my creepypasta chatroom XD

By name-yume

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if you like crazy random, anime refrences, and creepypasta good for you, you found meh awesome book I hope yo... More

my creepypasta chatroom XD
chapter 2 of doom >:3
chaptr 3 of horror
meh chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 of epicness
chapter 7
chapter 8 of smexyness
chapter 9 of i win X3
chapter 10 of bets
chapter 11
chapter 12 of surfing like a boss
chapter 13 of betrayal DX
chapter 14 of fire >:D
chapter 15 of cake <3 and beer =_=
chapter 16 of parties X3
chapter 17 of trolling like a boss XD
chapter 18
chapter 19 of derp O^O
chapter 20 of boats X3
chapter 22 of video games
chapter 23 of crazy redhead 0_0 (no offense to red heads XD)
chapter 24

chapter 21 :D of jellybeans and doritos

231 9 26
By name-yume

thank you guys for almost 2,000 reads I feels so happy right now ;-; I won't let you guys down I pinkie promise my bitches XD

Moon: I want us to *pauses dramatically* have a movie night :D

 Me: what you wanna watch? :3

Moon: =_= well since we have the silent hill movies we might as well watch them

Me: .-. well I’m sorry smartass would you like the newest one or the older ones?

Grin: new one! :D

Me: alright then O^O

Grin: yay O^O

Sl: I do know pyramid head

Me: <_< and you never told meh?

Sl: you never asked

Me: touché

Moon: *grabs the movie and pops it in the dvd player* ok :D

Grin: I’ll make popcorn :D *moon walks into the kitchen*

Me: XD that’s my girl

Moon: what about me?! D:

Me: you act like your dad :3

Moon: oh ok :3


Anthony, ben, masky and jeff:*sitting in the tree house bored*

ben: nice place *admires the technology side*

Anthony: bitch please this place is awesome *sassy snaps*

Masky: nikki has rubbed her sassiness off on to ya bro -_-

Anthony: no not really *looks over to jeff who’s mopping* you bro what’s the matter?

Jeff: me and kim broke up…

Anthony: saw that coming .-.

Jeff: and you didn’t warn me?! D:<

Anthony: not my fault she likes different guys at the drop of a hat, she goes through phases of things she likes now she likes L from death note _-_

Jeff: -_- wow

Anthony: yeah so you might as well move on brah

Jeff: yeah… well moon looks cute

Ben: brah slender would kick your ass to the moon and back, now Kameron’s pretty chill so she would say yes

Masky: am I the only one that’s single? L

Anthony: I’m single too bitch -_-

Masky: <_< shut up

Anthony: >_> no

Masky and Anthony: >_> <_<

Jeff: ok ladies calm down we’ve got to do something here *pulls out a six pack of beer out of nowhere and grins evilly * like this

Le rest of the idiots: hell yeah! *starts drinking*

Back to family night~

Moon and grin: 0_0 *shaking holding each other*

Me:*silently cheering on the monsters*

Sl:*fake yawns and puts his arm around my shoulder*

Me: -_- (that’s the oldest trick in the book bro)

Sl: (and?)

Me:*sighs* (never mind smartass)

Sl:*grins and pulls me closer* (what was that?)

Me: 0-0 (nothing)

??:*silently walking towards the couch with a bloody glaive*

Moon: TT_TT mommy I’m scared

Grin: yeah me too TT_TT

??:*right behind the girls whispering in their ears* why would that be little ones?

Moon and grin: *scream bloody murder and jump on the chandelier * MOOOOOOOM!

Me:*looks over* sup pyramid head how you doin .-.

Ph: *shrugs* pretty good considering I can still scare the shit out of people

Moon: you mean that was just a prank?

Me: yep, wait who told you to come over I thought you were busy?

Ph: I got un busy

Me: oh cool .-.

Sl:*pouting with his arms crossed XD*

Ph: yo slender why the little kid pose

Me: XD aw you ruined his time to shine

Grin and moon:*jump from the chandelier and land on slender*

Sl: *groans* ow

Me:*winces* you ok want me to get you something

Sl: an ice pack might be nice…

Me: on it *runs to the kitchen*

Ph: you are truly evil bro *laughs and shakes his head*

Sl: says the one who ruined my moment with kameron

Ph: whatever you say *puts down the glaive and sits down next to the terrified girls*

Moon and grin: 0-0

Me: *runs in with the ice pack* I’m back where do you hurt most? *gives a concerned look*

Sl: right here *points to his junk*

Me: =_= *punches him as hard as she can* perv I was actually worried about your dumbass *sits next to the girls and throws The ice pack at slender*

