Fantasy ~ A Klaus Goldstein S...

By _omphalos_

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Aurelia Lancroft has been an official student of Gedonelune for all of 6 months now, and Winter has finally r... More

Author's Note: Change


428 13 7
By _omphalos_

After I don't know how long, I found myself waking up in a strange place yet again.

This time, my body jolted upright as soon as my thoughts became active. Finding I was no longer in the meadow, I looked around quickly to get my bearings.

This time, I seemed to be in a room. An elegant one, at that. Red curtains and silks adorned the windows and a crimson canopy draped over me and the bed I was currently laying on.

All too cautious, I stood up from the bed and immediately made my way toward the door only to stop in my tracks when I realized I wasn't in my pajamas anymore.

A vivid blue silk dress cupped my bodice and fell down my legs, scraping the floor where I walked and leaving behind a bright shimmer.

I detected the faint remnants of magic on my new clothes and frustratedly ran a hand through my hair.

Spent both mentally and physically, I opened the bedroom door and swiftly left it's crimson glory behind me and made off to reunite with Klaus.

"Your Grace, where are you going?"

And there was that voice again.

"Theo? Is that you?"

As expected, Theo flittered around my head and into my line of vision. Briefly I entertained the idea of swatting him like a fly.

"My Lady, you mustn't leave your room! His Highness is not ready for you!"

"At this moment in time, Theo, I quite frankly don't care." I sighed, waving him aside and continuing forward with little to no idea of where I was intent on going.

This time a new voice, a feminine voice called out to me, "My Lady, please wait!"

Against my own better judgement, and mainly out of curiosity, I hesitated a moment before turning back to the voice.

A sweet little fairy, adorned in a pink maids dress and white apron, zoomed toward me and stopped just before my eyes.

"How do you do, Your Grace? My name is Nora and I am ever pleased to meet you." She said sweetly in a high pitched voice, dipping elegantly into a curtesy.

Instinctually, I returned the gesture. Then, my temper still quite short, I stood and addressed them both.

"Enough of this keeping me in the dark. What's with all this 'My Lady' and 'Your Grace' stuff? I'm nothing special; perhaps you have the wrong person." I said, hoping and hoping it was the truth, though the past few weeks gave me reason to believe otherwise.

"Oh no, My Lady!" Theo interjected quickly, my point completely flying over his head. "You are more than special!"

Before I could speak up with a witty retort, Theo turned to Nora and said, "You came to get Her Highness just now, didn't you?"

Nora nodded, rapt.

Theo looked at me with bright eyes then.

"Right this way, My Lady. The King and Queen await you."


Dragged against my will down a series of what appeared to be gigantic castle hallways, we suddenly emerged into what appeared to be a grand throne room. And a bustling one at that.

Fairies of all kinds fluttered and zoomed around the room, and loud chatter and buzzing filled the walls from floor to glass domed ceiling.

And there, at the very end of the marvelous hall, sat what appeared to be two regular humans, like me. But from the wings on their backs and the crowns on their heads, I couldn't mistake them as anything other than monarchs. Much more similar in size to me rather than their subjects.

It was when these two monarchs laid eyes on me that they stood from their thrones and the room automatically silenced.

Theo and Nora bowed their heads to me then, and suddenly my blood began to rush when I realized the whole throne room was bowing to me.

My heart accelerated rapidly when the King and Queen began moving closer towards me, and the distance between us felt like it took eons of waiting to be closed.

My eyes locked on them as they approached and my breathing became shallow.

The King, his shoulders broad and his height well a foot over mine, wore a proud smile and raven black hair over his green eyes. Those eyes now bore into me and somehow seemed familiar unlike the foreign appearance of his royal clothes and cloaks.

His Queen, fair skinned and appropriately polished, stood tall beside her husband. Her hair was brown as oak wood, and the pink irises of her eyes reminded me of my own. I felt a twinge of familiarity with her as well, and my stomach began to knot inside me.

Then suddenly, before I could realize it, they stood a foot in front of me with soft eyes and warm expressions.

"Aurelia." said the King then, reaching for my hand and placing it warmly between his.

My voice almost failed on me as I choked, "How do you know my name?"

To my surprise, the whole room seemed to fall in energy. I heard gasps and sighs throughout.

King looked at Queen, their eyes met. Then somehow my heart twitched painfully when their faces fell.

"Darling, it's been years. And she was very young. The magic may take time to wear off." said the Queen to her husband, caressing her husband's sad face.

I still didn't understand. Where did I know these people? And why did it feel like my heart was breaking? What magic was she talking about? God, I was so lost.

Theo bowed his head to his King and spoke respectfully, "I can return her to her room to rest for now, King Raoul, if you so wish it."


I gasped, and once again the whole room reacted with me.

I looked at the King, and suddenly somehow I knew. Memories, hordes of memories, came rushing through my brain to the point I couldn't stand any longer.

My knees buckled beneath me as images flashed across my mind, snip bits of voices, flecks of faces and words. I sucked in a breath just as I felt warm hands on my shoulders.

When my eyes finally opened, I looked at the Queen.

"Diane," I choked.

She gave me a smile, hinting faintly at sadness, and dropped to her knees beside me. The King followed suit, and suddenly I was wrapped in their arms and warmth.

My Mother and Father.

Tears sprung to my eyes then, and I looked up at them with a smile I hadn't known I'd made.

"I thought you were dead." I breathed, seemingly unable to come up with anything better to say.

"We know, darling, and we're so sorry." The Queen— Mama— said.

"We'll have to explain later, but please understand it was for your protection." Papa said, stroking my hair.

I was lost in my own emotions as the two began to converse. Briefly, I caught small bits of what they were saying.

"Already, dear? But she just got here!"

"I'm afraid so, Diane. She must go for now. The boy has to tell her— we cannot."

My head shot up.

"Klaus? You mean Klaus? Is he here??" I asked quickly, a bit too excitedly.

Sure it was a bit too hopeful to assume they were speaking about Klaus, but I found myself missing him now more than ever. I wanted to see him, I needed to be with him.

"Not here, darling. But you'll be with him soon." Said Papa, confusing me as they both placed warm kissed on my head.

"We'll see you soon, dear." Mama said then, holding onto me tightly even as I began to felt myself.. fading.

My consciousness was slowly fading, and I gripped my parents arms and tight as possible to hold myself back when my vision went dark again and I was swept away.

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