A black heart (Steven Univers...

By Skulls1987

184K 4K 1.5K

alright, so this will be my first Steven universe story. hope y'all enjoy More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Auther note (not a chapter)
auther note
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24

chapter 9

7.7K 178 11
By Skulls1987

Stevens POV

"I don't think she's as bad as you think...." Lars' voice rang through my head. Over and over and over. I sent a glare at him and he flinched slightly. "What do you mean she's not as bad as I think?"  I hissed at him. At this point, I didn't care if Y/N heard me. At I really didn't. "W-well...if she was as bad as those other ladies.... wouldn't she have tried to bring us in?" He asks. I thought about it. It did seem like he had a point. Though why had she not of told me? I let out a long sigh "how do you know she isn't playing innocent to trick us?" I ask. He.sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "Well.....I can just feel it. She isn't like them...... maybe she was...bit I can tell she isn't.." he says. He did have a point....a big point on that.

We eventually reached a larger cavern and rutile looked around "guys were back!" "It's ok to come out now!" They called out and before I could ask them who they were talking about, a gem came out of One of the holes. We're you two followed? Please tell me you weren't followed." The gem says nervously. When she spotted me Lars and Y/n, her eyes widen. "You've been followed!!" She shrieks and rutile puts their hand on her shoulder "it's ok rodanite, they're not going to hurt us." "Yeah, we brought them here because robonoids were after them. " Rutile says.

Your POV

I wandered off to Look around, not really paying attention to the little scene. I sigh as I looked around. When I noticed that I had wanders back quite a distance so I started to head back. When I looked back at the group of saw more gems. A peperecha sapphire and florite fusion. Honestly it looked like a giant inch worm. Just as I reached the group I could feel Stevens cold glare sitting on me "who is she?" Florite asks. "I'm y/- " "Black Diamond" Steven quickly cut me off. Their eyes widen and me and Lars sigh "yeah...." I say. For some reason, their faces don't seem angry or even scared. They seem.... happy? Well, all except for roadanite but I guess it's normal for her since she always seems to be terrified at anytime. peperecha smiled and rutile shakes their heads smiling "well. We never had a diagram on out side before. " They said as they looked at the other gems and they nodded. Steven seemed to be in just as much schock as me. They..... except me?.....even if they know what I had done?  "How....can you you trust me so quickly like that?" I ask. "Well. If you were like the other diamonds.....you would have tried to shatter us or bring us in by now" florite stated. It honestly made me want to cry a little, but I didn't. I wanted to be strong so I held the tears in.

No one's POV

You were in a wave of relief that didn't last too long. Soon, four robanoides flew in and roadanite started to flip out. "Everyone! Hide!" Rutile called out, in which Everyone obeyed. You hid with Lars and Steven. And for only this moment, his hate towards you washes away.
The robanoides flew toward you guys and Lars was in the front. You all were surprised when it scanned right over Lars. That's when it hit you "Lars has no gem! It won't see him!" You call out.  Luckily it couldn't hear otherwise you would definitely be dead. Or, um, shattered. Soon enough, Lars started to block some of the other gems so they wouldn't e seen but pepperecha had somehow snuck out to tell about something that already happened. So in meaning, she was caught and Lars grabbed her and took off. The next thing you knew, everyone started to attack it. You threw as many rock as you could, failing miserably due to my bad aiming. You sigh and shape shift back to your diamond form and broke two of them. Then Lars got hurt as he was thrown to a wall and you caught him before he fell to the ground. Your eyes widen as you saw that he wasn't breathing.........

A/n~ please read

Oh man gosh!over 400 reads?! How?! Thank you guys so much! I can't seem to get over this. Thanks again!

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