Brothers Best Friend (H.S)

By harry1d_af

2.1M 28.1K 47.1K

Book 1 in the Brother's Best Friend Series. Through drama, arguments, love and lust can you still fall for y... More

Chapter One- Always Full of Sunshine
Chapter Two- Miss West and Mr Styles
Chapter Three- Peach
Chapter Four- Not Turning Down The Hook Up
Chapter Five- Doesnt Explain Why Your Half Dressed
Chapter Six- And then There Was Two
Chapter Seven- The City
Chapter Eight- You'll Probably Get An Invite
Chapter Nine- That Would be Funny Right Harry?
Chapter Ten- A Date
Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door
Chapter Tweleve- If You Over Step The Line
Chapter Thirteen- Spare Room
Chapter Fourteen- Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen- Not Interested
Chapter Sixteen- What Were You Gonna Say?
Chapter Seventeen- Oh You Like Her?
Chapter Eighteen- Bonding
Chapter Nineteen- Well You Already Fucked That
Chapter Twenty- Baby Steps
Chapter Twenty Two- I've got Cups
Chapter Twenty Three- I Need Some Air
Chapter Twenty Four- Dare
Chapter Twenty Five- Goodnight
Chapter Twenty Six- Harry Invited Her
Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek
Chapter Twenty Eight- A Word Now?
Chapter Twenty Nine- 8 Planets
Chapter Thirty- Ever Heard Of a Cab?
Chapter Thirty One- You Say It Like It's A Bad Thing
Chapter Thirty Two- You Can Do Better Than That
Chapter Thirty Three- Rumour Has It
Chapter Thirty Four- Barbecue
Chapter Thirty Five- Unexpected
Chapter Thirty Six- Rough Love
Chapter Thirty Seven- Packers Are Shit
Chapter Thirty Eight- Soft Spots
Chapter Thirty Nine- Just
Chapter Forty- Baby
Chapter Forty One- Strawbs
Chapter Forty Two- Breakfast, Books and Pages
Chapter Forty Three- The First Tear Fell
Chapter Forty Four- Decisions
Chapter Forty Five- New Things
Chapter Forty Six- Surrender
Chapter Forty Seven- Apuesto a que te encantarĂ­a
Chapter Forty Eight- Did You Forget My Bestfriend?
Chapter Forty Nine- I Told You So
Chapter Fifty- Trust
Chapter Fifty One- No Time Like The Present
Chapter Fifty Two- Visitation
Chapter Fifty Three- Family Are Lethal
Chapter Fifty Four- Four Days
Chapter Fifty Five- Maybe I Learned From The Best
Chapter Fifty Six- Stepping Up
Chapter Fifty Seven- Next Door
Chapter Fifty Eight- Endless Questions
Chapter Fifty Nine- Silent Tear
Main Cast List- Final
Chapter Sixty- Perfect
Chapter Sixty One- Haven't You Done Enough?
Chapter Sixty Two- Harry's Girl
Chapter Sixty Three- Zac
Chapter Sixty Four- Symbolism
Chapter Sixty Five- Ring
Chapter Sixty Six- Just Pretend
Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters
Chapter Sixty Eight- Lingerie
Chapter Sixty Nine- Swings and Roundabouts
Chapter Seventy- Famous Last Words
Chapter Seventy One- 102
Chapter Seventy Two- Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter Seventy Three- The Letter
Chapter Seventy Four- Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks
Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY
Chapter Seventy Six- Family Dinner
Chapter Seventy Seven- Ruining The Moment
Chapter Seventy Eight- Tell Him
Chapter Seventy Nine- Feels
Chapter Eighty- Paper's
Chapter Eighty One- 2935 Miles
Question Time!
Q&A 2
Chapter Eighty Two- Nothing Left To Give But Tears
Chapter Eighty Three- The Guy I Hated To Love
Chapter Eighty Four- Method Behind The Madness
Chapter Eighty Five- Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole
Chapter Eighty Six- For The First Time
Chapter Eighty Seven- Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighty Eight- Caught
Chapter Eighty Nine- Our Song
Chapter Ninety- Scattered Dreams
Chapter Ninety One- Don't
Chapter Ninety Two- Friday
Chapter Ninety Three- Birthday
Chapter Ninety Four- Heartbreakingly Breathtaking
Chapter Ninety Four (Part 2)- Bottom Lip
Chapter Ninety Five- Ghost
Book 2

Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me

23.7K 354 474
By harry1d_af

Chapter 21

Amy's POV

1 week later

"Jade Hurry up we are going to be late!" I shout up the stairs at her for the second time already this morning. We had early classes this morning that we both could not be bothered with.

"One second!" She shouts back making me sigh. In the past week that I decided to take off college I had changed a lot in my life. I told jade everything about the drugs and Harry standing me up after getting drunk on the girls nice we had. She was a massive help to me and understood everything I was telling her. She said that if I wanted I could start seeing a therapist for the drug rehabilitation. I mean I thought it was a bit much at first because I didn't think I was that bad but Jade said just to make sure I don't do it again I should see a therapist so I did. I see the therapist, Mark, twice a week and have gotten rid of the all the drugs I had left over from the last time I bought them.

To say I felt better was an understatement. I have had 4 session this week because it was my first week joining the facility but usually I will have two or more if i decide I want more. Mark was a good guy and wasn't who I thought he was going to be like for a therapist.

As for Jade she has been amazing and even came to sessions with me. We haven't told anyone about the sessions or anything and decided that it's best not to make a deal out of it. I couldn't ask of any more for her but we have spent loads of time together recently and it's really helping get my mind off the drugs and other shit in my life.

"Ready?" She says as she appears in front of me all the sudden. I was too lost in my own thoughts waiting for her I didn't even realise she came down the stairs.

"Lets go" I open the door and head out down the street to college. We make it there with time to spare, hardly, but both go out separate ways to our first classes of the day. I head to my first class and get there a tad late cause I was talking to Louis and Niall in the hall about Niall's date with Eva.

"Ah Amy late... at least you actually bothered to turn up today, take a seat" My health and religion class professor Mrs Edwards says giving me a dirty look.

"Better late than never I guess" I smile sarcastically back and a few people snigger but she doesn't find the humour in it. As I look around the class to find a seat I spot Klaus, Michael, Kylie, Payton and Liam at the back of the class, oh how I love being in class with my brother. Klaus gives me a smile but his friends don't seem to acknowledge me. I decide to sit on the opposite end of the room where the only seats are left at. As I start putting my stuff down and Mrs Edwards goes on about the religious leaders of the world and there roles they have to play the door opens again catching my attention and everyone else's.

"Eyyyy!!!" I hear Klaus and his friends cheering as a certain someone walks through the door with a smirk on his face.

"Mr Styles what time do you call this?" Mrs Edwards folds arms over her chest and lowers her glasses to look at him, well glare at him. Great. For some reason I really wanted Harry not to be in the class today and be ill or something but no.

"At least I showed up" he mumbles as the door shuts behind him.

"Sit down and get ready to take notes I will be testing you all at the end" Mrs Edwards scolds and everyone groans before she carried on babbling on. I sigh and looked back down at my notes avoiding all contact with him not really knowing what to say or do if he did want to talk to me. A few seconds later the chair next to me scraps the floor as he pulls it out and sits down. I look around the room and mentally curse myself for turning up late and having no choice where to sit. He had to sit next to me because the were no other seats, this isn't awkward at all. I notice how he doesn't bring a bag with him, no books, no pens and no notes. How does he even get into these classes? I sigh and decide to focus on the topic at hand and take notes vigorously to avoid all thoughts, conversations or contact with him. It worked the whole time.

