girl danger • henry danger

By yaniraavilaa

180K 1.8K 765

" where ever you are is my home " More

i really like you
stuck in three holes
green fingers
Not an update
(8) Meatball Dance (Part 2)
(9) Arranged Date
(10) JAM class
(11) Space Invaders, Part 1 *PREVIEW*
New Henry Danger book!!!

love muffin

11.3K 112 55
By yaniraavilaa

Chapter dedicated to TimiAdeyemo
Thank you for supporting this book so much😃💗

Ivy's POV

It was 5 in the morning and Me, Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper were in the man cave waiting for Ray. He triple beeped us so we all went to the Man caves Head room. Me and Henry were on the couch, my head was on his chest and his arm was around my shoulders. "Do you know why Ray triple beeped us?" Henry asked me. "No, I was in my room, he left because he heard the emergency alarm and didn't want to call us, I don't understand why though" I explained.

"Maybe it wasn't a big crime" Henry said. "Yeah that's what I was thinking" I said. We saw Ray come down the tube with an unfimiliar woman, me and Henry looked at each other and got off the couch and headed to Ray and the Woman. "Hey guys" Ray said looking at the woman love struck. "Hey" we all said in union. "This is Guen" Ray says still love struck. "Hii Guen" we all said in union again. "Ray can me and Ivy see you for a second?" Henry said. "Yeah sureee" he said still looking at Guen. We pull him with us to the elevator part of the Man Cave. "Are you crazy?" Henry whisper yells. "You can't just bring random people down to the man cave" I whisper yelled at him.

"She's not a random person" Ray said. "How long have you known her?" Henry asks Ray. "Three hours" Ray replies. "What?!?" Me and Henry almost yell. "Don't worry she already knows Im Captain Man, Im about to tell her that you and Ivy are Girl danger and Kid danger" Ray said walking over to Guen. "No no no" Me and Henry scream at Ray. "Hey Guen, you'll never guess who these two are" Ray said smiling. "Ray don't tell her!!" I yelled at him. "Henry Hart is Kid Danger and Ivy Manchester is Girl Danger" Ray said to her.

"Why would you DO THAT?!?" I asked him yelling at the end of my sentence. "Because me and her are getting married" Ray replied. My eyes went wide and so did Henry's. "Hey what's going on?" Schuaz asked coming out of the room behind the wall. "Ray's getting married to a lady he met 3 hours ago" Henry replied still shocked.

"What?!?" Schuaz yelled. "And why does Jasper have those things on his head?" Schuaz asked again. "Because his hair isn't naturally curly" Charlotte replied. "What?!?" Schuaz repeated.

I was down in the Man Cave with Schuaz and Charlotte trying to figure out why Ray fell in love with Guen so quickly. "I love you" Ray said talking to Guen. "No I love more than Ivy" He said. I looked at him and slapped him across the head. "So do you know why Ray fell in love with Guen so quickly?" I asked Schuaz. "I found a way to find out how" Schuaz replied. "What did you find?" Charlotte asked him. "I can check his memory's from yesterday and see what Guen did to him" Schuaz replied. "Ray come here" Schuaz said.

"Okay" Ray said still in day dream. He walked over to Schuaz and started to say something but Schuaz cut him off by shooting​ him with a gun to make him go uncontient. "Ivy come here and watch the video" Schuaz said. I walked over to the screen that showed Guen giving Ray what seemed like muffins and him instantly falling in love with her. "The muffins are the love potion" I said. Then Jasper came out from the room behind the wall listening to a song on his phone. "Jasper what are you doing down here?" Charlotte asked him.

"Henry told me to come downstairs and use the bathroom while he talked to Guen" Jasper replied. "Wait he's upstairs alone with her?!?" I yelled. "Y-Yeah" Jasper shuddered. I ran to the Elevator with Charlotte, Schuaz, and Jasper hot on my tail. When we got up to Junk'n Stuff, I saw that he had already put the muffin his mouth.

