The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

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The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood
Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise
Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion

65 3 0
By yumekawaalchemy

Once morning came, Jang Mi prepared breakfast for us as I briefly discussed with them that I'll be closing early. Not many customers were arriving, only a few and from what I expected yesterday, a few of the clients paid me a visit for their requested equipment and left with happy smiles.

"And that's how it is. After the ordeal that occurred yesterday, I believe it's better off taking a break once noon arrives."  

"Well it's your call, I'll follow along."

Jang Mi stood by the back as she accepted without argue, however Aliza appeared to be troubled.

"Closing up early will effect your reputation, I assume you already know this, correct?"

"It's true, however there's something I-... No, we must do."

I look at Reiguma as she keenly nods.

"Well it's not like it's my business or anything. Everyone needs a little RnR once in awhile."

She crosses her arms and heaves a heavy sigh, despite not being forced to work everyday it seems she's rather displeased with my decision.

"So what would you like for us to do in the meantime?"

She looks to me as though I'm the one in charge of her free time.

"You can either stay here or simply walk the streets. Anything you want."

"Anything I want, hmm?"

Getting a rather bad vibe, I begin regretting my decision.

"A-Ah no, not anything, keep it civilized you know?"

"Now that's no fun. First you say I can do anything I want and now you say I can't? What's with that."

Perhaps I became too familiar with the form that Aliza normally assumes, the form that she says is her real self. If Aliza makes too much of a ruckus with her acts of mischief, who knows who is going to bite the end of the sword.

"If I can't do that then I'll head to that Wil's tavern for now, want to come with, Jang Mi?"

Openly inviting Jang Mi she shows sign on accepting, however she soon refuses with the shake of her head.

"I have to decline that offer as inviting as it sounds. There's something I've been thinking of doing too and now I have the perfect opportunity for it."

"Well, that's a shame. Just when I thought we could become closer if we shared a drink or two."

A small pouch dances around her finger as I soon realise what's inside.

"Hey... Isn't that-"
"I assume a small share won't hurt right, Kiro?"

"S-Sure... Depending on what your definition on small share means..."

"Just enough for a drink or two. It's not everyday I get the perfect opportunity to drink without worry, if only I had a partner to share it with..."

She looks around at all of us before diverting her attention towards the back.

"If she so much as step foot on the streets, I'll immediately have my license revoked and kicked out of the city."

"That does sounds amusing."

Looking as though she's thinking of it, I begin feeling a little anxious. It's quite a wonder I have two potential hazardous beings living in such close proximity.

"But that would be nothing but a fleeting joy; an experience that'd only last a few moments before realising I've no home to return to."

"Y-Yeah... So let's not do that. With how you look, I'm sure you'd be able to make a few drinking buddies there. Though perhaps not the wisest of choices."

Most civilized people only drink when the sun's down, after a long day of work.


After leaving a message for Lilly, we each head our own ways as it was quite strange to see Jang Mi heading into the streets alone. I thought for sure she just wanted to practice without disturbance either out in the wilderness or in the yard.

"So, Kiro, what are we doing?"

"The better question is, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?"

As we aimlessly walk down the streets, we stop by the fountain as Reiguma seems to be at a loss. Perhaps she believed that I had something concrete in mind.

"I dunno... We can go shopping?"

The safe choice.

"Shopping it is!"

Asides from that one time, I didn't quite thoroughly show her the sights of Krydon, and now's the perfect opportunity. From simple clothes stores, to small trinkets and other miscellaneous shops, we stop by a small park as we sit upon a bench.

"Reiguma, are you sure you didn't want anything?"

I expected for her to want many of the things she gazed at, I could by that gleam in her eye and being unable to mask her joy that she was interested in lots of items.

"Ehee, I'm sure.~ I mean... As much as I wanted those small things, they cost a lot of gold, right?"

She nuzzles close against me and rests her head against my shoulder.

"It's not too much of a concern, if there's something you want then you can tell me."

"So does that mean you're willing to buy me another gift?"

It's as though she believes I'm unwilling to purchase something for her. Someone who means a lot to me, I'm sure she knows this.

"Of course."

"You're being awfully kind, it makes me feel a bit strange.~"

She hops off the bench with a push and points towards a large building in the distance.

"I want to see what that is. Can we?"

"Oh, that's..."

The local church, I'm not quite sure if Reiguma would actually be interested if I were to tell her what it is.

"Well, I'm not so sure if it's a place you'd enjoy visiting. It's open to the public though you have to be pretty quiet inside."

"Oh? What happens inside?"

"Hmm... I suppose you'll know once we're inside."


