The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfi...

By Positive_Punk

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Ivy Kasper is a princess. But her personality is anything but. All she wants to do is escape the life of glam... More

The End(Gerard Way Fanfic)
The Ball
So long, not goodnight
Trust me
I'm not okay
The girl who sat alone
Shut your eyes, kiss me goodnight
Silence is valued
Run away with me
You're crashing, but you're no wave
I would sing you to sleep
Revenge is Sweet
Wouldnt it be great if we were DEAD!?
Not a Worry in the World
Every Last Breath
Author's Note

Wake up to ashes

2.9K 168 202
By Positive_Punk

Part Two

All of a sudden, I woke up. I freaking woke up. From death. My blue eyes widened and I blinked a few times, taking in my surroundings. The ground under me was silky, like the lightest, fluffiest pillow you have in your house, times a million. But it was weird... because it was dark concrete. That wasn't natural. The sky was a rich, haunting dark gray, almost black. Millions of tiny, beautiful, white specks blew everywhere, I caught one in my outstretched hand, it was a piece of ash. I also noticed something different about my hand, instead of sickly pale, it was a beautiful porcelain, like a china doll. It looked like a bone, but with skin...In a really pretty way. I followed my long, beautiful arm into the clothes I was wearing. I was dressed in a long, alluring black dress, it was decorated in tiny, delicate white roses that spun all around the skirt. It was slightly ripped at the bottom to reveal two gorgeous black boots. The collar was wide, and the sleeves were low, going down past the tips of my long straight hair. That was another thing too. My hair that was once tangled, and the color of mustard was now a beautiful natural looking blonde, it was the closest thing you could get to white. I ran my fingers through it, it was as soft as Gerard's hair. Gerard! I missed him so much...I took my pretty, porcelain hands and rested my head in them. I looked up through my bleak eyes and suddenly I saw something that I hadn't before. A crowd of people were standing there. They were all staring at me. They all had beautiful, porcelain skin like I now did. They smiled at me. I smiled back, standing on my feet. I walked over to them, I wasn't that used to walking as I used to be. I stumbled a bit and almost fell. All of a sudden a girl was there, holding onto my arms, making sure I didn't fall. I stood, now confident, looking into the person who had saved me's eyes. They were a haunting golden. I was taken aback. Piper!? She smiled at me cheerfully. I encased her in a hug, happy tears were flowing from my eyes and onto the shoulder of her long sleeved elegant white dress. It matched mine that I wore to her funeral. Although she looked a bit more mature than she did before. We smiled at each other. I was so glad she was alive...or whatever this was.
"H-how!? W-where!?" I asked with a happy smile.
She beamed at me, her light skin is the same pretty porcelain as it was back then.
"I'm so glad to see you again too sister!! Come, sit, watch the parade with me!"
What parade? I sat next to her on the suddenly appearing rows of seats. On the other side of me was a nice looking woman with dark black hair, watery green eyes and the same pale skin as everyone else. I tapped on her shoulder and she spun towards me with a friendly grin. Out of nowhere she hugged me as if she had known me forever. It was really nice, I never got this much attention.
"I am so glad to see you again dear! Do you need something?" She asked.
Where had I gone!? What is this place? Why was everyone was so nice to me!?
"Where am I?" I asked.
She smiled.
"You are, where your wildest dreams can take you! A perfect place, isn't it?"
I nodded, it quite was, I scanned the area where millions of tiny ash pieces blew everywhere like snow on Christmas morning. I could see many dark but beautiful buildings off in the distance, like this was some sort of big city. I faced the woman again.
"What's going on?" I asked, concerned about the jumpy excitement of everyone in their seats.
The woman beamed.
"Oh, everyone's come here to see The Black Parade of course. You of all people should know that my dear."
I nodded, even though I had no idea what this 'Black Parade' was. I turned to Piper and she smiled at me brightly, I smiled back. This was strange. It was so perfect. If this was a perfect world, maybe all the bad things about myself had changed.
"Who am I?" I asked Piper.
She looked at me strangely.
"Why sister, you're Ivy Way of course, you should know that."
Ivy Way!? My last name is Kasper. This is all too strange.
"How old am I?" I asked.
She smiled and raised one eyebrow.
"I'm not sure if I like this childish game."
I laughed.
"You are 20 years old." She said simply.
