In What We Believe

By nurse2

981 72 54

SLOW UPDATES..... SORRY!! _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ After meeting in a freshers party 2years ago, 3rd year univers... More

In What We Believe


59 9 4
By nurse2

Turning right at the top of the staircase, we head across the landing and into my bedroom. As we walk through the doorway, I quickly spin around and reach up, pulling Connor's shocked but bemused lips down to meet mine. Connor drops the cardboard boxes he carried from the car to his feet and pushes them towards the middle of the room with his foot. Extending one of his arms behind his back, he silently pushes the door closed before sliding the latch across locking it. The other arm circles around my waist spinning us once again, never breaking our intense kiss, my back is now up against the door with my arms locked around his neck. Connor's soft yet strong hands hold both sides of my face, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb over my cheekbones. Easing out of the kiss to take a much needed breath, we rest our foreheads together.

"God, you are beautiful!" Connor exhales huskily. Closing my eyes, I drop my head and rest my forehead against his lean chest and while Connor continues to hold my face.

"Liar." I answer back quietly, hiding my embarrassment.

Never being the most popular of girls in high school, my ability to accept complements is non existant and so I learnt to counter them by calling them liars.

"Thank you, for downstairs." I whisper, changing the topic before Connor starts on my self esteem issues. Connor trails his hands down my neck over my shoulders and down my arms, leaving a tingling path wherever his fingertips touch.

Squeezing my hands ever so gently before wrapping his arms around my waist, Connor replies "Babe, its okay. Your mam looked about ready to open the flood gates and I know how much her being upset upsets you. And anyway, you know I can't drink a cup of tea without a cookie!!"

This has me smiling, and before I can say anything else Connor adds "And I'm not a Liar!"

It's amazing how much Connor knows me and my family. He knows exactly how to lighten the mood and does not miss a thing, even when I try and change topics! I knew there was a reason why I loved him completely.

"Come on then, lets make a start on all your junk." Connor says while taking a step back and picking up one of the discarded boxes.

"Yes, Sir," I salute him. I make my way towards my desk which is situated in the far corner of the room next to the window. I begin placing my old coursework and textbooks into the large brown box, while Connor stands on the opposite side of the room packing my cds and dvds from their home on my shelving unit.

"Oh my God Kali, how many chick-flicks do you have? Im sure they all have the same ending- boy gets his girl- yadda yadda, bleh bleh bleh!" Connor groans and imitates a gagging sound.

"That's so not the point Con's, it's about their journey, the obsticles they have to get over and how it all comes together in the end to get their happily ever after." I explain. I have a huge addiction to romance stories whether its a book or dvd!

"Hmm, yeah whatever. Do you really need to bring then all? You can leave some here. You know, like, where's all the action films or the horror films?" He complains.

"Action films are all the same Babe. Goodies verses Baddies- oh and guess what- the Goodies beat the Baddies! After causing a huge amount of damage to the city, where no one raises an eyebrow at grown men with guns running around the streets."

"Oh, oh, oh. Hold on a minute.. Wait.. Wait... Umm... Honey?" Connor starts in a sickly sweet voice and turns to face me. Fudgesticks, I know whats coming....

"It's soooo not the point, it's about the journey and the obsticles they overcome and how..." Connor doesn't get to finish his mockery, as I throw a cushion from my bed at him which has us laughing.

"Just keep packing, will you? There's a good boy!" I quip.

"You need an education in 21st Century action films Babe, like seriously!!" Connor states with a stern look on his face.

I can't bring myself to argue, I know how to pick my battles and which ones I will win!!

We spend the next ten minutes or so finishing packing my coursework, novels and dvds. I move onto my clothes while Connor sits on the bed leaning over to my dressing table/drawer unit and starts going through my trinkets and jewellery.

"Woah, these are freaky. I've never seen you with these, not to mention ever going to church or anything." Connor states in wonder.

