It All Began With A Letter

By innocentuniverse

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Letters. Who knew they could hold your future? Your love? Your job? A fortune? Good news? Bad news? Change mo... More

It All Began With A Letter
Chapter 1: Meeting Asher
Chapter 2: Ice Cream
Chapter 3: Hidden Talent
Chapter 4: Matching Names and Faces With Jerks
Chapter 5: Flirting In Class
Chapter 6: Party Time
Chapter 7: Healing Burns
Chapter 8: Italian Restuarant
Chapter 9: Clubbing Hard
Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam
Chapter 11: Shopping Time
Chapter 12: Free Period
Chapter 13: Wish You Were Here
Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems
Chapter 15: Dealing With Danny
Chapter 16: Depressing News
Chapter 17: Memories
Chapter 18: Songs to Play
Chapter 19: A Day I Want To Forget
Chapter 20: The Dinner
Chapter 21: We're More Alike Than You Think
Chapter 22: The New Student
Chapter 24: Counting Stars
Chapter 25: Candy
Chapter 26: Takes Being A Rebel To Know One
Chapter 27: Young Forever
Chapter 28: Home Sweet Home...
Chapter 29:Graduation

Chapter 23: Malibu

371 8 4
By innocentuniverse

I groaned as I stretched my arms from out under the covers and waved them around in the air, trying to shut the alarm off.

I groaned again when I couldn't find the damn button. I rolled over so I could see it, but instead I landed with an 'Umph' on the ground, my legs tangled in the blanket.

Before I could even get up, Logan was rushing into my room. I had forgotten that Logan absolutely hated when alarms went on forever. I hated it, too, but at the moment I had no chance but to let it.

She walked over to where the alarm was before forcefully pushing down on the off button. She turned to glare at me and I gave her a small smile.

Her glare was instantly replaced with a smirk. "Nice way to get out of bed," Logan said with a wink before walking out of the room.

I sighed and rested my heads on my hands before untangling my legs and finally standing up.

I placed my blankets in a big pile on the bed and looked at the clock. 2:01 A.M.

A sudden flashback occurred and suddenly, it was a few months back. I was getting up at sometime around 3 AM in the morning. Except it wasn't me who was leaving. It was my mom. And neither of us knew she was leaving for good.

I blinked back a few tears before shaking my head, hoping to get the thoughts out. I sighed as I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts with a belt, high tops, a cropped tee, and a tank top.

I stumbled out of my room, still not used to walking this early in the morning. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom, turning on the shower, I stepped into the warm, cozy place and felt like I could just sleep in there. Weird, I know. But hey, I was exhausted. Maybe I'd sleep on the plane.

Ten minutes later, I was out of the shower and dressed. I hadn't really wanted to come out of the shower but seeing that I almost fell asleep in there, I had to force myself to get out.

I ran a brush through my damp hair before styling it and adding a cute pair of shade earrings to my outfit.

Then, I walked downstairs, into the kitchen, where Ashley was using her mad cooking skills and making us all breakfast.

"Mmm," I said smiling as the smell of bacon, eggs, and cinnamon sugar toast, along with coffee, filled my nose.

I walked up to the island and sat on a stool next to Logan.

"You're finally up," Ashley commented.

"Eh, not for long. As soon as we're on that plane, I'm gonna be out like a light bulb," I told them moving my finger across my neck in an 'out' motion.

They turned to stare at me wide-eyed. It was really early in the morning for me, but after re-thinking it a few times, I realized what I had said.

The 'out' motion was also used to motion someone or something as dead and my mom had died on an airplane.

I should really think before I speak.

"Oh," I said. "Yeah, I guess it's too early in the morning for me to think before I speak," I told them.

"You just said that," Logan commented, still flipping through her magazine.

Had I said that aloud before?

"Yes," Ashley said as she continued to move the bacon around in the pan.

This was going to be one heck of a morning!

"You said it," Logan said smirking at me.


I breathed a sigh of relief as we boarded the plane. I was dying to sleep.

Ashley had the window seat, Logan had the middle, and I had the aisle seat.

It hadn't really worked out for me seeing that we were directly across from Asher and his mother. Asher had the aisle seat, too, and he was taking total advantage of it by staring at me.

I gritted my teeth to keep from snapping at him. If he kept staring at me, I was never going to be able to fall asleep!

Ashley tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to face her.

"Want to switch?" she asked. "I don't think one death glare from me will work this time," she said, giving a small smile.

I shook my head. I really wanted to switch but I didn't want to make my best friend move just for me. Like I said, I hated owing people.