I had grown 3 years in the past three minutes!? This is impossible. I sighed and looked ahead, just roll with it Ivy, just roll with it. All of a sudden Piper tapped on my shoulder viciously. I snapped my head over to see what she was pointing at. I was shocked at what I saw next. Just beyond the rows of chairs was a giant line of beautiful black and white parade floats, they were all going in an eerily straight line. The floats were all dressed in silky black cloaks, that looked like the same material as my dress. Along the black fabric was millions of tiny white roses, like tiny white stars. On top of the floats held even more people. They all wore black and white and had skeleton pale skin. I noticed none of the women's dresses were as elegant as mine. Every ghost-like person smiled and waved at the crowd, which had suddenly expanded to both sides of the pathway of the parade. Everyone was cheering and smiling and throwing pretty white roses at the floats. All the parade members had bright, perfectly haunting smiles on their faces as they waved. I couldn't help but clap and cheer along with everyone else. Piper turned to me.
"Oh sister isn't it wonderful!?" She gushed.
I grinned and nodded, it honestly was, but it was strange, most parades had marching bands, I didn't hear a spot of music in this parade, just clapping and cheering. All of a sudden I heard the slight tapping of the piano. It rung out over the cheering. Everyone went silent, Piper squeezed my hand. The piano continued, just a simple few notes. Then a voice rang out through the land. I recognized it immediately. It was Gerard. He was singing. My heart beat faster and faster.
"When I was, a young boy, my father, took me into the city, to see a marching band, he said son when, you grow up, would you be, the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned."
My eyes were wide, I looked at Piper. She looked back at me with a bright smile. I wanted to know where the voice was coming from it continued, along with the parade.
"He said will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made. Because one day, I'll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the Black Parade."
All of a sudden the crowd erupted I cheer and the music picked up other instruments, a snare drum, a soft guitar, still the piano. The voice started singing louder and louder until it was soft screaming. More and more passion was put into it as the music died down slowing to a stop as to where a float of unimaginable beauty erupted from behind the others. Four people stood on it, all of them dressed in black and silvery-white marching band outfits. They had their heads down and the music had stopped for a moment. It looked like some form of strange concert-parade. The person who stuck out to me the most was the one in the very front. He had short, messy white hair that was almost as white as his skin, which was so sweetly skeleton pale that I had to look away. I couldn't see his face because he had his head down. Out of nowhere the music started again it wasn't as traditional as before, it was much more punk rock. The people on the parade float whipped their heads up and everyone cheered. My heart stopped. A brilliant pair of hazel eyes stared right at me. It was him. The white haired one. I gaped. Piper giggled at me.
"He is truly magnificent isn't he!? Your such a lucky girl."
It was all coming back to me now, Ivy Way. I was Gerard Way's wife. I had trouble breathing for a second. Then Gee started singing again and that didn't help my situation of not being able to breath.
"Sometimes I get the feeling, she's watching over me."
With this he shot a wink at me and I giggled, he looked so much different, the white hair was a really good look though, he also wore makeup that made him look like a skeleton, it made him look even more a way.
"And other times I feel like I should go, when through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets, and when you're gone we want you all to know..."
With this the band broke out into a passionate punk-rocking tune and Gee's voice became more noticeable and beautiful.
"We'll CARRY on, we'll CARRY on, and though your dead and gone believe me, your memory will CARRY on, and true your heart it can't contain it, the anthem won't explain it."
He was so animated on stage, like it was a theater production or an actual rock concert. Everyone was cheering. I was clapping and smiling and having a better time than I had ever had in my lifetime. Then the parade ended, it was strange, the other floats seemed to have completely disappeared. Everyone was filing out of the seats. I rushed ahead of everyone, eager to see Gee. I practically flew over all of the people rushing out of the crowd. I stopped right in front of the float and waited until all the other band members on the float filed off, waiting for the boy that I had thought was dead. I finally saw him walking down the end stairs of the float. He looked like some sort of magnificent skeleton marching band member. He looked so much more mature, yet he looked so young at the same time. I stared at him, waiting for him to notice me. Suddenly his hazel eyes met mine and at that second it was like sparks flew between us. I missed his warming smile so much. It brought tears to my eyes. I ran foreword, he grabbed me in his arms and I hugged him back, crying with joy into his shoulder. He spun me around and I giggled. I didn't ever want to leave his arms. I couldn't stop smiling.
"I-I missed you so much." I said through tears.
He laughed his strange breathless laugh and I smiled even wider. We let go and he looked me in the eyes, I looked into his, taking in everything that has happened, it was all going to be okay now. He kissed my forehead softly and I beamed.
