The Ball

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My mom practically pushed us out the big double doors. On the way out she whispered into my ear sharply,

"If you dare take Piper's spotlight, I swear Violet Adrianne Kasper I will give you a beating so hard your grandchildren will feel it, did I make myself perfectly clear?"

I froze and glared back at her.

"Crystal." I snapped and tore off into the courtyard, following Piper.

I finally caught up to her, panting.

"You know sister, you really shouldn't be running through the courtyard in a dress." She advised.

"I don't care about what I shouldn't be doing." I told her.

She sighed.

"You should, it may get you in trouble some day."

I thought about this for a second, hmm. Perhaps that's what mom hates me so much. But it was my life. I could do as I please with it. We walked in silence to the other part of our palace, where the magnificent ballroom was. I already saw millions of fancy carriages parked out front of the huge beautiful ballroom. Then we were in front of the huge marble double doors. My sister pushed into the ballroom and the first person we saw in the lighted room was our dad. He had neat blond hair that was swept against his tannish pale face. He had stunning blue eyes like all of us except Piper, we don't know where she got the golden eyes. When I was born my mother said I was the spitting image of him. I immediately hugged him, his smiling face was always warming to me. He didn't care if I was goth or not, but crumbled in my moms presence. It was like he was her little servant, even though he was the King.

"Dad!" I said, I was always happy to see him.

When things like this ball happened, he was usually helping out with setup.

"Ivy!" He smiled, twirling me in a circle and setting me on the large golden floor.

"Hello father! It's always a pleasure to see you!" Piper smiled.

Our dad smiled.

"Oh Pipes, you look beautiful!" He gushed, as everyone usually did over Piper.

Then he looked at me and chuckled.

"How did they get you in a dress?"

I laughed loudly.

"It wasn't easy." I replied.

Then my mother walked in. My dad beamed and kissed her cheek.

"Hello Victoria, you look beautiful."

"Oh Cyrus, you charmer."

My parents gushed over each other and I stared out into the crowd, seeing what posh pigs made it in this year. Everyone was twirling about beneath the huge glass chandelier on the marble ceiling. The women's dresses were all colors, from the brightest of yellows, to the darkest of purples. And all the men were either wearing black, or a pale tan. I wonder which sucker was here to date me. All of a sudden I heard a loud thunderous clap. I turned around to see my father, standing above everyone on a tall golden pedestal with my mother. Pipe stood below them, on a slightly smaller pedestal, frantically ushering me over. The only noise was my frantic shuffling on the golden floor. I finally stood next to Piper, shoving down the lumps in my dress. I looked up to see my mother scowling at me. I looked away.

"Now, as most if not all of you know, my two daughters will be going through betrothal tonight. It is a grand ceremony, filled with love, true love, passion, and self indulgence. As you all know, this gorgeous young lady is my oldest daughter, Piper Eleanor Kasper, the princess, and soon to be queen."

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz