~Voltron x Reader Stories~

By Blackb3rryz

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[COMPLETED] Lime & Fluff | Fiends of Voltron, welcome! Cover photo is not mine nor is the series; Voltron Leg... More

Keith & Lance (Lance x Reader)
Welcome to Voltron (Lance x Reader Pt.2)
Affection (Lance x Reader Pt.3)
I Love You (Lance x Reader Pt.4)
Backstabbers (Shiro x Reader)
Dancing Demon (Keith x Reader)
The Shorties Pt.2 (Pidge x Fem!Reader)
Finally (Hunk x Reader)
Him or Me (Allura x Male!Reader)
Season 3!! X3 (Spoilers)
I got tagged :>
Hello again.
Clouded Red (Mermaid!Keith X Reader)
Angst Voltron Scenarios
Season 5 *^*
New Cover

The Shorties (Pidge x Fem!Reader)

435 5 3
By Blackb3rryz

~Your POV~

After saving a planet from Zarkon, the people that we protected decided to through and thank you party for us. Well, more like a formal ball than a party. We insisted that it was okay but they wouldn't take no for an answer. So after our debate, the ball would be ready the next day and so would we.

"I wonder what the balls gonna be like!" Allura says excitedly.

"Do we have to dress formally, because if that's the case then I have to wea-"

"A dress!" Allura interrupted as Pidge groaned.

Everyone was in the room at the time might I add so Me, Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Coran was hearing all of this. You thought of what it would look like if Pidge were to wear a dress, it was kinda hard to imagine since she looks like a boy all the time but you got a good enough image of it.

Lance speaks up, "Getting Pidge to wear a dress is hard to imagine." 'Tell me about it' You thought.
"But imagining (F/N) wearing a dress is even harder." He finished.

Then realizing that you were a girl like Allura and Pidge, meant that you have to wear a dress too. Pidge and Allura looked over and gave you a smirk, you could tell this was not gonna go down well. You try to avoid eye contact but you couldn't help but stare back at them.

"No. No. No. You are not going to putting me in a dress, absolutely not." You folded your arms when saying so, giving a slight glare. You never really liked dresses, in fact, when you were younger you'd get made fun of for "being too girly" or that I didn't look nice in girly type thing. So you shifted over to being more boy like, which you soon learned was called a Tomboy. From there on out you've hung out with boys even though your mom told you not to and always wore boy clothes mainly jeans.

Allura walked up to you, "If I can get Pidge to wear a dress then I can get you to wear a dress." You could practically feel the devilish intentions viding off her.

"I said no. I'd rather wear a tux than a dress." You stated sharply.

"Oh come on (F/N), it's only fair that you wear a dress too. Heck, you think I wanna wear one?" Pidge placed a hand on your shoulder slightly smiling. You and Pidge had become great friends since you have been staying there with them, of course, Allura, Shiro, and Hunk shipped it.

Lance just made fun of you two by calling you guys The Shorties since you both were the shorties two in the castle. Keith didn't really mind too much, he knew you guys kinda liked each other though.

Not being able to resist Pidge, you greeted your teeth pushing away your thoughts of the past and what the others thought you finally responded.

Rolling your eyes, "Fine.. But I'm trying on a tux first!" You sighed out.

Allura jumped up and down as Pidge smiled more patting you on the back.

"Well, this outta be interesting." Shiro giggled. All the others nodded in agreement, but I said something that made me, Allura, and Pidge grows the smirk of Satan himself.

"Oh but don't think we're leaving you guys out if I and Pidge have to wear a dress you have to wear one too. For the time being at least, cause I'm sure as hell not gonna be the only ones suffering." You slyly spoke.

"WHAT!!" They all yelled back in complete distraught. You laughed at their reaction but then added,

"Well you don't have to wear a dress to the ball, but you can show us what you look like in a dress. If not I will make your life hell, and I'm pretty sure you remembered what happened last time correct?" They all went pale and they nodded confirming they'd do it.

"Good. Well, let's get a move on we don't have all day!" As soon as they all left the room with Allura and Pidge still at your side you raise your hand in the air, they high-fived it. Giggling you all go to Allura's room and see her closet full of dresses and a few tuxes, you pick one out getting ready for tomorrow.

~Timeskip/Pidge POV~

(F/N), Allura, and I waited as the fellas were putting on a dress for us to show. We decided that we would all wear a tux first while the guys wore a dress and then we'd switch, pretty simple really. I have to admit (F/N) looks really handsome in a tux, it showed off the main parts of her. I could tell she was way more comfortable with a tux, she seemed bolder as well.

"What the hell is taking the guys so long?" (F/N) irritably complied.

"It's been thirty minutes already you'd think they'd be ready by now.." Allura added on.

"Well I mean they are guys, they probably don't even know how to put on the dress." You joked around trying to lighten the mood.

Allura spoke next, "True, I bet Shiro is gonna be cute and Hunk is gonna be too big to even wear one!"

"Keith is probably gonna wear it upside down while Lance is putting it one backward!" (F/N) laughed out.

"But then again they have Coran with them, so you'd think they'd be done by now." Allura chimed.

We all shrugged and waited a bit longer, finally we heard footsteps approaching. We stood up dusting ourselves off and they entered the room. Allura, (F/N), and I immediately burst into laughter, while I was leaning on (F/N) for support to keep from falling over.

We were spot on with our guesses. Hunk wore a dress too small for him that it had a large rip in it, Lance wore his dress backward while Keith was pulling the count Dracula, Shiro was wearing his sorta lop-sided but still cute, and Coran. He just wore a plain dress with flowers in his hair.

~Your POV~

You felt as Pidge leaned on you slightly for support but you didn't mind, you were laughing too hard to care anyway. But turns out our guesses were right, and as for Coran, you let him off the hook since he purposely let them wear the dresses they way they did. Even though he knows that's not how you properly wear them, 'Thanks, Coran you're a true gentleman.'

Lance and Keith yelled out, "This isn't funny, Coran over here wouldn't help us put them on! So we ended up like this!" You laughed even harder and finally fell over, along with Pidge. As you three stopped laughing you and Pidge stood back up, practically holding each other to keep from falling again.

"Count Dracula, Opposite day, it's okay we totally understand!" Snickering they huffed and Coran spoke up this time,

"Well, I think you ladies look quite dashing in your tuxes, it's quite the look for you three."

"Why thank you, Coran, I appreciate it and you look quite.." Allura paused.

"You look fine compared to the others!" Pidge butted in.

"Alright, that's it!" Lance charged after Pidge but tripped on the dress landing face first into the floor. Causing us to stifle our laughter to keep from falling over again.

"Well, time to switch!" We ran off back to Allura's room, ready to show off true beauty as Allura said. 'Oh boy..'

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