Risking the Long Game ✅

By JoshayaShipper4Ever

148K 3.7K 422

Maya Hunter: Maya's life was perfect. She had a family that loved her, a boyfriend who adored her (at least... More

1. Best Year or Worst Year
2. Run-Ins and Lies
3. Ditching and Deals
4. Angry or Sympathetic
5. Parties and Secrets
6. Tutoring and Mistakes
7. Confessions and Riley
8. Sneaking and Escapes
9. Good or Bad Idea
10. Trees and Bad Influences
11. Sick Days and Fights
12. Dating and Riley
13. Past and Present
14. Punches and Conversations
15. Beginning or End
16. Talks and First Dates
17. Fishbowl or High School
18. Secrets and Distractions
19. Love and Trust
20. Stay or Go
21. Fighting and Making Up
22. Did You Hear That or Not?
23. Pictures and Tears
24. Better or Worse
25. Rumors and Parties
26. Set-Ups and Make-Ups
27. Texting and Parentals
28. Chinese Take-Out and Hanging Out
29. Chalkboards and Phone Calls
30. Turkey and E-Mails
31. Busted and Forgiveness
32. Next Step or Too Far?
33. Confusion and Trust
34. Dream or Nightmare
35. Twists and Turns
36. Teasing and Pleasing
37. Cookies and Movies
38. Letters and Promises
40. Baby Blues and Baby Boys
41. Coffee Dates and Chicken Nuggets
42. Study Breaks and Appointments
43. Have or Haven't
44. Lovers or Fighters
45. Celebration and Secrets
46. Shopping and Surprises
47. Nervous or Excited
48. Leaving and Reunions
49. Promposals and Pizza
50. Basic or Unique
51. Prom Prep and Anxiety
52. Dances and Hotel Rooms
53. Answer or Ignore
54. Caps and Gowns

39. Bad News and Boyfriend Goals

3.2K 66 19
By JoshayaShipper4Ever

Maya's POV

"Maya it's time to get up" my mom exclaims making me groan as I turn over and bury my face in my pillow. New Year's had passed uneventfully. There was a huge snowstorm and everyone was snowed in meaning I got to spend the holiday on the couch with my parents instead of in my bedroom with my boyfriend. Not that I was still bitter about it or anything. Regardless the holiday came and went and now it's the first day back to school. I had been dreading this day more than anything for the past week but now here it was. "Maya" my mom shouts sternly, pounding on my door.

"I'm up" I shout back as I turn to lie on my back, looking up at my ceiling. I push my hair back and run my hands over my face. I reluctantly climb out of bed and walk over to my closet. I grab a white sweater dress and a pair of sparkly black leggings and wander into my bathroom. I turn on the faucet and grab my toothbrush quickly brushing my teeth while I heat up my flat iron. I apply a light coat of makeup before my flat iron is hot. I run the iron through my locks and once I'm done I start getting dressed. I pause to look at the bruises on my ribs that have almost completely healed at this point. I could even laugh now without wincing. I put on a white lace push up bra and a matching pair of panties before slipping into my leggings and pulling my dress over my head.

"You're gonna be late" my dad says, taking over the knocking for my mother. I roll my eyes and head back to my bedroom grabbing my phone and my backpack before opening the door.

"Ready" I force a smile as I brush past him. I skip down the stairs and grab a bagel, smearing strawberry cream cheese over it and taking a bite. "I'll see you guys later" I say with my mouth full of bagel, grabbing my keys from the hook.

"Bye" they shout after me as I open the door and head out. I climb into my car and send off a quick text to Josh letting him know that I'm on my way before heading off. Since the accident was the demise of Josh's car he doesn't have transportation so I'm repaying him for all the rides he's given me and I'm picking him up. I pull up to his house a little after 7:30. I honk the horn and my boyfriend appears, running down the steps of the front of the loft complex. He yanks open the car door and climbs in.

"Shit it's cold" he rubs his hands together making me laugh.

"It's the middle of winter in New York" I remind him, running my hands over my steering wheel.

"Yea, yea" he replies, blowing on his hands.

"You were outside for five seconds" I laugh as I put my car in drive and pull out into traffic.

"I'm sensitive to the cold."

"Okay" I laugh as I head off towards school. "How was the rest of your break?" I ask conversationally.

"Sucked" he replies, leaning his head back. "I missed you" he adds sweetly, moving his head to look at me.

"Missed you too" I smile as we pull up to school. "Would it be awful if we ditched?"

