Kendall Jenner Imagines {GxG}

By emptyheadedkids

55.7K 1K 234

In this book you will find short stories about you and a brunette model that goes by the name of Kendall Jenn... More

Second Chance
You Don't Love Me
The Other Way Around
All These Memories
Leaving Home
Dua Lipa
Don't Forget

Cheater (Part 2)

6K 96 5
By emptyheadedkids

The breeze carried away all the unspoken words and her worries faded away like the leaf that fell from the tree nearby, as the wind shook the earth and grass, creating a lovely tune of serenity and peace, melted with the soft chatter of the passing men and women, laughing kids at the playground and the happily chirping birds.

The pink dusted across her cold pale cheeks while her colourful scarf which was tied securely around her neck, hid her hot breath, avoiding the war that made little streaks of smoke rise up the air.

Her slightly crooked beanie hung loosely on her head, barely being able to hide her wet hair which was crafted into a messy bun earlier this morning.

Step for step she moved forward, kicking the pebbles that laid in her way and destroying the neatly tidied mountains of autumn's kids, causing her to attract glares from several old women who were out taking a walk in the freezing park located in the centre of the town.

She arrived at the local coffee shop instantly embraced by the warmth and comfort of this place. The smell of coffee and freshly baked cake invaded her nostrils, sneaking their way through the miles of woolly material that covered the lower half of her face.

Furthermore it felt like the young girl entered a whole new world; in the middle of this cold and cruel she desperately wanted to escape.

She did indeed, but not the way she imagined to. Her mind wandered to all the places she longed to see in her early twenties, before her body would get tired easily after countless hours of walking through the streets without destination, just craving to discover the beauty of earth, closer to solving the mystery she was born in.

The sun was rising above the tall and might buildings, causing long shadows to wander around the landscape. The young woman shielded her sensitive eyes with her bare hand, not having other options available, like sunglasses or a cap; she'd rather have an aching arm than a cold head and icy hair.

The bright rays covered her figure like a second skin, making her seem like a goddess; the way the sunlight basked her in an ethereal, sparkling glow was mesmerizing.

It didn't go unnoticed by the tall girl in a big, puffy winter jacket she paired with a pair of skinny jeans that spent only little warmth, instead it attracted the jealous and envious glares of nearby women and men were looking at her just as intense. People would describe her as the epitome of beauty; symmetrical face, perfect height and proportional body with incredible curves, some may say she walked straight out of a magazine; and they are not wrong.

At the corner of the street, the brunette lingered, her eyes following the delicate body of another woman, seduced by her unique beauty.

She didn't even glance at her face, yet she knew what she just witnessed was the most perfect thing that ever happened to her. Without further hesitation the model confidently strode to the entrance of the homely coffee shop, where she last spotted the scarf flowing gently behind the other woman's neck.

As she set a foot into the room, she let her eyes wander around; taking in the wooden walls and equally wooden floorboards that creaked with every step someone took.

Soft chatter and the occasional laughter filled her head, the quiet and calming melody that escaped the speakers in the back, behind the counter accentuating this comfortable atmosphere. It was magical.

But all changed when she spotted the person she originally wanted to converse with, all her confidence disappeared in a blink of an eye and all of her walls began to crumble, just at the mere look of her. Now the brown-eyed girl shivered with anticipation, but most of all; fear.

Her palms got clammy and despite the chilly weather and pleasant temperature inside, cold sweat formed on her forehead. Her head felt dizzy and she felt like throwing up.

She was barely able to stand and therefore had to lean on a nearby chair, grabbing it like it there was no tomorrow. Her knuckles were white as the snowflakes that softly fell from the sky but she, in no way, was at ease. It was hard for her, to muster up the courage to speak to her former lover.

The barista at the counter leaned on her elbows, curiously observing the beautiful stranger that just entered the shop. Squinting his eyes while tilting his head, he tried to assess her feature which was harder than he thought. The big sunglasses hid her remarkable warm chocolate eyes, only her significant frown adorned her angelic face. Everyone could see how troubled and in pain she was, there was this aura around her that weighed everything down, not that that was her intention, but you still felt that way, it was nothing that she could control.

The clock ticked on, second for second passed and the customer still hasn't moved, it seemed like she was stuck in her place; and maybe also time.

She didn't know why she did that in the first place. He meant nothing to her, still she seemed to choose him over her. It's not that she did not love Y/N, it's that she did too much.

Kendall was stupid and she admitted it the moment she let him into their house, something she'd regret forever. The moment she realized that she fell in love too deep; that she could lose herself every minute, she got scared like a dog on the 4th of July. Fireworks. She loved watching them when they painted the night sky in glittery colours, in various shapes and intensity. They made her heart beat fast, but with joy and this feeling was unbelievably addicting, she didn't even try to restrain herself from feeling the undeniable rush and excitement. Lately, when she came back very night to her very own show of fireworks, she feared. Her heart beat out of her chest, like every time she laid eyes upon the love of her life. Kendall was a deeply insecure girl. Anxiety accompanied her life day for day, making her doubt the feelings Y/N treasured for her.

The brunette never considered herself to be good enough, enough for an angel like her lover, she never wavered in her opinion of Y/N deserving the best in the world. And even if she so desperately wanted to be better, even if she gave everything up to be with her, even if she sacrificed everything she ever possessed; family, friends, money, fame and her career. She'd somehow knew she still wasn't enough, to make her happy.

The issue of time was a constant and invariable third party in their relationship. Kendall was aware of the unforunately little time she could spend with her girlfriend. It always left her unsatisfied. Her dreams forbid them to evolve; sadly just after her mistake she realized that everything only happens if you let it happen. There was no such thing as meeting a person at the wrong time. Haven't you had at least one of those conversations with friends where they'd complain about how he/she came into their life with just the worst timing?

The truth is, if it's meant to be, it will be. The right people will always appear randomly, there will never be a right time.

The right people are an adventure you yet need to discover. All the plans you thoughtfully and exemplary drafted, are thrown under the bus. There is no thing as an exact guide you can follow anymore; an illusion that will never be. All the adventures in the future won't be half as incredible and awesome without them; and you secretly know it deep within you. The right people won't have to fit into your complicated schedule, because they become a part of it. You make the effort and give them time. The right people will never give you an ultimatum: Career or them.

The case is the opposite actually, they encourage you to reach for the stars, dream bigger, work harder and your happiness becomes their priority. They will believe in you more, than you will ever believe in yourself and that's what makes you strong, they are your weakness and strength at the same time.

Kendall made the mistake of giving up, giving up on herself, on Y/N and their relationship.

Right now she sat at the table, sipping her coffee with her ex-girlfriend she still loved dearly.

They caught up on their lives, discovering what they've been up to the last months and years and they slowly but surely discovered themselves once more. They still remember each other in every sense possible and they still like to hear their songs. They still like to drink from the bittersweet juice which taste has never faded completely, moreover they still find out new things about each other and even when they know the other completely; it will never get boring.

They stroll across the stony path hand in hand, jumping over any obstacle that stands in their way and the smile never leaves their faces. Because they know they will never let each other go again.

The right people are timeless.

A/N: Here I am again, sorry it took so long. I wrote this on a laptop and I have to say this is much more comfortable :) anyways I hope you really took the time to reflect on these words and understand where Kendall came from. This chapter is inspired by an Instagram post ( I don't know where it is anymore) xD

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