I ran over to him and started taking pieces of it out of his mouth. "What are you doing?!?" Henry asked me. "Here use the Vacuum" Schuaz said passing it over to me. "Wait Wait Wait, No no no" Henry said before I started to suck the pieces of muffin out of his mouth with the vacuum. "Let him eat the muffin!!" Guen yelled grabbing his arm and pulling him her way. "Let go of him" I demanded her while I pulled him my way. We played toggle wars with Henry until he flew back and hit his head with a statue.

He got knocked out and Jasper went over to him. "I know mouth to mouth restitution " Jasper said. "Shouldn't Ivy do that?" Charlotte suggested as I nodded in agreement. "No time" Jasper replied. Jasper was about to give Henry mouth to mouth until Guen interrupted by trying to push Jasper Away from Henry. "I have to kiss him!!" Guen yelled. "Im his best friend" Jasper said grabbing Henrys mouth and giving him mouth to mouth. Everyone cringed at the sight, especially me. Henry started coughing so I ran over to him and helped him up. "Are you okay Hen" Jasper asked him. "I-I love you" Henry replied. My eyes went wide and so did Charlotte's, she patted my shoulder as I started at Henry trying to hug Jasper.

Ray came up stairs and looked at Guen. "Baby, your here" Ray said walking over to hug her. "Yeah Im here, can you make all these people leave so we can have some alone time" Guen said to Ray. "Yes of course...EVERYONE OUT " Ray yelled. Everyone was protesting and trying to convince Ray that Guen was Evil but it was no use.

We walked to Henrys house and got in leaving Schuaz outside. "Henry can you stop hugging me in front of your girlfriend" Jasper said. "I love your hugs" Henry said hugging him even tighter. "We need to find a way to break the love potion before it becomes permanent" Charlotte says. "I agree, I don't know how much more of Hasper I can take" I agreed. "I know, everyone loves Hivy" Charlotte said in a 'duh' tone. I laugh and continue to brain storm ideas.

I hear the front door open and I see a very Angry Piper. "Jasper did you use my pink hair curler?!?" Piper yelled at him. "Y-Yeah maybe" Jasper shuttered.
"Hey, Piper stop screaming at him" Henry said to Piper. "Why should I ?, he took my pink hair curler" Piper screamed at Henry. Piper started beating up Jasper and Henry kept screaming at Piper to stop. Finally Piper throws him over the couch and leaves to her room satisfied and Henry starts to shake and falls on the floor. "Henry!?! Are you okay?" I asked him while me and charlotte were crouching next to him.

"Yeah Im fine, what happened?" He asked us. "Wait you don't know what happened?!?" Charlotte asked him. "No, hey Jasper do you know anything about this?" Henry asked Jasper. "Please don't hug me anymore Man" Jasper said backing away. "Why would I hug you?" Henry said backing away. "Because you love me" Jasper replied. "Ugh, I love Ivy" Henry said hugging me from the side. "Wait, You don't love me anymore?" Jasper asked kind of hurt. "Like I said before, I love Ivy" Henry replied squeezing me tighter.

"Wait, so you don't love Jasper anymore??" I asked him. "No" Henry replied looking at me weirdly. "Yay I can finally hug you" I said squeezing him. "Awe" Charlotte and Jasper said. "So what happened to me??" Henry asked us. "Well Guen gave you a mythical muffin and almost made you fall in love with her" I replied. "Than me and Guen accidentally knocked you out so Jasper had to give you mouth to mouth" I continued. "Why didn't you give me mouth to mouth??" Henry asked me. "Because Jasper said there wasn't any time for me to get to where you were, even though I was only a couples feet away from you" I said looking at Jasper.

"Finally you fell in love with Jasper and wouldn't stop hugging him" I ended. "Well how did I get out of the spell??" Henry asked. "I think it was when Piper was beating the lights out Jasper that you got so mad that you broke free from the love spell" I replied. "Im just glad that your not in love with Jasper anymore" I said grabbing the back of his neck and kissing him passionately. "Woo" Charlotte and Jasper cheered while we kissed.