As I turn around, I notice Connor holding a silver chain with ornate black beads and a crucifix - my Rosary Beads.

"Jeez, I forgot all about these." I say as I make my way over to sit on the bed next to him and reach out taking the beads.

"These belonged to my late Grandmother, and her mother before her, passed down to the oldest Daughter. Mam gave them to me when I turned 12." I start. I hadn't thought about these beads in what feels like forever.

I continue as I lay down on the bed, rolling the beads in my fingers, and Connor joins me. "Half way through high school, I sort of stopped going to Church, peer pressure and all that. Even though Mam pushed and pushed for me to return and keep strong in my faith and beliefs, I pushed back harder and rebelled against them. I've never gone back. It was hard for a while with Mam, but Dad, being ever so slightly on my side, reasoned with her and eventually Mam, with the help and guidance from Dad and her Priest, acccepted my choices. And that's that really. The beads are a family heirloom and so I've kept them here safely hidden out of sight."

It is at that moment, neither Connor or myself talking, lost to our thoughts that we hear the back door below us slam shut.

"Dad's home." I state. I look over at Connor with a pleading look, he immediately understands and pulls me close for a hug. I bury my head against his neck breathing in his warm masculine scent. This is going to be hard. Ever since my rebellion, I've grown closer to my Dad and understandably have become a Daddy's girl.

"Come on Babe, you can do this." Connor whispers in my ear, and I take a few calming breaths before rolling over, standing up and pulling Connor's hand securely towards the door.

Heading downstairs we can hear Mam and Dad mumbling in the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, we find both of them in a heart clenching embrace. My mothers shoulders shaking ever so slightly, her face hidden in the folds of my Dad's Hoody. Dad's hands resting in my mother's hair.

My throat constricts and I can't seem to swallow the huge lump that has formed in my throat. Sensing my emotional panic, Connor squeezes my shoulder and moves his hand to hold my face, looking into his worry filled eyes, I try and tame the emotional tidal wave from crashing down on me.

Dad must hear us enter the room, from the cornor of my vision, I see them hurriedly part as I turn to face them I catch my Mother frantically wiping away the free flowing tears before she turns her back to face the sink.

"Hey sweepie pie, how are you? Hey Connor, long time no see." Dad greets us as I'm pulled into a bear hug and somehow he manages to shake Connors outstretched hand.

"We both good, thanks Dad. Hows the Pumpkins coming along?" I reply after I strain to pull in a much needed breath.

"Goodness, you know, those bloody rabbits have nibbled their way through some of the smaller ones. I swear, if I ever get my hands on one of them, I'll skin em!!" Dad exclaims gently releasing me from his hold.

"How's about that cuppa you offerd Mrs Morgan??" Connor interrupts our ramblings, as I watch him approach my mother and adoringly taps her shoulder before reaching up over her head grasping for the cookie jar. A small tinkering laugh is heard from Mam.

"Oh Connor, you are a blessing! Of course, I'll make a fresh pot. Why don't you down sit down and I'll bring it in. Not you Jim, you go wash up first." Mam orders Dad up the stairs to the bathroom and Connor into the lounge.

Down to just us, I steady my breathing and approach Mam, not really sure what to say, instead I hope actions do speak louder than my words and give her a loving hug, hoping she understands what neither of us can say. As I'm about to release her, she hugs me back with as much strength as my Dad. After a few heart felt moments, we reluctanly part and proceed to make the tea. Smiling at one another, no words pass through our sealed lips.

Joining the men in the lounge, Connor and my Dad are sniggering like school boys. My Dad is a tall well built man. Salt and pepper hair hide a pair dazzling azure eyes with a clean shaven face.

"Okay, what did we miss?" My Mam asks with a probing look.

"I was just telling Connor here about the first time Kali tried to help me make rabbit pie.. " My Dad starts but I quickly cut him off.

"Oh God, Dad. There's...." I begin but am scalded by Mam.