Sl:*get hit in the head* ow

Jeff, ben, Anthony, and masky:*stumble in drunk as pot head is high*

Jeff: *stumbles over and falls on slender’s lap* hey there –hic- cutie <3

Sl: oh god not again *pushes jeff onto the floor*

Jeff: aw come on –hic- babe that’s –hic- not nice

Me:*rolling on the floor laughing so hard* can’t *wheeze* breath XD

Grin: sup uncle Anthony :D

Anthony:*twerking on pyramid head*

Ph: dude wtf bro *kicks him across the room and sits back down casually*

Moon:*beside me dying from laughter* best *wheeze* day ever

Me: X_X *died from laughing to much*

Moon: mom? *gets out a Taser and shocks me*

Me: *bolts upward* I HEARD NYAN CAT!

Moon: nope but Anthony and jeff are acting gay again :D *points over to the scene*

Masky:*having a piggy back ride on ben in the background*

Me: 0-0 did you give them booze again?

Moon: XD no but grin gave jeff money because she lost a bet to him

Me: oh lawd XD

Moon: see family night is awesome XD

Me: yep XD

Anthony:*falls out of a crater in the wall* DX ow

Me: dumbass XD

Anthony: atleast I’m not as drunk as the others *points to le other morons*

Le dumbasses: *singing and dancing to the world is mine on my laptop*

Me: good point how did they get into my computer?!

Ma: I did :3

Me: only you can hack into my computer =_=

Ma: yep :D

Me: *pulls out cellphone and records the idiots*

Moon: YouTube will so love this <3

Me: yep *sets it down facing the show*

Le dumbasses:*finish and start to sing super psycho love*

Me: 0-0 dammit

Moon: *nudges me with an evil grin* so whose computer is that again?

Me: *snatches the computer and changes the song to angel with a shotgun quickly* o///o you bitches heard nothing!

Ph:*chuckles* so she is a perv

Me:*eyes change to pink and speaks in a different voice* sorry honey but that’s me

Moon: mom?

Me:*eyes go back to normal* GOD DAMMIT RAVEN!

Anthony: raven?

Me: yep .-. remember when melody hit me with the frying pan last time well now I have two personalities and she annoys the hell out of me -_-

Moon: :D awesome!

Me: easy for you to say! She is a hoe! DX *eyes turn pink* and your point is? *eyes turn pink and blue as we argue* you shut the hell up no one was talking to you! Oh please without me you are bored and would be a nun *rolls my pink eyes and turn blue* =_= no I would not, I lived without you before

Moon: uh dad do you know how to separate two people in one body?

Sl: nope but Zalgo might *draws a z in the air*

Zalgo: *appears* what?

Sl:*points at me while I argue with raven* that

Zalgo: oh I see raven woke up

Sl: you know about this?!

Zalgo: yeah I put raven in her to make her a better creepypasta

Me: *comes at zalgo with a baseball bat* ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I HAVE TO DEAL WITH HER BECAUSE OF YOU *swings the bat at his head*

Zalgo:*dodges* it seems to be working though doesn’t it?

Me: no =_= she is the opposite of me meaning she is a preppy hoe I am already insane bro -_- can you please separate us now!

Zalgo:*puts on a soul reaper glove* fine… *punches me in my stomach*

Me and raven:*fly out of my body*

Me:*sprints and jumps back into my body* thank Jashin I was about to slit my wrist because of her

Moon: don’t you f*ckin dare mom =_=*

Grin: so what do we do about her?

Zalgo: my job is done *poofs away*

Rave: now what for me?! *floats pouting*

Me: hold on I’ll get you a body *teleports away*

5 minutes later~

Me:*walks in dragging the body of Justin beiber* here you go a girl’s body

Rave: haha very funny =_=

Me: *dramatically throws my hands in the air* fine I’ll get you miley cryrus *walks toward the door*

Rave: don’t you dare

Of: *walks in and sees raven* well hello there~ ;) *walks to raven*

Rave: *grins* sup playa

Me:*rolls my eyes* oh god not again *hits offender unconscious with a bat and walks out the door with sass*

Moon: you gotta love mom XD

Ph: *somehow eating popcorn* this place is awesome I should come over more often

Sl: don’t.

Le drunks: *dancing to numa numa XD*

Grin: yeah we have one dysfunctional family here XD

Rave: well damn it’s not like he could do anything to me -3-

Moon: mom don’t care she just wanted an excuse to hit him

Rave: yeah I know *floats in the air upside down indian style*

Ma: I like raven :D

Rave: I like kids but not you <_<

Ma: D: aw

Rave: i’m Kameron’s opposite if she likes one thing I hate it like for example she hates country and likes little rap while I love those songs and Justin beiber <3

Moon:*gags* ew gross how can you stand him!?