"Probably" he replies making me moan in annoyance. "Babe it's gonna be fine" he assures me, placing his hand on my thigh.

"I can't wait until summer."

"Me either. Have I mentioned how fucking cold it is outside?" he asks making me laugh as I roll my eyes and yank open my car door.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

School is more boring than I remember it being a couple weeks ago. My senioritis was getting to an all-time high. I'm sitting in my English class and I couldn't tell you in the slightest what the hell my teacher is going on about. I pull my phone out of my pocket and open my text thread with Maya. Then I remember she's in math and I close it. I stare at the clock for the rest of class and basically sprint out of my seat when the bell rings. I head straight for the library and expect to find my bright and bubbly girlfriend but instead I find my girlfriend sobbing. "Maya" I say, concern lacing my voice as I rush over to her, throwing my books onto the table and pulling the blonde into my arms. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask softly, rubbing my hands down her back.

"We're skipping" she says, pushing back on my chest and pulling her keys from her pocket. I want to argue but one look at my distraught girlfriend and I know there's no point.

"I'm driving."

~ 📚 ~

We drive everywhere and nowhere. I have no destination in mind. I know I can't take her home and I can't take her back to my place. I'm a man without an island. I finally decide on Central Park, it's far enough from Greenwich that we won't run into anyone and it's beautiful in the winter. "Come on" I smile, parking the car and opening my door.

"It's cold" she replies, sniffling.

"I can handle it" I smile, reaching for her hand. "Come on baby" I plead. She sighs and gives in, following me out of the car. We walk through the snowy park for a few minutes before she begins to talk.

"I'm failing math again" she whispers making my eyes widen. "I missed so much school with the accident that I'm behind in almost every one of my classes. The guidance counselor isn't sure that I'll make it to junior year." That explained why she was so distraught. "Please say something" she begs, bringing her frozen blue eyes up to meet mine. I realize I'd fallen silent.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper. The guilt for the accident bubbles back up inside me.

"Don't" she says sternly, grabbing my hand. The cold of the silver band on her finger brings me back to reality. "This isn't your fault."

"I'll tutor you. And Cory can help. Topanga. Riley" I list. "None of us are going to let you fail Maya. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna finish sophomore year and then you'll fly through to senior year and then you'll join me at NYU."

"What?" she asks. I suddenly realize that we'd never discussed the future. Not really. I gave her the promise ring to assure her that I was always going to be with her but I had no idea if she had other plans for college. Ones millions of miles from me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed-."

"You really think I could get into NYU?" she asks. I look at her confused.

"Why couldn't you?"

"Um have you met me?" she asks, a laugh bubbling out of her that makes my heart break. How was it possible that she had so little faith in herself?

"Maya" I say softly as I pull her towards me so I'm able to encircle her in my arms. "You are capable of anything you put your mind to" I assure her. "You've got the brains, you just need to apply it" I add as a smile pulls at her lips.

"Thanks Josh."

"Anytime gorgeous" I reply, leaning down to kiss her. "Now let's get back to the car because it's freezing out here." She laughs and we walk hand in hand back to the car.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"So. What do you want for your birthday?" Josh asks as the two of us sit in a booth at Applebee's waiting on the waitress to come and take our orders.

"My birthday?" I question, taking a sip of my diet coke.

"Um yea" he chuckles. "You know, the day that celebrates your birth. It's an annual thing" he replies sarcastically making me roll my eyes and shrug.

"I don't know. I don't really do the whole over the top birthday thing."

"Why? Is your birth not something worth celebrating?" I remain silent and his previous playful demeanor changes to one of shock. "Maya" he says softly, reaching across the table for my hand. "Your existence is definitely something to celebrate. I have no idea what the hell I would do without you" he adds sweetly making my heart flutter.

"You always know what say. How do you always know what to say?" I ask making him chuckle.

"I don't know" he replies, "all I know is that if I make you smile I know I'm doing something right" he adds making a smile pull at my lips.

"Hey, what can I can for you?" our waitress Samantha asks. I watch her eyes linger on my boyfriend and I simply roll my eyes and sip my diet coke while Josh orders his lunch. It was something I was getting used to but it still irritated me. "And for you?" the waitress asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Chicken tender basket with ranch" I order, handing her my menu.

"Fries okay?" she checks.

"Perfect" I reply with fake enthusiasm. I look over to see my boyfriend stifling a laugh as he hands his menu to the girl.

"Okie dokie. I'll put your order in and be back soon" she smiles brightly before bouncing off to the kitchen.

