Stuck with the Bad Boy | ✔️

Von d_arkening

310K 9.6K 1.9K

COMPLETED, CURRENTLY EDITING/PARTIALLY REWRITING (please excuse the mess. Some of the plot is being changed s... Mehr

Introduction Note
Author's Note: For the Assholes
2. Toast
3. Beautiful Distraction
4. Insanity
5. Kiss and Make Up
6. Body, Personality, and Brains
7. Stuck
8. Doing Something Stupid
9. Challenge Accepted
10. She-Devil
11. Lies
13. Tradition
14. With Every Breath I Breathe
15. Family
16. Confrontation
17. Late night games and early morning car rides
18. Arrival
19. Goodnight Kitten and Farewell
20. Sunshine and Bubblegum
21. Car Encounter
22. It escalated from there
23. Navigation Problems
24. Little Band
25. Chivalry's not Dead
26. Numb
27. Bullet Hole in my Chest or not, I'll put you Six Feet Deep
28. Vegas, Baby

1. Gray Eyes

38.5K 697 287
Von d_arkening

Word Count: 3294 

Nix's P.O.V.

Funny how life decides to act like a roller coaster. The ups and downs come in a split second. You can't decide whether you want fast or slow. Dangerous or steady. But you don't get a choice. You go with the flow. No matter what.

I'm Phoenix Wood, the misfit, and outcast of my town. Instead of a roller coaster, my life's more like a train wreck. My adventure-loving parents were lost at sea and I was left to my aunt Clare Small. Like I said, train wreck... Not roller coaster, TRAIN WRECK. I can't express that enough. I'm not really even sure how someone gets lost at sea anymore. An explanation would be nice right about now.

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times at the blinding light shining through my window. Groaning, I realized that my final alarm of the morning had gone off. What I mean by final is that I set alarms throughout the night. You might think it's strange, but I enjoy getting to fall asleep. So doing it multiple times in one night is amazing.

I slipped from my sheets, stretching before standing and walking to my closet. I throw on a simple outfit that could be considered somewhat grunge and left my wavy brown hair loose.

Luckily, I'd packed my school bag up the night before. Had I not, I would probably be late to my seat on the porch steps. You probably don't understand what I mean by that, but you will in a bit.

I left my room with my bag slung over my shoulder and headed outside.

It wasn't exactly cold out, but it was windy. Regret washes over me at the thought of a hair band. It'd be nice to do something aside from eating my own hair.

I took a seat on the steps, eyeing the road. As the time my ride had told me they would pick me up passed, I began regretting my choice of not driving myself yet again. You'd think after this "being late" thing became routine, I would've learned it would be smarter to drive myself, but no.

I put in my earbuds, opening up the music app on my phone. It took some scrolling but I finally found a song I liked.

My earbuds blast out Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab. I must've let my thoughts drift somewhere in the lyrics because fairly soon, a finger taps my shoulder lightly, startling me. "What the-" I start to yell but a small hand smothers my mouth before I'm able to get any more words out. Emily Waters, my longtime best friend, and partner in crime smiles down at me. Also this in my late driver and the reason I have to sit on the porch steps every day. "If I let go, promise you won't scream at me?" Laughter fills her small voice. My head bobs quickly.

She removes her hand from my mouth, taking the salty taste of her skin that I did not appreciate with it. I stand. "What's up, Em?"

"Just the average." She shrugs with a little smile.

"Yeah... Scaring the hell out of innocent people is the average."

"Sorry..." She whispers looking a lot less remorseful than I would've appreciated.

I had been sitting on my doorstep for fifteen minutes waiting for her to pick me up for school. "Is it impossible for you to show up on time once? All I'm asking is once." I give her a teasing glance as I look to her car.

"Shut up. I wasn't that late." Emily takes a hold of my hoodie sleeve and drags me down the gravel driveway. I just laugh, I guess being late isn't that bad when I get to see her every morning.

