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I woke up by someone gently shaking was lyynnex i didnt have to open my eyes to know that because i can smell her bloode hers smells diffrent from the rest. "Sutton its 12:32 wake up" she whisper yelled, i open my eyes and smile at her "im awake..happy?" i asked while sitting up and getting out of xaviers bed....wait why am i in here?.. oh well "yes, very!" she shouted i went into the bathroom and did my uh..thing. I washed my hands and walked out then clothes were thrown at my face and a towel, i look at lyynnex with a 'whats this' look "go take a shower and change...were going to the mall!" she yelled with a huge smile. I couldnt smell anyone else around..hmm,wierd.."so uh where are the boys?" i asked while fixing xaviers bed, "they all went out at 11:12 to the race track, kaiden had tickets so..yup its just me and you!" she shouted again. I smiled "yay!" i shouted back, i know she's excited to hang out so i guess i should be too then huh? i went into the bathroom striped down and turned on the water i rememberd how to after xavier showed me, i also remember how the sampoo works too so this time it wont get in my eyes. The waarm water traveld down my body i felt so fresh and clean again, i got out and got dressed in a white tanktop with a black half jackit over it with skinney jeans and a pair of heels, i done my makeup and straightend my hair, i walked out of the bathroom to find lyynnex in front of the mirror wearing a black tanktop with a white half jackit with the same skinney jeans as me and the same hills but her's were black and mine wear white. "Looks like we both went to rue 21 huh?" i asked she giggled, i dont know why she didnt wear these things to school itstead of those awful tan shorts and big T-shirts "ready?" she asked "sure is!" i shouted trying to show her i was excited.

We were at the mall and we was in areopostal getting cute shorts and tanks, when i smelt him...his scent was so strong and i missed it really bad why was he here! how did he find me?.

I turned around to come face to face with tyler, he grabed my waist and pulled my to him his grip was so tight and his blue eyes wear looking into mine i miss those blue eyes and that soft black shaggy hair. "I found you" he whisperd into my ear and his grip got even tighter, "tyler let me go" i whisperd back hopeing he wouldnt make a scene, "awe whats wrong? is the little vampire to scared to fight back?" he whisperd back "hey su-" lyynnex stoped to see me pressed up aginst tyler. "Uhm, imma go ask that guy over there if i look fat in this" she said and walked away towards a random guy, "tyler, let me-" i was cut off by his lips slamming into mine. It seem as if it lasted for ever when he finally pulled away, i miss those kisses, "you still love me sutton i know you do" he whisperd in my ear "dont deny it, i still love you sutton, but 95% percent of that turned into anger as the years past by". "Well then let me give you 5% of my anger" i put my face in between his neck and bit down his bloode was warm and it burned going down my throat, wolves bloode is like a drug to vampires, we get high it we drink to much so i didnt take much, i felt his nails dig into my waist and i removed my fangs from his neck. "Now its 100% percent right? so all your love for me is gone" he let go and fell to the ground i took off towards the mall doors, next thing i know im slamming into a hard chest, i look up to see fisher looking down smiling i hoped up "hey sutton you ok?" ugh! "yea yea im fine do you have you bike?" he looked confused "yea why?" he asked "i need a ride" i questioned his eyes lit up "uh yea sure come on" he grabed my hand and we walked/jogged to the parking lot "whats the rush?" uh imma die if we dont leave thats the rush! "uh just reall y ready to leave" we climed on his bike and he started it i wrapped my arms around him and held on tight as soon as we pulled away i saw tylercome out of the mall looking around he spotted me then, went for his car. "Fisher take me to your house" i yelled i heard his heart beat really quicken, "uh, sure" he turned off the road onto a smaller one i can smell tyler near by but if im in a humens house he cant smell me which means im safe we pulled into a driveway and we was at his door when he couldnt find the key, UGH! i smelt tyer he was on this road! "look fisher!" i yelled and pointed towards the road when he looked i pushed the door open without breaking it, thats a first." Oh look its unlocked" i ran in and pulled him in and slamed the door shut right when i did tylers car flew by. Phew, "i must of forgot to lock it " he said while smiling "so? where are your parents?" i inquired "on vacation...its just me" i suddenly started to feel funny, i felt...high, i couldnt of tooken that much!.


"On vacation...its just me" i said with a smile she got this wierd look on her face then, she started walking towards me, "so sutton, how have you been?" i asked getting really nurves she grabed my hand and pulled me up the stairs into my room, how did she know wear it was? "im just fine" she smiled and sat me in my desk chair and sat on my lap. My heart race was pumpin i was getting nurves and wanted to kiss her so bad! she wrapped her hands around my neck and moved her face close to mine "fisher" she whisperd into my ears making me sweat "y-yeah" i whisperd back "do you want me to kiss you?" she whisperd slowly YES! "i-i do" after those words left my mouth i felt suttons lips crash aginst mine it felt so right, i felt her tungue rub across my bottem lip i opend my mouth allowing her in. All to soon she pulled away kissing my neck softly i then felt a sharp pain in my neck it hurt at first then started to feel amazing, i felt my body completly give out and everything got blurrly then, i was out.


I felt his body go limp but i didnt stop i was still high on wolf bloode, it was when i realized he was dying that got me to snap out of it. I pulled away and jumped off him, he was past out he lost to much bloode! what have i done!. I laid him across his bed and bit my wrist and let the bloode drip into his mouth, after i heard his heart beat was normal again i lick wear i bit him and it healed quickly i changed his shirt which was coverd in bloode he had an amazing body! i put on the same shirt he had on but this one was purple, then i left. If he ever brought it up i will say it never happend and he'll think it was a dream, a mile away from his house i threw the shirt in some ho bo's fire. I messed up bad today, i feel like im forgeting something......LYYNNEX!



Sorry its taken forever i was on vacation, but im back so ill try and update more


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