"You're so mean" Josh laughs, sipping his soda.

"I'm mean? Why do girls feel the need to check you out when your girlfriend is clearly sitting within two feet of you?"

"The same reason guys check you out" Josh replies, a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "Do you know how many times I've seen a guy eye you?"

"No one looks at me" I argue. Josh scoffs.

"Baby I feel like we're at the point in our relationship when I can admit this to you" he says, leaning across the table. "You have a really nice ass" he whispers, sitting back down and leaving me gaping.


"You do" he laughs lightly. "It's your best physical feature. Well besides the eyes. I get lost in those on a daily basis and your lips of course but that's for other reasons" he adds making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"So my ass and my eyes?"

"Physically yes those are your best features, not that everything else about your body doesn't make me crazy" he adds making my blush intensify. "But getting back to my point here" he says, squeezing my hand. "While I wish guys didn't stare at you I always remind myself that I'm the one you're with. I'm the one who knows things about you that no one else does. And because of that I don't mind those guys looking at you because at the end of the day I'm the one who you chose."

"That's some confidence."

"It's all because of you. Before we reconnected I never thought I'd be worthy of this. I was a disaster but you put me back together and showed me that I was more than my mistakes" he says sweetly making tears form in my eyes. I let go of his hand and bring mine up to my eyes to catch them before they fall. I collect myself with a few deep breaths and turn my attention back to him.

"I love you" I reply simply making a smile pull at his lips.

"And I love you" he says sweetly as our food arrives. She places our food on the table in front of us and smiles, her gaze falling onto Josh.

"Anything else I can get you?" she asks politely.

"Nope. I think we're good" Josh replies. "Thanks."

"Anytime" she smiles saccharinely. I chuckle as she walks off.

"Maybe she thinks I'm your sister" I point out as I reach for the ketchup.

"No way. We interact too romantically for anyone to mistake us as anything but a couple" he shakes his head.

"But I am younger than you."

"Not by much" he argues. "And please don't start with that three years shit. It drives me nuts" he snips, grabbing the ketchup from my hands.

"But I am three years younger than you. Doesn't that bug you?"

"Should it?" he asks as his blue eyes pierce mine. "You'll be seventeen next week and I'm only nineteen."

"But you'll be twenty in a month" I remind him.

"So?" he questions, dipping a fry in ketchup and stuffing it into his mouth.

"So" I trail off. "There'll be college girls who will be the same age as you and I'll still be stuck in high school. Are you sure you wanna put up with that?"

"Put up with what?" he asks confused. "Baby where is all this coming from? I'm not putting up with you nor will I ever. I love you and the fact that you're a little younger than me doesn't bug me in the slightest. If it bugs other people I don't really give a shit. It's my life and I chose you." I gnaw my bottom lip and nod.


"Okay?" he checks making me giggle.

"Okay" I confirm. "I love you."

"I love you too baby" he smiles sweetly.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"Today was fun" I smile as we sit idle in my driveway. Our day off had come to an end and I wasn't motivated in the least to move from my spot in this car.

"Yea it was" she agrees with a smile. "Thank you for everything."

"I didn't even do anything" I reply. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"Okay" she gives. "I'll pick you up same time tomorrow" she adds and I nod.

"Sounds good. And we'll stay the whole day this time. Gotta start kicking tutoring into high gear."

"Yay" she replies unenthusiastically making me chuckle.

"It won't be that bad" I try to convince her but she shoots me a look that shows she doesn't believe me. "It won't" I laugh. "Studying can be fun."

"How?" she asks confused. A smirk pulls at my lips.

"You have your math book?"

"Um yea" she replies. "It's in my backpack."

"Come inside."


"I know you don't want to go home as much as I don't want you to. Just come inside" I beg. Her face softens and I know before the words leave her lips that she's coming in.

"Fine" she gives, pulling her door handle. I smile and reach into the backseat for her backpack. I hoist it on my shoulder and climb out of the car leading her inside. Cory still isn't home from work, Auggie is at school, and Topanga was working on a huge case that had her working long hours at the courthouse. "It's already past three. They'll be back soon" she says worriedly.

"Then hurry up and get your fine ass up to my room" I reply making a blush fall on her cheeks. We jog up the stairs and I throw open my door and toss her bag onto my desk. "Sit on my bed."

"Josh what are we doing?" she asks as I go over and lock my door.

"Studying" I shrug.

"How is being locked in your bedroom gonna help me focus" she giggles.

