RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert

By NehpetsSanders

141K 1.3K 860

In this story RWBY Chibi Episodes will be featured along with you, dear reader, of course.... And I noticed t... More

RWBY Chibi: Male!Reader Insert {Ep. 1}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 2} XTRA!!!
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 3}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 4}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {5}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep.6}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 7}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 8}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 9}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 10}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 11}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 12}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 14}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 15}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 16}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 17}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 18}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 19}
RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 20}

RWBY Chibi: Male Reader Insert - {Ep. 13}

4.5K 47 42
By NehpetsSanders

  "Spin the Bottle"

Tealle: Is there anything else to play with?!?!

Claire: I don't think so, Tealle.

Ren: Well, we pretty much did every single board game there is.

He says this as he points his thumb at the back. True to his words, piles of board games were stacked inside Team RWBY's Dorm. You and others were cordially invited by Team RWBY to play games with them, and you've been at it since early in the morning till afternoon. Needless to say, you had no idea if you could survive another game with the lot.

Sky: Remnant: The Game?

Blake: You and Yang dominated all of us 9 times.

You: Chess?

Jaune: Tealle, Weiss, and Sky are pretty much the defending champions for 6 in a row....

Sky: Scrabble?

Weiss: Hate to say it but, (Y/N)'s clearly a master wordsmith, winning the game for 8 rounds.

Neptune: Checkers?

You: Ruby won the most, for a total 14 victories in 25 games.....

Neptune: Even the foreign ones?!

You/Sky: Yep...

Neptune: Now that's just mental..... Actually, where are Yang And Ruby?

Tealle: Oh, they went off to the cafeteria to get some snacks....

Nora: Cluedo?

Blake: Neptune pretty much won the most in it...

I'm a junior detective after all!

He says this as he shoves his fancy shiny badge to us.

You: Okay, okay... Now will you get that out of my face?!

You said as you slapped the badge out of your face, and pushed him back to where he was sitting.

Is there anything else to play with? If there aren't, I'm going back to our dorm and rest...

Nora: Oh, I know!

She suddenly exclaims this as she dashes out of the room, leaving us confused for a minute, before she finally come back after, holding a green empty bottle in her hand. Claire looks amused at this one, while Tealle squeals in excitement. Sky shuffles uncomfortably in his seat. While you just paid no mind to it... Although, you hoped to not get involved in the big picture.

Let's play spin the bottle!

You all began sitting in a circle on the floor. Nora is walking toward everybody, smiling, and holding a bottle in her right hand.

Weiss: This is so childish.

Nora: Hush...

Nora then put an empty glass bottle and sits on the floor with the rest. The circle goes in counter clockwise by the closest to the door: Nora, you, Blake, Pyrrha, Weiss, Ren, Tealle, Claire, and Jaune. To say the least you were a bit nervous yourself. You then start spinning the bottle. It was spinning pretty good too. It starting to slow down until the bottle pointed at Blake and she gasps in delight. Blake then turns towards you with a seductive look.

Blake: You, me, on the closet. Now.

You: Closet? But it's so cra--

Claire: Oh, put a cond---

Tealle: Claire! Behave!

Claire: What? I'm just saying....

You: But---

Before you even got the chance to retort, Blake suddenly grabs you by the scruff your coat and starts dragging you away from the room, while you flail your arms around in hope of stopping yourself from being dragged.

You: Blake-y, No!

Blake: Blake-y, Yes! Wait, what?! Oh you're gonna need some serious punishing after this. Purr~

With that, Blake slammed the door shut, leaving the group perplexed as they blinked in exasperation.

Tealle: Did Blake just purred?!

Weiss: Only for (Y/n), anyway....

Then, it was Jaune's turn. He got excited and starts spinning the bottle. After a while it started slowing down on Pyrrha, which got her exhilarated. But it kept on going, leaving her in disappointment. The bottle pointed at Weiss, making her shocked & Jaune happy....but the bottle keeps going, leaving Weiss relieved. The bottle then stopped & pointed decidedly at Ren, who is staring at the bottle and blinks with no emotions at all, at which Jaune loses his smile.

Jaune: Huh?

Jaune turns to look at Ren. Everyone but Ren blinks a couple times before all remaining heads turn toward him slowly. Ren slowly lifts his gaze from the bottle and turns toward Jaune. Sky chuckles as he covers his mouth up a bit with his fist before he takes out a breath freshener and tosses it to Ren, who catches it flawlessly and sprays it into his mouth. Claire drapes her hands over Tealle's eye, who begins whining, as she drags her out of the room.

"Blake vs Zwei Pt 3"

You: Blake I already told you, I made sure Tealle would walk out Zwei for a bit. Now will you please just calm down...?

You were walking alongside with Blake through the hallways as she held your arm quite tightly in both tense and slight fear. You clearly understood the situation considering after what happened in their dorm.


