Linstead: Undercover Mission

By chicagopdbabes

96.5K 1.3K 232

Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... More

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
Thankful For The Family We Have
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
In The End, You'll Always Be Here
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
The Year's Shadow
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
Today Was Long Overdue
The Presents Life Gives You
Living A Two Sided Life
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

It's The Beginning

3.5K 39 4
By chicagopdbabes

Rated M chapter.

"That was a great night." Erin murmured into Jay's shoulder her head was currently laying on.

"It was, wasn't it?" Jay kissed her head, inhaling her scent. "So" Jay continued, choosing his words carefully. "Did you want to play scrabble tonight, or, what?"

Erin looked up into Jay's eyes, her own eyes filled with a hint of playfulness. "I actually packed a game." She grinned as they opened the hotel door and she made her way over to her suitcase.

"And what is that, Lindsay?" Jay teased, walking over to change into basketball shorts and a shirt.

"Back with my maiden name, Halstead." She smirked, peeling her shoes off and kicking them to the side. "But the game is Cards Against Humanity." She paused, pulling the box out. "And even though there is only two of us, I'm sure we can manage to have fun." Erin slowly stripped her clothes off her body until she was only in a bra and underwear.

Jay's mouth watered at the sight of his partner is a simple satin red bra and matching underwear. "Yeah, I'm sure we can." He moved closer to her, his mouth inches from hers. "What do I get if I win?"

She smiled to herself, pretending to think. "Maybe you can drive, perhaps?" Erin walked over to the table, to set up the cards.

"Deal." Jay's mouth could only think about her. Or him inside her. He knew already had a stable emotional connection, and a connection that words couldn't describe. He loves her. He would do anything for her. He'd take a bullet for her.

"No. Erin, you know that my card is better." Jay huffed. Two hours of Cards Against Humanity was not going in his favor. "You think that handcuffs have a bigger effect than a vibrator? You're crazy."

"I'm just saying Jay, it's more effective And it was better than putting some stupid ass card about monkeys." Erin stacked her winning cards proudly, setting them next to her.

"Come on Erin. Have you ever used a vibrator or handcuffs? Has Severide ever even been adventurous with you?" Jay folded his hands in front of him, looking her up and down in her t-shirt she eventually put on.

Erin gasped at his statement, her hand covering her mouth. "Jay!" She screeched, "How dare you? Ask me that? I never question your sex life with, what's her name, Allie?!" Erin started putting the cards back into the box, beginning to walk into the bedroom, Jay groaning and chasing after her.

"Erin" Jay yanked her arms bringing the game box to the floor. He lowered his head down to hers before speaking. "Er, baby. I didn't mean to offend you! I was just joking, okay? And I'm not with Allie! I can't think about any other woman than you and never will! I don't care about you sex life or anything. In my opinion, Severide isn't even good for you! He's not. He doesn't understand what you do or how to handle your emotions. Er, please believe me."

Erin's face only hardened more. "What do you mean Jay?! There hasn't been a Severide and I for months. We broke up in January, six months ago! And no, if you must know, I've never used a vibrator or handcuffs, or anything. Okay? There are you happy? I never have been adventurous, that's not Severide's scene." Erin pulls away, turning around and starts to walk to the kitchen.

"Erin!" Jay repeats, running after her and once more grabbing her arms, holding them captured. "Erin, please listen to me."

"Jay! Let go of me! Now! I don't want to be" Jay silenced her complains with a hard kiss, devouring her mouth.

Erin's body soon relaxed as she allowed Jay's tongue into her mouth to explore her crevices. He roughly bit her lip, causing Erin to let out a weep of pain. But that did not stop Jay, it only made him become rougher. "Jay" Erin sighed.

"Stop talking." Jay pushed her against the doorframe of the bedroom, pinning her wrists above her head, causing Erin to gasp. "Don't make me punish you. I'd hate to handcuff you and teach you a lesson."

Jay's lips traveled down Erin's face, to her neck, sucking on the spot where her shoulder and neck meet. In response, Jay received a moan escaping from Erin's lips. "Jay."

He groaned as a reply, biting down on her neck. Jay looked up to see Erin's eyes pitch black. "Er, please know I didn't mean to offend you." Jay whispered, sucking on her collar bone.

"Jay" Erin panted, "I.. I forgive you, just don't stop loving me." 

Jay stopped his ministrations, and caressed Erin's cheek. "Never." Jay reattached his lips to hers, their kiss becoming deeper. He walked over to the bed until he felt his legs hit the mattress. Jay laid Erin down on the bed, before hovering over her and he began peppering her jawline with kisses.

Jay laid himself on top of Erin, kissing her neck once more, biting into her skin, then smoothing it out with his tongue. He looked down at Erin, her beauty stealing his breathe away, both of their eyes locking with love.

Their eyes never leaving each other's Jay thrusted up into Erin's fabric covered core, allowing Erin to moan in pleasure, her nails digging into his back, and in one swift move, lifted his shirt over his head before returning back to their unique rhythm. 

