Until Forever (Complete)

By LeeleeKez

388K 32.2K 2.5K

Bailey Robinson's orders were simple; get rid of the letter and get back to work. When Bailey begins a corre... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One

Chapter Four

9.3K 753 60
By LeeleeKez

"This is all your fault!" Samuel glared at Elizabeth from his position next to Ethan in the wagon.

"It's nobody's fault." Ethan turned briefly to acknowledge Samuel before turning his gaze back to Gretchen who sat before him.

"Well, if Elizabeth would just choose a man already, I wouldn't have to wear these highly uncomfortable clothes all the time!" Samuel answered, his eyes still aimed at Elizabeth like a shot gun.

"And what, might I ask, do you consider comfortable? Nakedness? Stained clothes? Grass in your hair?" Elizabeth answered dryly.

Samuel's complaints began the moment Ethan announced their invitation to have dinner with Lord Wellington and got worse when Gretchen squeezed him into a suit. While Samuel had taken the news as well as people take the announcement of the death of a loved one, Elizabeth had been pleasantly surprised and delighted. Beyond delighted even! She had spent the entire afternoon picking out the right outfit and getting her hair into the perfect braid.

Even now, as she sat under the full glare of her brother, she couldn't help but feel nervous. She was finally going to meet Frederick! After so many weeks spent reading his letters, she was going to meet the man behind those words; a meeting that could either make or break her. She knew she liked the man whose letters had kept her awake most nights but would she like him when she meets him face to face? Elizabeth hoped she would. Frederick seemed like her last option and her last chance at finding true love. He was the only man she even considered getting married to.

Frederick was intriguing. A man who could carry on a conversation that didn't involve his wealth or fortune, was a rare gem in the midst of the war. The first time he responded to her letter, she had been disappointed to know that he had gone against her request to ignore it. But, she had been pleasantly surprised to find the content of the letter to be nothing but hilarious suggestions on how she could avoid her parents match making schemes. He was willing to help, according to him. He had even suggested writing a scandalous letter to her parents to try to deter them from thinking he was the best choice for their daughter.

Elizabeth had replied to his letter, telling him of her fears that her parents would never believe the letter came from him and thanking him for offering to do such a thing for a woman he barely even knew.

His next letter had intrigued her much more than the first. He told her of his plans to marry for love, rather than money or influence. He thought she deserved the same as well, not a marriage she was forced or pressured into. He had encouraged her not to give up on finding love because he was sure one day, she would.

Every letter he wrote, found it's own place in her heart until she could almost recite them word for word and for that, she was excited about meeting Frederick.

Somewhere in the background, Samuel continued to grumble but Elizabeth neglected to pay him any mind.

When the wagon began to slow down, Elizabeth felt her heart rate speed up. They were finally in the Wellington estate! Glancing out the window, she sighted three men standing on the porch of the gray two story building.

Immediately recognizing Lord Wellington as one of the men who stood on the porch, her gaze shifted to the other two young men. For a brief second, she stared at the one with dark brown hair. She couldn't see his face but she could see his legs shuffle almost as if he was nervous as opposed to the other man with light brown hair who stood with his shoulders straight, beside Lord Wellington.

The man with dark brown hair was handsome, she noticed as the wagon drew near. His eyes was fixed on the wagon and the closer they got, the more she realized the quality of the suit he had been wearing. Surely, this couldn't be Frederick, she thought. But why did he appear so nervous?

It took some effort, but Elizabeth finally turned her gaze to the other man who stood near the judge. She was only beginning to examine him when the wagon's door was pulled open and her family began filing out.

Samuel shot her one last look before climbing out of the wagon behind Gretchen. Elizabeth was the last to climb out, her legs all of a sudden feeling like jelly.

Once settled on her feet, she released her hold on the footman's hand and raised her gaze to the party before her.

Her parents had already began exchanging pleasantries with the Wellingtons. She saw the man with the light brown hair, plant a kiss on her mothers knuckles.

Turning her gaze back to the other man, she was just in time to catch his eyes. For a brief second, their eyes locked. He seemed to be staring at her in awe. Or was it pain?

"And you must be Lady Elizabeth?"

She turned towards the voice and her eyes came to rest on the man with the light brown hair. He stood smiling at her, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes." She smiled and held out her hand to him. He took it and planted a kiss on her gloved knuckle.

"I'm Frederick."

Elizabeth just stood there, wondering why she felt no connection to the man who stood before her.

"Elizabeth, how you have grown!" Lord Wellington called, taking captive of her hand and planting a kiss on it. She offered him a smile, fighting the urge to turn to look at the mysterious man who maintained his position on the porch. "Come right in." He said, before ushering them into the building.

Elizabeth passed the mysterious man who still hadn't been introduced and stole a glance at him; he had his head bowed.

Dinner with the Wellingtons progressed smoothly. Elizabeth found out soon enough that the man with dark brown hair was Fredericks butler and she immediately scolded herself for watching him so much. She hated to think she was scaring or making the poor man feel uncomfortable. Did he think her rude for watching him? She hoped not. Not that what he thought of her would count anyway.


She felt a nudge on her arm and turned to her left to find Frederick watching her.

"Hm?" She asked, blushing. She hadn't been paying attention.

"While my grandfather accommodate your parents and your little brother, would you take a walk with me?" Frederick asked.

"Oh..." She opened her mouth to speak when the butler came into the room with a jug of water. Her gaze immediately went back to him for a few seconds before she turned back to Frederick. "Yes." She nodded.

"Good." Frederick's brown eyes lighted up and he rose to his feet, holding out his hand to her.

Rising to her feet, she took his hand and allowed him lead her out of the dining area but not without noticing the proud look on her parent's faces.

Frederick led her through the house and to the garden that sat just behind the building. The evening air was chilly but Elizabeth didn't want to complain so she sat quietly beside Frederick.

"I must say how pleased I was to have received a letter from you." Frederick began and a smile spread across Elizabeth's face.

"I was glad to have received yours as well." She turned to him.

"Really?" Elizabeth thought he sounded confused and intrigued all at once.

"Yes!" She said in enthusiasm. "Your letters kept me awake for many nights." She admitted, before placing both her hands over her mouth, embarrassed. She felt her cheeks become red. "I'm so sorry, Lord Frederick, for being so forward." She glanced down.

"Need I say, Elizabeth," He said, lifting her chin up. A broad smile creased his face. "That I am delighted to finally meet you and," He heaved a breath and went to his knees before you. "I would love to be your husband. Will you marry me?"

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

The above cover and banner were made by @purplity. Thank you sooooo much😘😘😘😘

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