"What's with the hair?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Does it displease you?" He worried.
I shook my head fiercely. I loved it to be honest, he beamed. I laughed.
"I missed you a lot, I'm glad you're back." He stated.
Glad I was back? I've never been here before.
"I didn't leave, I've never been here before! Why don't you people understand that!?" I ranted.
Gee smiled his famous half-smile. I scowled at him.
"What!?" I asked.
"Of course you've been here before! This is where I met you."
WHAT!? I don't even get this. I laughed nervously.
"I met you back on Earth, about a few months ago!" I exclaimed.
He puzzled at me as if he honestly didn't know what I was talking about.
"No. I met you here, you're the Shadow Bride, Ivy Way, and I'm the Parade Master, Gerard Way, seriously Ivy you must've hit your head when you left." He laughed and kissed my cheek, it sent sparks through my body.
I shivered. This was too strange. I followed him as he walked alone through the beautiful, ash-filled sky. I finally caught up to him, he was still faster than me in this strange spirit world. He looked at me and smiled sweetly, holding my hand that was now as pale as his. We walked in silence for a while, I looked foreword towards the approaching black and white buildings, trying to make sense of all this.
"Gee?" I asked.
He looked at me.
"...did I tell you where I went?" I asked.
He smiled, looking ahead again.
"You said you were going to the human world for a little while, live a short life down there." He explained.
I puzzled.,
"I met you there." I said.
He looked at me and gave me a worried look.
"What did I look like?" He asked.
"You looked just like you do now but you had black hair, you were a little more immature looking." I explained.
His hazel eyes widened to full extent.
"You...went back to your past life..." He stuttered.
I looked at him, I was worried now.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
He said nothing.
"Gerard!" I shouted.
He faced me, his hazel eyes were more worried than I had ever seen him be before.
"Ivy. You have to listen to me, answer me honestly."
He grabbed my shoulders. I shuttered, he was still as hot as he used to be.
He looked straight into my eyes and my heart nearly stopped.
"Name the people that died when you were on Earth." He ordered.
I thought a moment.
"You, Piper, that creepy woodsman...Ryder, and me...I think that's it, except for your parents, they were already dead..." I didn't know if he was still touchy on the subject.
He dropped my shoulders, looking off into blank space. He was thinking.
"Gerard?" I asked gently.
He snapped his head back at me and his eyes softened. There was pain in them. Suddenly he grabbed my hand, practically dragging me towards the city. I was scared now, what had happened? Why was he so worried about who died? We broke into a run, the dark, beautifully elegant black and white city expanded around us but I didn't have time to admire the architecture. He pulled me through the city, many people were filing around in eerie little paths on the cushiony black cobblestone. Many of the people tried to say hello and smile at us but Gee was running too fast. His hand gripped mine like a steel trap. It was much more warm and sweet, he was making sure not to squeeze too tightly. We stopped at the entrance of a huge, thunderous black castle at the end of the cobblestone street. Many sharp, thin, cone-like tower toppers stacked on top of the tall, ominous towers. It looked like the kind of place that would be in an old fashioned horror movie. It was beautiful. I didn't have that much time to admire it though, I was being pulled inside before I could even speak. The inside was even more amazing. The walls were all dark black brick, making the place look like some sort of medieval dungeon palace. Gee dragged me room through room, as if he was desperately looking for something. The whole place held kind of a creepy, spectral vibe, ghastly, thunderous windows beamed the blackish sky in from every window. I snapped my head up and suddenly I was in a huge, black, radiant throne room, holding two giant pointy black thrones that sat against the back wall. Two torches lit up the sides of the thrones with luminous white fire. I tried to tear my eyes off of the beautiful substance of the torches. It was so surreal. Gee interrupted my mesmerization with his velvet voice. I swiveled my head over and looked up at the top of the giant thrones where two people sat, they were more beautiful than I had ever seen a person be before...besides maybe Gerard. They both had very pale skin, the same shade as everyone else's in this village. The man had neat ebony hair, the same color that Gee had when I was alive. He had strong but sweet looking features and wore an elegant black suit with a white tie. The woman was gorgeous, I wanted to bow in front of her. Her skin was slightly revealed by a long, sleeveless black dress that's tail went down to the floor. Her pale legs were crossed and her arms rested on the throne's arms. She had a nice looking face and black hair that was tied up in a tall, soft-looking bun that left a few strands of hair fall next to her face. They both had shocking hazel eyes that bore into my soul. They looked so much like...
"Mom, Dad." Gee asked.

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