
By DarleneMilner

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A sentient planet draws a selected Earthlings to be saved from their own doomed world. This series starts wit... More

Chapter 1 Aftermath of a Crash
Chapter 2 First Morning
Chapter 3 Wreckage?
Chapter 5 Worriers
Chapter 6 Exploring
Chapter 7 Gassed
Chapter 8 Indoor Holiday
Chapter 9 The Next Trio
Chapter 10 Last to Awake, First to Bed
Chapter 11 Three More to Sleep
Chapter 12 First to Awake, Last to Sleep
Chapter 13 Romance Blossoms
Chapter 14 Three Groups Share
Chapter 15 The Golden Girls
Chapter 16 Something Whispered
Chapter 17 Reception
Chapter 18 Old Geezers
Chapter 20 IN THE CAVE

Chapter 4 Waking Second Morning

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By DarleneMilner

After breakfast, the women got down to business. They had all agreed to go straight to the High Council and ask the questions they had been mulling over. When they got to the "court," they felt High Council full of energy and centered. The captain and Johnny were the first to speak, both greeting the women warmly. One wouldn't think they were not fully alive. But by observing you would notice the lack of gesticulation. All expression was within their eyes. Then there was the other obvious fact that the voice you heard wasn't coming from a mouth and you didn't hear it within your ears.

Good morning, ladies! What can we do for you today? Came the telepathic voice of the captain.

"We were wondering if we should wake some of the cryo-eds?" asked Judy. With Anna still emotionally distraught, Judy knew that for a while she might have to lead the way. That's when the thought struck her: How was it that they were so animated last night with Anna? Had they been holding her and speaking with their mouths?

Then Judy heard the answer aimed just at her: Normally, we are to try to conserve energy, but Haven had just empowered us with her dusk gasses. Luckily it had cleared by the time Anna ran out to us. Then without a moment wasted the original question was answered telepathically to all three women.

We wondered when you'd ask. Spoke the captain. The fact is, we would like you to wake three men.

"Must we?" Judy and Beth asked at the same time. They turned to each other and laughed. "Why do we need men? Can't we three do plenty on our own? I've done plenty of camping and living alone that I learned from my grandparents. Beth learned a lot about the planet from Johnny." Judy stated matter of factly.

Haven is using almost all her resources by keeping the frozen asleep, keeping the machines going, taking care of the zoo and earth gardens as best she can. We are trying to help her with the knowledge she needs to keep us all going: inanimate, frozen, human, fauna and flora are all distinctly different from those born and raised here. We appreciate your need to explore and try to make it on your own. You'll get the chance, Haven promises. But we need to relieve her as quickly as we can of the responsibilities of the machinery. The three we have chosen to help you all will work well with you to set up a thriving community. We brought all these people because Anna in her wisdom knew how to get Earthlings up and going on a new planet. Let's not lose sight of this just because it all didn't start as well as we had planned. These thoughts came from the captain and Johnny and others of the High Council, The trio could tell who was talking, but it all was divided to keep the energy alive between them all.

At first, Beth and Judy were disappointed. They realized that this helped Anna feel her power. So they decided it was the proper way to go.

"Which ones?" asked Beth.

Henry Reese, Adam McCall and Robert Jackson. They are the strongest and most able of the cryo. As soon as they are awake, fed, showered and ready, bring them to us. Haven needs them.

Though it seemed life might be easier having the male counterparts, it was hard to let go of the feeling of being the only explorers on this fascinating planet. But the ladies knew that Haven and the High Council had their reasons.


Anna led the way to the tanks. She knew that her whole reason for her existence was medically taking care of the cryonically frozen passengers. Doctor Reese set up the supplies proficiently. In this case, Judy and Beth acted as nurses, handing Anna what she needed as she did her job. Anna still could not see. Her eyes were still sealed, but intuitively her hands knew what to do.

