Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

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Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 3: To the infirmary
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need
Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 16: Central City
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Accepting Fate
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day

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By AshesandAvery

Hunter woke up feeling dreadful. He was scared. He had a feeling that something wrong was going to happen today. Yesterday, Jesse was showing her present that she got from Mr. Wells. He had to admit that he envy her a little.

He sat up on his bed dragging his hand across his face. He sigh and did his morning routine. Like the usual, brushing the teeth, shower, getting dress, have breakfast and lastly go to school. But, instead of going to school he's going to hospital for his first ever chemotherapy. 'Argh! It sucks!' He thought bitterly.

He stared at his reflection at the mirror for some time when the ever so familiar voice echo through the walls "Alec! Get ready kiddo! You have chemo appointment to get to! At least you can some breakfast before you go!" Alec rolled his eyes and got out the room not forgetting to grab his phone and stuff it in his pocket.

He entered the kitchen and saw Ezra who mentally acknowledges as his father. Hunter knows that Ezra isn't used to affections. He is taking time to adjust to his new role. He knows that Hunter calling Ezra his father outside is just a facade. How he wish that Ezra would really be his father. It's just too good to be true.

He sat on chair purposely scrapping the chair on the floor to alert his presence in the kitchen. "It's nice of you to grace me with your presence." Drawled Ezra.

Hunter rolled his eyes and asked for food. He got buttered toast and a cup of milk. All Ezra said before indulging his breakfast was that he's require to eat light breakfast. Trusting Ezra going all mother hen.

After some peaceful breakfast, Hunter got into the car, sitting on the passenger seat while Ezra puts the key into the ignition and starts.

As they were heading towards the hospital, Hunter looked out of the window. He reminisce the memories back at the wizarding world. He thought how he and Sirius as Padfoot used to play at Grimmauld Place.

'Harry woke up one morning feeling a weight on his leg. His eyes fluttered open and there was Padfoot sitting on the leg. Harry tried to push him away but failed to do so. Instead, he started licking Harry's face. Harry giggled and wipe his face off.

"Stop it Padfoot. Remus will be waiting for us." Said Harry

Padfoot jumped down the bed and sat on the floor. Harry got out the bed and went to shower to get ready for the day. After he was ready, he saw Padfoot transform into Sirius.

"I didn't know you're scared of Remus more than me" said Sirius jokingly.

"Huh? Ermm.. No not really. Just-- you're not scary like really scary when you're angry. Remus is." Stuttered Harry

Sirius smirked and Harry saw mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Oh really? I give you something to be scared of!" Exclaimed Sirius. He tickled Harry mercilessly.

"N-no! Siri! Hahahh!! S-stop! Hahaha" begged Harry while laughing.

After a couple of moments, Sirius stopped and smiled. "C'mon prongslet. Let's go before Remus goes all mother hen." "Well. I'll just tell Remus that it's your fault Paddy." Said Harry. "Why you!" Exclaimed Sirius carrying Harry down over his shoulder.

Harry squealed. He set Harry down on the chair and drank a cup of coffee that was on the table. Remus looked exasperated. His hand was on his hips. "Oh c'mon Mooney. Me and Harry were having some fun!" Said Sirius innocently. "Fun?! Without me?!" Said Remus dramatically putting his hand on his chest faking to be hurt.

Harry looked at Remus with wide eyes. Sirius smirked mischievously. He quietly approach Remus and tickled him. Remus barked in laughter and Harry joined in later.

They were tickling one another. The house was filled with laughter. It was the first time Harry saw pure joy in Sirius' eyes including Remus.'

Hunter touched his cheeks only to find it wet. Of course he has been crying. To know that Sirius will never remember him hurts a lot. He certainly didn't expect Severus Snape to offer him help. It was a shock for him but he accepted it wanting a life he hoped for. But to obliviate Sirius and the rest was a shocking blow for Alec.

He sigh knowing sacrifices has to be made in order to gain something.


Ezra drove to the hospital. He turned and looked at Hunter who was looking at the window. He knew it was hard for him to abandon his friends and family. It wasn't a easy feat.

He thought about how Hunter seek his comfort and cried for hours. He and the mutt were very close. They were inseparable. Black was his father figure. A person who Severus know that he could never replace or be like him.

He promised to himself that he would never let Hunter down. He would be there for him every step of the way. He drove quietly letting Hunter to his thoughts.

They soon arrived at the hospital. He gently shook Hunter to tell that they've arrived at the hospital. He caught tears falling on Alec's cheek before he quickly wiped it off. He knew not to ask.

They walked to the receptionist. A lady who looked like to be in her mid thirties. She wore glasses that made her look slightly scary. "Names?" Asked the receptionist. "Hartfords. Here for a appointment with Doctor Cazalon." Answered Ezra. She nodded and type in the computer.

After few scrutinizing moments, she said "Dr. Cazalon will be waiting for in room 55." Ezra nodes in gratitude and brought Alec along.

They wandered along the hallway searching for room 55.

50.. 51.. 52.. 53.. 54.. 55!


They knocked the door and entered when they heard a muffled 'enter'.  The doctor has jet black hair. He looked to be around his twenties. "Have a sit Mr Hartford." Said Cazalon pointing at the chair opposite him. Ezra smiled and sat the chair with Hunter sitting beside him.

"I'm Dr. Charles Cazalon. I'm your doctor. Which one of you is Hunter Alexander Hartford?" Introduced Cazalon

Ezra shook hand with the doctor and said "That would be my son. I'm Ezra. Ezra Antonin Hartford." Said Ezra pointing towards Hunter. Hunter smiled warily. The doctor wrote something down on the board. "So, today is your first chemotherapy appointment. Ready?" Asked the doctor gently.