"There'll be motivation" I smirk, grabbing her book and putting it in her hands. "Flip to the chapter you think you struggle the most with" I instruct. She rolls her eyes but does what I ask. When she hands the book back to me I laugh. "Fractions. I'm shocked really."

"Shut it" she laughs. "Now what is this mysterious motivation?" she asks curiously.


~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

"You?" she asks confused. "You're the problem" I laugh.

"You think I'm hot don't you?" he asks. I blush.


"For every question you get right I remove something I'm wearing" he smirks. My jaw drops open and suddenly my blush has intensified and my body feels like it's on fire.

"You sure this is a good idea?"

"If you're as bad at this as you say then I won't become undressed in the slightest."

"I thought you had faith in me" I exclaim. He laughs.

"I do. But you need to have faith in yourself. First question. ½a + ¾= 9/4. What's a?" he asks. I start working through it in my head.

"Can I have a piece of paper?" I ask. He nods and hands me paper and a pencil. I work it out and gnaw my lip. "Three?" He takes off his jacket and throws it onto the bed beside me.


"That wasn't that hard."

"None of this is if you put your mind to it. 1/3 + 3/6b = 12/6."

"Um" I gnaw my bottom lip, working it out on paper. I screw up my division and erase it while Josh waits patiently for my answer. "Four." He smirks and kicks off his shoes.

"I think you got the fractions babe. What else you need help with?"

"I don't know" I shrug. "Come up with something." He flips through the book and lands on geometry.

"Equation for figuring out sine."

"Opposite over hypotenuse" I reply immediately. He smiles and pulls off his socks.

"Confident in that one weren't you?" he teases.

"A little" I confess. "Next?"

"What's the equation for circumference?"

"Pi radius squared" I reply quickly.

"Alright we're done with geometry" he laughs, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. My mouth goes dry. My boyfriend had ab muscles I didn't even knew existed before I met him, right down to the prominent v lines that led below his jeans. "Eyes up here Ms. Hunter" he teases. My cheeks heat up as I lock my eyes on his.

"Sorry" I reply, sucking my lip into my mouth.

"Focus is important Ms. Hunter."

"I am focusing" I reply playfully. "On you" I add.

"I won't be on the test."

"Too bad. That I'd ace."

"Yea?" he asks walking towards me. "You think so?"

"Oh I know so" I reply as look up at him. "I know everything about you."

"What day was the accident?" he asks bluntly. My breath hitches as I stare up into his eyes that were clouding over with memories from that night. I take a deep breath and close my eyes trying to compose myself.

"June 7" I supply, allowing my eyes to reopen. Josh's are glossed over with tears. "I remember because it was right before the end of the school year. I remember because you didn't come to my eighth grade graduation because you were mourning your parents. I remember because it was right before the summer that you broke my heart" I whisper, tears beginning to form in my eyes as I push him back and stand up. "I remember because I wanted to be there for you and you wouldn't let me."

"I wouldn't let anyone" he whispers, pulling me into his arms.

"Why did you ask that?" I ask, nuzzling my head into his chest.

"I don't know" he confesses. "I guess because it's a day that impacted my life."

"What day did you start tutoring me?"

"September 7th" he replies immediately making a smile pull at my lips as I pull back and look up at him. "Why do you ask?"

"I guess because it's a day that impacted me life" I reply making him smile as I reach up to kiss him. His lips move quickly against mine as we stumble back to his bed. The back of my knees hit the edge of his mattress and my legs give out making me tumble back onto the bed. Josh stands in front of me and I take a few seconds to catch my breath before I grab his belt and tug him back on top of me. I press my lips to his while he moves us more comfortably up to the head of his bed. His lips leave mine and trail across my jaw and down my neck while his hands travel down to the hem of my dress. His hands slip under the fabric and inch up my thighs.

"Want me to make you feel good?" he whispers in my ear making my eyes widen.

"Yes" I whisper quietly. He smiles and pecks my lips before slipping his hand underneath my leggings. My breath hitches when his palm presses against me through the thin fabric of my panties. I had done this much with Charlie but my body never responded this strongly. He pushes my panties to the side and slides a finger inside me. I gasp and quickly clamp my mouth shut in embarrassment of my reaction.

"Don't" he says softly, running his thumb over my lips. "I like hearing you" he whispers as he leans down to kiss me. He moves his finger slowly, kissing me all the while. When he adds another finger I moan into our kiss and bring my hand up to tug on his hair. "You okay baby?"

