Your New Job

Da Patient_665_

22 1 0

Hello everyone! I thought it was time to mix things up! So today I have a First person story called Your New... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

4 0 0
Da Patient_665_

The Interviews: 

I walk into 667's room. I decided to interview him first since he was the least crazy out of the three. I walk in and sit in a nearby chair.

"So, how do you feel about your brother, Clayton?" I ask, taking out a piece of paper and pen.

"Oh he's great! He really helps protect the family but.. He may be excessive but it's understandable with him," he smiled warmly at me.

"Okay, what about 668? Are you on good terms or do you fight easily?" I ask as I write down his previous answer.

"Oh Rip Tide? That little guppy's adorable! I trust to him keep my brother, me and Mist safe."

"I see. And 665?" I ask, continuing to write. I had found out where his mask was earlier in the day and was told to keep it away at all costs.

"Oh well.. She's the only one for me, you know? We're family..Heh.. I can't describe how i feel, no words man,"

"Alright, I see. So what would you do to get that mask of yours.?"

"I don't know.. If you mean sacrifice my friends i'd never do that. I don't know what i'd do to get it back, but i'd sacrifice myself before i'd sacrifice my dear friends."

"You're quite caring for the two of them, why's that..?"

"Like before, they're family."

"Okay.. hm.. So if you got the mask, what would you do? Or do you have no control over yourself?"

"I have control but.. Right now my brother is really tied up in here, and he's getting upset. He deserves to get out, have a breather, you know?"

"Hm.. yeah, I understand. Okay, i'm going to interview 665. I'll talk to you later. Want me to give her anything or say anything? Because until the day you walk together you can't see either of them."

"Hm.. Tell her I say hello!"

"Alright i'll see you later" I then walk to 665's room and open the door, she looks up at me and smirks.

"Hello doctor~ Have you seen my dear senpai yet?"

"Yes actually, I just interviewed him, he says hello!"

"Oh, okay~ Heh, too bad I can't see him" she pouts "anyways, what do you want" she suddenly glared at me.

"I came for an interview today."

"Hm, fine" she sighed "What do ya wanna know doc? Hehe.."

"Patient 667 says that you're like family, correct?"

"Oh sort of dear, I love him and he loves me! And if anyone hurts him" she gives me a cold, terrifying glare "they're dead~ Hehe!"

"i-I-i see.. well..How about uhmn.. What happened to your family before you met..? Or where are they now..?" I suddenly see 665 look down in what looks like shame.

"They're.. Gone.. I devoured them.. I.." her hands were shaking, it looked as if she was going to cry "NEXT QUESTION!"

"Alright then.. How do you feel about subject 668,"

"Oh, Onii-Chan~. He's a big brother to me, he's amazing! Of course he's very powerful, and that makes the little group even better"

"What would you do for this 'family' of yours?"

"Oh anything dear! If I kill people, I kill people. If I have to rip myself to shreds, I WILL.."

"I don't believe that 667 or 668 would allow you to do that"

"They would if they knew I had to~ and I may not be powerful enough to stop onii-chan, but if it saves senpai, i'll figure it out~ besides.." she looks away "a monster like me doesn't need this world! hehe..Anyways. Next damn question"

"That's all for now. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go talk to 668."

"Tell him hello onii-chan for me!~"

"Alright, I will. See you later." I walk over to 668's room and open the door. "Alright, your turn 668, I have some questions for you."

"I know it looks bad but it's all Yin Yang's fault, I just gotta figure out how."

"Uh.. That's not what I mean. I'm here to interview you."

"Oh good that saves me an excuse!"

"Uh.. Okay.. Anyways, how do you feel about.. Yin Yang."

"I think if you put a butler suit on him and let him take mist her lunch I think she'd pass out."

I try to hold back laughter as I move on "What about imoto-san?"

"I think she likes to cuddle and she likes when I scratch behind her ears. No joke, bring her in here some time and i'll try it."

"Erm.. alright then.. What would you do for this family of yours?"

"I assure you if anyone tried to hurt my family there would be nowhere in the world they'd be able to hide from my wrath. The predator always gets its prey."

"I..See..Hm.. About the Reaper, or Yang, how do you feel about him?"

"Yang needs bitch slapped, but Reaper's cool."

"I see.. And what do you think about the relationship between 665 and 667..?"

"I honestly couldn't care less, but you have to think about this. One, since we're a family, does it count as incest? Two, does it count as a threesome since this fucker has two personalities?"

"Those are.. Actually good questions.." I mumble "Last one, how are you the way you are?"

"Well.. Lets see.. I walked into a building that had a Help Wanted sign on it. As I went in and told them i'd like the job, I suddenly get knocked the fuck out! And I wake up like this in all my awesomeness."

"I see.." I write everything down "I think that'll be all."

I then walk over to another doctor, who stops me suddenly "Did you interview 667-B?"

"Huh?" I look at him, confused.

"The other side of Clayton. There's clayton, 667-A, and Reaper, 667-B."

"No, I didn't.."

"That makes sense on why the place didn't get locked down. Come with me."

Several guards and that same man walked with a pack of cigarettes in his hand, which I look at him in confusion.

"Smoking gets Reaper out a bit, but not all the way." He sighed and walked in "Hello 667-A"

"Hello! Is it time for brother to come out?"

"Yes." the man walked over and quickly chained 667-A up, but left one arm unchained. "Here." he then gave him a cigarette and lit it.

He then takes a long drag of the cigarette and sighs in content as he says "finally.. You let me out.."

"Only for an interview, that's all. After that, you're going back."

He sighed and smirked "That's what you think.. Heh heh.. You have no idea how much power I truly have" He laughed.

"That's why i'm only giving you one cigarette."

"Edgy bitch." he glared

"Too bad, get used to it. Now, (Y/N), go ahead."

I step forward "i-I'm only going to be asking you a few questions o-kay?" I ask nervously.

"Go ahead nervous birdie, i'm all ears" he laughs creepily

"Erm.. Okay.. How about.. What would you do for your 'family'?"

"I would kill everyone on the Earth, Heaven and Hell, besides, you can't stop death!" he laughed maniacally.

"O-okay then.. How do you feel about 665?"

"Everything that i need, nothing else to say. After all, she's my world"

"I see.." 'he's still passionate about 665.. It shows a big connection between the two.' i think to myself "and 668?"

"I love his blood lust! He's fun to murder with!" He says, chuckling slightly afterwards.

"Uh.. Okay.. and your 'brother'?"

"I'll protect him at any cost, i'll make sure no one ever hurts us EVER AGAIN.."

I gulp slightly "L-last one.. How did you all meet?"

"Same way as any way other teenagers would, dipstick." he says bluntly. "Ah, also I remember when we had our first massacre, it was beautiful~"

"Erm.. Okay then.. That's a-all.. Need me to say anything to 665 or 668?" I ask nervously.

"Tell them.. Popsicles.."

I nod silently as the guards wait for the effects of the cigarette to wear off, then I was free to tell the others the word he wanted me to say. I walk to 665's room first.

"Reaper wanted me to tell you the word 'popsicles'.."

"Ooh? Thank you dear~" She laughed softly and smirked, I quickly walk out and go to 668s room.

"Yin wanted me to tell you the word 'popsicles'"

He chuckles "thanks."

I walked into my room and sighed, sitting down and thinking silently on all of the patients. '665 is completely crazy.. Not to mention her mood swings..she's someone to watch out for, but she hasn't insulted me like someone..' I sigh, thinking of 668. '667.. That poor boy.. He has two personalities and it probably tears him up sometimes. I know I can trust him for a fact.' 

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