BeyBurst Scenarios + Headcann...

By LuckyValt

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date your favorite boy? Read and enjoy! Here's what you'll fi... More

୨♡୧ Information ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Meetings ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Friends ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Feelings ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ First Kisses ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Cuddling ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Sleeping Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Hugging ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Them as Cats୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Grocery Shopping ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Yandere AU ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ School Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Grateful୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Relationship Headcanons ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ I Love You ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Happy Valentines ୨♡୧
୨♡୧ Crushing/Pining Hcs ୨♡୧


18.4K 281 355
By LuckyValt


When he's jealous!


Valt Aoi

- listen, listen, listen, listen. valt's very, very dense and it slowly got better as he grows so at first, he probably won't even know he's jealous at first glance

- since he's heavily influenced by how his mother and father work together (in terms of relationship), he's in a relationship with you because he has faith in you no matter what

- so he probably doesn't even know what the hell is happening at first until later on

- so, now Gachi or Sparking Valt,,,,he knows whats up. he isn't the one for confronting others, but he will sneak in an arm around your waist while sending a not-so-innocent smile to the creep who's checking you out

- he trusts you completely and knows you wont ever cheat on him

- but he will get slightly insecure so please hold him and spoil him right after :)

Aoi Tokonatsu

- him???? ^^^???? the DEFINITION of insecurities so please dont make him jealous

- he'd get really :((( and i dont think anyone wants that so please treat him well or else he'd cry

- however, if he sees that you're uncomfortable with the attention the other guy is giving you, he's instantly snatching you away

- when this boy's mf anger reaches through the roof, he actually packs quite a punch :0 omg cant believe it

- but then he'd be like 😶😶"uH Oh im so sorry i didn't mean it but you were bothering her and i just couldn't sit back and and--"

- someone shut him up and spoil him afterward cause he'd feel really guilty

Shu Kurenai

- shu RARELY gets jealous

- if you're in a relationship with this guy??? ^^^ this fella???? then you MUST have equal trust in each other. so he rarely ever gets jealous lol

- although, there are two instances where he will. one is if you're both in public, and there's some guy whistling your attention to him, and you're visibly uncomfortable, he will intervene. an arm wrapped around your waist and BOOM problem avoided

- the other is if you're unintentionally making him jealous by hanging out with other guys. he wont tell you to stop talking to them, but he will sit down and talk to you like an adult. this guy is too mature for his age tf

- if an arm around you doesn't work, then a quick peck on your forehead. but if that doesn't work, then he'll just glare at the dude because shu is SCARY when he wants to

- the big guy used to b red eye bro. he ain't THAT insecure

Rantaro Kiyama

- to be frank with you, i feel like he'd be the only one who would tell you he's jealous off the bat. since your love is built off of trust, he'd most likely tell you without sugar-coating it.

- honestly, he'd most likely just tell the other person off gently while pushing you away

- if the other person is persistent, just plain annoying, and rude, then there's no doubt he'd hit them with his fan ngl

- hes not insecure at all about himself either so that's a huge plus

- right after telling you he's jealous though, he's going to be expecting hugs and kisses

- who wouldn't want to kiss this man smh smh

Daina Kurogami

- he's kinda insecure i think??? like, if he was so insecure to the point he'd cheat in a beybattle then imagine him in a relationship lolll

- although, not too easy to make jealous. like, if it happens too much he wont be able to handle it very well.

- the very first time someone flirts with you, he's all polite about it "uh, she's with me. sorry"

the second time, "I'm sorry, she's with me."

third time, "what don't you understand? she's with me"

fourth time, "don't you have anything better to do other than to bother other people with your meaningless words? she's not interested. get out."

- pls spoil him doe i feel like he'd get extra insecure cause chances are that you're taller than him and he most likely feels like as if you deserve better

- mf thinks he can get away with feeling sad

- love him with all ur heart. dont make him jealous too often 🥺🥺

Kensuke Midorikawa

- ben taught kensuke to be much more confident but he really ain't feelin it dawg

- he knows all the cues bc he's quite observant so he knows whats happening before it even mf happens

- he's most likely using beus at first to try and use a more gentle approach

- he doesn't use his other puppet since he's still a timid boy and doesn't know how to fight much

- probably does a "L-Leave her alone!!" kinda approach before figuring out that maybe it's a better option to just lead you out of there

- he's a little nervous when it comes to defending you but he knows that it's just helping himself to become much more confident so it's somewhat of a plus.

Wakiya Komurasaki


- you know he's like that one meme:

"waki, can you take me to the mall."


"ok :( I'll go ask shu then"

"actually no wait, I'll do it"

- he's somewhat possessive.

- I hate this dude sm when he literally sees you wearing someone else's jacket or hoodie he acts as if he got fucking shot



Shirasagijo Lui

- mans must have a mf death wish if you were to ever mess/flirt with lui's s/o lol

- lui trusts you. ur relationship is built on trust and honesty

- but oh boy if anyone else tries to get involved lui will bite its not even a metaphorical statement

- he's all like "GRRRR BARK BARK GRRRRR ARFARF" to other or people but 💫💫😌😳😳😈😈❤️❤️❤️ to you

- one time, this boy walked up to you and started flirting. lui wasnt havin it and glared at the mf like there's no tmr

- I think the kid tried to touch your shoulder but then lui deadass bit his hand and left a mark

Minamo Naoki

- wEAK ass mf cant throw a punch to save his life

- cannot make do with a smart comment to insult the other guy but can humiliate him on the internet lol. just because hes a scientist does not mean that he cannot work and use the internet to his favor

- i feel like he'd be really insecure about it though bc he always feels like you can do much better than him and i say NO

- he's also a little bit dense so he might not even recognize that someone's flirting with you at first

- when he does he just kinda stands there, all awkward and not knowing what to do with his next move

- if you can handle yourself, that's great. if not, just run away and you'll be fine.

