Demigods at... HOGWARTS??


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What will happen when our favourite demigods go undercover and meet our favourite wizards? Can they stay hidd... More

There are such things as What Nows? (wizards)
We're Going Back To Hogwarts?
The Sorting
What happened?
The Flashback
The Plan
Revenge +Classes=Oh dear me, what did i do?
Classes Part 2
Drama Class with Minnie
The Part Where Everything Starts to Make a Little More Sense
Brothers and Sisters of My Worlds

Calypso Dear,

3.1K 45 63

The plan. Ha, none of the demigods know about it. The plan to destroy Percabeth and make it Perlypso! Ha! It'll be easier than I thought. Roonil is on my side, and the demigods are so unsuspecting of my schemes! Percabeth are already fighting! h, my life is soooo easy, and I never fail to get whatever I want, whenever I want.

This is Calypso, BTW. And, you may be thinking that I'm cocky and no one else has ever succeeded to break up Percabeth before but trust me. I've got this one under control. Just watch and learn.

Ron's POV

Calypso has come up with the best plan ever! Just what we need to break up 'Percabeth'. I don't get what's so special about them anyway. They're just like the rest of the couples in the world. Seemingly in love but easy to break up. Especially with Calypso in on the plan and helping me. This will be easy as pie.

Phase one. In action.

"Hey Piper", I say as I walk past her in the halls.

"Oh, hi Ron." she says, seemingly reluctant to talk to me. Must be nothing.

"So, what's Annabeth's favourite animal, and food?" I ask.

Piper's PoV

Ohhhhhhhhh. He's doing something to get Annabeth. Ha, jokes on him.

"Well, she really likes seafood and if you could cook an owl, that would really please her. She's all into that type of stuff, like unique foods and stuff."

She'll kill him when she finds out he cooked an owl. Her favourite animal! Oh, not to mention Percy will absolutely assist in his murder. Seafood! He's probably already dead, just for thinking about it. I  give myself a mental hi-5. Yes Piper. Then I join the others in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Next up is Potions.

We all walk there together and come in just in time to see Calypso chatting to Sev. Hmm, I wonder. Whats she up to? We come in with the rest of the class and Sev says "Today we will be making the potion Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world. This potion is also illegal for wizards to use against others."

He puts up the recipe and we all start our work.


"Good job everybody." says Sev at the end of class. I spot Hermione and Draco hold hands under their desk, Calypso oggling at Percy and Percy looking longingly at Annabeth who is sitting with me and Jason with Percy because of the plan.

Calypso's PoV

Everyone thinks that I'm just staring at Percy but actually, I'm smuggling some of the love potion into a container below the desk. Oh, Percy won't know what's happening.

Before I know it, it's lunch time. Yay, phase one is happening!!

I slip in front of the seat Percy is about to sit in and slip some love potion into his drink. Haha, no way he will be able resist me now. I grin. Percy sits down and starts to eat, completely oblivious as always. Ron is on his right and Jason is on his left and he and Jason are talking casually. He freezes for a millisecond, just enough for me to know that the love potion is working.

My plan is finally working.

(Have I done the disclaimer? Well, anyway- you guys know who owns these fab characters and it sure as Hades ain't me! Thx, bye)

Calypso's PoV (Just in case you forgot.)

Its working! Its finally working! Annabeth is out of the way and now I can get Percy all to myself. I can finally dump that Leo kid. (To Tartarus with you Calypso!) 

Percy acts slightly different and stands closer to me throughout the day until dinner. I enhanced the potion so that it lasts until a year is up. He'll love me by then.I f not, I'll have more. He's mine either way. I meet up with Ron in an abandoned classroom. 

"The plan is working!" I whisper-shout to him. He just nods, and stares at me. Heh, whats up with him? I don't care! I've finally got Percy exactly where I want him. Could my life get any better? Not to mention, Annabeth is out of the way and nobody knows whats up with Percy.Ha, those puny demigods can't compare to the daughter of a titan! Besides, I enchanted the love potion to make it irreversible until the year is up.

Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, the Stolls, Thalia, Nico's PoV


(Ok, thats the end of that chapter. I want everyone to comment a real or fake name, I don't mind, and a book. Just for my next chapter. BTW if you don't there might not be an update, you can comment more than one if you want. Thx guys.)

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