Pushing pass the large doors, we step into the church as the atmosphere immediately changed. With it being a weekday, there weren't too many people inside, with only a few in the premise the priestess soon notices us.

"Hello, welcome to our church."

The priestess greets us in a kind manner. We never quite frequented the church as the alchemists takes care of most issues, religion to God plays a small part here compared to other cities.

"Are you the Priestess?"

"Yes, I'm Priestess Cecilia, though new I'm sure I'll be able to help with whatever it is you may need."

"I'll let you know if there's something concerning me."

With a polite bow, she heads towards the center to care for other matters as Reiguma's busy entranced with the stained glass that surrounds the church.

"Kiroo... What's with all these pretty windows?"

"I guess it's to make the place pretty and to set a symbolic meaning to it."

"Oh I see... Though something about this place makes me feel really weird. As though there's something here but I can't see them."

For someone like Reiguma who's able to call upon the fire elementals and now lightning, I assume it's due to that power that she may be able to sense the presence of an unknown entity.

"It's a place of gathering for those who have faith in God. A being with an unlimited mass of power, you could say their almighty and is responsible for the world we live in today. It's a place to confess concerns and help relieve burden of the mind. It's also a place for people to marry."

She tilts her head as though I'm making no sense. I guess that's just like her.

"Oo, I don't get it but I see! But what's marry? It sounds funny.~"

"It's something between two people who love each other and say they'll devote their life together. It's more of an official statement than anything."

"Oh... So something like what you and I did?"

"Ehh... N-Not exactly..."

If we wed I'm not so sure what my standards would be. Though it's no lie that I was attracted to the strange Serabrae the moment I came into contact with her.

"What do you mean not exactly? Are you saying you won't marry me?~~"

Causing a commotion, a few people look towards us, some expressed concern as I honestly hope they didn't actually hear her words.

"Okay, that's enough, go sit outside for a bit and wait."

"E-Ehh, why are you suddenly  push- K-Kirooo...~"

Apologizing for the disturbance, they each continue their actions as the Priestess soon returns.

"Is there a problem?"

"U-Um no, sorry for the disturbance, Priestess Cecilia. Although... I'd like to ask a question if that's okay."

"Is it about arranging a marriage?"

I break into a sweat as I'm not too sure if she'd accept marriage between two different races. The priestess in charge would be the one to overlook the marriage as a whole, so they have the final word in arranging marriages within the church. I may not have read in to it, however I'm sure the act is against God's testament.

"N-Not exactly. I'm just wondering... Has there ever been marriages between two different races?"

"Between two different races? Hmm, for what reason do you ask?"

"C-Call me curious is all..."

"Well to my knowledge, there hasn't been any within this church. If you'd like to know more you could visit the Cathedral, however I'm not so sure if it'd do you any good."

"Oh I see..."

I-It's not as though I want to marry inside a church or anything. However one must have the setting, just anywhere won't be any good.

"Are you possibly thinking of-"

I cut her sentence off as I couldn't bare the thought if she was planning to say it. However, I became rather worried that it was quite rude, however she softly giggles as she steps a bit closer.

"It's okay, your wedding with your female friend may not be able to be held here, however..."


"There's a church out there?"

She pulls me towards a more secluded area off to the side as she speaks of a church that lies on top of a mountain near the ocean side, it's the time first I've heard of it.

"Yes, it's quite a climb however I'm sure you'd find it. Many have traveled there in the past, but now it's been forsaken. It may be a little rundown though I'm sure it'd be what you're looking for."

"Why are you telling me this?"

It'd do her more harm than good if she's caught associating with this.

"I may be a Priestess but I'm still a girl who adores love. Others would intervene, however I believe God will accept your love so long as it's mutual."

"I'll keep that in mind... Thanks, Priestess Cecilia."

"I only do what I think is right, to be of assistance in ones love trial fills me with utmost joy. And also, I'd like for you to fulfill my request as well."

"A request..?"

I'm pretty sure I never mentioned that I'm an alchemist.

"Yes, you see that church is a very special place to many of us. There has been word that an unknown entity has taken residence within it, I'd like for you to report whatever it is that has made it it's home."

An abandoned building makes a good hideout for ruffians or small animals or monsters.

"An unknown entity? Is it dangerous?"

She shakes her head.

"I can't say for sure. There's nothing else I know about it."

"Hmm, okay. I'll take what you told me as payment in advance as I check out the church."

I am technically off work so there's no need to take a request, however there's no reason not to accept. Our interest align and I'd like to think of this as a start to many requests to come.

"May God watch over you both on your journey there."


"Muu, Kiro what took you so long!?"

Reiguma stood obediently outside as she didn't cause enough ruckus to be kicked off the premise.