You were on your back to class in the afternoon with Tealle, that is until you both heard a familiar loud scream inside Team RWBY's dorm. Realizing it was Blake's voice, you and Tealle instantly bolted in the room to find your beloved Cat Faunus of a girlfriend stuck in the ceiling with the help of her claws with Zwei barking up at her along with small jumps.

You: Zwei! No! Bad dog! Heel! Get away from my girlfriend you, mangy, although cute, mutt!

Tealle: Seriously? You still have the knack to call the dog that's endangering your girlfriend Cute?

You: Well then remove the cute! Just help me get Blake down up there!

------End of Flashback------

Although it took you and Tealle for one full hour to get Blake to calm down and eventually get down from the ceiling, but that also made you skip classes, which was no big deal, although you hoped you won't get a good scolding from Professor Goodwitch, so you just planned to have a short talk with the student she's usually mysteriously close at for some reason. You ordered Tealle to get Zwei out for walk, much to her disagreement, but you promised to give her salmon if she does it. And as you would've expected she took it and went off with Zwei. As you both made your way towards the dorm....

You: Just trust me, Blake. Everything's going to be fine... Alright? Just.... calm, down.

You both stopped as you finally arrived at the door of your dorm room. Blake took in a deep breath before she nodded at you.

Blake: O..Okay....

You: Great!

But your upbeat demeanor suddenly shutters when Blake tensely enters your dorm room, opening the door with a bang. She starts looking right, then to the left. She suddenly gasps and looks up. In her mind, she pictures Zwei jumping out of a barrel at her and biting her arm. You literally had a sweatdrop as you sighed, while you made your way beside her and popping her thought balloon, which she reacts by closing her eyes and shakes the thought away with a groan.

You: Look, there's no way that would happen.

Blake: But it could!

You: I mean, do you see even a barrel around he--?

You halted your words mid sentence to see a metallic barrel full of scrap metal and electronics beside Sky's bed, prompting Blake to grab the nearest thing she could to prepare herself for the "encounter", which was unfortunately the floral vase that was sent to you by your stepmother. You instantly panicked as you stopped Blake whatever she was about to do with the vase.

No! No! No! Not the vase! Not my stepmom's precious vase!

You quickly grabbed the vase out of her hands as you replaced it with a hastily made a bat out of ice. You sighed in relief as you clutched the vase in your arms and gently placed in on top of a shelf near the desk. She crawls on the floor, checking under Sky's bed, the ice bat still in her hand. She stands back up and checks your bed, while you just let her do her business, casually leaning on the desk beside you.

At one of the desks, she checks inside the lamp. The lights hurt her eyes and she rears back, waiting for them to readjust. She opens a book upside down and checks the pages. Nothing. Blake sighs with relief before walking away with the book, and jumps down on your
fluffy bed.

Blake: You wouldn't mind me if I would sleep in your bed, would you?

You: Not at all. I'll just do some short study before heading off to next class.

Blake nods understandably, happily fluffing your pillow. She then rests her head on it and smiles happily, letting out a small hmm of satisfaction. That is until, she hears a small whimpers coming out of it, along with a small bark. Confused by the sudden sound, you turned to see Blake whose eyes were swirly out of pure shock, while Zwei was the one that acted as the "pillow"

You: Blake! Seriously, Tealle. You can't get this simple task done correctly....

You quickly rose up from your seat only to stub your toe into one of the desk's leg.

You: Aargh!!! Toothpicked, stinking blue cheese!

Suddenly, Tealle's head pops inside the doorway as she opens up the door with a hard wham, her eyes literally on sparkles.

Tealle: Did somebody say blue cheese?!?!

You: Tealle! What're you-- No! The vase!

Tealle: Huh?

Tealle stares you at shes sees you desperately catch the vase that was toppling off of the shelf, threatening to fall. With a last tumble, it safely stands still, much to your relief, while laying your head down the desk.

You: Sliced, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...

As soon as those words left your lips, another door slam was heard, with Tealle witnessing Claire enter as she kicks down the door.

Claire: Did somebody say peanut butter and---

You: Wait! No!

Claire: Huh?

Claire was confused at your sudden exclamation, only to hear a loud breaking of glass against the floor. Tealle sees you with your arms outstretched, as if you were about to catch something, which was unfortunately already broken down on the ground. Claire and Tealle cringed at the sight. While your eyes just twitched in annoyance. Until....

You: Nooooo!!!!

.... then repeatedly slamming your head down on the desk with every word that came out of your mouth.

You: Why! Do! You! Guys! Hate me!!!! That's the third this month!

Claire: Ehehehe... Whoops?

But her snide remark earns herself a good smack in the head by her partner.

"Nora Workout"

You: This is the place, right? or was it?

You and the rest of your team were standing in the courtyard obviously waiting for something. Claire was in her red-violet tank top, along with a head band, a pair of sneakers and tight joggers that outlined her perfect and thighs and legs well. Tealle and Sky were in their respective tracksuits. Sky was in a grayish blue tracksuit, and white running shoes, while Tealle was in a teal colored one, with dark cyan running shoes and cap, her tiger ears popping out of the cap. You were in your (F/C) sleeveless hoodie, with matching running shoes and jogging pants.

