Save Me

By badesremedy

18.9K 490 27

Madison has always been known as the bubbly, mature, and strong girl people think she is. However, she's real... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
save me part 2?

Chapter 1

3.3K 48 1
By badesremedy

Maddie's POV:

Okay so as you all know, I am Demi Lovato's little sister Madison. I am currently eleven years old, and well I like doing things on my own and hate going out in public. I especially hate going out in public with Demi, because there are always these weird old guys following us and being with a lot of people give me bad anxiety attacks. When I was seven years old, I made a twitter account and saw that people were saying stuff about me. It hurt at first. But then I showed Demi, and she made me feel better. But once I turned eight, Demi got a job in LA. She was filming Camp Rock and her television show Sonny with a Chance. We still own the house in Texas and go there all the time, though. When we moved here, I had to go to another school, and that's when everything went downhill.


I woke up being very excited because my first day of school was today. I got into the shower and then went into my room and got dressed. When I was done, I went to find my mom.

"Mommy?" I called.

"I'm in the kitchen sweetheart!" She shouted back.

"Here honey eat your breakfast." She said handing me a plate of eggs and bacon.

I grab my fork and then began eating. When I was done, I got up to brush my teeth and do my hair.

"Maddie come on you're gonna be late!" Mom yelled up.

"Okay coming!" I yelled back down.

I grabbed my backpack and coat and left. I got out of the car and then went into the office. Mommy told them I was new. She brought me to the door of my classroom.

"Sweetie have a good day! I need to go now. I love you." She said hugging me.

"Okay, I will. I love you too!" I said hugging her.

I walked into my classroom. Everyone looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Miss Carson. Are you new?" She asked

"Yes, I am. My name is Madison De La Garza." I said.

"Okay, you can sit over there." Miss Carson said pointing to an empty desk.

I went and sat down taking out a pencil and a notebook.

"Wow look at her she needs to lose some weight!" A girl stated.

"I know right she's huge!" Another one said.

"Hey, fatty have you ever heard of fat camp?" The first girl asked.

"Maybe you should go. You're way too fat, and you're not even pretty like your other sisters Demi and Dallas!" The other one said.

"By the way, tell your sister we love Camp Rock and Sonny with a Chance!" They said.

The whole day it was like that. Just one mean comment after another, and they kept telling me how much my sisters were better than me.

End of flashback

I shook my head getting rid of the horrifying memory. After that day, I never saw myself as pretty. I just saw myself as an ugly, fat, worthless, a waste of space, you know all that stuff. I even tried to kill myself. I attempted once when I was eight, and again when I was ten. I also have all the same problems that Demi had. I have an eating disorder; I am bipolar, depressed, I self-harm too. I have anxiety attacks all the time, especially when there are a lot of people. It's the first day of summer break tomorrow, and I'm excited to be away from all the kids at school.

I quickly grab my bag and take a quick look in the mirror. I was wearing a pink long-sleeved top and black jean shorts. My hair was just flat ironed with curls at the end.

"Mom, I'm ready can we go?" I asked.

"Yes. Let's go." She said grabbing her purse and an apple.

"Here eat this on the way." She instructed, handing me the apple.

"I'm not that hungry." I lied while getting into the car.

"Just eat it, please. There isn't any time to bring it back in." She said.

"Fine," I whined taking a bite out the apple, immediately feeling sick. I ate half and threw the other half into an empty trash bag.

We finally arrived, and I got out ignoring all the rude comments and stares. I opened my locker grabbing my books and then quickly shut it making my way to the first period. On my way, I passed by 'The Crew' as they call themselves.

"Hey, fatty." The central leader Ashley said knocking my books down.

"Really?" I mumbled.

"What was that fatty?" She said pausing before speaking again. "Look like someone's scared!" She said laughing as the other did too. I just pushed passed them and headed to class. "This isn't over!" She yelled. I quickly took my seat and got out my homework knowing my teacher would check it at the beginning of class. Finally, the bell rang.

"Okay class takes out your homework so I can check it," He said.

"Madison, you did an excellent job!" He said.

The whole class laughed "Nerd" One of them said "Tell me about it. A fat one too" The other girl said laughing.

"Okay class, settle down now." The teacher said.

"Today we are going to watch The Hunger Games since it's the last day of school!" He said. Everyone cheered but me.


The day is going by faster and faster which I'm happy about. It's lunch time now.

I make my way to the bathroom since I always hide here during lunch. I open the door to see 'The Crew.' I was about to leave, but Zack; her little helper grabbed my arm.

"Well, I guess I can show you your small gift now. You know, something you'll have when school starts next year" Ashley said with a smirk.