"Class dismissed" Mrs Edwards finally says.
"Don't forget the test on Friday, you fail and your off the course, good luck!" She shouts over the mumbling students and other background noise. I quickly gather up my notes and books and shove them in my bag before standing up and tucking my chair in under the desk. I don't know why I'm so nervous around him right now but I just don't know how to act after last week. He stood me up and was acting weird and then hasn't spoken to me since so what am I suppose to do? I quickly push through people in the hallway to get away from that class and I eventually reach my locker and I feel relived. I open up my locker and start switching my books round for my next class before I hear someone clear there throat behind me getting me to turn around and see a smug looking Harry looking down at me.

"Can I help you?" I say as I turn back away from him to get my books out.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks and I roll my eyes before slamming my locker.

"Nope" I say as I turn to face him. He seems confused as he stands there for a second opening his mouth but nothing comes out.
"I have to get to class" I say as I try move past him, however he steps in front of me blocking my path. Unfortunately he towers over me making me feel completely helpless making me sigh and stand there waiting for him to spit out what he's trying to say.
"Please move" I say quietly not looking anywhere else but the floor.

"Your avoiding me" he states.

"I don't have time for this right now Harry-"

"Your avoiding me, right?" He states again waiting for a reply. I sigh and look up at him as I cling on to my books.

"I'm not" I say quietly. His eyes seem to stare intensely at me seeming like he's trying to work something out but I can't keep the gaze long enough and look down again.

"You ran out of that class a little quick to not be avoiding someone, so who are you avoiding?" He questions me as he folds his arms of his chest as I take a step back from him once I realise how close we are to each other.

"I'm not avoiding anyone" I say as I quickly turn the other way and star speed walking away from him.

"Amy wait a second, please I just want to talk" he says as he somehow is blocking my way again. Fuck. What do I do? I'm obviously upset that Harry blew me off last weekend but I guess what else should I expect from someone like him. Someone who isn't really my friend. Someone like Harry.

"What could you possible have to say to me?" I sigh and decide to get this over with.

"I-I don't know what I did but whatever it is you don't have to avoid me over it" he says shrugging like he doesn't have care for anything.

Is he serious?

He doesn't know what he's done?

"I'm not avoiding you for the last time I'm just-"

"Your late. I know. So am I but-"

"But nothing Harry, I'm trying to get my attendance back up and my grades up right now Harry so I can carry on here next year and complete college and your making it really hard for me to do that right now by standing in my way and questioning me about something that isn't important right now"
I snap catching him off guard.

"Now if you'll please excuse me I'm late" I spit at him bumping into him as I walk past him leaving him speechless in the middle of the now empty hall.


For the rest of the day Harry hadn't shown up to any of his lessons and I honestly wasn't complaining. Jade decided that she was going to have dinner tonight with Klaus in the city and the rest of the girls were at extra curricular activities until 8 and then were meeting for drinks after but I turned them down and decided I would get some studying done with a house all to myself for the evening.

As soon as I got home I made myself a cup of coffee and a bagel and headed upstairs to my room to study. I got a quick shower and put some my lacy red bra and matching panties on because I might as well take advantage of being alone before sitting on my bed and going through my notes. I had my stereo on low volume with some random songs playing in background as I spent the next hour or two reading and taking notes. I go to my bathroom to get a drink of water before walking back into my bedroom humming along to the stereo before noticing someone stood in my room scaring me half to death.

"Oh my god! What the fuck Harry!" I screech dropping my water all over the floor. He stands at the foot of my bed reading over some of the notes I had been taking laughing to himself.

"This is what your spending your night doing?" He laughs gesturing to notepad.

"I'm studying" I say as I begin to clean the water up with a towel.

"Seems like you don't need to, your practice papers get A's" he laughs still reading through my notes and scribbles.

"That was before I started bunking off and failing most of my classes" I state as I finish cleaning up the mess and throw the towel in the laundry basket in the ensuite bathroom.

