When Two Worlds Collide (A La...

By nyctophili91

45.5K 1.3K 662

Bree: I just want to be an ordinary teenager going through ordinary teenage things. Going to parties, meeting... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
I Was Tagged!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Random Update!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

1K 35 29
By nyctophili91

· Chase ·

It had been a few weeks since my chip was damaged from that mission. I haven't done my proper weekly training and I feel like I was getting weaker by the day. Thankfully, Mr Davenport finally managed to repair it to its original condition after what seemed like forever. To be honest, he would have done it faster with Douglas's help but since they were still not in good terms, he had to spend an extra week figuring out the chips internal skeleton.

"I just want to point out that I was the one who invented the bionic chip but it was him that changed it," Mr Davenport would argue.

That Sunday night, he called me down to the lab to tell me the news. You had no idea how ecstatic I was to hear that I could be bionic once again.

"It was torturing for me too," Adam added. "Without his bionics, he's weaker than he usually is. I haven't gotten a chance to beat him up in weeks because I was afraid I might kill him by accident."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I walked over to my capsule, waiting for my chip to be implanted. Once I felt a slight pinch at the back of my neck, I got out of the capsule and tried to list the first 30 numbers of pi.


"Okay we get, you're smart again," Adam whined.

"Super smart," I added.

"But not super fast," Adam said before he jabbed me in the stomach.

I winced at the impact and glared at him.

"Cut it out, you two. You'll get plenty of wrestling time after this," Mr Davenport interrupted.

"Chase," he turned his attention towards me. "Since you haven't been training for the past few weeks, I want you to come straight home after school for the next few days for some reconditioning. Try to avoid using your Bionics in school because I'm worried that you might glitch."

I nodded as I understood where Mr Davenport was coming from.

"Glitch, you say?" Adam said slyly.

"Adam, you better not have any ideas," I warned.

"What ideas? I don't have any ideas?" He said suspiciously.

Adam being the prankster of the house, I was sure he was going to plan something diabolical on me. That is if he knew what diabolical actually means.

"This is serious, Adam," Mr Davenport said sternly. "We can't have anyone figuring out about your secret. If they were to see you glitch, it's going to take a miracle to try to cover up your tracks."

"Okay, fine. I won't pull any pranks," Adam sulked.


"I wonder what would happen if Bree were to find out that you're bionic," Adam wondered, his eyes lighting up at the thought.

"She's not going to find out," I said confidently. "I'll have my Bionics under control."

"Yeah, but what if she did, though?" thought Leo. "I mean, you guys had to use your Bionics to save Perry once. Who's to say you might have to expose your secret to her too?"

"You see," I groaned. "This is why I don't talk to people in school. The more people you meet, the higher the chances of them finding out about us."

"Relax, Chase. Even though you make a point, I don't want you to go to that extreme of cutting yourself out from everyone at school. Having social skills is really important for your well-being, especially at your age," Mr Davenport explained.

"Yeah, Mr Davenport never had any friends other than his dolls and look at what's happened to him," Leo pointed out.

"They're action figures!" he argued.

"It doesn't matter what you call them, what's a 40-year-old man doing playing with them anyway?"

"Hey," Mr Davenport scolded. "I am 38 years old."

"That's not what your birth certificate says," Leo said slyly.

Mr Davenport let out a groan and left the lab. We couldn't help but laugh at his childish antics.

"So, back to the Bree subject," Leo said as he turned his attention towards me.

"Right. Why am I having this conversation with you guys again?" I asked sarcastically.

"Do you have anyone else to discuss this with?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"I don't plan on discussing anything with anyone."

"Oh, come on, Chase. Bree is your first girlfriend and as your brothers, we want to make sure that you don't screw this up," said Adam.

I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulders. I guess there was no way I could escape from this situation.

"Alright, fine. You have my attention. How is your relationship going so far?" asked Leo.

"It's not really going anywhere, it's only been a couple of weeks," I said bluntly.

"What?" Adam and Leo exclaimed in unison.

"It's been weeks and you haven't brought her out on a date?"

"Well, how was I suppose to know? I thought things would just be like how they'd always been."

My two brothers both shook their heads. "You have so much to learn, young one."

"What does it matter, anyway? You guys heard Mr Davenport. I have to be constantly training in order to be fully conditioned again."

"Well, I guess there is one thing you can do," said Adam.

"What's that?"

"You break up with her and she'll date me instead."

"What? No!" I asserted. "How does that help?"