Rave: simply because she hates him and while she loves slender I hate him <_<

Sl:*flips her off*

Moon & grin: XD hehe you got the bird

Rave: understand now pipsqueak -_-

Ma: yeah… *attempts to kick her but her foot goes through raven* aw D:

Rave: *starts cussing in French*

Moon: uncle trender!

Tr:*teleports in front of moon* yes my little niece

Moon: what’s she saying? *Points at raven*

Tr: you don’t want to know… *walks away slowly*

Moon: well damn 0-0

Me:*walks in dragging a girl with pink hair by her ankles* here she was dead when I found her

Rave: oh my god 0_0 it’s perfect XD *jumps into the body and sits up* how do I look?

Me: like a hooker -_-

Rave: aw thanks J

Me: =_= it wasn’t a compliment

Rave: I know *giggles and blows kisses at the drunks except Anthony who passed out*

Le drunks except Anthony:*catch them like idiots*

Me:*side steps away while shaking my head* nothing like me

Moon: whoa 0-0 she is nothing like mom at all

Sl: (she is annoying -.-)

Ma:*kicks raven into a wall* didn’t miss that time >_> motha fluffa

Raven:*flies to the other side of the house*

Me: Mahkayla quit stealing my lines!

Ma: no o^o

Me: O^O yes

Me and ma: O^O

Me:*glomps Mahkayla*  I can’t stay ma at you!

Ma: get off!

Me: no! *picks up Mahkayla and spins her around* :D whee~

Ma: let go of me kameron!

Everyone but me, the drunks, & Mahkayla:* eating popcorn watching the scene*

The drunks: *dancing to ballet songs stumbling on each other*

Me:*stops and lets go of Mahkayla* -.- *snatches he computer and turns the music off* no more music for you guys -.-

Jeff: aw why –hic- not?

Me: because you guy can’t dance and I’m done recording *picks up the phone and puts the video o YouTube*

Jeff: aw L no –hic- fair

Me: life isn’t fair -_- now go to bed

Le drunks:*slowly walk upstairs pouting*

Me: now what are we supposed to do for family night *looks over to grin and moon*

Grin & moon: *grin evilly* you and daddy have to go on a date 3:)

Sl: sounds good to me *grabs me before I can say no and teleports away*

Grin: now what :3

Moon: you and sally have to have a tea party

Sally:*pops up from behind the couch* tea party? :D

Ph: you heard right sally

Sally: uncle pyramid head *glomps him* I missed you!

Ph: I’ve been busy

Sally:*lets go and drags grin away* see you later uncle pyramid head :D

Ph:*casually waves* bye sally

Moon: 0-0 uncle?

Ph: yep I’m your uncle

Moon: well damn 0-0 *thinks for a moment and a light bulb appears above her head XD* I got an idea

Ma: what’s dat?

Moon: you and me are going to spy on kameron and daddy’s date >:3


Moon: we don’t have one…

Ma: yeah we do I stole it :D

Moon: then let’s go *grabs Mahkayla and runs off*

Ph: great now I’m all alone with Anthony and Justin beiber *sighs and leaves*

Justin beiber ghost: am I that awful D:

Anthony:*wakes up and sees jbg* aw hell nah! * chases jbg around the house with a blunt chainsaw and a cheeseburger (I got the idea from kyi XD)*

Ma:*crashes the bat mobile into the living room* oops XD

Moon: let me drive i’m older!

Ma: I stole it DX

Moon: and what’s worse the joker is in the back tied up you moron! D:<

 Ma: he is *looks back to see the joker gagged tied up* oh ._. XD oh well *puts the car in reverse and drive towards where me and slender are*

With me and slender~~

Me: *eyes twitches* I regret coming here =_=*

Sl:*being surrounded by fangirls* um hi?

Le fangirls:*squeal with hearts in their eyes* HE SAID HI OMG!!!!! <3 <3 <3

 Sl: um kameron a little help please *gestures to the girls*

Lfg:*slowly turn around with evil aura* slendy is ours bitch

Me:*scoffs* bitches please I got him before all yall so uh no ^-^ *sassy snaps*

Lfg:*come closer to me with knives* he is mine *looks at each other* NO HE’S MINE!! STOP COPYING ME!! RAWR!! *start a cat fight and start killing eachother*

Me:*sitting on the ground eating pocky* this is better than school :D

Sl: we should probably go now…

Me:*Stands up* alright where do you want to go to?


how about we go dinner like normal people for once

Me: alright then where to Mr. Normal *grins*

Sl: *grabs my hand gently* how about pink house in your hometown

Me:*blushes deeply* i-in s-savannah?