"Sorry, just had some questions that needed to be answered is all."

"Hmph, it's just like with Lilly. You go off and do your own thing and not think about me."

With a pout she begins walking off on her own. The only reason why we're out here in the first place is because of Reiguma.

"Now now, don't be like that. Our day out has only just begun, Reiguma!"

Having trouble appeasing to her, I had to latch onto her for awhile as I could tell she was trying her best to ignore me.


Becoming rather difficult to handle, she wouldn't let it go so I simply took her hand and escorted her back into the main part of the city, however on the way I catch sight of someone awfully familiar in an alleyway.

"J-Jang Mi?"

"J-Jang Mee!? K-Kiro, you said this day was to be about us! Uweehh.~"

Feeling Reiguma tugging me back, I couldn't let her go nor could I understand the reason Jang Mi's squatting in an alleyway filled with cats. I signal for Reiguma to be silent for a bit as we hid behind a stack of boxes.

"You creatures are quite strange, fluffy but strange."

She had one in her arms whilst others surrounded her, purring. I haven't seen this many cats gathered around anyone, let alone strays. They're usually afraid of strangers and would immediately turn tail if they get too close.

"Those sounds you make, it's awfully alluring... M-Meow... No, that's not it."

I almost slip a word out as I force my mouth shut.

"Kiroo, we shouldn't be spying on her like this... Better yet, why are we hiding from her? We should go see what she's doing."

"No no, if we go up to her the cats will scurry away."

Hoping Reiguma doesn't do anything that'd disturb them, I continue to silently observe her. Jang Mi's usually calm and doesn't say too much unless required and I've never quite seen how she is when she's alone.

"Oh, what's that you have there?"

Jang Mi places down the cat in her arms as she turns her attention towards another who seems to have gotten some piece of fish from the trash.

"That stench, it's gone viral, you can't eat that."

She tries to remove the fish from the cats mouth, however it only resists. She wasn't exerting too much force that'd cause harm towards the cat, however she was relentless on prying it away.

"Look you can't have that, it'd only make you sick. Come on."

Being strangely caring to a bunch of stray cats, it's a side that I never thought I'd see from her. It seems like she has a soft spot for them.

"You're being quite stubborn, aren't you? Okay, fine, you know your body best after all. Though that still doesn't mean I'm okay with it."

It's as if she knows how to communicate with them, maybe she has a talent for these sorts of things.

"Don't come to me if you end up sick."

She runs her hand against the cat's back as it continues to pur and soon cling to her fingers. At the such of such an adorable act, she soon reveals a small smile and expresses a soft laugh.

"You creatures really are quite fascinating, I wonder if this is all you do with your daily lives. A big family who sticks close together... If things were this peaceful back at home...-"

Her smile immediately fades as she grasps her head as though she's in pain. The cats soon realise her agony as their express their worry in purrs.

"D-Don't worry... I'm okay... It happens a lot and it usually fades away without any lingering pain after awhile."

As though the cats could understand her, one starts to lick her hand that's supporting her against the floor. One by one, and soon they all appear to be showing care to Jang Mi.

"You lot really are quite gentle creatures... Heh, perhaps I should stop trying to think about what happened to my home. It's quite funny... The moment I realised what has happened, I was all alone."

She sits against the floor, legs crossed as a few cats soon hop onto her lap, with others nuzzling against her side as she holds one in her arms.

"I couldn't remember a single detail of myself, not even my own name."

She looks to her waist and reveals a gentle smile. The sword that she devotes herself to, an important instrument that's always with her.

"Not even she speaks to me anymore. I know it's because of my current state, I'm unworthy of wielding her. Someone who doesn't know who they are couldn't possibly wield her."

The cats could only reply with purrs, though I'm sure she didn't expect for them to answer in any other way. She only continues to gently pet their fur coat.

"...Now then. Kiro, Reiguma, I know you two are there."

Suddenly calling our names, I butt heads with Reiguma as our covers were easily blown.

"S-Since when?"

Feeling quite guilty, we walk out from behind the boxes as the cats scurry away.

"A few moments ago. Eavesdropping isn't really something you should be doing."

"See! I told you, Kiro but you didn't listen to me!"

"I can't believe I'm being scolded by you out of all people..."

"W-What's that supposed to mean?!"

Among our bickering, Jang Mi chuckles.

"Reiguma has better morals than you, Kiro. If I didn't notice you two spying I'd be a failure as a warrior."

"You declined Aliza's offer to drink so you could pet cats all day long?"

"Cats? Hm, I see, so that's what they were. I don't believe we had them in my village, such fluffy, intriguing creatures. But enough about that, you don't have long until the day is over so you should continue your day with Reiguma."