"Well, I'm already conditioned, I'm free as a bird and I like girls. Besides, why would she want to date you when she could be dating a much more charming guy like me?" Adam bragged.

"Maybe because I can tell the difference between toothpaste and mayonnaise and you still can't," I taunted.

"They look the same, okay!" he retaliated.

"Okay, forget about Adam," Leo interrupted. "I'm all you need; they don't call me the love doctor for nothing."

"Leo, nobody calls you that."

"I know, I'm just putting some ideas out there," he explained. "I am good at this relationship thing, though."

"Oh, really?" I asked. "And how is Janelle doing?"

Leo gave me a questionable look before continuing. "Look, do you like this girl or not?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

To be honest, I didn't even know how liking a person is supposed to feel like. All I knew was that she was someone who I was willing to protect no matter what.

"Then this shouldn't be too hard. Just be there for her when she needs you and remind her that you're hers and that she's yours."

"Sounds easy enough," I lied.

That night when I kissed her, I had no idea what I had pulled myself into.


Monday finally came and we were all back in school. I was extremely relieved that there were no surprise pop quizzes while I was without my Bionics; I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get a perfect score like I always do. Thankfully, the weeks went by smoothly and things could go back to the way they were.

After a few hours of classes, it was time for lunch. I headed towards the cafeteria as per my normal routine and grabbed my tray of food before making my way towards an empty table. I ate my meal peacefully with the happy thought that I was Bionic again. As childish as it sounds, I was looking forward to training again later that evening. I had been dying to upgrade my skills ever since that last mission.

"Mind if I sit here?" a familiar voice asked.

I turned my head and noticed Bree holding her lunch tray with both hands, smiling brightly. Her long, brown hair was straightened today and her fringe was pinned up in a little braid, held in place with a bobby pin. She was wearing a plain blue top and black skinny jeans; I noticed that she would always wear black skinny jeans to school, regardless of the occasion.

"No, not at all," I said and offered her the empty seat.

Seeing her reminded me of the conversation I had with my brothers last night. I suddenly began to feel a little nervous.

"Chase, I was wondering," Bree said, interrupting my train of thought.


"Well, since we don't have any classes today, would you want to have dinner together after school?"

I coughed as I nearly choked on the baked beans.

If I hadn't had my chip fixed, I would have probably said yes right away. That not being the case, I had to make a wise decision.

"I... Can't. I'm really sorry."

"Why not?" Bree asked, sounding a little hurt.

I had to think quickly. I couldn't possibly tell her that I had to train after school.

Just when I thought that I was never going to get out that question, my shoulders were gripped firmly from behind.

"Well looks sitting next to the most popular girl in Mission Creek High," Noah said with a smirk.

"What do you want now, Noah?" Bree asked with irritation in her tone.

"There's a rumour going around saying that this nobody here is had the guts to talk to the one only Bree Hudson. I'm just here to see if the rumour is true or not."

I rolled my eyes. I never understood why people had gossip.

"Look, just leave us alone. Whoever I choose to talk to is none of your business."

"What do you mean it's none of my business? I thought that we were friends," Noah pestered.

Bree dropped her utensils down onto her lunch tray and looked up towards him. "Maybe before when I thought that you were a great guy. As it turns out, you're just a boy who's just looking for some fun."

"It's funny how you think that about me because the last time I checked you were making out with me at that party," Noah smirked.

I could see Bree's cheeks turning red before she turned her head away, avoiding eye contact with both Noah and me.

"Dude, I think you should leave," I demanded, standing up from my seat.

Noah took a step closer to and glared at me.

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do? Who the hell are you anyway? For three years nobody knew you even existed and suddenly you appear out of nowhere trying to steal away Mission Creek High's princess?"

From the corner of my eye, I noticed that a couple of eyes were curiously watching us. I did not intend to attract this much attention.

"Let's have this conversation somewhere else. I don't want to create a scene," I hissed.

"Well, it looks like you're going to get one," Noah laughed before grabbing the collar of my shirt.

Gasps could be heard from the crowd in the cafeteria. Bree quickly got in between us and attempted to loosen Noah's grip.

"What the hell are you doing?" she yelled.

Whatever happened after that was all a blur. The last thing I remember was the words 'threat detected' appearing right before my eyes.


Hey guys! So sorry for the late post! I was having trouble finding a way to continue from the previous chapter 😅 It's quite meh but I hope you guys enjoyed it though! Thank you guys so much for reading! Love yall my sexy beautiful people xoxo

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