Tit For Tat

By daisy_3

23K 469 70

In a school where every student, both male and female, is obsessed about a certain person called Evan Morris... More

Captured (1)
Chem insect (2)
Uncle? (3)
Caught Again (4)
A Possession (5)
Mine to Hold and Keep (6)
Another side of him (8)
His Family (9)
Disturbances (10)

Spending time (7)

1.6K 38 4
By daisy_3

Chapter 7

Saturday. At last.

Rose stretched on the bed, smiling at the sun filtering through her curtains. It was high in the sky, meaning she slept late.

She rolled on the bed and gave a blissful sigh. No Evan Morris today.

No heart thumping moments today.

Life was good.

She stirred and set her feet on the floor, sliding them in her slippers. Pulling on a pair of sweats over her girl boxers, she went to her window and opened it. Just then her phone beeped. Humming a tune, she moved to her bed and searched under her pillow for her phone. Her fingers touched the object and she took it out.

An unknown number. Frowning she opened it and gave a growl of frustration.

Missing me today Flower?

Why the freaking hell is this guy texting her? Why did he even have her number in the first place?

She dropped the phone on the mattress, and strode to the door then turned back around and went to her phone. She unlocked it and started to give him an angry reply.

How the hell did you get my number stalker?

She sent it, and set her phone down again. She started to her door when the phone beeped again.

She stared at it, wondering whether it was worth it. But her curiosity won, so she read the message.

I have my sources sweetheart.

She sent him a reply just as quickly;

As if you had nothing better to do than find my number.

Then she sped out of the room before he could reply. She went to the bathroom, got ready and pulled on one of the shirts of her brother.

She went back to her room to see another text.

Actually I’d rather kiss you at the moment, but sometimes you have to adjust to the situation.


She threw the phone on the bed for the third time and pulled her hair into a bun. She plodded around, pulling on her socks then slipping into her slippers as she walked to the kitchen. Her mother was seated at the kitchen table, a book in hand.

Hmm…wonder what it was. Sandra Brown?

“Mom. I’m hungry.”

Her mother looked up from the book she was reading and said, “You woke up late and breakfast is over and done.”

“Mom,” she whined.

“Eat some cereal,” she said, turning to her book.

Rose sighed but followed her orders, turning to the cupboards.

“Where’s Cam?”

“Friend’s place.”

She set her bowl of cereal on the table ad poured some milk into it. She scooped a spoonful into her mouth.

“So what are you doing today?” her mom asked raising her eyes from the book.  Rose shrugged.

“Study?” she said. Pathetic, but she had to work hard to earn the grades she got. And no, she didn't want to lose the first place in her class any soon.

She finished the bowl and stood up.

"I'll be going out in the afternoon. Anything you need from the shops?"

Rose shook her head and headed up to her room.

She sat down at her desk and stared up at the ceiling.


Her eyes drifted to her phone and she glared at it. This guy, he managed to make her jealous after a few kisses. Was she turning into one of those spray-tanned blondes? She didn't want that. Hell she didn’t want to feel anything for him. He was too dangerous to her.

Sighing, she turned to her homework. She decided that she would go for a walk afterwards to clear her mind.

Evan yawned. He had slept badly last night and today he had nothing to look forward to. Except maybe tease Rose. He checked his phone again and saw that she hadn’t replied. He hadn’t expected her to. He shifted in his chair, feeling restless when he thought of her. He wanted to see her. Having her out of his sight irritated him.

He took out his dairy and wrote his frustrations. He had noticed her around three months ago, and now, he wanted her. Was this normal? Something about her eyes, it did something to him. As if he was seeing a part of his past in them. That day when he had first kissed her, he had taken a good look of her eyes. He hadn’t been wrong. Those blue blue eyes; they meant something to him. But what?

The train of his thoughts brought him back to his dream or rather his nightmare.

Never ever love people. It will only hurt you in the end.

It had been a while since he had a nightmare. And it was the same one as before. Where he was left all alone. Evan sighed, running a hand through his hair. A Saturday, and he was getting depressed already.

He left his desk and went downstairs to see that everyone out. There was a note stuck in the fridge saying that his parents went for a conference and that they will be back in the evening. Beneath the note, there was a postscript where a feminine hand had written;

Eat well, don’t skip your meals and do your homework. Love you son.

“Yeah yeah whatever,” he mumbled then glanced at the table to see his breakfast ready and covered with a lunch sheet. He couldn’t help but feel guilty. His parents, they go through such pains—he couldn’t afford to disappoint them. Not after what they sacrifice for him.

I have to be perfect.

And so like a good boy, he ate and went upstairs to finish his homework. Yes, he was a player, but he valued his future as well. He had to get out of this small town with its narrow-minded people. Get away from everyone who might harm him and go somewhere no one knew his name.