"Your failing?" He looks over the note book at me in disbelief yet a hint of humour in his tone.

"Yes now please give me those back" I say as I storm over to him trying to reach for the notes he has but it's no use when I'm short and he holds them up above his head and he's over 6ft.

"Nice underwear, red is your colour" he smirks making me cringe making me quickly grab two pillows off the bed to try cover myself with.

I'm only in my underwear. Oh my god how did I forget?

"Get out!" I yell at him before kicking him in the leg still trying to hold onto my pillows.

"I'm not looking, you can put a shirt on or something" he says trying to conceal a smile. I sigh and adjust the pillows a bit.

"Or you could just leave" I glare at him.

"Hmmm let me see... boring-" he flicks through my notes as he climbs on my bed.
"Can't even read what you've wrote"
"No wonder your failing you have got this wrong" he says making me frown.

"What? I couldn't of" I say not knowing what to do with myself. He looks at me for a second as in to say what are you doing but I just stand there waiting for him to tell me how I'm wrong. But he doesn't.
"What did I get wrong?" I ask and he smirks.

"Come here" he says and I debate it in my head for a second. I should of put clothes on. Fuck my life. He raises his eyebrows at me and I sigh dropping the pillows and quickly scurrying onto the bed next to him.

"Don't even bother being a pervert" I scold him and he rolls his eyes sniggering.

"Mrs Edwards made clear that if you don't put down all of the Occult studies in you will fail that whole question, it's worth 25 marks you can't miss one out" he said to me and I frown.

"I know I didn't, I heard what she said" I shake my head looking at the list of studies I had already wrote down trying to don't be problem.

"You missed one, look the A section has 5 you only have 4- Alchemy, Animism, Automatic speaking through spirits and Automatic writing with spirit-guidance what's the last one?" He points out looking down at me as I look the paper. How could I have missed one? What the hell? I was listening so intently! What even is the answer? I'm so going to fail this test.
"Astrology" he answers for me.

"How could I have forgot that?" I mumble.

"Maybe you were distracted?" He says as I look at him catching his eyes quickly flicker from my half naked body to my face and back at the paper. I don't say anything as my cheeks burn a little red knowing that he meant that I was distracting him. I get up from the bed and run into my closet and throw a long t-shirt on before coming back into the room to see him writing on my notes.

"Hey! What are writing on-" I say as I go to grab the pad from his hands.

"I'm correcting your notes, don't worry you don't have to thank me when you get A's" he rolls his eyes as I fall across his chest when he pulls the pad out of my grip again.

"What are you even doing here, you can't just show up to someone's house uninvited and expect that they want you here" I say as I pull myself up off of him and start picking up my stay papers one by one.

"So you are avoiding me" he laughs.

"I'm not avoiding you I just don't understand why you would think I would want you here" I snap back.

"Harsh" he states and frowns.

"Harry I'm serious" I roll my eyes.

"About what? I haven't done anything" he throws his arms up in the air dramatically and I shake my head as he smirks.

"Okay then leave" I say as I place all my notes into one pile except the ones Harry has.

"I'm helping you study" he pouts and I go to grab the notes again but he's to quick.

"No your not, your being annoying"

"You would of lost 28 marks if it wasn't for me" he says more harshly.

"28?" I frown.

"You got two more things wrong both add up to three marks lost" he says and I don't know what to say.
"A thank you would be nice" he says whilst rolling his eyes and i do the same thinking about what else would of been nice, him turning up last week.

"Why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave" I snap getting off the bed and going over to his side.

"What are you doing?" He laughs as I try to pull him off the bed by his arm with great struggle. How does he weigh so much?
"Your not serious?" He sniggers as he knows I can't move him not even an inch no matter how hard I try. I pull one last time and he pulls back making me fall into him nearly as he laughs.

"I'm calling Klaus and telling him your harassing me" I threaten him knowing that will catch his attention.

