Stupid For You || Geoff Wigin...

By parx_bois23

11.5K 257 75

Book 1!! Chloe, just your average 20 year old from New York, moves to California with her best friend Jenna... More

Nose bleeds
Over it
Quick Moves
I love you's
Lisa's Day
Harvest Fest...
Miss kiss
Ring II
Tight hugs
Bands and Drugs


557 13 8
By parx_bois23

And Geoff... Geoff is just ugh☺️🤤🤤🤤

After the show I read through my work I had 3 full pages for each song, how I felt about the band, and how I felt about the crowd interacting with them.

I took my lanyard off and put it in my bag I found a hair tie in my bag and jumped with happiness. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and began to pack my belongings.

My phone began to ring and I noticed it was Jenna.

"Hey, I'm about to leave the house need anything? 

"Actually I'm eating dinner with Geoff and the guys today". I said

"Oh okay bring me something good". She said laughing

"I got you". I said

"Wait, So I heard you and Geoff are a thing?"  She asked.

"How do you know". I said

"Awsten gave me his number". She said

"We kissed that's it, I got to go". I said.

"Hey Chloe". Geoff said

"GO GET LAIED BITCH". She said screaming

I hung up the phone and shoved it in my back pocket.

"Are you ready". He asked me.

"Yea, I think so". I said. Scratching my head.

"You didn't hear Jenna did you?"  I said.

"Yea I did, I don't care though". He said pulling me closer.

"So... what are we, friends with benefits?, with out the sex". I said laughing.

"Your call". He said.

"I just met you Geoff, and yea I like you, you're fucking attractive". I said sitting on the couch.

"I honest to god never felt so attached to someone before". He said sitting on the ground.

"Really". I said smiling.

"Really". He said grabbing my foot.

"GEOFF". I said laughing

He brought me to his lap as I wrapped my arms around him. He fell backwards as his arms went above his head.

"What are we doing?" He said laughing.

"I have no idea, but I like it". He said.

"Okay well I'm all packed so I guess you have to pack to". I said getting off him.

"Stay here and I'll get you when we're ready." He said biting my bottom lip.

"I'm dating a tease, wonderful". I said smiling.

He smirked at me and walked out.


I waited about 5 minutes till Otto came in.

"Hungry". He asked

"Yea". I said laughing.

"Geoff is out grabbing his-". He said before getting cut off

"I'm here babe, Let's go" Geoff said holding his hand out.

I put my small backpack on and grabbed some suckers from the jar.

"Babe?" Otto said laughing.

"Keep close to me" he said as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

Awsten walked out first hearing people screaming isn't my favorite thing but I would have to adjust for tonight.

I adjusted my hand to a tight grip as we walked out.

"WHOS THE GIRL". A girl yelled.

I got into the car as Geoff sat close next to me.

"Feel okay?" He asked

I nodded my head and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" He said wrapping a black sweatshirt over my arms.

I slipped the over sized sweatshirt on and rested my head. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me closer, my open hand reached for his chin as he stopped my hand and kissed my lips.

"You doing alright Chloe?" Awsten asked.

I ignored Awstens question as our kiss turned into a make out session. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, my grip on him began to get tighter, he once again trailed off to my neck sucking and biting

"Fuck Geoff". I moaned.

I realized what I had done and broke away feeling embarrassed as usual.

"Woh there girl". Otto said.

I decided to just stay silent and be on my phone.

Geoff🖤- Sorry😕💞.

Me- it's fine G

Geoff🖤- couldn't help myself🤤

Me- they probably think I'm some sort of sex freak now☹️

Geoff🖤- I doubt they do.

Me- I'm so awkward🙃

Geoff🖤- I love awkward

Me- and I love you🙂💕

Geoff🖤- I know.

Me- thanks for the hoddie😚

Geoff🖤- your welcome☺️

Me- we're here, try to not do anything weird. Or I'll embarrass my self in front of everyone.

Geoff🖤- No promises😩

I shut my phone off and stuck it in my pocket. I got out the car with my bag and started to walk in with Geoff.

We headed to a big booth that could fit at least 15 people, but it was just Otto, Awsten, Geoff, there tour manager, and there photographer, and me.

Geoff let me in first as I moved to the curve of the booth

"Thank you" I mumbled

"Can I start you guys off with drinks ". The woman said laughing.

"I'll have a water". Said there manager.

"Make that two". Said the photographer.

"I'll have a sprite". Otto said

"I'll have a root beer". Awsten said

"I'll have a Pepsi." Geoff said

"Can I have a lemonade". I said.

"Coming right up". The woman said putting her note pad in her apron.

"Hi Darling I didn't catch your name, I'm Mark there tour manager". Mark said giving me a friendly smile.

"And I'm Jawn, there photographer". He said waving.

"I'm Chloe Jones, I'm a concert reviewer.". I said smiling.

