By naturalnathan

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By naturalnathan

life in a glass house pt.2


Carly found a spot next to Lucas right before Dan began his speech. It may have been childish of her, but she wanted to avoid Nathan as much as possible because of the things Brooke had said to him. She wanted to talk to Lucas about it before she did anything; she figured he would have the most level head about it.

Dan Scott took the stage and began to tap on his glass, signaling the crowd to silence themselves. Carly only grabbed a chair and sat down, knowing that this speech would most likely be the longest one in years.

"Spirit – the vital principal and animating force within every human being. Of course, for some of you, spirit simply means alcoholic beverages." The crowd erupted with laughter, some nodding in agreement.

"But this Ravens basketball team has a surplus of spirit. It's an incredible team with an incredible group of young men. Except for their crushing defeat by the fathers this year, this team has been on a roll." More laughter erupted from the crowd. Carly grabbed an energy drink from the cooler next to her.

She huffed when she saw there weren't any straws nearby. She had always used a straw when she wore lipstick, which was pretty much all the time. She sat patiently, waiting for the rest of the speech to finish.

"But Raven team spirit also includes the parents and the local businesses, whose financial support make this team great. Tonight's for you. Enjoy." He raised his glass, prompting everyone to do the same.

Carly went to get up to go inside, when Nathan blocked her entry. "Looking for something?" He teased, handing her a straw and taking the drink from her. He popped it open and placed the straw inside. She looked down in embarrassment, "thank you." She muttered softly, taking the drink from him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

She walked to go find Lucas, who stood awkwardly in the kitchen. Carly walked in to find that his eye contact was fixed firmly on Peyton Sawyer. "You know, there are some states that could arrest you for what you're thinking about right now."

She teased. He spun around quickly, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw it was only Carly.

"Hey, Carls. Ready to leave yet?" Lucas questioned. Brooke walked into the kitchen during those exact moments. "I might be, very soon." Carly observed. She pulled Lucas closer to her as Brooke neared. "Can we talk privately when you get a chance?" She asked, eyes pleading. Lucas nodded immediately, turning to leave the room when Brooke blocked his way.

Jake had joined them in the kitchen a few moments earlier, striking up a conversation with Carly.

"Hey, Jake. Lucas. Two handsome boys for the price of one." She flirted. Carly rolled her eyes at her attempted compliment. Lucas grabbed Carly's wrist tightly. "Hey, Brooke. Listen, we were just-" Lucas moved to walk out of the kitchen, Brooke abruptly stopped them from exiting.

"Where are you guys going? I haven't had a chance to invite you to the real party. It's at my house later. I'm only inviting the cool people, but I guess you can come. You, too, Carly. Jake."

"Yeah, I'll pass. Excuse me, caw." Carly uttered as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving Lucas in the clutches of Brooke. She was also just in time to see Nathan and Peyton sneak off upstairs. Her heart dropped to her stomach.

She turned to walk outside but Tim blocked her path. "There's vodka in Nathan's room, come and get it with me and Brooke." He demanded, pulling her along and up the stairs. Brooke was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for them.

"It's about time I was beginning to think you were- oh!" She gasped walking into Nathan's room. "Sorry. We'll come back." She reasoned, turning to usher the two out of the door. "But there's vodka in the drawer!" Tim whined, pointing towards Nathan's dresser.

Carly stood impatiently at the doorframe, wanting nothing more than to leave. "Tim, later. These two need some space." Brooke pressed, pushing Tim towards the door. Tim lazily threw an arm over Carly's shoulder, grabbing her drink and taking a swig. Carly's nose crinkled in disgust.

"Get off of me." She warned, taking her drink back. "You know what, Brooke? Give it up." Peyton warned. Brooke only laughed. "Trust me, I'm trying." She mumbled lightly, gesturing to the drawer once again.

"You know what I mean." Peyton scowled at her so-called 'best friend.' "I'm just trying to help!" Brooke reasoned.

"Help with what? Get me out of the way so you can go embarrass yourself in front of Lucas? Or what about a new relationship you're trying to ruin?" Peyton pointed out. Carly and Nathan grew tense at her words, wanting nothing more then to get out of that room.

"That's funny. I didn't realize you were in my way. You finally fessing up? Or are you finally denying it?" Brooke spoke dangerously low. Peyton finally had enough and walked out of the room.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Brooke?" Nathan asked before storming out of the room as well, pulling Carly with him. He walked them down stairs and outside to the swing on the large tree outside, beyond the back porch.

The pair sat on the swings together, Tim watched from a distance for a reason unknown. Both were silent for a few moments until Carly spoke up. "Were you going to sleep with her?" She asked quietly, fearful of the answer.

"God, no. I was going to tell her I wasn't interested in her anymore. I have you to worry about now. Don't worry about Brooke's mind games, they don't work." Nathan replied. He threw an arm over her shoulder, pulling her as close to him as possible. "I have you now, Carls. Why would I want to jeopardize that?"

"Brooke said that since I haven't slept with you we won't last long." Carly muttered, burying her face into Nathan's chest. "That scares me."

Nathan sighed. "Well you know what I think? I think that that makes our relationship stronger. I'm not here for sex, I'm here for you, nothing else." Carly smiled into his shirt. "Thank you for that Nate, I love you." She spoke lowly, the phrase familiar but distant on her tongue.

"I love you, too." He stated, pressing a small kiss to her lips, before Tim yelled across the lawn that it was time to play basketball. Nathan groaned, "Five more minutes." He pleaded. Carly giggled, "Duty calls, come one. I'll come and watch. Every basket you score I'll give you a surprise."

Nathan grinned down at his girlfriend, "Oh, yeah? I can't wait."