He hated his name, the name they gave him.

Evan threw his pen away from him and stood up. He needed some air. Pulling on a hoodie, he pocketed his phone and went out of the house.

The breeze was cool. He stepped onto the street and watched dry leaves fall to the pavement as the wind picked up. His feet unconsciously turned towards the park nearby.

He walked past a few groceries, winked at a few girls, helped an old lady cross the road, and got to the park. He went through the gates, greeting the gatekeeper as he passed. It was late for the joggers to be around but several families were there for a much-needed weekend rest.

And among them, he saw her.

Her hair was loose, the brown strands turning slightly red in the sun, her face a touch rosy, a green hoodie around her. She was wearing loose jeans but he could totally imagine her without it. Slim fair legs, with its sweet curves—he shook his head. Hard. Was his fixation turning to an obsession?

He grinned, his mood lightening up at the prospect of teasing her. She was walking quickly in a path, frowning at the ground. He jogged towards her, but she couldn’t see him because he was behind her. Then he realized that she wasn’t alone.

Four boys were around her, and they were troubling her. Evan saw red. His blood boiled at the thought of Rose being harmed. As he neared, he saw one guy reach out and grab her arm, with a “Come on babe. Don’t be so stubborn. Let’s go have some fun neh?”

He glared at him as he stood next to her. Rose stared at him in amazement. “What—”

“Get your filthy hands off her,” he snarled, curling his hands into fists to control himself. His anger had always been uncontrollable and he hated himself for it.

They laughed. “And who are you?”

“Does it matter?” He motioned the guy to remove his hand. Instead the fool tightened his grip and Rose gasped out in pain.

What happened next was utterly out of his control.

Evan grabbed the tall guy by his collar. “Now that was a mistake,” he hissed, before punching the fool’s jaw. Ignoring the pain, he managed to give him another one and the guy fell. People nearby gasped in alarm.

He pulled Rose out of the way. “Back away,” he said, looking at them in the eye as rage boiled close to the surface, waiting for its next target. His body was actually shaking with suppressed anger. The guys must have sensed that because they went away, the injured guy shouting, “This isn’t over shortie!”

“Classic parting words,” shouted back Rose suddenly. She turned to him and then asked, “Are you okay?”

He nodded, eyes searching her face for any hurt. And slightly embarrassed at the ‘shortie’ comment. Not that it bothered him much, but still…She smiled slightly and said, “I’m okay. Thanks.”

He grinned back at her, even though his knuckles were hurting. “A thank you isn’t enough you know,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. She in turn, raised a single eyebrow at him.

He stepped towards her and sensed her trying to step back, then pausing because she felt reassured in public. He smirked. Was she really that naïve?

He leaned closer and slipped his arms around her waist.

Rose gasped, startled and then tried to break away. He laughed into her ear which was conveniently nearby. “I need my reward.” He nibbled her ear slightly, enjoying the shudder that went through her. As he said before, being shorter than her didn’t bother him much.

“Let me go!” She twisted in his arms and elbowed him. He released her, wincing slightly. She glared at him before launching into a tirade.

“You freaking idiot!! Thank you for saving me but—” she paused to breathe, “—what the frack on earth are you doing here?” she shrieked as he took her arm and pulled her along the path. “My God you really are a stalker aren’t you? You pervert!”

He continued pulling her while she worked herself up into a rage and then she hit him.

“Ow!” he cried, frowning at her.

“Why aren’t you answering me?”

He smirked. “Because every accusation of yours is correct.”

She blinked. Then she looked around and asked, “Where the hell are we? Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere private.”

“NO! No no no no!” she cried, pulling away or rather trying to.

He laughed at her face. “Priceless,” he commented. “Come on. I’m taking you to the ice-cream stall.”

“Oh.” She pursed her lips and shook her head. “No for that too. I don’t want to spend time with you in a Saturday as well.”

Her words strangely hurt him. “Why?” he whined, pulling a pouting face at her. She looked away, mumbling something under her breath.

“Rose?” he asked again, making his eyes wide and innocent. She took one glance and groaned.

“You are the devil,” she said in a defeated voice. He grinned. “Only to you Flower, only to you.”

It took her a few seconds to realize her nickname.

“Flower?” she asked. He nodded. She pulled a face. “No. I’m just Rose, but I’d prefer if you don’t call me any and not talk to me either.”

“What about…” he pretended to think and said, “Angel? Since I’m the devil, you have to be an angel.”

She laughed at that. “Please. Don’t flatter yourself. I was just kidding earlier.”

They reached the small ice cream stall where two girls were selling cones. He winked at them and the little ones blushed. Rose groaned beside him. “Not around me please.”