"Madison DeLaGarza I present you with your hate wall signed first by me of course. The whole school signed it." She said "They also wrote their opinion on you. And let's just say they're not nice, but every single thing on there is true." I ran out of the bathroom and went into the janitor's closet. I just sat there and cried for a while, before I called mom.

"Hey, mom can you come pick me up? It's annoying, and we aren't doing anything." I said.

"Yeah sure just wait in class until I text you. Okay?" She asked. "Okay," I agreed hanging up. 20 minutes went by before she finally arrived at the school. I headed to the office, and we finally left.

"So I have a surprise for you at home," Mom said smiling.

"What is it?" I asked immediately getting excited.

"You'll see!" She said as she pulled into the driveway. I ran inside seeing Demi who was talking to Dallas. "Demi!" I screamed. She turned around and ran to me giving me a big hug.

"Hey, baby girl how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good." I lied. I am the complete opposite, but I'm not going to tell her that. "That's good!" she said smiling at me.

I headed up to my room and put down my bag. I sat on my bed remembering everything from school today. I have a hate wall just like my sister did. Wow. I started to cry uncontrollably then ran into my bathroom locking the door. I quickly rolled up my sleeves and cut not caring about anything. After I finally could stop, I clean up the blood and make sure to hide my blade.

I unlocked the door and opened it to see everyone standing there looking at me.

"What's wrong? We have been calling your name." Mom said.

"Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?" I lied.

"Madison I know you're a liar," Demi said confidently.

"I just threw up that's all." I lied again.

"Why are your eyes bloodshot red then?" Demi quizzed. Ugh, she is so stubborn!

"Nothing my head just hurts bad, so I was crying." I lied for the hundredth time today.

"Come on honey let's get you some medicine." Mom said. She handed me two pills and some water. "I'm gonna go take a nap," I said heading upstairs after taking the pills.

I went into my room and shut the door. A couple of seconds later, Demi came into my room sitting next to me on my bed wrapping her arms around me. "Hey, baby girl you sure you're okay?" She asked. Ugh, she is starting to be so annoying! "Yeah, I'm sure. Just a little sick that's all. I promise dem dem." I said, "How about we take a nap together okay?" She asked. I just nodded getting under the covers as she did too. I closed my eyes falling asleep as she rewrapped her arms around me.

Demi's POV:

I woke up and ran into the hotel bathroom and took a shower. I was excited because I'm going home today from my tour! I love being with my fans, but I miss my family a lot. When I was done, I got dressed and did my makeup. I then got all of my bags and went to the lobby to check out. I got a text saying that max was here, so I made my way out and got into the black SUV.


I walk into the house screaming "I'm home!" Everyone except Maddie came and hugged me. She is at school right now. "How was the tour?" Dallas asked. "Amazing I loved it!" I said. We then watched a movie together.

1 hour later....

We were halfway through the movie when mom got a call from Maddie saying she bored and they weren't doing anything, so can she get her. To be honest, I'm a little worried that something else happened and she was just not telling us. She always hated that I'm so protective over her, but I just couldn't even imagine her turning out like how I did. If she ever does, I will never forgive myself for letting her become like me, or well what I was like.

Maddie arrived home with mom. As soon as she sees me then, she comes and hugs me. We talked, and Madison just went to her room when we we're done. She must have homework or something to do. An hour passed, and I decided that I would ask Maddie if she wanted to do something since I was bored. I opened the door to her room to see that she wasn't in there, but I heard crying from her bathroom. I knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. I heard her whispering things but it was so quiet, so I don't know what she was saying. I went downstairs and got mom and dad. They followed me upstairs, and we tried and got Maddie to open up the door, but she won't. An hour passed, and she finally came out with huge puffy, red eyes. She looked very depressed at the moment. Like how I use to look.

"What's wrong? We have been calling your name!" Mom said.

"Nothing. Why would anything be wrong?" Maddie questioned. I knew she was lying, though.

"Madison I know you're lying," I said. I can read her like an open book.

"I just threw up that's all!" Maddie said. I wasn't convinced, though.

"Why are your eyes bloodshot red then?" I asked.

"Nothing my head just hurts bad, so I was crying" She sighs

"Come on honey let's get you some medicine," Mom says. She got Maddie some pills and water. "I'm gonna go take a nap," Maddie said heading upstairs.

"I'm gonna take one with her," I said. I was tired because of jet lag.

I opened up the door, and Maddie was sitting on her bed. I up to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey, baby girl you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just a little sick that's all. I promise dem dem." She said.

"How about we take a nap together?" I suggested. She just nodded going under the covers. I followed her, wrapping my arms around her as she fell asleep. I soon was asleep too.

A/N- I hope you guys liked it! (:

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