Free De La Hoya

- VERY passive-aggressive like even I would cry if he were to ever talk me down

- he's not a physical person. so he doesn't throw punches or anything just,,,,,makes really smart-ass comments about the person pursuing after you

- "you think she'd even give a piece of trash her time of day? your brain must not be smart enough that you and her wont ever happen"

- "do you hear someone, [first name]? no? well, they must not be important then"

- people mostly dont bother him so he has nothing to worry about

- he'll only use violence as last resort tbh

Alcacer Boa

- there's a whole reason why he went to snake pit dawg lol

- he might be all 🥺🥺🌈🌈🌈✨✨ but then he gets 👿👿😡🤬😡🤬 if hes provoked long enough

- although resorting to violence as last resort, he probably doesn't get that someone's flirting with you at first lolll he's mostly been in snake pit for such a long time he's probably touch starved and socially deprived in the romance area

- he once saw you wearing someone else's hoodie and literally wanted to tear it off of you bc he's a LIL territorial (damn tf did snake pit do)

- "[first name], who's hoodie is that?"

"uhhhh,,,,,a friend of mine. why"

"take it off."

Carlisle Sisco

- this guy^^^ this guy right here??? he WILL punch a mf that tries to make a move on you while he's there

- my man sisco will literally do anything to protect his s/o from other boys. not because he's insecure, but because you're most likely smaller than him (OKAY HES TALL AS HELL SHUT UP) and feels as if he needs to protect you

- if its something that happens too often while you're both out, then he'll place an arm around your shoulders whenever you do go out. its one of the rare occurrences of him showing affection

- hell, he'll even snarl and growl at any person giving you flirtatious looks

- if provoked; his punches hurt i bet. mans uses his hands for launching really strong beys do u rlly think he'll throw a weak ass punch

Sumie Fubuki

- mans been technically raised by shu so if shu's mature, then so will he :0

- although, i feel like he'd be a little more conformational about it. like,,,if its a clueless boy not knowing if you're both dating he's like: "sorry, but can you back off? she's mine" and if they understand, he's a happi boy

- if not then he gets a little more aggressive: "listen. im going to say this once, bother her again and you won't see the light of day tomorrow" and he's all like grrrr

- lowkey not the jealous kind. if shu builds his relationships off of trust, then so will he. 

- he trusts you completely unless he's feeling extra insecure that day

- please shower him with love 🥺🥺

Akaba Aiga

- this dude's absolutely feral. he will bark and yap at any competition even tho ur heart belongs to him

- if he even sees a OUNCE of affection toward you from some other person, he'll step in, bark, wrap his arms around you and growl.

- wait omg is he like a pomeranian who thinks that they're intimidating when in reality they're really soft and adorable?!?! omg maybe that's actually really cute


- he's also the physical embodiment of:

boy: hey



y/n: it dont bite

boy: YES IT DO I-

- he does it because he loves you

Goshuin Suou

- lowkey i feel like it differs depending on who he's taking. his normal side is pretty calm, not the jealous type at all. but if it were to come to it, i think he'd be mature. like telling the other person off politely or just taking you away sneakily if its to the point they're bothering you

- oh fuck if its his darker side, the other person is a goner. he's much more aggressive and much more demanding. he wont get physical (honestly, i dont see him as the physical person in general) but his comments will cut deep

- like,,,i'd cry if he says shit about me

- honestly, it's better to not get him jealous because he's a little more protective if it happens too much

- a little too suffocating but after a few words of security, i think he can be pretty easy to handle when jealous

Koryu Dram

- he's REALLY dense,,,,like it can be compared to valt's denseness.

- although he's a BIT bothered if the other guy wont stop talking to you. he's gonna b like:

"hey, pls pay attention to me :(" while tugging on your shoulder as you talk to this other guy

- give him a little time to get a hang of this relationship and MAYBE he'll start to get a lil jealous idk bro

- actually, i wouldn't be surprised if he somehow made friends with the other guy

- anyway, long story short, dram's a bit too dense to realize he's jealous.

Akane Delta

- doesnt know how to feel whenever someone even flirts with you

- he's like ???? at first cause he's REALLY new to this relationship thing

- but sooner or later, he starts getting defensive and doesnt know what to do with these emotions so he just kinda lets them out

- his roasts really do burn ✌️😔

- I think he's really defensive to the point he stands in between both you and the other kid while he just kinda growls at them for a while but never physically hurts them idk

- I think he gets a lil insecure so make sure to comfort him afterward yknow

Ronny Gwyn

- deadass like 😶 at first he does NOT know what to do. he's been so socially deprived he legit doesn't know how to respond when someone's flirting with you

- but like, as soon as he's comfortable with you, he just kinda glares at the person for a very long, uncomfortable amount of time

- he knows he's not physically able to defend you. so remember how he's literally able to talk down the leader of HELL (is that the name???) or somethin yea lol that's him

- for the most part, he just scoots closer to you for more comfort

- "u good, gwyn?"

- "yea there's just an unimportant variable to our equation staring at you rn"

- "tf do u mean"





i wish i could go back and fucking SMACK myself from ever writing that book its honestly really disgusting

why did i think it was a good idea

also yeah, lol, i removed phi and hearts,,,,,,they're kinda hard lmaooooo so i removed them

why do i always do this im so sorry guys lmflkadgnjkfdg

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