“One vanilla and one chocolate,” he said, searching his back pocket for his wallet. He heard Rose choke.

“How—how do you know that I like vanilla?”

“I have my sources,” he said mysteriously with a smirk, knowing how it would infuriate her.

She glared at him. “Stalker.”

“I admitted that already.”

“Tell me!”

He raised an eyebrow. “That I want you? Sure.” She hit him on his arm.

“Perv. I don’t even know why I am talking to you.” He grinned at her and reached for a strand of her hair. It kind of fascinated him, how the plain brown turned red. Like a hidden secret.

“You can’t resist me, that’s why.”

“Oh please. I’m here because I’m getting free ice-cream.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’ll buy you ice-cream everyday then.”     

“I’ll get sick then.” He handed her the vanilla cone and took the balance, tipping his head at the girls. “Good day.”

Rose stared at him. “Man, did you just say that?”

“What?” he took a lick of the chocolate one.

“Good day?”

He shrugged. “So?”

“You have manners?” she asked, her voice faint. He glanced at her and said, a little miffed, “Just because I demand things from you doesn’t mean that I’m rude.”

“Oh yeah. Totally. You aren’t rude others. You are an angel to others.”

“And a devil to you? Yup.” He watched her pink tongue come out and lick the vanilla ice-cream. “What can I say? You bring the best out of me.”

He managed to stay the whole morning with her. They fought over small things, played around with other kids and went back exhausted. And he didn’t manage to steal a kiss from her. Yet.

And to his surprise he actually felt happy. All the dark feelings from earlier had just swept away, leaving him light-hearted.

They were currently seated in a bench, watching people when Rose asked him, “How’s Aiden?”

He grinned, remembering his sister’s the ball of energy.

“Actually he’s having a slight flu,” he told her leaning back. His left hand was on the back of the bench, stretched towards her, and as the wind picked up, her hair swept in his hands. He grabbed them tight and pulled slightly before releasing the silky locks.

A pang went through him. He wanted her.

“Oh. Poor guy. Hope he’ll be okay soon,” she said, her face twisting slightly.

“Yeah. He’s a gusty fellow, don’t worry.”

She smiled then looked forward with a sigh. “I’m so stupid,” she muttered. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. When she didn’t respond, he pulled her hair again.

She shook her head at him. “I wonder why I am with you now. When I have loads of homework and all, but I’m here with you. You, the idiot Evan Morris.”

He smirked. “No, don’t say that,” Rose interrupted, “I hate you. But I’m still here. I must be mad.”

He didn’t say anything to that. What could he have anyway?


He glanced up and gave a start. In front of him was one of his cousins. Chad Morris. Evan actually hated him.

“What?” he asked, standing up, but it only highlighted his height. “Still short eh?” Chad sneered. “Ever heard of six feet?” Evan sensed Rose stand up.

Chad’s squinty eyes glanced at Rose and his lips curled.

“Who have we got here?”

“A friend,” he said evenly when Rose nudged him with a glare. “An acquaintance,” he corrected. Chad turned to him and gave another smirk. “So how are your parents?”

He didn’t miss the emphasis on the word ‘parents’. Neither did Rose from the confused look on her face.

“Have you killed them already?”

Evan glared at Chad. “Talk about something you know of,” he scoffed.

“Oh I know. The whole family does. Wonder whether your little girlfriend does though.”

“Hey,” started Rose sharply. “I am not his girlfriend.”

Chad laughed. “Of course, of course. How could someone evil like him have a girlfriend? Unless…” his voice dropped to a whisper, “she’s a whore.”

His nails were digging into his palm by now. It took all his will power to not to fly at the prick and beat the crap out of him. Keep calm. You can’t hit him. You have to prove yourself. Redeem yourself. Stay calm. “Shut up Chad. You don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Are you threatening me?”

He squeezed his eyes shut. And tried to take in deep breaths. But what helped the most was Rose, who slipped her hand into his and pried his fingers away from his skin. He knew that he had drawn blood. But this girl, this unpredictable sweet girl, she kept her hand there and squeezed it slightly.

“I don’t think he is.” She glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. “Shall we get going?”

He nodded tersely.

“See you around Chad,” he muttered as politely as he could.

“Coward,” the guy said with a smirk, knowing perfectly that Evan wouldn’t hit him. Couldn’t afford to hit him.

He turned away, his fists shaking in anger, and when Rose cried out only he realized that he was crushing her hand in his fist.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “I’m sorry.” He had to pull himself together.

“Who was that?” she asked after a moment. He glanced at her, her fair face filled with concern for someone like him.

No. No matter what, he couldn’t hurt her.

“No one,” he said dismissively.

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