Smosh Children Fanfic

By SmoshCourtneyFan

2.3K 51 22

*This is the second part of my fanfic: Smosh Nolivia Fanfic.* Noah and Olivia have two kids. Andrew Jay Gross... More

Character Introduction.
Youngest Child in a Family of Nine
A New Friend
Anthony Padilla History Lesson
Mason VS Andrew
Daughter Discomfort
Daughter Discomfort part 2
Father vs Son
Game Bang!
Padilla is Back
More Game Bangs!
Punishment Jelly Beans
Author's Note

Mason Daniel _______

147 3 1
By SmoshCourtneyFan

Noelle's POV

     After Mason and I talked we grew a little more distant. I looked at him during class and he would look away. I would go towards my usual spot next to him in lunch, and realize I can't. I just ended up sitting with my family every time. I finally got sick of it. At recess I went up to him. "Mason Daniel Padilla stop avoiding me! I'm your best friend and I don't care what the f our parents think! You're my only friend! Be brave!" He looked at me and suddenly hugged me. He broke apart before anyone could see. "I'm sorry. My dad asks me eveyday. "What happened to the Grossman kids? Did they get in trouble? Did you beat them in school? Did you beat them in sports? No? Well your doing extra homework tonight!" He said sadly. I squeezed his hand and he smiled. I then let go. "My parents don't say anything like that." "Do they know my last name?" He asked. "Wow you're so much smarter than me. They don't." "Don't tell them!" He looked me in the eyes urgently. "I won't. I don't talk to them about you. Its kinda hard because my brother always has friends over but I never do." "You have tons of friends though right? Willow, Adam, and Shawn! And Miya and Faith and Crystal and..." "They're my family." "But they look nothing like you!" "We aren't related. That's what you dad means by 'The Smosh Family.'" He then said, "Ohhhh...What does Smosh even mean?" I tried explaining as best I could, even though I don't know the full story.

     "My parents had a youtube account called Smosh, which was made by Ian and Another guy who made videos. They worked there with Ian and the other guy, and my friends/family's parents." My parents never told me the other name of the guy who made it. Maybe he died and they were too sad to say. "That's cool. Well, I'm glad we are friends again." "Best friends!" And maybe more. What the f was that Noelle? Ooh I know! MEGA SUPER AWESOME BEST FRIENDS! Yeah. That's what I was thinking. Mason smiled.

WOW Mason Padilla? Who saw that coming?! I mean, the Grossman's have put SO many people in jail, it was hard to pick! Seriously though, 'The Man' wasn't put in prison. At the point Noah and Olivia were at they didn't care what happened to Anthony and him and they just wanted to be together.

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