She sighed. "You won't owe me, Riley. And if you're going to ask then no, you didn't say that aloud. I just know because I can see the tiny gears in your brain moving and suddenly, your wall is up again. Now get up and switch. I wanted to sit there anyways."

I knew she was probably lying. Ashley was just saying she had wanted to sit there before anyways so I wouldn't feel like having to owe her.

I gave her a thankful smile as we switched. I still felt like somehow, I owed her though.

The flight attendant came on the loudspeaker, announcing all those stuff they usually announce, before we take off.

I didn't even bother to look out the window because right after she finished, I was asleep.


I woke with a jolt. Something had hit me and for a second I thought the plane was crashing.

Logan looked at me with wide eyes and her mouth hung open.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," she told me as she sat back down in her seat.

I waved my hand in the air, telling her to let it go.

"Don't worry about it! I needed to wake up anyways. I was getting hungry," I told her.

"Well, then, it's a good thing I just got snacks," she said smiling.

I looked to see that she had gotten all different chips and snacks and three sodas, one for me, one for Ashley, and one for her. I looked up to see Ashley, headphones in her ears, and her eyes closed. She was probably sleeping.

"I was the only one up," Logan said with a small smile and shrug of her shoulders.

"Sorry," I told her as I took my soda and picked out the Blue Raspberry Sour Punch Straws that she had bought.

"It's alright," she said as she grabbed her own, too.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go to the bathroom," I told her as I got up.

I walked down to the end of our compartment to the bathroom. There was someone in it so I was forced to wait outside and hold my bladder in.

When the door began to open, I breathed a sigh of relief. That breath was caught in my throat though, when I saw Asher.

"Riley, can we-" he started.

I cut him off immediately. "Sorry, my bladder's full. Would you mind? I asked as I stepped around him and shut the door.

Once I was finally in, I leaned against the door and caught my breath, replaying every little detail that just happened.

Then, when I finally caught my breath, I realized how small this bathroom was. I was going to become claustrophobic. I could feel it. How? I'm not sure.

I quickly used the bathroom before returning to my seat. I didn't turn to face Asher, even when I felt his heavy gaze on me. I just used my hair as a curtain and blocked his image out, instead.

This trip was going to be way harder than I thought. And little did I know, I was completely right.


Of course there are a ton of things to do in Malibu. Places to see, go shopping, walk around, meet new people, hang out at the hotel, or of course; go to one of Malibu's finest beaches. And that's exactly what we did.

As soon as we got there, Asher's mom planted herself down on a beach chair under an umbrella and told us all that she didn't really feel like doing it.

I was still getting used to the setting so I offered to hang back with her. Logan and Ashley shrugged before running off towards the water, near a group of guys.

Asher was no where to be seen and I became worried. I wasn't sure whether I should've felt that way or not but I was. I was even more worried at the fact that my three ex's were probably still in California. I hadn't been here in forever that I was actually beginning to forget what it had looked like.

But as I looked around, everything came back. The amazing beaches, water, toned guys, girls trying to look all cute by wearing skimpy bikinis, people applying sunscreen.

Even at the airport, I was reminded of stuff. There were tons of paparazzi waiting for Jennifer Lopez to get on a plane there. I caught a glimpse of her, but not before she was whisked away by her body guard.

As I had looked around in the taxi cab, I recognized all the places I used to shop, the greatest food places, the cool buildings, the movie theaters, the performing centers, and tons more.

Even though I was scared, this place never seemed to disappoint me.

"So, what's up with you two?" Asher's mom asked, breaking me out of my thoughts and into the sunny, warm, real world.

"Eh, I'm not sure," I told her, shrugging as I tried to concentrate my eyes on the glistening water and resist the urge to let them search for his jet black hair and sculpted abs.

"It's okay. Things will get better," she said as I finally allowed my eyes to search the beach for him.

As I saw him, I muttered, "Or maybe not."

She followed my gaze to where Asher was, in the middle of quite a few girls, a smirk on his face as he flirted it up.

I watched as a blond girl in a skimpy pink bikini stepped towards him and flicked her hair over her shoulder before covering her mouth and giggling. The way she did it made me want to puke.

Then, Asher turned and met my glance before smirking and turning back towards them as he pulled the blond closer.

I blushed before realizing that he was doing this purposely. He wanted to make me jealous.

"Looks to me like his plan is working," Claire, Asher's mom, said.

"What?" I asked, turning my attention towards her.

She rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face. "He wants to make you jealous. Just show him you don't care. Go find some guys," she told me.