Immediately when we take our seats in her rust bucket of a truck she starts blabbing all about the latest gossip, asking my opinions on everything. I'm personally not one for gossip so, like always, I ignore her rambling and just nod when she seems to pause. I'm just beginning to let my mind wander a little too far from the conversation when I'm slapped on the shoulder. "Are you even listening to me Phoenix?!" Her gaze shows annoyance as you would expect from someone who's pretty much talking to herself.

My eyes flick to her for a moment, "Nope." I respond, popping the 'p'. Honesty is the best policy, right?

She sighs and for once actually shut her mouth. I'm rather surprised by that since she has the ability to go on for hours. You think I'm kidding but I'm not. Her record is 6. I was there. I counted every miserable second.

We make a few turns before the parking lot comes into view. All the eye can see is a bunch of teenage freaks walking- or should I say waddling around, considering half the guys have their pants so baggy they look like their falling off. God... I'm stuck in a school of misfits... I'm sorry but if I can see your underwear and I'm not into you already, I'm definitely not into you now.

I step out of the car and begin the walk of shame to the front doors of hell.

Math; the first class of the day.

Great, this should be fun. I'm horrible at math. Well, actually, I'm quite good. But I just despise it. Why must god torture me with such punishments of numbers and algorithms?

Out of nowhere, I'm flicked in the back of the head. I don't even have to look at the person to know who it was. "Excuse you, I was enjoying a headache-free morning. Care to fuck off?"

"What is your problem today? You're not even listening to me, you're completely blanked out, and you look like you're dead. Stop ignoring me and wipe that cranky look off your face. School is gossip and drama filled! Have a little fun for once, buzz kill! Maybe if you smile, people wouldn't find the need to hate you."

"Fine." I gave her a huge fake smile and a sarcastic glare. "That better, drama queen?"

She completely ignores my clear sarcasm and annoyance. "Much. Now as I was saying, there's gonna be a party this weekend. And you're going. And if you say no, I will personally drag your sorry ass there." She says that part with a smirk. "Don't think I won't. Now get to class, grouch."

"Love you too, Em," I shouted after her as she disappeared into the crowd of people.

I turn on my heel and head towards my class. I'm in no particular hurry. I'm already going to be late so why not just push my luck.

I sigh, glancing at my phone's time. Perfect timing because as I do so, everyone in the hall diminishes and the old metal bell sounds.

The red door of Mrs. Miller's classroom isn't far ahead. I'm not sure what to expect when I walk in. I could be greeted with mercy or a detention. Whichever is fine with me, not like I've got anything better to do than detention anyway.

I opened the door and stepped inside only to come face to face with Mrs. Miller. She looked as though she was about to begin speaking to the class. Her eyes flicked to me. "Come in dear. Sit down. You're just in time." I guess it's my lucky day.

I took a look around the room. Full classroom today. To my utter dismay, I took the only seat left; One in the back row where the Stone Brothers and their "gang" sit.

Let me introduce you to them and explain just why I'm not enthused by this.

Mason Parker, the all-around jerk, one of the "cool guys" that hang with the Stones. He's got dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He was held back in school a year and not for bad grades exactly. He's really smart, just has a lack of motivation to even show up to school.

Jake Chambers, the king of jokes, the class clown. But don't get me wrong he's just as evil as his friends are. Brown hair and orange eyes (yes it exists, it's just not seen very often, weird, right?). He was also held back in school a year, though, for him, I don't know why.

Nathaniel Stone, he goes by Nate or Nathan, is the one that actually belongs in this grade. He has blonde short hair and is skinny with blue eyes. I heard he can be sweet sometimes but that's only when his jackass brother isn't around.

And the king of them all, the one I dread the most...

Lucas stone, he used to go by Luke but as he got older people began calling him Luca. His hair is black as night and his eyes are gray and cold. He's like a little girls nightmare. The school bully. The biggest asshole you've ever met. Well, that I've ever met and I haven't even really met him. I've only heard his horror stories and watched from the sidelines. Up until today, I've managed to keep my distance. Though today, my hand has been forced and I'm now directly next to him.

I guess I must be new to them because the entire math class I could feel Luca's gaze like daggers. I even made eye contact a few times. He would just keep a straight face each time. It didn't even bother him that I'd caught him staring. I swear to god I felt like fresh meat to a pack of wolves. 