"How'd the boys do tonight?"  Mark asked.

"Fantastic". I said with a smile.

"Drinks". The woman said


We ordered our food and had some small talk. Small talk isn't my favorite thing but I deal.

"So where are you from Chloe?"  Mark asked

"Up state New York".  I said taking a sip out of my drink.

I began to take off the sweatshirt because I was getting to hot.

I pulled my shirt down and fixed my position.

"Do you have any siblings?"  Jawn asked.

"I don't know, I'm almost 21 and I know I have a twin, I've spent ages looking for him and I just gave up".  I said as I felt a tear run down my face.

"It's okay". Geoff said whipping my tear away.

"And I don't get told shit and my family, that's why I moved to California".  I said leaning back

"His name Chris, my mom calls him CJ". I said

Everyone kept silent for a while.

"I'm sorry". I said moving my drink back and putting my head down.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay". Geoff said in my ear.

"I need a cigarette". I said.

"No, Jenna said no". He said 

"Someone tell a funny story". I said  

"Just kidding foods here". I said

I took my plate and ate one of my fries before I cut into my chuck of meat.


After we all ate Mark payed for us as we walked to the Uber that was waiting for us.

"So are we dropping you off home?"  Otto asked me

"Yea I guess so". I said laughing.

"Can we sleep over". Awsten said

"Really?"  I said.

"Yes really, I want to sleep over as long as you an Geoff aren't having sex at the end of the night". Awsten said laughing.

"I'm sure Jenna won't mind, and I'm not have sex with Geoff yet". I said bringing my phone out.


"Jenna so the boys wanna have a sleepover, so there coming over". I said letting out a chuckle.

"Okay well I just filled the fridge so if they eat it all they're gonna get it". She said

"I'll- we'll be home in 5 minutes". I said handing the call up.

"You live close to town huh?"  Otto asked



As we pulled up the little hill showed the big White House with a brown car garage.

"This house is for 2 people?"  Otto asked.

"Believe it or not but yes it is". I said laughing.

We got out the car as the boys brought out there luggage

"I forgot you had that in there". I said laughing.

We walked towards the house as I opened the door with the pair of keys I had.

"You could have just knocked". Jenna said.

"Nice house"Awsten said

"Okay I will be back become friends". I said running down the hall to the stairs.

I pulled out a pair of shorts I had from my volleyball years in High school, and a sports bra with a adidas jacket.

I fixed my hair and opened the door to see Geoff blocking me from leaving.

"Now your mine for a few minutes". He said as his hands traveled down my sides.

I didn't question anything but just wrapped my arms around him as he pushed me down to the bed. I let out a giggle as he started to tickle my sides.

He flipped me so I was on top of his lap.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen before". I said.

"Oh shut up". He said laughing.

His eyes went from mine to my neck down to my waist line.

I began to unzip my jacket as he pulled me closer.

"And you called me a teaser". He said unzipping the rest of my jacket and throwing it to the side.

I tugged at his shirt a bit till he got the memo to take it off.

I started to leave small bites around his neck.

"Chloe, fuck". He said

"You're to loud". I said in his ear.

I saw him bite his lip to stop himself from making a sound.

He started to fiddle with the rim of my shorts till I took his hands.

"Chloe". He whined.

"Geoff". I mocked.

"There are people down stairs G". I said

"Then lets go somewhere else". He said.

"Kinky pice of shit". I said.

"I'll tell you this, my birthday make me have fun".

"Deal". He said grabbing my ass again.

"GEOFF". I said laughing.

"Downstairs" he said opening the door.

"I don't have a shirt". I said stoping him.

He let me down as I grabbed his shirt and put my jacket on.

"Better". He said picking me up again.

"There they are". Jenna said.

I took a seat on the ground next to Awsten.

"Can y'all go one hour with out thinking about fucking each other". Awsten said letting a few chuckles out.

"Yea we can, it's just a good day today". Geoff said.

"Well your friend down there says differently."  Awsten said.

"Where's your bathroom". Geoff asked covering himself.

"Down the hall to your left."  Jenna said.

"Congratulations, that's the first time he's ever poped one in front of a girl". Otto said laughing.

"Stop biting your lip it bothers me". Awsten said to me.


"Oops". I said laughing.

"You never let people give you hickeys, this ones special, he did you dirty". She said rotating my neck.

"Fuck". I said laughing.

"Stop Cleo". She said

I got out of Jenna's grasp and spread my self on the ground.

"Alright I'm back". Geoff Said

"Good I was getting mad". I said.

He took a seat on the couch so I got up and sat with him.

"Can we watch a movie" I asked.

"You know how to use the Netflix".


I picked out white chicks because everyone should really love that movie.

I grabbed the blanket from the head of the couch and threw it over my legs as Geoff kept a tight grip on me. I fell asleep mid way in Geoff's arm, I could feel his little kisses on my face but I didn't want to wake up.

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