Claire: I don't get! Yang said it should be here!

And when and where exactly was Yang when you talked to her?

At this, Claire suddenly fidgets in her standing position, biting her lip in hesitation, before finally giving in.

Claire: Yesterday. At the... infirmary...?

You all groaned in exasperation as she cringes then grinned in sheepishness.

You know what? I'm going back inside.....

You were about to head back when someone suddenly grabs you by the scruff of your neck and yanks you back with enormous strength, enough to send you flying into the air. Reacting to you instincts, you flipped back and landed with a crouch.

???: Good reflexes, (Y/N)! We'll need that on our workout!

You: Huh?

You turned your head to see Nora in her pink workout clothes and sweatbands.

You: Figures with the suddenly display of strength a while ago.

You muttered to yourself as you stood upright and joined up with you other teammates.

Sky: Is this the reason why Jaune and the others were sent to the school infirmary?

Claire: I think so... At least it's what Yang said so.

Sky: Typical....

Claire: Hey! How would you know then since we were out for a mission yesterday?!

Sky: I was just commenting to myself. No need to be gullible about it, Claire.

Sky said as he crossed his arms, while Claire just turned away in huff, annoyance clearly present in her voice.

Tealle: Guys! Knock it off! Let's just get to the bottom of this, and be quick with it. I mean, what harm would a little work out do to us?

You: Nothing really! (Mutter) Unless it's Nora, we're talking about here.....

Nora: So, who's ready to earn their thunder thighs?1

: Wait a minute... I thought that "thunder thighs" was a derogatory term...

Nora suddenly squats and then stomps her left leg, causing a crackle of thunder, causing you, Sky, Tealle, and Claire all jump and go wide-eyed.

Nora: You tell me!

Tealle: Uh...


365, 366, 367. Ahh!...

Nora's workout started with a push-up with Sky. Nora suddenly went on rapidly.... and Sky was pretty much catching up to her with ease, in fact he was even quicker.

I can do this all day!

Next up was sit ups with Tealle, who is pretty much having some slight trouble with it, but she was still able to catch up with Nora.

Nora: Good bye jelly belly, hello six pack! Come one, Tealle-y! Faster!

Tealle: *Pants*.... I can't... feel.... my stomach.....

Nora: No worries, that happens all the time!.... I think.

Tealle: Ya think?!?!

it was all she said before she finally reached her limit and collapses. Nora finally stops and gives Tealle a thumbs up!

Nora: Good work, Tealle! You beat Ruby's best with 68 sit ups, with your 159. Not bad!

Tealle managed to lift a thumbs up before she goes into subconscious. Next, Nora is doing jumping Jacks with Claire, who hasn't even broken a sweat while being circled around by Nora.

Nora: Not bad! Keep it up, Creampuff!

Claire: Hey! I'm no softy, alright?!

After a while, you were doing your own punch-in-place when Sky and others decided to join in. Claire was starting pretty well since she's used to it, Tealle was the exact opposite, struggling to keep up with you all, while Sky's arms and fists were moving so fast they were a blur, while you just made it plain and simple, so you won't exactly strain yourself.

You: Oi! You guys don't need to go overboard, you're just gonna tires yourselves even more.

Unfortunately, non of them listened as they were too focused in their workout, making you just sigh.

------ Another Timeskip-----

Tealle, Claire, and Sky were all in a pile, completely spent, while you were standing just a couple of centimeters away from your teammates, a towel wrapped around your shoulder, and a bottled water in your hand.

Tealle: Please.. no more sit-ups....

Claire: Can't.... feel my legs.... No more tracks, no more laps.. no more workouts please....

Tired of punching..... My arms... I can't fell my arms...

You just shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose as you watched your teammates in irk.

You: I warned you guys not to overwork yourselves too much. Now look what happened. Hope you guys learned a lesson from that one. So... dibs to the infirmary?

STC: I'm in/We're in......

Nora: Did I say you could stop?!

You: Cheese it! If you guys could....

In the end nobody moved and just laid completely still on the ground. You planted your face on the grassy ground because of this...

Bonus Skit for Spin the Bottle. Surprise!!!

After a while, you and Blake went back to their dorm room, hand in hand with disheveled appearance, to see Jaune hunched over a trash bin, retching for some reasons, while Claire and Nora were giggling uncontrollably. Weiss on the other hand, was feigning a fake smile, trying to forget what just happened, which you and Blake had no idea.

You: Right.. Let's uh... Let's not play that game....

Sky: Hey at least it was girl you get to kiss and not some... guy.

For some reason as he said this, Sky kept stealing quick glances over Ren, prompting you to tilt your head in confusion.


All but Nora and Ren: NO!!!!!!!!

Nora: Okay, okay! Sheesh.... Talk about volume..

You: Says the girl, who is the loudest person here?

Nora: Shut it, (Y/N).  

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