"Yes" I sigh, resting my forehead against his. He smirks and adds another finger. My mouth falls open and a loud moan falls from my lips on its own accord. He picks up speed and my body begins to tremble, the pressure at the pit of my stomach needing to release. "Josh" I let out in a strangled moan.

"Josh" Cory's voice sounds from downstairs. Josh's lips land on mine in a deep kiss as Cory's footsteps get closer.

"Fuck come on Maya" Josh mumbles against my lips.

"Josh" Cory knocks on his door at the same moment I finally find my release. I grab the back of Josh's neck and close his lips completely over mine. My moans escape into the kiss as my orgasm crashes over me in waves. "Josh" Cory knocks again. Josh's lips disconnect from my own and he rests his forehead against mine.

"Just a sec Cor" Josh shouts back at his brother. "Go clean yourself up. I got Cor."

"Okay" I smile softly, still in a daze. He smiles and pecks my lips before cleaning off his fingers with a tissue and wandering over to his door while I scurry off to his bathroom.

~ 📚 ~

Josh's POV

"What's up Cor?" I ask my brother innocently, acting as if I wasn't just screwing around with my girlfriend.

"You skipped school today" he points out. I nod.

"Maya was having a bad day."

"Uh huh and apparently she's still having one." I hoped not after what I just did to her. "I assume since her car is in my driveway. Where is she?"

"Bathroom" I reply quickly.


"Um yea. Something wrong?" I ask confused.

"Why did you take so long to answer the door?" he asks. I play dumb.

"I didn't hear you until you got to my door and I was in the bathroom when you knocked. Sorry" I lie. He eyes me suspiciously but I know he isn't going to come right out and accuse me of fooling around with Maya.

"Fine" he gives. "Dinner is in an hour and I'm assuming Shawn and Katy would like their daughter home" he adds before walking off. I shut the door at the same time Maya walks out of my bathroom with her hair now thrown up into a messy bun and her leggings bunched up in her hands.

"You okay?"

"I should probably get home" she blushes, walking over to stuff her leggings into her backpack.

"So soon?" I ask, grabbing her wrist and pulling her against me.

"I don't want to make my parents upset. I'll see you tomorrow" she adds, leaning down to peck my lips. She quickly grabs her stuff and reaches for the doorknob. Something seems off. I catch her wrist again.

"Are we alright?" I ask worriedly. "I mean you didn't feel pressured did you?" I begin to panic.

"No of course not" she shakes her head. "We're okay. I just really gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow" she adds before she slips out of my bedroom.

~ 📚 ~

Maya's POV

I immediately dial the doctor's phone number when I reach my car. I had tried my hardest not to let on to Josh that something was bugging me but the second I listened to the voicemail from my doctor telling me that there was something concerning about my blood work I couldn't help but worry. "NYC General how may I assist you?" the polite receptionist asks.

"Um this is Maya Hunter. I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago after I was in a car accident with my boyfriend. I got a call from Dr. Fields that said there was something concerning about my bloodwork."

"Just a second Miss Hunter" she says politely, paging me through until a feminine voice fills the line.

"Hello Maya."

"Doctor Fields. Um I'm just calling to follow up your phone call about my bloodwork."

"Of course. Miss Hunter I'd like you to come in to the office at your earliest convenience to discuss my findings."

I gnaw my bottom lip. "I'm actually swamped with school right now. Is there any way you could just give me the news over the phone?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes please" I reply immediately.

"I'm actually going to start with a question. When was the last time you had your period?" she asks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Um if you're about to tell me I'm pregnant then I have to politely disagree. I'm a virgin" I assure her.

"It's actually quite the opposite Miss Hunter. You have decreased luteinizing hormone levels which in turn can cause a woman to experience infrequent menstrual cycles" she explains slowly.

"What does that mean?"

"With your decreased levels your eggs aren't being released which results in missed periods. In turn if eggs aren't released then they can't have the chance to become fertilized."

"Meaning what? I can't have kids?" I ask, my heart sinking to the bottom of my chest.

"That's not what I'm saying. Your body is perfectly capable of carrying a baby to full term but if ovulation doesn't take place then the egg can't be fertilized. I find it's usually best to try and resolve the problem now and hope it's a pubescent hormone imbalance."

"Resolve it how?"

"You'd go on a medication that could regulate the levels and get your period back on track. Since you are underage you need a parent's consent and of course it's also an important conversation to have with your significant other. Take a few days to process everything and if you have any questions feel free to call."

"I will" I mumble. "Thank you Dr. Fields."

"Of course Miss Hunter" she replies sweetly before we hang up. 

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