As soon as the bell rang, which by the way felt like hours from when I first sat down, I was out of that classroom like roadrunner running from Wiley coyote.

He had never even looked at me before, and I'd planned to keep it that way, and he just spent an entire class staring at me. I could still feel his icy eyes watching me. God must hate me. He really must.

He was like a hawk. Now I know why people think that boy's a badass, even his eyes are scary. Damn, those moments were the most terrifying of my life. How can one teenage boy be so intimidating? It's not even funny. I'm not sure how one person could hold such power in one stare.

"Hey!" I jumped out of my skin at Em's voice. "Holy shit..." I whispered. "You scared the hell outta me. Again, might I add." 

"What happened? You're acting weird; I'm not that scary am I?" She laughs.

"No, I- you know what? I'll just tell you later. Gotta go to gym." I hurried away, hoping she'd forget so I never have to relive these moments again.

"Wait!" I could hear Em shout behind me but I didn't stop until I was in gym and stretching out.

A little dodgeball should get my mind off of- oh God help me... He's here. I forgot I had gym with him. How could I forget that?

Don't look at him. Don't look at him. I chanted those words over and over in my head but they didn't help me.

My eyes unwillingly turned in his direction to find him already looking at me. I couldn't Break eye contact. I just couldn't tear my eyes from him. Stop, stop, seriously stop, it's getting weird. We stood there for about a minute, frozen in thought until Mr. Thompson blew his metal whistle. We both jumped at its rining animosity; me slightly more than him I believe.

I had to hold my breath so as not to let my heart beat so fast it would run away. I tried to focus all my attention on the coach, but Lucas wouldn't leave my mind. What could he possibly want with someone like me? I'm a genuine nobody. Nobody sees me here, nobody cares, people barely even know I exist unless they're poking fun at me for some reason. Outside of this god forbidden school, it's a different story, but here, I'll always be just a nobody. So when a nobody like me gets stared at by a somebody like him, I know problems are coming my way.

Dodgeball didn't take my mind off of him, but I was lucky enough to not have another encounter. He didn't look at me and I didn't look at him. But still... I caught the badass staring at me. I mean, I was staring too, but still. I just hoped it wouldn't be because I was the next target for him and his friends. I don't need life to get any harder than it already is.

The next to classes went by without any trouble. I think I had a couple of those other guys in one of the classes, but they weren't the ones staring, so they didn't bother me. Luckily, no Lucas.

I put my earbuds in as I walked to the cafeteria. Emily was already waiting at our usual table, lunch tray in hand. I swung my bad down, letting it slide across the floor a few feet before coming to rest against my chair. My volume was all the way us, so I didn't hear Emily when she first started talking.

"What?" I said probably a bit too loud before pulling the buds out.

"I was saying that you're being stared at." She's playing a joke, right?

"By who?" Was that question even necessary?

She shrugs and nods her head in the direction I'd assumed she would. I choose not to look. I don't want any more cold looks thrown my way.

"Oh." It's all I can think to say.

She raises her eyebrows, throwing her hair behind her should as she does so, "Oh? You say that like it's not news to you." From the expression on her face, it's clear she wants an explanation.

Sadly for her and I both, I have none.

"That's because it's not news to me. He was doing it earlier too. I don't have the slightest clue why." I sat down, taking a deep breath.

"He? Oh no, honey. That's no he, that's a they. They're all looking at you."

At that, I look, but it's only a second's glance because the weight of their stares is not something I feel comfortable with. "You know, on second thought, I don't need lunch today." I stand back up, grabbing my bag off the ground.

"Oh come on, Phoenix, don't be such a coward. They're just looking. At least they're hot and not some creeps looking at you" She says.

"Easy for you to say, I'm trying to stay out of the way, not get all up in the view of those morons. I definitely don't want to be associated with them. Plus, what if one of those bimbos sees that and comes at me for it."

"Sit down, you're overreacting. You have no idea why they're looking so there's no reason to run away. The shy side of your personality kills my outgoing tendencies." She looks disappointed.

"Fine," I sit again, "but I'm not shy. I just don't like people." People staring means people investigating which means people finding out about me. That is something I will not let happen. Under no circumstances will I let that happen.

By the time the final school bell rang after the eighth hour, I had exhausted every last brain cell overthinking the situation that's not even a real situation because all they did was look and there's no crime for that. I really need to chill out, not everyone sees right through the quiet girl mask. I've got a good poker face, no one could possibly figure me out from simply looking. Plus, they probably weren't even trying to figure me out. Why would anyone want to figure out the quiet girl in the corner?

I walked out of the school to meet Emily by her truck.

"So, wanna go for something to eat? I'm starved and there's this diner just outside of town that I've been dying to try. Little B's, have you heard of it?" Emily tossed her bag in the bed of the truck as I follow suit.

"Haven't heard of it, but sure, I'll go," I respond and slide into the passenger seat. "How far is it?"

"Like I said, just outside of town." She laughs.

I scowl, "Okay, dumbass, you know I meant how long is the drive."

"Not long, just be patient." She shakes her head at my response, still somewhat laughing as she starts up the truck. It hums a bit of a sad noise before fully starting.

"You should really get this thing checked out." I would do it myself, but Emily's smart and would get suspicious.

She fakes offense, "What? Don't you like her questioningly dangerous noises? She's doin her best, you should probably apologize for that remark." She nods.

"I'm sorry, baby. Just don't kill us." I pat the glove compartment as Emily backs out of her spot and pulls away from the lot.


She was right, the ride takes no time at all. The diner is adorably small, quite appealing in my opinion. On the way here, Emily told me that she heard they have the most amazing pie. I've actually never had pie so I guess that's something to be excited about.

We walk inside, the door making a jingly sound as it hits a bell announcing our arrival.

Emily sits down at a both and I take my seat across from her.

I start talking, "So, about that party you mentioned, do I really have to go? You know that stuff isn't my scene." I scowl.

"Yes, I want to go and I'm not going alone. Plus, you really need more cool friends besides just me."

"Don't forget Bentley." I'll explain him later.

"Oh yes, your college-aged friend who seems to show up randomly who I don't know, like, anything about. The mysterious Bentley; never hangs out with anyone and is constantly in a bad mood. Yes, the perfect friend. That's definitely putting yourself out there and actually having fun. Do you guys even do anything but sit around and watch tv?" Yes, but I can't tell you that.


"Precisely my point. You're going, end of story." As an afterthought, she adds, "Annnnnnd we'll even be going shopping for it for a new dress!"

No, no I will not go shopping. I mean, I love shopping, but any time I go with Emily, I become her personal mannequin. We're almost exactly the same in body shape, so she makes me try on the things she likes so she can "see them in action". Oh, and she also said dress. I'm not wearing a dress. No way.

"Don't over think it, you're wearing a dress. How can you even say no to a face like this?" She makes puppy dog eyes.

I groan, "Fine."

At that point, a woman in a waitress uniform walks up. "I'm Little B, what can I get you?"

We ordered our food, each getting the same thing; A Shirly Temple and apple pie. Typical for a little diner, right?

Well, somewhat wrong. It's incredible. Mouth-wateringly incredible.

Through a mouth full of food, I spoke, "How have we not come here before?"

She just shakes her head, shoveling in more, not even bothering to respond. I smile in response, taking another bite as well.


When we finished eating, Emily took me home. I walked in, expecting a quiet house as usual. It's 6 PM so my Aunt Clare should be gone already for her night shift at the hospital. I immediately go to my room, setting my bag beside my bed and flopping down onto the mattress.

I pulled out my hardcover edition of Divergent by Veronica Roth. It was a pretty good book so far but I already knew how the series ended so I wasn't as happy with reading it. Stupid Emily and her big mouth. She ruined The Hunger Games for me too.

I got so lost in my book that when I looked at the clock again it was almost nine PM. If Emily was serious about shopping, she'll be here early tomorrow so I should probably get some sleep.

As I lay down, closing my eyes, I drift back to thoughts of the school day. Most of all, thoughts of those gray eyes.


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