, but kept her eyes on me. “Yes, Ms. Bray. We’re just having a little chat, trying to settle things.”

Knowing Ms. Brayer, she wouldn’t usher us to sit down or bother us. When her students were having therapeutic talks, she would allow it in her Psychology class of course.

Unaware of the truth behind our conversation, Ms. Brayer smiled. “Great!”

When Ms. Brayer returned to her lesson, Chelsea turned back to me with the same sickly smile. “What were we talking about? Oh yeah! He rejected you.”

I tried not to think about it, breathing in and out calmly. She knew the truth and no one had to tell her. But did she have to rub it in my face – a truth that hurt me so severely?

I’ve had a few heartaches, but none came as close as to what I felt now. Noah wasn’t even my boyfriend. We didn’t even have a relationship of some sort. I couldn’t even explain to you what I liked about the handsome boy.

All I knew was I really liked everything about him. Yes, even the anger and the negativity. Everything just felt both perfect and imperfect with him – a combination that was so addicting. I never knew what would happen next or the big bumps that we would stumble upon, but somehow I felt like every single thing would be perfect just as long as I was with him.

I shook my head and went to grab a book. “I have no time for your useless talk.”

“Oh, so it’s true! How does it feel to finally be rejected – to have your man taken away from you?” Chelsea mocked, but there was hurt behind her words. She quickly recovered by invading my personal space in anger. Because she was wearing heels, she looked down at me with threat in her eyes. “Now, you’ve had a taste of your own bitter medicine, Atwood. You know what’s funnier? Noah will never want you.”

“Get it into your thick skull, Everheart, I never stole Leon from you! He simply lost interest in you. You know what’s funnier? He’s glad he broke up with a whore like you.”

Chelsea’s eyes raged in fury as she shoved me back. This was all it took to snap the hold I have on the thin thread of my control. I scoffed as I regained my balance and pushed her back. Somehow, we ended up on the ground, pulling at each other’s hair, scratching at each other’s skin, shoving each other into the ground, trying to hurt the other as much as possible. Chelsea shrieked as I shoved her side into a nearby desk. I hissed when she dug her claws into the skin of my arm.

Some idiot male was hooting over and over again that there was a “cat” fight going on. Other males had their phones out on record. Ms. Brayer was repeatedly yelling and losing her control. All the girls were sitting in their chairs in shock as they watched us fight.

All of a sudden, I was ripped off of Chelsea. Strong arms wrapped around my waist as they pulled me farther away from her. I screamed in anger and struggled to return to my battle, tears streaming down my face in rage. Chelsea went to attack me, but Callum quickly held her around the hips and turned her around so she wasn’t facing me.

“Get your disease covered hands away from me, Callum,” Chelsea yelled uncontrollably, trying to get back at me. However, she didn’t have the chance to. I was taken out of the classroom by the same person who ripped me off of the witch. The door slammed shut behind us, a whole wall blocking me from the chaos inside.

“Calm down!” A familiar, husky voice reprimanded, struggling as I thrashed in his arms.

His voice ticked me off more. “Let go of me, Noah! Now.”

Noah set me down on my feet when I was too exhausted to thrash any longer. He stepped back with his hands up to show that he was no threat. His eyebrows were knitted together in disappointment. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, refusing to apologize for the stupid actions I did in that classroom.

“Did you really have to let her get to you?” He asked, lightly touching the fresh scratch on my cheek.

I flinched away from him with narrowed eyes. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

“Emma,” Noah called out when I began to walk away, grabbing my arm. I wrenched my arm out of his grip and cried like the crybaby that I am. I didn’t stop walking even when he asked, “Can we talk?”

“I think its best if you ignore whatever happened between us,” I suggested in a cold voice. “It’s better being strangers.”

After a couple of silent seconds, he finally talked. “Is that what you really want – to throw away everything?”

“Yes,” I lied.

I walked away from him, possibly for forever.

▼▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼

“Are you okay?” Evan asked in concern when he got home, rushing over to me.

He observed the light scratch on my cheek and arm. He cringed. Shaking his head, he sighed and folded his arms over his torso.

This was it. He was going to scold me again for having a bad attitude and failing to obey his simple rules. I braced myself for his lecture, but was genuinely surprised at what he said next.

“I’m glad you’re okay. I’m also glad Lauren didn’t take this to Principal Leroy,” Evan said with a frown.

I couldn’t help it. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry, Ev.”

“For fighting Chelsea? I knew you were going to lose your cool sometime. I used to get into fights when I was in high school too,” Evan chuckled and hugged me too. “It reminds me that you aren’t better than me.”

I laughed. “No, I meant for everything. I just want us to be normal again. It sucks fighting with you.”

Evan sighed. “It does. It feels weird watching Teen Wolf by myself.”

I laughed and shoved his chest, hardly believing that he would joke around at a time like this. For the first time this week, a big and genuine smile graced my face. It felt good, a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Evan ruffled my hair, causing a few strands of my blonde locks to fall in my face. “I’m sorry too, little sis. So, how bad did you hurt Chelsea?”

“You’re a bad influence.”

Although I had many other troubles, I was more than happy that Evan and I were back to normal.

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