"We have to help Ray" I said pulling away. "Can we keep kissing because Im really enjoying it" Henry said. "Henry!?!" We all yelled. "Fine lets go save Ray" Henry said annoyed. "Jasper Charlotte you guys go without us we'll meet you at Junk'n Stuff in a minute" I said to my two friends. "Is it because you guys wanna kiss some more??" Jasper asked smirking. "N-No, we just wanna talk" I replied lying. "Sure you do, Come on Jasper lets leave them alone so they can 'talk' " Charlotte said smirking.

Once they were out the door Henry grabbed my waist and I grabbed his neck. We kissed for about 3 minutes getting only a little bit of air. I pulled away and took my hands off his neck and he took his hands of my waist. "Lets go stop Ray from marrying a woman that makes muffins that have love potion in them" I said smiling and taking hand in mine. "Wow that's sentence I thought I would never hear" Henry said intertwining our fingers. I laughed and walked with Henry to Junk'n Stuff.

When we go to Junk'n stuff we saw Charlotte and Jasper talking. "Were here" Henry said. "Did you guys have fun??" Charlotte asked us. "W-What are you talking about??" I asked him. "You know" Charlotte replied winking at us. I started to blush and smile at the ground. "Come on lets go make Ray mad" Henry said grabbing my hand. "Lets go" I said walking to the elevator with Henry.

We all got in the elevator and went down to the Man Cave. When we got down we saw Ray on the couch, day dreaming, probably about Guen. We all hid in different places. We knew how to make Ray really mad, and that was PDA with me and Henry. "Hey Ray" I greeted him coming from behind the couch. "W-What?? Where did you come from??" Ray asked confused looking at where I had just came from. "Hello Ray" Henry greeted Ray too. "Where are you guys poping out from??" Ray asks us.

"You don't need to know that" Henry replied. Then Charlotte and Jasper come out from who knows where. "Ok guys what's going on" Ray asked us all. "Nothing too weird, I was just about to make out with Ivy right in front of your face" Henry replied. "Y-You better not, you know how I feel about you and Ivy and PDA" Ray said getting off the couch walking over to us. "Yeah well I love to kiss her" Henry said grabbing my waist while grabbed his neck.

I kissed him passionately and he sweetly kissed back. "No no stop" Ray yelled. "Mm her lips taste like cherry pie's" Henry said pulling away for a second. "Stop this way too much to handle" Ray yelled angrily. Ray went in between us. "Ray I want to kiss his coconut flavored lips" I whined. "Wait my lips taste like coconut" Henry asked me. "Yep and its amazing" I said daydreaming. "Okay okay stop just stop" Ray begged us. Ray started to shake a lot until he fell to the ground. "It worked!!" I screamed.

"Im going hug Jasper now" I said smiling. "Why" Henry asked. "Because you spent about 2 hours hugging him and I think he needs a new fresh hug" I replied going over to Jasper. "Thank you Ivy" Jasper said. I hugged Jasper for a good minute until Henry came in between us. "Ok! I think that's enough hugging " Henry said pulling me away from Jasper. Me and Jasper laughed at how jealous Henry got.

I was at Henry's house on his bed. He was laying down shirtless while I laid on his chest. "Ivy??" Henry said. "Yeah??" I asked looking up at him. "I love you" Henry replied. "Awe Hen I love you too" I said smiling. I hugged him tighter and kissed his bare chest. "You know that Ray is looking at us through my window right" Henry said burying his face into my hair. "Yep, but maybe he'll leave after a while" I cuddling into him more.

"Yeah, do you think he'll let you stay the night??" Henry asked. "Judging by him staring at us angrily on you window I don't think so" I said chuckling a little. "Lets just pretend to be asleep than maybe he'll leave" Henry suggested. "I don't think he will believe it" I said. "Lets at least try" Henry said. "Okay Okay" I said laying back on his chest really falling asleep. "Good night Ivy" Henry said wrapping his arms around me. "Good night Hen" I said back cuddling into his chest more. That night we really fell asleep and Ray ended up falling asleep on Henry's tree. I love my crazy life...


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