Trust me

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I burst open the two golden double doors and ran inside, the only person here was who I'd expect to be in here. My mom. She was sitting at the end of the long outstretched mahogany table and discussing with a royal palace guard. The ceiling of the meeting room was huge and spun into a large golden spiral at the top. All of the walls were shining gold and there was a huge crystal chandelier hanging dangerously from the ceiling, just threatening for me to jump on and ride it. I coughed and my mom looked up at me icily, rushing the guard away. My palms began to sweat nervously. My mom sighed and rubbed her temples, closing her eyes.

"What is it Violet? I have a lot of work to be done." She spoke.

I sighed in defeat but still spoke up anyways, although it came out more like a muffled whisper.

"I was just...I was just thinking..."

She scowled.


So I did the same, screaming at her from across the wide table.


My voice loudly carried through the large, gold, church-like room. My mom was taken aback slightly at the majority of my voice, but then she regained herself and sat back in her chair, sneering at me.

"Why would you care for the peasants Violet? I thought you had at least a drop of sense in you. I suppose I was wrong."

I groaned and swept closer on the table to her, she didn't even look up from her papers that were filed neatly on the desk. I urged her foreword, I could not let all those families in ValHaven live in poverty.

"Please mother just listen to me, you don't understand-"

She cut me off sharply.

"Violet, WE'RE DONE!"

Wet tears slipped out but I forced them back in, slipping quickly out of the room. Once I was safely back in my bedroom I collapsed on the windowsill and curled up into a ball under my favorite dark red blanket. Warmth covered my body and I smiled. Red, like Gerard's favorite color. My hands slipped to the necklace he had given me and fingered it carefully, cautious as to not to break the beautiful green sea glass beads next to the dark, smooth rock. I sighed happily, there was one thing I could be glad about. Then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. It was light and delicate, not my mother.

"Come in." I rasped.

I heard the door open and then close again. The person had light and careful footing on my carpet. I groaned as they lightly tugged off the red blanket. I was actually half expecting Gerard, but I saw another beautiful face in front of me, Piper's smile was genuine, as it always was. Her golden eyes glowed gorgeously.

"How are you sister?" She asked, sitting next to me.

"I feel like crap." I mumbled, attempting to pull on the blanket. I failed.

Piper laughed, it was perfect, like wind chimes.

"Why?" She asked.

I sighed and decided to tell her.

"Mom thinks I'm just some savage child, or a ghost. I hate it, it goes on all the time." I said, my voice was soft and gravely.

She sighed and smiled.

"Mother loves you just as much as she loves me, you must know that Ivy. She just doesn't know how to deal with you, she sometimes doesn't have the patience."

I groaned.

"Yah, okay." I said sarcastically.

"Oh Ivy, sometimes I don't know what to do with you either. Your my little goth ball." she teased, ruffling my blond hair.

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя