The Unbelievable Truth

By cxherrokittyx3

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Twelve

240 10 0
By cxherrokittyx3

Dominic's POV

          "Dad?" I stared at the dark shadow against the building of Glenwood High, just making out his face under his hat. His face brightened a little bit with recognition and stepped away from the building. Once in the light of the lamp outside of the school, He flashed his purple at me and I flashed mine back, feeling betrayed and hurt. Another tear fell from my face and I felt a reassuring hand on my arm and I glanced quickly down then back at the man betrayed our family. He took a step towards us and held his arms open for a hug and we took a step back.

          "Dom, please... It's been so long, don't do this to me now." I could tell the man who I onced called 'Dad' had a hint of hurt in his eye. Just the thought of the past when we actually had a good family was ruined by him saying he was going on a trip and then having one of his friends tell my mom that he was dead. He thinks that he can just come back here and say sorry and be done with it? No. I won't accept anything. I want him in anguishing pain for what he did to his family, " Look, son. I'm sorry for what I did, but you have to understand that I left for a good reason. It's too complicated for you to know, but will tell you when you are older so you could understand be-"

          "No. I want to know why you left. No leaving details out. What you did to Mom and I was not ok. You left a HUGE bruise on her and I don't want to have anything to do with you unless you tell me." I can't but help feeling bad for my mom for sneeking out and her not knowing where I am. My father stepped away from me and he shook his head.

         "Fine. I'll tell you everything." For the next hour he told me every single little thing that her wouldn't tell me before. I finally understood why he wouldn't stay and help me. He took a step forwards and embraced me into a hug which I hugged him back and muffled sobs into his trench coat. He comforted me and rested his chin on my head and sobbed silently to himself. The next thing I know I was grabbed by someone else and had a bag put over my head while being handcuffed. I heard Lexi's screams and plees to let me and her both go and then she was silenced. I screamed and winced as sheering pain stretched across my face and then everything was forgotten.


          Spencer's POV 

         'I wonder where Dominic has been these past weeks. I haven't heard from him since Alexis came here.' I tried to think of possibilities on why Dominic wasn't answering any texts and calls and then a thought hit me. I immediately started towards his house.

         I live down the street, just on the other side of the school. I grab my bag my the door, thrusting it over my shoulder while slipping my black supras on. I trudge through the cold, making my way across the schoolyard. I hear a couple of whispers and look towards the front of the school. I see three figures- a girl, a boy, and another guy that was about 6'. I slip back into the shadows and watch. The man hugs the boy and the girl just sits there, waiting. Then like there was a flash of lightning, four men come rushing out of the shadows of the tree and shove a bag over the girls head and force her to the ground while she's screaming and then the boy's face flashes under the light as he looks back towards her and screams. 'Wait a second..... Dom?' I think to myself as he was bagged and his arms were held forcefully behind his back. He screams once more and then was silenced.

          'I have to get to Dom's house to inform his mother. But why would she believe me? Why should I tell her? She probably would freak out if I didn't. But she would also freak out if I did. Either way this is a lose-lose situation. I'm going to do it anyways.' \

                                  Then my mind is set. I'm going to his mom's house.

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