Divided (Throne of Glass and...

נכתב על ידי softballchick27

69K 2.1K 501

For decades, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and Rowan Whitethorn have ruled the Kingdom of Doranelle, passing the... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 25

1.1K 36 5
נכתב על ידי softballchick27

It had been weeks since Azriel had disappeared, and the weight of his absence took a heavy toll on everyone. Amren, though she never said it directly, used researching the origins of the Mirror to keep her mind off of Azriel's absence. Mor was visiting the Hewn City more often than Feyre had ever known her to do, and she wouldn't talk to anybody about her best friend's disappearance.

Rhys had thrown himself into discovering what exactly had attacked Cassian and Lucien on Hybern. Lucien had returned to the Spring Court, stepping up in Tamlin's absence, and once his wing had healed, Cassian had taken to getting drunk, even Nesta couldn't cheer him up.

Feyre flipped the broken mirror over and over in her hands, wondering about it's relevance. Carved lightly into the handle was a word in an ancient language that not even Amren knew: ddistryor.

Feyre sighed and peered into the mirror, seeing only her own broken up reflection. There were slight bags under her eyes because of the stress of losing Azriel and the unknown threat in Hybern.

On a whim, Feyre spoke to the mirror, "Hello. My name is Feyre."

Nothing happened, and Feyre put the silver mirror on the bedside table, feeling a bit dumb. She had winnowed to the house on top of the Court of Nightmares earlier that day. First, to be alone with her thoughts, and second, to wait for Mor. They were supposed to winnow to Velaris together to celebrate Starfall, the first Starfall since Feyre had come to the Night Court where they were not all together. It was a sad thought, and Feyre wished she could bring Azriel home.

In her mind, she hoped that wherever he was, Azriel would be able to look at the stars that night and remember that he was not alone.

Feyre spent the day doing mindless tasks and practicing some of her magic. She was too wound up and sad to paint, so she passed the day restlessly.

When night finally came and the first of the spirits appeared, Mor winnowed into the house.

"Finally!" Feyre exclaimed. "We're going to be so late. Rhys will be waiting on us!"

She stopped when she noticed the red that surrounded Mor's eyes. She'd been crying.

"What's wrong, Mor? Did something happen down there?"

The beautiful blonde-haired woman shook her head, "No. I... I just can't go watch Starfall tonight. Not without him."

Feyre hugged her friend tightly and asked, "Are you sure? I think Azriel would want you to be with all of us tonight."

Morrigan sniffled and shook her head again, "I'm going to stay here tonight. But you should go, Rhys will be worried about you."

Feyre understood that Morrigan wouldn't be persuaded to see Starfall without Azriel, so she gave her friend, her sister, one last hug before winnowing back to the City of Starlight.

Morrigan crawled into the empty bed in the dark room. Azriel was gone. She should have insisted on going to Hybern with him and Cassian. She and Amren and Cassian and Azriel had spent every Starfall together since Rhys had become High Lord, and it was her fault that Azriel was not here for this one.

She let herself cry for him, for her best friend, for what he had lost, and for what she had lost. It had been a very long time since she had allowed herself to fall so far into despair.

She could see out the window some of the migrating stars, and she wondered if Azriel was among them.

"Azriel," she cried quietly into the darkness. "I'm so sorry. I should have been there to save you."

And out of nowhere, a low sounding snore sounded through the dark room. Morrigan was up in an instant. She was alone in the house, and technically, no one could get in without hers, Feyre's, or Rhysand's permission.

She crept slowly to the side of the bed where the noise was coming from, and there, sitting on the bedside table, was the mysterious mirror Feyre had found.

Morrigan picked it up and peered into it and almost dropped it when she saw a face that was not her own in it. Sure, the girl looked similar, with long blonde-hair and long eyelashes, but her coloring was different, as well as the shape of her lips.

Morrigan was dumbfounded by it all as the girl let out another small snore.

She swallowed and finally said, "Umm, hello."

The girl moved slightly but didn't wake so Mor tried again. And again. And again.

And eventually, she found herself screaming into the little silver mirror in her hand.

"Wake up! You have to wake up! You have to help us! Please!" the immortal Truth-teller begged.

The girl's eyelids began to flutter, and Mor's own eyes went wide. Not knowing what to do, she winnowed to the House of Wind to find the others.

But by the time they had all gathered around the small silver surface, the girl was gone, and only an empty bed in a dark room remained, interrupted only by the cracks in the mirror's surface.

Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I know this chapter was a little bit short and a little bit boring, so I'm sorry. I'll probably update again tomorrow, back in Doranelle! Please let me know what you think so far; I pretty much know how I want the story to go, it's just a matter of writing it. My goal is to finish this before I go back to school in August! Thanks again for reading!

המשך קריאה

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