"You like that, baby?" Jay's voice deep and husky, thrusting several more times, not being able to deny the feeling in his balls.

All Erin could do was nod, her teeth clenching to hold a scream back of pleasure. She loved him. She loved the connection they had, and now she realized how important Jay is to her.

She looked up at Jay, his eyes full if love, and began to work on his shorts. "Er, baby, don't." Jay grabbed ahold of her hands, kissing both of them before sitting up.

"I thought you wanted this? Don't you want me?" Erin asked, her voice quickly filling with hurt.

"I want you so bad, Er, but we both want our first time to be deep, long, and meaningful. We both have to get up early, and I want to take our time so I can show you how much I love you." Jay kissed her nose lightly, "It will take me hours because I love you so much."

Erin's body relaxed and she laid back and smiled, relaxing her head against the pillows. "I love you, Jay Halstead."

Jay laid back with her, turning to face her. "I love you too, Erin." And lightly kissing her on the lips. He soon felt Erin's body relax in his arms, and he pulled her closer, his own eyes becoming heavy. "So much Erin, so much."


Jay's eyes slowly fluttered open, awaking from his deep slumber of sleep. His whole body tightened, feeling a warm presence next to him, but soon softened, remembering Erin was here with him. It's not the first time they ever woke up together. They have had stayed with each other numerous times before, after tough cases, they'd share a beer, watch Netflix and usually fall asleep watching an episode of "Friends".

He looked down, Erin's face laying on Jay's chest, an arm draped across his lower abdomen, a soft smile on her lips. Jay dropped his head to kiss her head, her soft vanilla scent filling his nostrils. He glanced over at the alarm clock, realizing it was only six forty. He glanced back down at the girl in his arms, stroking her hair softly as she slept.

Jay loved Erin. When he heard about this undercover gig they both had to do, he was excited. He and Erin had agreed to "one day" and he was hoping this would be the start of it. Prior to this trip, they had never been intimate, and he knew that that would change in the following weeks. Hank Voight couldn't see it, but Jay knew he wasn't going anywhere. Voight would have to come to accept the two eventually, because after last night, both of them realized they were unbreakable.

By this time, Erin began to shift in her sleep, slowly waking herself from her own deep slumber. Her brown eyes soon opened, and looked up at Jay, remembering how last night went down she instantly smiled.

"Good morning, baby." Jay sweetly smiled, giving his partner a quick peck on the lips, his hand dropping from her hair to her bare shoulder, rubbing it.

"Hi." Erin squeezed his torso, a sigh escaping her lips. "Did you want to go get breakfast?" She sits up and stretches her body.

"I'd love to, Mrs. Halstead." Jay smiled, looking down at Erin admiring her ring. He hooked his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. "But I think we need to get changed." Jay laughed, referring to Erin's bra and underwear covered body from the night.

Erin only laughed, before going quiet. "Where does this leave us, Jay?" She asked, running her thumb over her wedding ring.

"We're married." Jay simply replied.

Erin rolled her eyes and sighed. "Jay, I'm serious." The ring fitted perfectly on her hand. Since Jay gave her it in the precinct parking lot yesterday, her eyes were always looking at it.

Jay frowned at her remark. He didn't really know where they were and what to do. "Erin, lets not make this complicated." Jay turned Erin's body to face his, his thumb sweeping away the strands of hair blocking her flawless face. He could tell she was holding back tears and his heart shattered. He loves her. So much. "Erin, since the day we first became partners, and our first case I knew I had to have you. When I came over to your house and we watched tv all night and had a heart to heart conversation I knew I loved you. All of our late night texts, our car rides, it all made me realize how much I need you. We both have feelings for each other, and I want to grow old with you. I don't care what Hank Voight says about us, I want you. I want to wake up with you every morning and fall asleep every night with you. I want you and I to be together. We said "one day" and our "one day" starts here and now. I love you so much Erin." Jay kissed her lips softly, his fingers wiling away the tears that Erin had shed.

"Jay, I love you so much. And I agree, today is the beginning of "one day." I'm tired of hiding my feelings from you. I want to walk into the precinct hand in hand. I love you so much, and we can handle Hank on our way back home." Erin smiled, kissing Jay one last time before slipping on a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top.

Once the young couple was dressed they made their way down the hall and to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed they're lips connected, and Jay pushed Erin up against the wall. "I love you" Jay stated as the doors opened to the lobby, and they made their way over to the food line.

What Kevin, Antonio, and Mouse did not expect to see at seven twenty in the morning was a very PDA Erin and Jay. With one hand balancing his food tray, Jay's other hand was busy caressing Erin's waist, and every so often Jay would kiss Erin's temple, then murmuring something in her ear.

"They slept with each other last night." Atwater looked down the food court at the young pair finishing off their plates.

"Or they're just playing their part." Dawson defended the two as he grabbed himself a tray and started loading biscuits and gravy on it.