"No-" I run over to the dressing table but Harry already has the phone in his hand held high above his head. How did he move so quick? I get angry at him now and push him the chest but he doesn't move an inch so I do it again and again and again letting my frustration out.

"Are you done?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What do you want!" I yell at him and hit him he chest again.

"I want to know what I did to make you this angry enough to avoid me!" He says back raising his voice a little as he throws my phone and note pad on the bed.

"I am not angry" I say sternly.

"Then why are you avoiding me? Did I upset you? Uh Did I- Did- I don't know what I did!" He raised his voice again at me and I loose it.

"You seriously don't know?" I laugh.

"No I don't" he signs running his hand through his hair.

"Did you forget the fact that you blew me off last weekend and didn't bother to talk to me for a whole week after? I was sat on my own on my bed waiting for you to turn up for an hour maybe even longer just so I could go to dinner with you and your friends Harry! Did you forget that? Or did you think I wouldn't be upset that you blew me off? Is that what friends do to each other? Huh?" I yell at him and I see his expression drop.


"Did I do something? Did I say something to you that would make you not even want to say goodbye to me when you left the house? Or be distant with me after having a fun day together? Well I thought it was fun anyway I can't speak on your behalf" I scream at him clearly letting all my anger out at him.

"I did have fun" he mutters looking at the ground and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Than what did I do!" I yell at him.

"Nothing!" He screams back at me clearly frustrated.

"Then what happened?"

"Nothing, nothing happened" he mumbles looking anywhere else but me.

"Don't do that, don't lie to me when I know something happened. Was it me? Did I upset you cause if I did then I'm sorry but-"

"You didn't upset me" he cuts me off.

"Then what is it?" I press again.

"I can't do this right now" he mutters as he tried to pass me to head to door but I quickly shut it and stand in front of it with my arms folded.
"Move" he sighs.

"No" I say sternly. I need answers I can't go on like this thinking that I did something wrong or possible something else.

"Don't be difficult" he shakes his head.

"I'm not, you are" I tell him.

"Please just get out of my way" he walks toward me a little more reaching for the handle but push his hand away quickly.
"Amy you know I could easily move you myself" he warns and i shake my head.

"I know that, but-but you won't" I say quietly and he takes a step closer to me before speaking. The air around us just seems to get less and less and I feel like I'm almost panting with him being this close to me.

"Whys that?" He whispers in my ear now I'm practically pinned against the door. His voice sends shivers down my spine and knocks me off guard for a second before I retain my strength.

"Because you want to sort this out just as much as me?" I mutter quietly as his eyes meet mine now our faces are barely inches apart making me nervous. His eyes flicker from my eyes to lips to around my face for a second making me feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you nervous?" He asks putting his hands on either side of my head on the door. Was I nervous? I don't know. Maybe a little. Okay maybe a lot but I wasn't going to admit that to him.

"I'm not" I whisper barely convincing myself never mind Harry.

"You sure?"

"Should I be nervous?" I gulp looking back up at him as he looks at my lips then my eyes again. I feel like there's nothing that could pull me out of this trance I have looking into his eyes. Nothing. I feel my breathing pick up when he edges closer to me a little more, tilting my chin up with his index finger as he keeps his eyes on my lips that are apart slightly like his. As he hovers over them our noses touching slightly as our lips brush each other's but nothing seems to happen as my eyes close waiting to see if he's going to kiss me. I don't even know if I want to kiss him but all I know is that I can't move I feel like I'm in a trance and I don't want to get out of it. He pauses for a second before he looks away from me.

"No I-" he moves away from me shaking his head and scratching the back of his neck again which I realised he does when he's nervous or uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry" he say as he turns to face me now he's half way across the room as I let go of a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding in before walking away from the door a little.

I don't know what in the world just happened.

"I need to leave, I'm sorry I shouldn't of came here" he says all to quickly before walking past me and straight out my door before slamming it behind me all to quick for me to process anything as I just stand there in shock.

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