Sl: yes

Me: why there…..

Sl: it’s familiar to you and it’s fancy

Me: yeah… *smile* ok

Meanwhile with the terrible duo~

Ma: *eating popcorn with moon* nice fight J

Moon: I feel like we’re the FBI

Ma: that’s the fun part :D

Le joker: -_- (this are some dumb bitches)

Moon: yeah XD

Ma: oh there on da move! *backs the bat mobile into a house and speeds off* yay~

Bat man:*arrives on the bat cycle where Mahkayla and moon just were* damn they got away *speeds off after them*

Back with me and slender~

Me: you sure about coming to the downtown area? *looks up at slender*

Sl: yeah why?

Le drunk tourist: *stumble nearby and vomits into the bushes*

Me: -.- that’s why

Sl: oh

Me: this place has a lot of Irish heritage and bars

Sl: don’t you have irish blood?

Me: yeah and?

Sl:  just wondering, hey you do realize we’re being followed right?

Me: yeah I do just ignore them

Sl:*shrugs and dodges another drunk* I hate to be here on St. Patrick’s day

Me: October fest is just as bad if not worse

Sl: and you were born here?!

Me: *sees the restaurant up ahead* we’re almost there and yes >_> I was born here but this place is rich in history and has some cool sites to see like river street below *points down*

Sl: you wanna go site seeing afterwards then?

Me: your choice *shrugs*

Sl: I heard of the pirate house is that any good?

Me: *nods* supposed to be haunted *grins* and they did illegal smuggling

Sl: ah just wondering and we’re here

Me: yep ^-^ *walks in like a boss*

Le hostess: how can I help you- *sees slender* is that who I think that is

Me: depends *grins* Victoria

Vic: holy shit kameron you actually found him 0-0 does that mean offender is real too?

Me:*does the face of kid and black star whenever they see Excalibur* don’t ask

Vic: XD alright right this way *walks away*

Me and sl:*silently follow*

Vic: *stops at table*here ya go guys :D

Me: thanks Victoria and tell Racheal I said hi and anime does not suck :P

Vic:*laughs* gotcha XD *goes back to where she was*

Sl: you know her?

Me: classmate

Sl: who’s Racheal then?

Me: her girlfriend XD

Sl: say what?!

Me: you heard me ^-^

Sl: I did not even get that vibe

Me: that’s because she’s bi

Sl:*shakes his head* you really do get along with everybody

Me: she’s like a female version of ben but your brother is her favorite cp

Sl: that’s disturbing

Me: not really *shrugs* not to me anyway

Le waitress: hi there can I take your ord- kameron?

Me: yes 0-0 hi mom

Sl: mom?

Mom: are you on a date *right eye twitches*

Me: maybe *pales* 0-0

Sl: *sees mom* hello there madam my name is slender and yours is?

Mom: kameron what did I say about dating?

Me: I cant until my grades go up? 0-0

Mom:*Shakes her head* not until your 18 *grab a knife and throws It at slender*


Me: mom calm down =_=

Mom: no I don’t want you to end up like your sisters! *grabs a handful of knives and starts throwing them at slender *

Sl: please calm down! *dodges all the knives*

Mom: why should i?! *reaches her hand to slap me*

Sl:*grabs her hand* don’t. touch. her.

Mom: *struggles* let go of me!

Sl: not if your going to hurt her

Me: *sighs* sorry mom *touches a pressure point and knocks her out*

Sl: is your mom usually like that? *lets go of my mom’s hand and walks over to me*

Me: this was mild compared to what I’m used to -.-

Sl: damn all are of your family members crazy!?

Me: pretty much ._. *walks away to the door*

Sl: I hate to meet her dad… *follows*

vic: something wrong kam?


Vic: oh yeah I forgot XD

Me: =_= *walks out and starts cussing in Russian*

Sl:*follows* so much for that

Me: yeah… *trips over an ant and lands face first on the sidewalk* mother *beep*!!

Sl:*teleports over* you ok?!

Me:*lifts my head up to reveal blood coming from my forehead* just perfect

Le ant: *flips me off and continues on its way*

Sl: *helps me up* do you need a hospital?

Me: nah I’m good…

Meanwhile at the bat mobile~

Ma: *laughing her butt off * XD it happened again!!!!!

Moon: tripping?

Ma: over an ant! XD she wasn’t lying!!

Moon: XD oh lawd!