"Lets just all be happy Voight decided to split us up for hotels, because if he was here, Jay would be on a boat in the middle of the Pacific." Mouse said, looking over to the happy couple taking a seat in booth.

"That is very true, my friend." Antonio laughed as the three men filled their trays up with assorted food and fruit.

The trio of detectives made their way to a booth on the other side of Jay and Erin, Atwater sharing a common backboard of his seat with Jay, on the other side. The sun slowly rising through the glass window panels woke everyone up, if the bright orange theme of the dining room didn't wake them up enough.

"This coffee is the greatest drink I've ever had, Jay. When we retire, we are moving here." Erin gestured down to her black coffee mug, filled with the Island's special coffee beans, known as "Aloha Beans."

Jay's head flew back as laughter filled the room before he got down to business. "We can just ship it to Wisconsin where we will retire. We are doing a holiday getaway there this winter too, no excuses babe." He pointed at her before his taste buds demanded for more eggs.

"Wisconsin? you were serious about that?" Erin had a questioning look on her face, believing he was joking about all the Wisconsin talk. "What would we do while we are up there?"

Jay nodded as he chose his words carefully. "We would do many things. Fish. We have a lake we could even swim in Er. And it snows, so we could sleigh and ice skate, or do whatever you want." Jay begged. Even if he had to tie her to the front seat, she would be going.

"Anything, Jay?" Erin smiled seductively, tilting her head. She wondered how far he would go. "Are you the adventurous type, Jay?"

Jay could feel all the blood head south. "Er, I will do everything to you." Jay sets aside his plate, looking her in the eyes as her eyes grew darker. "I'll use everything I can find and do it to you. I'll even look at Cosmopolitan."

Erin softly gasped. Severide was the normal guy, who just had the same type of sex. Every. Single. Time. But Jay? He wanted to add some spice. "I have a long, very long list of things I want you to do to me, Jay. In different places."  They both agreed for their first time to be meaningful, and that hasn't happened yet. That'd change within the next few days for sure, but after that, it was all free game. Erin wanted to be adventurous. Now yes, some of her ideas were based off of Fifty Shades of Grey, but Jay could pull it off. Neither one of them cared, they just wanted to feel close, as one. Their relationship wasn't based off of sex.

Sex: Some people use it carelessly, and tale advantage of people for it, no feelings enclosed in the intimate activity at all. But that is certainly not what Erin and Jay thought of it. They waited over a year to have sex with each other. They saw it as a intimacy activity with your significant other, to be together as one, to show how much love you have for one another beyond words.

"Name them and they're yours." Jay simply confirmed, caressing Erin's hand. "Tell me about them." Jay and Erin were both oblivious to their three coworkers in the booth next door, hearing them clearly.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Mouse pushed his plate to the side. "Jay is my best friend, but this is too much."

"So, Antonio, they are playing their cover very well." Kevin glared at Antonio, before softening his face to let Dawson know he was only joking.

"Damn, looks like we have a new couple. Voight is going to be pissed." Dawson rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his own "Aloha" coffee.

"Well.." Erin started, moving over next to Jay to whisper in his ear, his blue eyes widening at every word spoken.

"Fuck, Erin. Our holiday weekend is going to be a blast in Wisconsin." Jay whispered huskily, his voice begging for her to reveal more. "A few more, tell me, please."

"Well... I've always wanted to try submissive and dominant for a night." Erin whispers, referring to The Christian Grey. "I want you to tie me down, and torture me with everything, a night where I do whatever you want." She purrs, lowering her hand to his throbbing shaft.

"I'll do that as soon as we get back, baby, what the other one?" Jay sighed, attempting to control his body's reactions.

"The kitchen. An apron." Erin smiled, walking over to throw away her and Jay's trays before smiling over at their three coworkers, knowing they heard everything. She wasn't going to hide their relationship. She wouldn't. Neither would he. They loved each other tremendously, and it would stay like that, forever. "Baby, let's go up to the room and get you ready."

The Halsteads walked past the three men, astonished what the duo had been discussing minutes before. 

"God dammit." Atwater sighed, walking to the trash cans to throw away his tray and put away his tray. "I owe Ruzek a night of drinks." He drops his head to the table, softly banging it twice.

"Why?" Antonio asked, but was convinced he knew the answer.

"Ruzek betted me that Jay and Erin would sleep together. We both agreed she would be a crier too, and we are next door to them, and the walls are very thin, so we should be able to tell." Kevin answered.

"Too much man, too much. I see her as my little sister, and images of her and Halstead naked flashing through my mind is not helpful." Antonio struts towards the elevator, Mouse and Kevin following close behind.

Chapter four is in the books!! For everyone wondering, I plan to have this book for at least forty chapters or more. If you guys have any requests to this story, please feel free to comment or PM me! And should Hank wait to find out? Next chapter will be posted in 3-5 days. Please review.

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