By aishu0074

14.9K 648 42

She is so rude.. he is so sweet.. she hate love.. his life is love.. They are like night & dawn.. One is... More

Ms Arrogant
I want you
The Marriage
The New Shock
Rk slapping madhu
Madhu's Past
Final Part

Her Bitter past

1.4K 77 2
By aishu0074

"tell..what happend to her that day.."rk..

"that..madhu.."her voice trembled..

"& who is leela aunty.."rk..dips looked...

"that leela aunty was her caretaker &.."dips..


"pls dont ask me any more about it..i dont know anything..pls go from here.."dips..

"no..u r lying..tell i want to know.."rk..

"u want to know..then go & ask her..i cant tell anymore..."dips..


"pls..get out.."dips...rk leaves..

"no rishab i cant tell it.."she mumbled..

Malik Mansion..

Rk reached there & enters inside..he moved towards him room but padmini stops him..she came near him & asked.."u married her for money na.."padmini..he remained silent..

"i knew it..only money minded ppl can marry a girl like her.."padmini..he looks her confused..

"after knowing u can..??"padmini..

"what u mean..?"finally he asked her..

"dont u know..??"padmini..


"omg..u married her without knowing her past..??"padmini asked him..

"which past..i didn't got u.."rk..

"rishab..madhu is.."before she could complete madhu called him.

"hey pathidev y r u wasting ur time by talking with her come.."she hold his hand & drag him to room after giving padmini a glance..madhu entered inside the room & locked the room..

"where were u..??"madhu.

"that..i..i went to meet my friends.."rk..


"hah..madhu.."rk..madhu looked him amazed for the first time he is calling her instead of replaying..

"what..?"she slightly smiles..

"hah..who is leela aunty..?"rk..her smiles disappesrs from her face..her breathing level increased..unknowingly she moved back..

"leela aunty..which leela aunty..i dont know anyone in that name.."her voice trembled & he clearly understood she is lying..he moved towards her she moved back & finally he pinned her against the wall..

"tell madhu i want to which r the memories that hunting u.."rk..madhu eyes filled..she felt dizy & passed out..he hold her..

"madhu..."he shook her but she didn't opened eyes..he carry her in his arms & placed her on the bed..he sprinkled some water on her face..

"no..i wont come with u.."she screamed..

"madhu.."rk shook her again..madhu opened her eyes & raised from the bed suddenly..she saw rk & hugs him..

"pls..dont leave me alone..they will come..pls.."madhu hugs him & cried..


"they...will they come rk..??"madhu..

" one will come.."rk..madhu breaks the hug suddenly & jump off from the bed..she ran to downstairs & saw trishna sitting on a sofa & reading magazine..she went near her & gripped her neck..

"becoz of u all my papa did that to me.."she pressed her neck hardly..

"ma.."trishna cried in pain..padmini came there & pulls her..

" dare u touch my daughter.."padmini..rk & malik came there hearing the sound..padmini saw rk & said.."run away from this psycho..she is a psychotic.."it slipped from her mouth..

"padmini.."malik shouted..rk looked them awestruck..

"madhu.."malik tried to go near her but she stopped him..

"no..when i were craved to hear didn't came from ur mouth..then y now..?"madhu leaves from there..rk came near him..

"papa..what happend to madhu..?"rk..

"becoz of my one mistake i lost my daughter.."tears welled up in his eyes..

"What he meant by that...??"rk thought..

After sometime

Padmini came to rk..
"I want to talk to u.."padmini...he looks her & went near her..
"I..i am sorry.."padmini..
"Ma..y r u saying sorry to me..??"rk..
"That..i..i told bad about madhu"padmini..
"Its not a problem..u said it anger na..some time me too feels like that..what v will do.."rk saw padmini sweating..
"What happened..y u look worried.?"rk..
"U really dont know anything..??"padmini asked him..
"What r u telling about..its making me confused..pls tell i want to know.."rk..
"That..madhu..madhu is a.."padmini..
"Madhu is a..tell..??"rk..
"She is a psychotic.."padmini..
"What..??"he asked her shocked...
"Its true..v send her USA for her treatment.."padmini..disbelief filled in his eyes..he stand there without knowing what to tell..
"But how...??"rk..
"That..pls that i cant tell..if malikji come to know about this he will kill me.."padmini told & leaves..he thinks..

2 days later

Rk saw madhu sitting on her room & watching tv..he slowly went near her & sat near her..
"Madhu.."rk called..
"Hm.."she hummed without taking her sight from the tv screen..
"Ha..u know leela aunty...she is coming here today.."rk looks her..
"What..?"as he expected she looked him with fear filled eyes..
"What u said now..??"madhu..
"leela aunty is coming here today.."rk..
"No..i wont allow her to come here..she will take me with i wont go with her..if i go with her she will.."madhu stopped & cried..
"Madhu.."he hardly shook her which made her come into her senses..
"What u said now..??"rk..
"Tell i want to know.."rk said..
"I want to..i am ur husband madhu.."rk..she looks him frozen for the first time time she is hearing this from him..
"Tell me.."he gently cupped her face as tears continually flowed from her eyes..
"When i was just 7 my ma sharadha passed away..i felt lonely..she was not only my ma but a best friend for me money minded papa had no time for he married a widowed woman for looking me..padmini..i tried to adjust with them but she only cared her own daughter trishna..i became a burden for my papa send me to leela's aunty home at delhi..that time i was in sixth standard...leela authy loved me so much..i feels like the things that i had lost is getting back to me..slowly she became like a ma to me..& there i got a true friend..deepali..she is an orphan staying in a orphanage v became good friends in our school days..occasionally papa came to meet me there..but it didn't affect me as i got leela aunty's love...& after 7 years..


"Madhu dont look that side.."dips told madhu..
" he there..??"madhu..
"Oh gosh..i am fed up with him.."madhu..
"Hey madhu..."he calls her but she didn't gave attention..he came in front of them & blocked their way..she glares at him..
"Its been an year since i behind u...then y u r not replaying to me..??"he asked..
"Not relaying..?sunny how many times i told u..i dont love u..ok.."madhu..
"No..i want a positive replay.."sunny..
"Will u pls leave.."madhu..
"till u tell that 3 words to me..i will continue this.."sunny..
"I will kill u.."madhu fumes..
"Yes sweet heart.."sunny..
"Oh my god.."madhu...
"Madhu y v want to hear him..come lets go.."dips..they start moving but stops when they hears sunny's screaming from back..they turns & saw he is lying on the ground unconsciously..madhu ran to him dips tried to stop her but she didn't..she went near him & kneel down...
"Sunny..sunny.."she shook but but he didn't opened his eyes..tears rolled down her cheeks..
"Sunny..pls dont leave me...i love u.."she said while sobbing..he opened his eyes & start laughing..
"What..u were acting.."madhu..
"What u said now..i knew u too love me.."sunny..
"No..i dont.."madhu..
"No.."he asked again..
""she stammered..
"Oh..."he hugs her & madhu became froze..
"Dont u love me..??"he asked..
"Yes..i love u.."she hugs him..dips looks this dumbstruck..

After 3 months

Madhu opened her eyes & saw leela standing there..
"Happy birthday madhu.."leela kissed on her forehead..
"Thank u aunty.."she smiles back..
"Go & get ready a surprise is waiting for u.."leela..


"What was it..??"rk..
"It was a surprise..a shocking surprise.."hot tears welled up in her eyes..

---   ---   ---   ---   ---

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