Nathan wasn't as disappointed as Carly thought he'd be when he found out what the surprise was. The surprise was, in fact, a lame joke that most dads use. The pair was in fits of laughter before the rest of the team joined and they gained a larger audience.

Lucas found his way over to a seat next to Carly. The pair chatted for most of the mini basketball game, mostly about Haley and what was going on with her and Nathan.

"She'll get over it. Nathan's not interested. She's just his tutor." Carly spoke, pausing briefly every time Nathan received the ball. She counted how many baskets he made to determine how many jokes she would tell him later.

"Yeah, its just gonna break her heart you know. She sees the good that you see in him, she's just a little late." Lucas spoke lowly, to ensure that Nathan or anyone else could here.

"Yeah, try eight years too late." Lucas chuckled at the girl's expression, which happened to look like an angry bunny. "I'll talk to her Carls, she'll get over it soon. I hope." He finished as Peyton walked outside, making her way over to them.

"I haven't seen you much today." She flirted. Carly smiled lightly at her two friends, already imagining their wedding day and many other milestones she was positive would come.

"Yeah, I know. Every time I get within about five feet of you-"

"Brooke happens." Peyton finished, folding her arms over her chest. "Looks like she got you right here." Peyton laughed, using her thumb to brush the lipstick off of Lucas' cheek.

"How do you know it wasn't Carly's lipstick?" He taunted, causing the three friends to giggle. "Oh, please. Two things. One, I don't wear bright red lipstick because I think it's a cry for help. Two, why would I waste good lipstick on you?" She teased, causing the three to erupt in laughter once more.

"Listen up, everybody." Brooke spoke, strutting out into the courtyard. Everyone fell silent, looking at her with wide eyes. "It's time to play truth or dare! Or maybe just dare, cause nobody really tells the truth anymore." She looked directly at Peyton.

"Let's see... Theresa, I dare you... to go pinch Whitey's ass." The crowd erupted with laughter; some were shocked at the request, Carly being one of them. While, Theresa walked off to complete her dare, Brooke circled the crowd for new prey.

"Let's see...Peyton?" Brooke picked out her best friend. Carly had walked over to hide behind Nathan, not wanting to be subjected to one of Brooke's dares. "I dare you to show us how you really feel. Kiss Lucas."

The courtyard fell silent, awaiting their next move. The standoff between Brooke and Peyton for Lucas was underway. Peyton grabbed Lucas' face and pressed their lips together. Carly frowned, realizing it was mostly for show and not for the reason she would like it to be.

Peyton pushed Lucas off of her and walked towards the backyard, obviously upset. The crowd began to clear out. Carly and Nathan took a seat, intertwining their fingers. Brooke and her followers went to leave the courtyard when Nathan stopped them.

"Why are you being such a bitch tonight, Brooke?" He questioned. Carly sighed, knowing the worst was yet to come. "Oh, but I haven't even given Carly her dare." Brooke smirked. The color drained from Carly's face.

"Like hell you are. Let's go, Carls." Nathan quickly pulled Carly away from Brooke, walking them inside.


When Carly got word that there was dessert downstairs, she quickly hopped off of Nathan's bed and ran down the stairs. Along the way she ran into a body. "Haley?" Carl quickly asked, wondering what she was doing there. Nathan had followed Carly downstairs, chuckling at her desire for desserts.

"Carls, slow down—Haley?" He asked, confused to find her in his living room. Haley suddenly turned around and looked at the couple that stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey! I'm not crashing, I promise. Your mom just wanted some cakes." She nervously spoke under Carly's watchful eyes. Carly grew excited at the mention of cakes. "It's a long story. She invited me to stay, and I sort of had a brain freeze and said sure. I'm actually gonna leave." Haley gestured toward the door.

"No! You should stay, you can eat dessert with us." Carly reasoned, she grabbed Haley's arm and pulled her towards the kitchen where the dessert was waiting. Or at least she tried to, until Brooke spotted the three of them and made her way over.

"Tutor Girl!" She squealed, drawing the attention of almost everyone in the room. "Brooke-" Carly began. "It's Haley." Haley spoke lightly, suddenly becoming very uncomfortable.

"Haley. Right, Nathan's own personal little car package. Everything's starting to make so much more sense now. What was my favorite part? 'Believing you'll do well is half the battle.' You know, Tutor Girl's little love note you passed around earlier—the one that said, 'call me if you need all." Brooke finished; smirking at the self-destruction Haley was about to endure.

"Haley, I-" Nathan tried. "Stay away from me. Both of you." She warned, looking at both Nathan and Carly. She walked out the door. Carly debated about whether going after her or not but then decided against it. She would talk to her when she cooled down.

"I need a drink, or cake. Whichever comes first." Carly groaned, pulling Nathan into the kitchen, away from Brooke.


The rest of the night was pretty low-key; Carly ate dessert, talked to Lucas about his Peyton struggles, and found a passed out Brooke on Nathan's bedroom floor.

"What are we going to do with her?" Carly asked Nathan, who was obviously pissed about how much drama Brooke caused that night. "Dump her at Peyton's house. She's not staying here." He concluded, picking her up and carrying her outside to his car, Carly following close behind.

After giving Brooke to Peyton, the pair sat in Nathan's car unsure of what to do for the rest of the night.

"Tonight doesn't have to be a total waste. My brother had a ton of friends over last night so there's left over pizza and he got that new basketball video game if you wanna play that." Carly suggested. Nathan backed out of Peyton's driveway and moved towards the direction of Carly's house.

"Video games, pizza, and my girl? I'm sold." 


Okay, sorry if this chapter is ridiculously horrible, I wanted to make up for the fact that I missed updating all last week so here's 3 consecutive updates. I'll probably post again by Friday but I hope you guys enjoy! Until next time!!

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