Ma: oh on then move* drives like an idiot to follow us but ends up crashing into club 1** sorry everybody!! *backs out the bat and drives off*

Batman:*silently follows waiting for the perfect moment to strike*

Meanwhile at the mansion~~

Anthony: *upside down on the couch* I’m bored .-.

Grin and sally:*having tea next to him*

Sally: then do something -_- quit pestering us already

Grin: he’s not hurting nothing calm down

Jbg: I know what to do :D

Anthony:*bitch slaps Justin* no one was asking you

Jbg: *spits on Anthony* f*ck you too

Anthony:*gets up and wipes off the spit* you wanna go bro?

Jbg: you think you can win

Anthony: *draws a z in the air* I can get rid of you very easily >:3

Zalgo: *appears*what now?!

Anthony: *Points at Bieber* take him please 0_0

Zalgo: actually we had reservation for him already to my disappointment *grabs jbg and disappears*

Grin: thank Zalgo he’s gone he was getting on my last nerve

Sally: me too

Anthony: now that I think about it who made the reservation on him 0-0

Raven:*pops up from behind the couch* kameron did L

Anthony: should of known XD

Grin: gotta love mom XD

Sally: for me she’s my adopted mom .-. but yeah I agree XD

Raven: >_< I hate you all *forehead starts bleeding* dammit she tripped again!

Anthony: XD and you’re surprised how?

Raven: I’m not but it would be nice if she wasn’t a klutz from hell!

Anthony: too bad for you then X3

Anna & hoodie: *walk in*

Anna: hey gu- who the hell is that 0.o

Sally: that’s raven Kameron’s opposite

Anna: damn 0-0 can I kill her or is she like a 2p from Hetalia

Anthony: the 2nd one sadly -.-

Hoodie: she looks like a slut

Grin: she is .-. and hates all of us except offenderman

Raven: DAMN RIGHT I DO!! And anime sucks 3:D

Anna: *punches raven through a wall* don’t start with me bitch

Hoodie: calm down Anna kameron probably felt -_-


Back with me and slender~

Me and slender: *walking in Forsyth park admiring the nature*

Me:*stumble and coughs up blood* dammit raven

Slender: what happened?

Me: she just got her ass whooped

Sl: you mean raven?

Me:*coughs up more blood* yeah… that dumbass *feels my back pocket vibrate and pulls out the phone* yeah?


Me:*winces* calm down I’m fine

Sl: that’s a lie

Me: <_< *gets up* it’s ok Anna I’m not mad

Anna: I’m so sorry DX

Hoodie:*in the background* Anna calm down if she says she- never mind

Me: bye Anna see you later *hangs up* damn she has a set of lungs

Sl: she hit raven?

Me: yeah and by how hard she hit her she must have made a comment about either anime or music

Sl: who knows*shrugs*

Me: but yeah every year the turn the water in the fountain green on saint patty’s day

Sl: huh I didn’t know that

Me: ^_^ yay

Sl: wanna go to the cemeteries I heard they have a lot of history there also

Me: *-* yes *grabs his and teleport to the cemetery

You get the idea~~

Ma: where the heck did they go now?! Motha fluffa!

Moon: don’t you have a chip in mom -_-

Ma: oh yeah~ *pulls out the tracker* she at Bonaventure cemetery XD

Moon: oo~ sounds fun  

Ma: to the cemetery! *speeds off*

Batman: (what do they plan to do with the joker?) *speeds off*

Back to le date~ (sorry i’m changing scenes so much DX)

Me: I haven’t been here in a while I forgot it’s nice here *walking with slender as ghost pass by*

Sl: indeed *feels a tug on his pant and looks down to see a little girl of six* yes

Me: *smiles warmly* hi Gracie

Gracie: hi mister do you know where my mommy and daddy is?

Me: I’m sorry sweetie but there over there *points to a couple floating over*

Gracie: thank you miss! *floats over to her parents*

Me: her story is sad…

Sl: why?

Me: she died of scarlet fever… she never got the chance to live *tears well up in my eyes (I’m literally crying right now ;-;)* she was only six…

Sl: she seems happy though *looks at the family*

Me: now that she’s reunited with her family

Sl: didn’t you come before though

Me: wasn’t able to see ghost then and yes I left a gift for Gracie

Sl: can’t Kaitlin see ghosts’

Me: ._. yep lucky duck

Sl: *nods and looks around* a lot civil war soldiers out here huh

Me: and grieving widows… *looks around also* it is peaceful otherwise

Continue in da next chapter :D I don’t want you guys to be bored to death XD

*club 1 is the most popular gay bar in savannah XD*

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