It was good that they were only waking three. Each of the ladies would be charge over only one male as they came around. It was also convenient in that they could wake these three simultaneously. When Anna gave the word, each hit their instrument panels with the same numbers. Each woman called out the stats before them. When there was a lull between operations, Anna walked around making sure each had the right supplies including blankets to warm her patients. She knew how cold they would be as they woke.

Soon it was the time to open the cases. Anna had practiced this so often that she could do it with her eyes closed and she quickly demonstrated just that!

Henry Reese was first to wake. Anna was surprised and very happy to be able to share this great planet with her brother. They had had their share of rivalry but when push came to shove they would join forces and form a formidable team. She kept her face averted from Henry so he wouldn't notice her eyes.

Adam McCall and Robert Jackson woke close in time with Henry. They were all given the formulated solution to equalize their temperatures and biorhythms as they regained strength and muscle tone. Years had gone by since they were awake, so it took a little time to normalize. The medical team worked the patients through their therapies. As with anyone who has been asleep for quite a while, the guys were still groggy and disoriented. They were curious about where they were and the missed time. Judy announced to each that they would soon be told the history of the time while they were sleeping.

As they were able, each one stretched and got out of their tank. The men were very impressed with Haven. She presented herself quite nicely with the fragrant flowers that she had given the women that first morning. Henry was the first to notice that they were not on the ship, or even plugged in as they were supposed to be. "How...?" he started, but Judy rushed over and interceded.

"As we said, the history will be told soon enough. We just need to get you guys up and around as soon as possible. Look, drink more of your protein drink and sit over there." she said as she demonstrated the little gathering of seats. She glanced at Beth, and both swiped their foreheads signaling, 'Whew, deflected THAT one!'

By now Robert and Adam were up and moving around. Beth seated them with their drinks while Anna and Judy were busy watching their bio signs.

It did not take long for the men to be back to normal. The guys flirting with the women. "Well, before you guys get yourselves put back in your tanks, I think we had better take you to see High Council." Judy interceded once again. With that, the little group got up and followed their caretakers. Anna led the way, hiding her face from them to avoid unnecessary questions.

When they arrived at High Council, they saw that there was a space with stairs leading down to the middle. Three seats were awaiting the men. Judy directed the guys down. Then she, Anna and Beth headed back to home-base. They knew High Council and Haven would do a much better orientation than they ever could. Besides, doctoring was exhausting!


Back at home, the ladies ate heartily wondering what was in store for all of them next. Beth and Judy tried to keep things lively so Anna wouldn't have a chance to drop into depression. "Just think how much more we'll be able to do with the guys around. We can explore this great planet all the sooner and in greater numbers! We will get flora and fauna identified so much quicker."

"I want to see Haven's ocean!" Beth added. "What are you looking forward to, Anna?"

Anna had to think about it. She had been so self-absorbed that she hadn't let herself entertain the idea of fun or adventure, of course, this was the way it had always been, working, helping others -- no thought about breaking loose and having fun. But she did get caught up in the excitement in the room, what the heck? She had a whole planet looking out for everyone; Anna didn't have to do it all anymore. "You know, I'd like to follow that stream up into the mountains. Haven is a beautiful vacation resort after all that time in space."

They tried to imagine what kind of creatures must live on this planet. Did they think the circle of life as they had known it on Earth existed here? If Haven had worked so hard to keep them healthy and happy, how could carnivorous animals be tolerated? Would Haven even accept Earthlings picking or eating plants? Would anything on the planet be edible? They had only eaten as they had on Earth. Was that how it was always going to be? Did Haven feed all her inhabitants through wishes? If so was there an end to her generous abilities? These were going to be exciting days ahead. They could hardly wait to get started on their adventures.

"Another cup of tea, Anna, Beth?"

"Sure, please!"

The ladies had barely taken a sip of their second cup when there was a knock on the door.

"Our first guest!" Beth exclaimed. Together the ladies walked to the door. The guys were beaming as they greeted the women. Henry grabbed Anna and gave her a big hug. He swung her around so fast that she thought she might get sick. "Sis, I'm so happy to be awake on this beautiful planet. I hear you were instrumental in getting us here."