With a wave of her hand, she continues down the alleyway as Reiguma seems a bit disappointed, surprisingly. Perhaps she couldn't mask her impatience which caused Jang Mi to part ways earlier then she wanted.

"Jang Mee's quite lonely, isn't she?"

Reiguma gazes at her back until she disappears from sight. If anything, Reiguma's becoming quite observant as of late. Perhaps it's a sign of her growing up.

"Not only has she lost her home, but she's in this city filled with strangers."

"But we're here right, Kiro?"

"Yeah... For as long as she needs us."


As we continue to stroll around the city, things have gotten a lot gloomier as Reiguma's thoughts are surely with Jang Mi. I couldn't do a single thing to ease her worries, so I took it upon myself to travel out towards the church with Reiguma alone. A change in scenery is best to escape from your thoughts after all.

"Kiroo, my feet hurt..."

Climbing up steep hills to reach the church on top that looks over the coast, it seems to be a bit much for Reiguma.

"Just a bit more and we'll be there, so keep it up."

"Ehhh? Why are we going to another church in the first place?"

"The Priestess requested for us to investigate and since you were interested in the one back at home, I thought you'd also like to see this one."

"But you said we stopped working today..."

What she says is true, however this is the perfect opportunity for it and also a good location. That is, if the place is free from harmful creatures.

"Think of it as community service, if the church is glad with our work, in the future they may seek us for further help."

"But we're not getting paid, right?"

"Think of it as an investment."

Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a large rundown building is within sight as the scent of the ocean becomes more apparent.

"A little more damaged than I thought..."

"Kiro... It looks like a dump."

"Now now, whether or not it's damaged, a church is a church and you shouldn't badmouth it."

Nothing about it seems out of place, nor do I hear anything from inside as we proceed closer. An unknown entity may just be a wild animal, it doesn't necessarily mean it'd be dangerous, however we should be prepared.

"I can smell fish, Kiro."

"Not exactly the best time to be hungry, Reiguma."

Pushing the heavy doors open, the place seems ransacked as some of the benches were toppled over as a few were also missing. The place was quite a wreck, however the pedestal remained intact as well as the holy symbol behind.

"This place is a mess, though I guess it's to be expected. For now let's look around."

"You brought me to a place where people could do dubious stuff..."

Like you're the one to talk about dubious deeds.

We continue to scour the church as there doesn't seem to be anything that'd lead to us finding the unknown entity. Or perhaps the thing has packed up shop and left, it's not a solid fact but perhaps if we remain here for longer it may reveal itself.

"I don't see anything at all, Kiro. Can we go home now?"

"Now now, don't be like that. We've barely scratched the surface."

"Boo... Then you can keep searching, I'm tired..."

Resting against the pedestal, it doesn't look like she belongs there at all.


I take the opportunity to sit beside her as I gaze up at the shattered stained glass windows above that used to form a dome.

"...It's going to be a long way back so it's wise to take a break while we can."

Reiguma nods in acceptance as she rests her head against my shoulder, despite being burdened with the walk it appears she's already in good shape.


"Hm, all ready to go?"

"No, that's not it... I can hear the waves from here, it's soo quiet."

"Yeah. Though it's harder for me, I can also hear them. It's quite peaceful here, but if we wanted to watch and listen to the waves, there's one point in the city which has just that."

"Oh? Why don't we go there then?"

"Hmm... All right, some other time though. By the time we get back it'd be in the evening and-"
"So, what does that have to do with it? I bet it'd look prettier then!"

Reiguma hops off as she offers her hand to me with a smile.

"Let's get going before the sun really goes down!"

If she were to have a little bit of sense, then she may have assumed our reason for being here. Though I guess that's just like her, the one I can pledge my life to. And come to think of it, there's no real point of the ceremony in a church, if it's not filled with the warmth of others.

I accept her offer as I grasp my hand against hers as she lead the way out of the church. However, a voice echoed from behind.

"Is it everlasting love that you wish for?"

I turn back towards the alter however no one was there, it halted Reiguma's advance as she too looks back at me in worry.

"Kiro? Is there something wrong?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

She looks to me as though I'm crazy, the voice was loud enough for the both of us to hear.

"Do you truly love her? Do you truly care for her? Is it because she's different that you love her?"

"Show yourself!"

"Very well."

With a flash of white, the scenery got a lot brighter as it also began to glimmer. A ray of light shines down upon the holy symbol as a figure slowly emerges. With long, white hair and golden eyes. Her frame was rather small compared to her large white wings which stretched outwards. A halo situated above her head as a spear lies in her hand.

