Hearing Her Melody

By KatnissTris123

5.8K 224 72

Eighteen year old Ella Hart is your typical good girl, with a 4.0 GPA and all the good grades. She doesn't li... More

Hey Guys!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Hey Guys....
Chapter 7
1k Reads!!!
Hearing Her Melody
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

424 20 6
By KatnissTris123

Hey Guys! I'm baaaaaaaccckkk!! Here's  your update. Hope you like it.😊

Ella's POV 🎤🎧

That next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed with a very soft pillow. I snuggled into it and sniffed. 

It smells so good, like honeydew. And it's so warm. And it's moving. 

Wait, what?

I opened my eyes and stared at Ryder's face. You might think this will be the scene when I admire how good looking he is and all that stuff. But no. That cliche stuff never happens in my life. At all. So do you know what I did?

I pushed him off the bed. Real hard.

He rolled off and landed  on the floor. Flat on his ass. it was so funny, I laughed loudly.

"What the f**k!?" He swore.

I was still laughing hysterically. I laughed until my sides ached. Ryder scowled at me, but my laughter was so contagious that a small smile slipped out on his face too.

When I finally stopped, I realised what was happening.

"What the hell were you doing here?"I asked.

"I saw you ummm... crying last night. Really hard. So I came to check on what was wrong. I put you to sleep. I must've drifted off to sleep next to you." He confessed.

I was still a bit astonished. But to be honest, that was the best sleep I had had in years.

I nodded and finally took in his appearance. His hair was all ruffled and messed over. Which somehow made him look more hot. He was wearing a tight white black T-shirt that emphasised hi muscles. And he just lay on the floor with his signature smirk on. Overall this guy managed to look hot even after sleeping which was a big achievement. Because I looked like a cave woman after waking up.

"Like what you see?" He asked. Somehow, even just after waking up this guy was still annoying, I'll give you that.

I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and got up, while throwing the blanket on the floor. As I stood up and was taking a step, my foot got caught in the blanket and....

I tripped! I fricking tripped. In front of Ryder! Again!

It was Ryder's turn to laugh now, while I just flushed red and scowled. He howled in laughter and I waited for him to finish.

"Are you done?" I groaned.

"How can you manage to be so clumsy?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I'd like to call it a talent. It's not everyday that people trip or do something clumsy. And I do it all the time." I said.

He looked at me and observed me as if I was a something new he had discovered,"You're a keeper, Ella Hart."

I just shrugged in reply and there was silence between us. Well until I heard moms voice.

"Honey?Are you awake?" Her voice was muffled but close. She was climbing the stairs.                    My eyes widened.

"You need to get out of here!" I whispered to Ryder in an urgent voice. 

He nodded and climbed the window sill but I held his arm to stop him.

"What?" He asked.

"Well......ummm........thank you Ryder."

"For what?"

"Ummm....for being there last night."

He nodded in understanding and smiled. Not that smirk of his but a real smile. A smile that made my heart flutter.

Mom fumbled with the doorknob. "Go!" I whisper shouted.

He winked at me and jumped into the other room and I sighed in relief.

Mom entered the room and smiled. "Got a good nights sleep?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Well, I have to work today. And I'll probably come tomorrow afternoon." She said.

"Umm...isn't it a Saturday? And you'll stay a whole day?"

"They're calling me Ella, I'm sorry but I have to go."

"It's okay mom. I'm fine with it. I'll call Katie for a movie marathon."

My mom was a doctor. After dads death she started to work harder. Maybe work was a way to make her forget about the world just like singing was my escape out of this hell hole.

"That's a good idea." She smiled. "Take care of yourself, honey."

"I will."


Turned out, Katie had gone to meet her aunt and she couldn't come. So I decided to watch a movie on my own. I collected all Marvel movies available in the house.

I loved the Marvel movies since I was thirteen. My first movie was Captain America and I simply loved it. I mean who doesn't love Chris Evans, right?

I had a DVD player and a TV in my room so I started watching the movie. Until........I was interrupted. With a knock on my window. I paused the movie and groaned in frustration. I was at the best part! 

I opened the window and snapped, "What the hell do you want?" 

Ryder peered behind me and gave me a smug smile. That I so wanted to wipe off his face. Maybe a good slap would do the trick.

"Ooooohh Captain America: Civil Wars. I like that movie. Can I watch it too?"


"Oh come on. Please?"he said. I literally wanted to punch his face right now. He smirked clearly enjoying my annoyance.

 "No." I was about to close my window but then he held my arm.

"Do you remember our deal?"

I nodded and sighed. I had almost forgotten. "Fine. You can come too."

He grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "Have you made popcorn?" He asked.


"What's the fun of watching a movie without popcorn?"

"I'll make you some if you want. I don't want to eat."


To be honest I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. What happened at the shop really got to me. So I hadn't eaten anything since then.

I made Ryder his popcorn and then we started the movie. I couldn't concentrate as he had his arm around me and it sent tingles through my body which was a really pleasant sensation.  We watched all the movies until it was night. At the end my head was somehow on his chest and I was almost in his lap. I got up stretching myself and yawning. 

"Hey there is a party tomorrow night at Chase's house. Are you coming?"

"Do I look like I go to parties?"

"So you haven't been to a party before?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Well no shit Sherlock."

"Then tomorrow is going to be the first party you'll go to."

"But I don't do parties!"

"Our deal, remember?"


"I won't hear any excuses. You're going with me tomorrow. Or you'll face the consequences."

"Oh come on! That's so unfair!"

"Nothing is fair in life and death." He said smirking.

I sighed,"Okay I'll go with you. But what about mom?"

"Don't worry. I've got it all planned. All you need to do is dress up and look all pretty."

"What about the time? And the place? And-"

"I told you I'm handling it. You just do what you have to do and leave the rest to me." 

He then said, "Be ready till seven o clock. I'll take it from there." Then he jumped back into his own room and I sat down on my bed.

What have I gotten myself into?


Sorry Guys, I know it was short and nothing much happened but this was just a filler.

The next chapter is going to be SPICY!!

Anyways, take care. I'll update soon. I hope.

Comment and Vote. Don't be silent readers.

And just to remind you. This story isn't edited. Hell, it isn't even proofread. So please forgive me and my auto correct for all the mistakes.

Until then..........😏😏😏

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