Anna put her head down. 'They must not know the truth, or there would be a different reaction.' She thought. Before she could get a word out otherwise, Adam jumped in.

"Anna, the captain told us what happened. He told us how the two of you were in the heat of an argument. Hey, I remember those arguments of yours! But he said that the explosion wasn't your entire fault. That you saved as many of the people that were on the bridge. You sent out that quick alarm, and that's proof that you did not mean to do it. In fact, it was your deep cry of emergency, from your soul, that Haven knew of our coming and she did the rest. She was happy that High Council consisted of the people killed in outer space, just beyond her reach as now She knows She will have a way to communicate with the living. Haven had been so lonely until we all showed up. She cushioned our descent to protect us the best she could. To Haven, the High Council and the rest of us, YOU are a hero. We all honor you!"

Anna was blushing. Judy decided to put in her two cents. "Did Haven tell you how Anna saved my life and fixed my leg, even when she was very severely injured?"

Beth jumped in, "And she brought me out of my grief to help out and made me feel useful!"

"You see why I am proud of my sister?" Henry said.

"I always knew she was some special lady!" Robert said with a wink.

Anna thought about the times she and Robert had dated. He had always had such a crush on her, but she had been so busy with medical school and then this escape project that she had not been able to follow through. She felt happy that he did not think badly of her. "Gosh, I was so mean to you!"

"I knew what was going on. I couldn't ask you to stop working on what I knew meant so much to you. Just being able to call you a friend was enough."

Deep in her throat, Anna felt that knot swelling up. And her knees began to buckle. Robert gently held her and walked her to her bed. He lifted her up so she could sit down, brushed her hair back from her face and kissed both of her eyes. He whispered to her, "Haven knows how you feel about all of this. She says when you can finally forgive yourself you will be able to see fully, and that you should just be gentle on yourself and do what you feel right. You know that she has given you the best sight of all and you do see much more than the rest of us. Just let the rest of us love you until you see all we see about you, too. OK. Hon?"

"Thank you, Robert. I will try."

"Hey, you two! I'd say get a room, but there aren't very many, yet. So let's see that excellent canteen of yours!" Henry shouted.

"Kitchen!" the women shouted in unison.

Judy led the way. "We just ate, but Beth and I can whip up something fast. With Haven's help, that is."

The guys had already been informed of the ways of Haven and had already put in their lunch orders. There were steak and eggs for Henry; a big bowl of spaghetti for Adam; and a chef salad for Robert. "What are you laughing at?" Robert asked the guys. "I need to watch my girlish figure," he said as he gesticulated the curves of a woman. "Ok?"

The group laughed and continued enjoying the company and food. The girls had another cup of tea while they watched the guys eat. But as quickly as they had started the kitchen was cleaned up and they started looking at what they needed to do next.


"Well, we can't very well live in here with them. It would just not be right, or comfortable with all of us in one little room. And I don't want to be the one sleeping on this metal floor!" stated Henry. So they all walked outside. Once again there was only one sun in the sky.

"One sun seems to happen around our noon," Judy said. "There are two early in the morning. We have decided that it would get way too warm if both suns remained all day. Haven is so beautiful!"

The ladies led the way to the wreckage. The men were impressed with the order of all parts and supplies. It was then that they realized they had not discussed where to build, and how many shelters to create.

"I assume we will be waking the rest as we go along so let's just plan out the where to start and how we want our little city to look," Adam said. He sat in the sand and brushed it all flat. The girls thought that funny in that they had used paper and pen for their planning. "What? I don't want this part saved for eternity. We just need to brainstorm a bit before we start." The five sat in the sand with Adam and let him map out the scene as it was. "We should probably build our place right here so we can be close to the supplies. Then eventually, I think we should encircle the High Council so that they are within easy reach of everyone."

"Also, as we go along we need to adapt to the children and our older members that might not be as strong or self-sufficient as we are," Judy said.