Hunter took a deep breathe and nodded. He felt hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently. He turned and looked at Ezra. He saw the man giving him a reassuring smile.

The doctor clapped and said "Alright. Get on the bed and we shall start." Alec got on the bed. He took deep breaths to calm himself down. He was poked and prodded. The doctor explained the procedures.  He sat on the bed with Ezra by his side. He felt okay for a moment. Then, he felt nausea building. He covered his mouth and hastily search for bucket.

"Bucket! I need a bucket!" Muffled Alec covering his mouth.

Ezra quickly got one and Hunter projected the vomit into the bucket. Waves of nausea hit him like a tons of brick. He vomited till he could no longer vomit.

He leaned towards Ezra putting his head on the older man's shoulder. He groaned in pain. He hated this feeling. He felt weak. The man rubbed his shoulder in comfort. He threw up again in the bucket. It hurt Alec physically while this hurt Ezra emotionally to see Hunter hurt.

He leaned on Ezra weakly. The man smothered his hair and spoke reassuring words. He felt another wave of nausea hit him. He throw up harder till he can no longer do it.

'Argh! I hate this!' Hunter thought bitterly. After a couple of minutes later and to Alec who felt like it was hours, Dr. Cazalon said they'll continue the next session and to continue his medication. Ezra gently hold the boy as he swayed dangerously on his feet. Alec just simply followed his father to the nearest wheelchair offered by the hospital aide.

He felt disgusted. How can someone even survive this? It has even no guarantee it'll cure him. As Ezra wheeled him to the car, Alex felt drowsy. Ezra helped him as he get on the front seat. As Ezra buckled him up, Alec slurred, "Can we stop this?"

Ezra gulped,.trying to his hardest not to show Alex that it hurts him, too. He swallows the lump in his throat. " We can't do that, Alec, and you know that. It helps you.

"It doesn't feel to me like it's good." Ezra was about to answer when Alec grabbed him and whispered, his voice rasp from the tiredness he was feeling, "Does it make you feel assured at least, Ezra? Does it lessen your worry this cancer might take me away?"

Ezra gulped yet, again. He tipped the boy's face to make him look at him. Ezra wiped the stray tears falling on his boy's cheek. Hunter looked so young, and so small at that moment. Ezra wanted to protect him from the world, "Don't you dare think for a moment that you'll do this because it eases my worry. No, Alec, you have to do it for yourself."

Alec was about to answer when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took out his phone and saw Jesse's name flashing. He answered the phone wondering why would she call at this hour.

"Hello Jess. What's up?" Asked Hunter on the phone.

"Hey squirt! Just checking on you. Was wondering if it's alright that me and my dad stopped by your house later?" Answered Jesse.

"Ermm.. Sure. I'll inform my dad. See you later then?" Said Hunter

"Yeah! You'll tell me all about your chemo appointment when we meet." Said Jess.

"I will Jess. See you later. Bye." Said Alec

"Bye squirt. See ya later." Replied Jesse ending their call.

He stuff his phone back into his pocket. He turned to Ezra and said "Jesse and her dad are stopping by later." Ezra nodded and drove. They were quiet for a while when the question rolled out of Alec's mouth without thinking "Do you miss Hogwarts?" Ezra was taken back by the question, but amswered nonetheless.

"I do. It's my safe haven. It's where I learned Potions. It's where my life began." Replied Ezra 'it's where I met Lily' he added internally. "There's where you met my mom and dad." Said Alec quietly.

"Yes and no. I knew your mom when we were small. Way before we went to Hogwarts. I met your dad at Hogwarts," grumbled Ezra. "Why did you hate him? My father. Sirius as well," asked Hunter.

"Because, he's arrogant. Lazy." Said Ezra disdainfully. Hunter turned and scowled at him.

"No! He's not! He's brave!" Said Hunter angrily.

"He's a bully. He's arrogant. He's lazy." Said Ezra casually, reiterating his words from before.

"No! He's not!" Shouted Hunter.

"Stop denying it. The mutt. He's a fugitive. Can't do a thing except hide. Coward!" Snarled Ezra

That hit the button. Alec was angry. 'How dare he!' He thought angrily.

"Shut up! You don't know him!" Roared Alex.

"Why you petulant, little--! Don't you dare to raise your voice at me, boy! I'm your father!" Shouted Ezra.

"No! You're not my father! You've never been!" Hunter shouted back, his tears starting to form in his eyes. Ezra stopped his car and turned to look at the boy beside him. His eyes was blazing in fury. The boy dared to talk back to him! He raised his hand and slapped the boy, "One word, boy. One word, and I will make you walk from here to home."

"Home?!" Hunter exclaimed mockingly, "Where is home, Ezra? With you?! Is that suppose to be your kind of joke?! It is shallow, Ezra, too shallow even for you!" Hunter was shocked. He was angry. Hence, the argument ensued. Neither of them was focusing on the road. Ezra was shouting while driving. Hunter was arguing back. Neither of them realize the oncoming car in front of them.

Hunter looked up and shouted "Ezra!! Car! Watch out!" It was too late. The car swerved. The last thing they heard before succumbing into darkness was the sound of two cars colliding and screeching. Ezra felt pain all over his body. 'Hunter!' He turned and look at the boy. He was bleeding. Last thing he saw was Hunter trying to reach him and people running towards their car. He succumbed into darkness.

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