"I guess you're right," I told her. I got up and strutted up towards the little snack place they had here. I remember when my dad would always buy me candy here. As I walked in, the smell of sugar and sweets, all different types of candy, filled my nose, making a smile form on my lips.

I searched the shelves before deciding on a blue raspberry ring pop. Then, I groaned, realizing I hadn't brought any money with me. Sure, I could just ask Claire, but I didn't like owing people.

"Riley?" a voice asked.

I froze as I felt my heart beat increase a thousand times. I closed my eyes and crossed my fingers, slowly turning around before I came face to face with him.

I stared wide-eyed at him before slowly backing up until I was up against the shelf and couldn't move anymore.

"Riley," he said. "I'm not going to hurt you. Heck, I didn't even want to," he said gently.

"Either you need to leave, or I'm leaving. And if not, then I brought my restraining order and I'm not afraid to use it," I told him.

Gabe chuckled. "Still the same old, Riley. And seriously though," he said turning back to his serious face," I thought they were joking when they said they were going to do that, so I went along with it. I didn't think they meant it! And I know you remember it clearly, so tell me: Do you remember me touching you?"

I froze as the moment replayed in my mind and I was afraid of the answer.

"No," I sighed. I ran a hand through my hand. "But seriously, I can't- I have to go," I told him as I put the candy back and headed out the door.

He grabbed my wrists, spinning me around.

"Let go of me," I snapped, taking my other hand and pushed against his hard chest.

He stumbled back a bit, giving me time to release his grip on my wrist.

"Wow, you've gotten stronger," he told me. "And no, I just want to buy you candy," he said, waving the candy I had chosen in the air. Then with a smile on his face, he commented, "Seriously? Still the same old, Riley. Except this time your stronger."

"Yeah, well, we all know why. And no, you're not buying me candy. I hate owing people," I told him.

"Riley, if anything, I owe you. I never did get to say sorry and honest to God, I was too shocked to help you. While that was happening, I just stood there in shock as I realized they had really meant it."

I blinked back forming tears.

"Please?" Gabe asked me with a frown.

"Fine," I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest.


"Who's this?" Asher snarled as he appeared out of nowhere. As of now, Gabe and I were sitting at a table under an umbrella and I was sucking on my ring pop.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back, an eyebrow raised.

He features softened, and he opened his mouth to reply but I cut him off. "This is Gabe, now go flirt with your Barbie dolls," I told him.

He stared at me, his mouth hung open. "This is Gabe?" he asked, putting emphasis on his name.

"Glad you know my name," Gabe said with a smirk as he stuck his hand out to Asher.

Asher ignored it. "He hurt you, you have a restraining order against him, and now what? You're playing house or something?"

"You know what?" I yelled, suddenly getting angry. "Get over it! I came here for your mom's sake, not to sit here and listen to you yell at me. I regret telling you everything that happened. And don't come at me because for one, you pretty much shared a house with me before. And two, you've hurt me and you haven't even apologized."

"You haven't let me!" he exclaimed.

"Well I'm not one for words," I said as I began to stomp away.

Gabe walked after me.

"Gabe, can you please just go away for now?" I asked him.

He frowned. "See you around?"

"Yeah, maybe," I told him.

He began to walk away when I called him back.

"Gabe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he said turning back around to face me.

"What's your mom's name?" I asked.

He flinched at the mention of 'mom.' "Um, Grace," he told me before walking off.

I stared after him, my mouth hung open.


Author's Note:

Okay, guys! This chapter looks really long and honestly, I think it seems great. It is proofread and I used spell check but if you see anything wrong, please let me know.

Sorry I've taken so long on the update. Wednesday I had a half day of school and thought I would be able to but I ended up going shopping and then I had to go to my mom's work with her and help out and then by the time I got back, I had a ton of homework to do and couldn't find time to. Then yesterday, after school, I had to go back to my mom's work and help again. Then I had to go to my friends' house because she was bringing me to the soccer game (which we ended up winning 4-0. I scored :D) and then by the time I got home, had dinner, did the dishes and finished my homework, it was already 10:30 and I still had to shower! I didn't fall asleep until about 11:30.

Today I had another soccer game. We lost -_-. I was really depressed and didn't feel like writing but then decided to. I must've spent like and hour writing this chapter! Lol. I'm all done for the night. I'll just read stories on here and then maybe upload another chapter tomorrow.

So please, do all that great stuff that I love. Comment, vote, fan, read, and recommend. Also please don't hesitate to chat or inbox me. I love them. And also, feel free to add me on tumblr:

Thanks everyone! Love you all!


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