Descendants- The New Kids

By swimmingislife7823

21K 255 55

Two years after Ben's coronation and the Royal Cotillon, he has an announcement to make. How will it affect t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

1.9K 31 5
By swimmingislife7823

Mal's POV

It's been two months since Ben and I finished our honeymoon and I haven't been feeling so good lately and now I'm thinking about the symptoms.

1) Throwing up in the mornings only.
2) Weird cravings.
3) No period.

Oh no. This can only mean one thing. I immediately called for Evie and Liv to come straight to my room. Ben and Jay are on Kingly duties and Jay was dubbed King number two a month after we got back.

"What's wrong M?" Evie asked very concerned and Liv frowned.

"I haven't gotten my period yet." I responded nervously.

"Morning throw ups?" Liv asked. I nodded yes. She and E shared a glance.

"Cravings?" Evie asked.

"Pickles and ice cream!" I exclaimed. Evie and Liv whispered a little before Liv left the room and Evie came to sit down next to me.

"I'm nervous E." I confessed.

"I know M but you could be having Ben's child! Don't you want that?" Evie asked me and I glanced away. I want kids but not this early. Ben's almost twenty and I just turned nineteen.

"Kind of. But what if he doesn't want a child this early? We're only nineteen E." I told her.

"It's okay M. I'll be here for you. I always am and that will never change M." Evie reassured me. We were hugging for twenty more minutes before Liv came back in but she also had Lonnie, Jane and Bree with her.

"I brought them for support M." Liv explained when she saw my face. I took the bag she was holding, went into the bathroom and peed on the sticks. She bought me five tests to be sure. I waited the five minutes before looking and I flipped the tests over.






Oh. My. Gosh. I'm the queen and I'm pregnant with the king's child. I emerged from the bathroom and the five girls looked at me, expecting my answer but all I did was hand each of them a test. They looked at them and then compared before looking back at me with shocked faces all around.

"Congrats Mal." Jane said being the first person to speak.

"Congrats." Lonnie spoke next.

"Good luck." Liv said next.

"Yep your gonna need it." Bree said.

"M you'll be fine, and so will Ben." Evie reassured me unlike the others.

"Okay. I have to tell him don't I?" I asked them even though I know I do.

"Yes M, you have to. It is his kid after all." Evie said with a chuckle. It was decided that Evie come with me to tell Benjamin. We walked into his work room and I began talking.

"Hey Ben." I said.

"Hey Mal. What's up?" He asked me.

"So remember when we were talking about kids a couple months ago?" I asked him hopefully.

"Yes. Are you pregnant Mal?" He asked me before I could stall even more. I looked at my shoes and he took my hands in his and turned my head towards him.

"Are you mad?" I asked him.

"Of course not Mal! This is our child! When did you find out?" He asked.

"I took five tests this morning and they came back positive." I said.

"Beatrice, call for Mal's doctor to come to our private room please." Benjamin said into his ear speaker. He dragged me back to our room and let Evie join us for moral support. The doctor came into our room five minutes later and got out the machine for an ultrasound and stuff like that. She looked around for three minutes before writing on her clipboard.

"Well?" Ben asked her nervously.

"It looks like Mal is three months along but she is younger so it's not a surprise that we didn't find out beforehand." The doctor, Val, told us. "Mal is due December 5." She also said.

"Do you know the gender?" Ben asked.

"Would you like to know?" She asked. Ben and I shared a look and I nodded.

"Sure." Benjamin replied happily. Val searched around and found the genitals to see whether its a boy or a girl.

"Well?" I asked very nervously and Evie held my hand the whole time.

"Well it looks like Auradon will have a future king! It's a boy!" She announced.

"Oh my gosh I'm having a son!" Benjamin exclaimed happily. Evie and I shared a look before laughing.

"Thank you Val." I told her and she packed up and then left our room.

"Ben chill out. How are we telling the kingdom and when?" I asked him.

"Whenever you want to dear." He said.

"Hmmm... what about tomorrow?" I asked him. I just want this over with.

"Okay. Who can know before then besides Evie?" He asked.

"Fairy Godmother and your parents if you want to." I told my husband.

"Okay Mal I'll tell FG and my parents if you don't mind?" Ben said to me.

"Okay that's fine." I said and he left to go tell them while Evie stayed with me.

"How do you feel M?" She asked me.

"How would you feel if you were pregnant huh?" I accidentally snapped.

"Sorry I just..." Evie stuttered.

"Sorry E... Mood swings." I explained.

"It's okay." She laughed.

"Do you have any names that you like?" Evie asked me with a funny smile.

"I really like the name Asher." I said.

"That's a cute name! I've always liked Carter." Evie told me.

"That's nice too. It's a name for girls and boys." I said.

"Yeah that's why I like it." She said. Ben came back twenty minutes later.

"How'd it go Ben?" Evie asked him.

"FG is very happy that we have an heir on the way and my parents were disappointed with our age but they know we can handle it." Ben said.

"Did you tell them that it's a boy?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No since we're telling the kingdom with a gender reveal, I thought they could find out then too." He said.

"Sounds like a good idea." I said.

"Hey so I was thinking of names." He said and I smiled.

"I have been too." I said.

"You first." We said at the same time. We both laughed and so did Evie.

"Go ahead Ben." I said.

"I love the name Kaleb." Ben said.

"I love the name Asher." I said.

"Combined its Kaleb Asher!" Evie said.

"Kaleb Florian Asher Beast." I said.

"I love it!" Ben says.

"Prince Kaleb..." Evie contemplated.

"King Kaleb." Ben says with a huge smile on his dorky face.

Total Word Count: 1100

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