"I think we should set up a first aid station somewhere in the center, also. We are a bungling group of humans that will surely need stitches and the like. And we don't want to lose our abilities to doctor and nurse each other. Why add to Haven's responsibilities when we can do it ourselves?" Anna suggested.

"What about a mess or meeting room? I know we enjoy eating together. Then again, every home should have a kitchen and dining area so they can eat as they need to. We might as well assume that this is for life. We are here now to stay. We might as well try to set it up to be as comfortable as we can." Henry said. They had a few more suggestions, and each one took a turn tracing in the sand what they wanted to see. As they came to a standstill, they realized they should ask Haven about this. Each of the six put their hands on the sand and asked, "What do you think of this?"

Then something happened that they would soon get used to but still came as a surprise. The sand map changed here, and there. Haven added her tracings. When done, she drew to the side the cutest sand emoticon.

"Of course!" shouted Beth. "She wanted us to make use of

The new map changed material and colors. It suddenly became a roll up relief map. Adam picked it up and put it in a safe place. "Good thing Haven thought to wake the architect first!" stated Henry. "With my brawn, Adam's brain and Robert's abilities to tame my sister, make us the perfect first choices."

"Oh, you!" Anna retorted. Then she thought better of what she was going to say and changed it. "I sure did miss you! You and your crazy wit!"

"I bet you did! I bet she hasn't laughed since she got here. Am I right, girls?"

"None of us have. We have been working so hard, and though we enjoyed each other's company, this feels so much better. It is nice to have you guys with us."


They let the happy momentum pull them into the rest of the day's work. By sunset, they had a very nice home for the guys. There were three beds, and lockers like the girls had, including their shower, and even their kitchen. They added to the structure a living room with a game area, and chairs and a sofa to relax on.

"Yes, of course, we will build your library tomorrow, girls!" Adam teased. Then he joined the other guys gathering dry wood for a fire. They set up a camp fire between the ladies home and the men's home. At first, they had been hesitant about hurting Haven, but she set up the fireplace for them to maintain the safest fire. The guys threw blankets down for all to sit on.

Anna was delighted to have the chance to enjoy a night out on Haven. They had been a little worried before, but now many minds were bringing together a beautiful place to live. They knew it was necessary to get the feel of Haven's nights. Judy was a little concerned about the dusk release of gasses, but Haven assured her through Anna's lack of intuitional foreboding. Anna was free and happy, so she knew all was safe for everyone there.

That first night of the crash and all the fears they experienced seemed so long ago, yet it had only been a couple of nights ago.

Haven provided food and fire as desired, as had been the case so far. Never had the group had such an enjoyable "camp-out." There were hot dogs, s'mores, marshmallows, and foods for snacks and even vegetables for health. They spent the time remembering Earth days of the past. After the barbecue, the group got quiet. They had been so busy for so long that they had not taken the time to feel Haven's peacefulness. After about ten minutes of quiet, they began to discern the sounds around them. There was a sound like an evening bird, singing a beautiful song to its mate. Though there was a sound similar to crickets on Earth, it was more a clicking than chirping. Even still the sounds made them feel secure and serene.

Beth started singing. The others were impressed with her voice and the song. After she had sung through the chorus a couple of times, the others blended in their voices. Soon they were adding harmonies. Each was awed by the abilities of the other. After Beth's final embellished finale, Henry started another more familiar camp song.

They continued singing for a good hour. Everyone felt content with life right here, right now. None could imagine being anywhere else, with anyone else. On Haven.


By the time they were getting sleepy they noticed that there were other creatures accompanying them. In fact, it seemed the ground itself was humming along. They turned to each other as they noticed it and smiled. They knew they were making Haven happy. And then they heard other voices and they realized Haven had transferred the music somehow to High Council and now High Council was getting involved in the music. It felt like the Universe was in tune.

Gradually, each member bowed to the others and got up to go to bed. Anna and Robert were the last. They turned to each other, singing the last duet, and kissed good night. No words were spoken. No words were needed.

All incarnate humans drifted to bed and dreamed peaceful dreams.


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