Flirtatious Venum

By Paislie

768 27 4

Sutton walker and Alexa ford are vampires, living with Alexa's boyfriend demitre. They are trying to fit in w... More



46 1 1
By Paislie


When kylar left my room i was so happy, that i acted like a girl stuffing my face into my pillow and screaming. "Ok, xavier, you need to clean your room and possibly spary it with a can or two of freebreez". i said to myself while sniffing the air.......which i regret. After i made my bed and drenched it with a bottle of axe, i started picking up my clothes and stuffed them into my closet. Finally my room was clean and smelt decent, i then made my way to my bathroom and started making faces in the mirror. "Hey baby, do you know karate? because your body is kickin", i said in a deep voice, not darth vador deep but like ryan gozling deep. I was practicing what to say when i seen that hot girl, wow....i really need to learn her name. "Hey, baby are you ok? i heard you was love sick and im the cure... im on my way", i stood infront of the mirror practicing for like 30 minutes and every line sucked so far. Suddenly there was a knock on my door, "who is it?" i yelled, "its lyynnex", she yelled back, iv known lyynnex since i was four her and kylar and kaiden were best friends. "Come in" i mutterd, when she walked in, i stoped making faces, "what?" i said with a bored tone. "I just wanted to let you know that me, kaiden and, kylar are going to walmart to get junk-food, and sutton is staying here to take a shower, so you need to show her how to work the knobs and such ok?". She replied back in a motherly tone, i was so freakin happy that out of no where i made the wierdest sound ever.... it was supposed to be a happy scream, but not infront of lyynnex. "Uh?... what in the world...was that", she said while laughing in a loud school girl way. "I-i was trying to clear my throat, shutup!" i said while holding my neck, "anyways, can you help her?" she said with a small giggle, "why not" i replied.


"Ok, thanks xavier, sutton go upstairs to xaviers room he will help you, k bye" lyynnex yelled while walking out the door. I cant believe they think i dont know how to work a shower? they didnt even ask me if i knew how? anyways, i walked up the stairs and into xaviers room.  I seen him, looking out his window with his back towards me, "uhm?" i mutterd he turned around and looked at me head to toe. Umm? did he just check me out? i couldnt help but blush at the idea... "uh, here's your towel and wash rag", he said while walking into his bathroom. He bent down and grabed a towel and wash rag and handed them to me, he opened the shower curtain. Omg i have never seen a shower like this, it was wierd looking, like cool, but wierd cool, does that make sense?. He showed me how to work the knobs and was gone. i got undressed and turned on the water, when i got in, it felt awesome having the warm water hit my back, and run down my shoulders. The soap was a button on the wall that you press and it shoots out, which of course i had no idea about, soap got in my eye, it burned so bad, that i screamed and jump out of the shower wrapping my towel around me. I started rubbing my eyes like crazy but it got worse i ran to the sink..... well tried to, water was in the floor and i slipped and hit my forehead on the end of the counter, i screamed again, i coulnt see anything. Suddenly the door busted open.


When the bathroom door shut and the water started to run, i started smiling to myself. Suddenly i heard a scream, which scared the crap out of me, why would she scream, oh my gosh. I was freaking out. It was probley a girl thing, maybe thats what she sounds like when she sings. I heard a big thump and another scream, OMG she's dying, i busted the door open to find her laying on the floor and her towel wrapped around her, i saw her rubbing her eyes and her head was all bloody, looks gross. I sat down beside her, and wrapped my arms around her to help her up. when we stood up my chest was pressed aginst hers and her towel fell off in the back, i dont think she realized it, but if i move from her it would fall to the ground.. which i wouldnt mind but, i knew she wouldnt want that, i couldnt grab the towel and put it back up because she is all dead weight on my right know and if i let go....then uh, she is going to be on the floor again. so i drug her onto my bed and put her down, suddenly she grabbed me like she was hugging someone, i loved it so much, but then i realized she was using my shirt to wipe her eyes. That still counts as a hug, right? her eyes started to open. "Are you ok sutton?" i said with a sad emotion on my face. "It burns!", she yelled "w-what do i do! im so confused!" i yelled back. "Get me a cold wet wash rag!" she yelled this time in pain. I ran into the bathroom and got a cold wash rag and with me not thinking i threw it at her face. "Ow!" she yelled, "oh my gosh, im so sorry i panicked" i shouted. Ten terrible long minutes later, her eyes were fine, but still red. I went into my dads room and got the first aid kit and ran back to her and fixed her boo boo, when she looked like she was dozing off i kissed it, her eyes widend....oh no, "that doesnt work" she giggled. "I-im sorry i was just trying to comfort you" i said with a giggle, "can you possibly find me some clothes, please?" she said while gripping her towel tighter, i think she just realized she was naked. "Yea" i said while looking her head to toe, very slowly, it was awesome. I grabbed her a pair of lyynnex's shorts and painties out of her bag, and i grabbed her one of my lucky t-shirts, just so i can sound cool and tell my friend without it being a lie. She went into the bathroom and got dressed when she came out i laid on my bed pretending to be asleep, i was shocked and happy when she laid down beside me, and cuddled into my side. Shocked, i looked around my room and pinched myself several times to find out if it was a dream ten minutes later sutton's head was on my chest and she was asleep.


When he handed me the clothes i went into the bathroom and changed when i came out i seen him laying on the bed, i think he was asleep, im not sure, but i had the urge to cry, so i cuddled up with him. I dont care who it was but someone needed to hold me unless you wanted to see blood running down my face, which would make a scene, yes vampires cry blood when there hungry, which i was, but i can go a little bit longer without blood, soon after that i was asleep.



Its kinda boring but, i promise it gets better :)


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