To think an angel descended upon this very church leaves me in awe as I almost forget to breathe.

"Kiro, Kiro! What are you doing just standing there?"

"It's an angel, an angel, Reiguma. Can't you see her?"

"Ehh, an angel?"

Reiguma looks towards the symbol, however it doesn't seem like she can see her.

"I don't see anyone or any angels... Kiro, are you okay?"

"Only those who I select has the right to see me, mortal."

"So that's how it is..."

I pull Reiguma closer as I place my hand against her head.

"If that's the case then could you also grace Reiguma with your presence?"

If this keeps up I'm not sure what Reiguma would think of this situation, she may come to an assumption that I've lost it.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow that, for it is you that I choose to appear before."

"Umm... To what do I owe the pleasure..?"

This might be the mysterious entity that resides within this church that Priestess Cecilia mentioned.

"I sense both fear and love within you, mortal. Towards the very Reiguma you speak of. I am here to oversee if the feelings you hold towards her are genuine."

"Fear? I'm afraid you're-"
"I will be the judge of that."

With a voice of authority such as hers, I felt very small compared to her. An Angel that oversees love, I don't think I've heard of such a case.

"If you truly love her, then why is it that you hesitate, why do you fear for the future?"


She looks at me as though she can see right through me, or better yet she has. It seems she's able to detect the emotions of man. Fear, yes it's no lie that I fear the future we have.

"...If I'm so easy to read then I'm sure you can figure it out yourself."

Despite being in a contract to one that imitates those of lovers, the step after is of a much grander scale. And although Lilly eased my worries of what lies in the near future, it's our future beyond that which both saddens and frightens me.

"It's said we humans live up to a maximum of ninety years, however the majority only last up to seventy. Our lifespan pales in comparison to Serabrae's that have the ability to live pass a thousand years."

"If things such as the amount of years you'd be able to spend together then I judge your feelings aren't worthy."

"...I see."

"Then, by my hand..."

As though her words were final, she lifts her spear up, however Reiguma suddenly cries out.


Her voice silences the angel as it makes me jolt back. She moves in front of me as though to protect and stares daggers towards the angel. I could feel the intensity just being near her.

"I don't know who or what an angel is supposed to be, but... I can tell Kiro's troubled and if it's you that's troubling him then I ask for you to stop."


"Whenever Kiro's troubled, his brow furrows and he has that look as though he's in pain. I don't like that... I like him best when he's smiling, so if it's you that's troubling him then I'll never forgive you, angel or not!"

"Hm hm. Interesting, even for a Serabrae it's quite a feat to dispel my barrier. Your emotions are strong, young Serabrae."

As though she's amused she reveals a small smile, such an expression was rather stunning. I try my best to hide my thoughts, however she turns to me as she's already read my mind.

"With such strong feelings, it's without a doubt that she loves you. However, can the same be said for you? You say your love for her is restricted due to the passage of time, should that really be something of concern?"

"...I just... don't want to leave Reiguma alone."

"Your dearest will remain regardless of your actions. The outcome is inevitable, you can't run away from it and yet you choose to. Ask yourself this, mortal. Would you rather be in love, or falling from love?"


It's true that despite what I do I cannot achieve a life where I'd live for a millennium like Reiguma. 


Reiguma places her hands against her shoulders and shakes me in an extreme manner, as though to snap me out of my thoughts.

"I didn't notice you were thinking of this all along, that's why you planned out this day for us, right? And yet I didn't see it, I'm sorry, Kiro, for making you carry the burden alone..."


Holding back her tears, she lays her head against my chest and quivers.

"Asakuren said that she wants me to travel the world, to see what lies beyond the volcano... And to live out my life with you, Kiro... I know you'll be gone a lot sooner than I but that just means I shouldn't care about anything else asides from being with you! ...I'm yours no matter what, in the end I don't care what marry is, I just..."

Unable to hold her tears back, she bawls as her arms wrapped around me.

"To capture the heart of a Serabrae, artificial or not. You're responsible for her feelings."


I caress her hair as I rest my forehead against her.

"...Thank you, for your feelings; for everything. ...And you're right, something like the passage of time shouldn't matter. In the end if I get to spend the rest of my life with you, then that's all I could ever ask for."

Gently lifting her head, I wipe away her tears as she smiles brightly.

"Such a simple answer, however I detect your fear disappearing. I acknowledge your love for what it is, for it's not because she's a Serabrae that you love her, it's because you fell for who she is. The purity of it all, I find joy in."

As though she's content, she closes her eyes. Her wings wrap around her frame as she slowly ascends towards the sky, as small glimmers surround her, she vanishes without another word.

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