"Kali!" she chastise.

I sigh and restart, "Come on Dad, no more 'I remember when' stories. I'm sure Connor doesn't want or need to hear any more."

This has them all laughing, including Mam. Drinking our tea, we settle into an easy conversation about University, finals and social committee events. The discussion soon turns to the upcoming Halloween party and that has Mam suddenly getting up and begins clearing away the tea. It's only then that I recall my Mams detest for Halloween.

"I don't understand why you have to celebrate that anyway. You should skip it and put all the extra energy and resources into a making spectacular Christmas Ball." My mother exclaims with more than a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Mam, not everyone has the same beliefs as you, we can't not celebrate it just because of a small minority of devout religious.... " My protest is interrupted by my Dad.

"Kali, come on, ease off a bit. Do you need a hand with anything upstairs?" Dad asks in an attempt to defuse the argument that will surely start.

"No thanks, Dad. We're all done. Just need to load the car now." I place my mug down on the coffee table and head up the stairs, Connor silently following behind closely. We carry the now full boxes carefully down the stairs and out to the car.

"Hey, I'm just gonna have one last check in my room to make sure I haven't forgotten anything." I tell Connor as he unlocks his midnight blue Audi.

Running up the stairs and walking back into my room, I find my Mam sitting on the edge of the bed with my Rosary bead in her hands.

"Mam, I'm sorry, I just.." I am stopped by my mam shaking her head.

"No honey, Im sorry. I shouldn't have had a go at you over a party. I Know you are old enough to make your own decisions. I know this. But its just so hard... You're my baby girl. My Mams voice shows signs of cracking on the last few words

"Mam," I attempt to verbalise my own apology again but I'm interrupted once more.

"No Kali it's fine. Oh goodness. You're growing up so fast. It seems like only yesterday that you were starting school in a little red and black dress and now you're moving out." Mam sniffles loudly.

"Oh Mam. Connors flat is only 20 minutes away, you can come down whenever you like. The train station is a 5min walk too. It's not like I'm moving to the other side of the country." I summise softly.

"I know that, but you'll be all on your own."

"I'm moving in with Connor Mam. I won't be on my own."

"I just I dont like those buildings. There's so much sadness there. I only want to keep you safe honey." Mam pleads.

"Mam I'll be fine. The building has heen fully renovated a few years ago. What do you mean sadness?" I ask with an edge of agitation.

"Oh honey I wish, " she hesitates "You know what? Never mind. Will you do me a favour... Keep these beads with you?"

Just as I'm about to object Mam adds "I know what we believe varies completely, but it will make me sleep better knowing that you have these with you. God is always there and ready to listen. Please just keep them close by. Around your neck, in your bag, in the car.. any where just.. Please?" The look on her face is one of anxiousness and pleading. It gives me an overwhelming feeling of guilt to say no, so I carefully take chain of beads gently from Mams curled fist and am completely suprised by a suffocating hug my mam bestows upon me.

"I love you Kali." Mam softly speaks.

"Loves you too, Mam.. Always!!!!" I sing the last word, which has us both wiping away emotional tears of laughter at the impromptu dropping of the infamous song from her favourite band.

We both stand up and make our way to the car where Dad and Connor are waiting. After another round of hugs, we finalise our plans for tomorrows Sunday lunch and say our goodbyes.

The drive back is in comfortable silence, with the latest songs quietly playing on the radio. We make light work of unloading the car and carrying the boxes up the two flights of stairs and into the flat.

The rest of Saturday passes by leisurely, with Connor and myself cuddled up on the sofa with a couple of large pizzas and a few glasses of bubbly, watching a mixture of romance and action movies, trying our best to educate one another on our favourite genres.

"How about we skip the meal and order in? I've got a bottle of your favourite bubbly chilling in the fridge. What do you say? A private new home celebration!" Connor offers with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Sounds good to me." I answer with a yawn.


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