Retrouvaille [2] Scott McCall

By TeenWolfHuman

93.5K 1.9K 298

Retrouvaille (n.) the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery. Luna is... More

Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: 117
Chapter 4: Muted
Chapter 5: The Benefactor
Chapter 6: I.E.D.
Chapter 7: Orphaned
Chapter 8: Weaponized
Chapter 9: Time of Death
Chapter Ten: Perishable
Chapter 11: Monstrous
Chapter 12: A Promise to the Dead
Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 14: Creatures of the Night
Chapter 15: Parasomnia
Chapter 16: Dreamcatchers
Chapter 17: Condition Terminal
Chapter 18: A Novel Approach
Chapter 19: Required Reading
Chapter 20: Strange Frequencies
Chapter 21: Ouroboros
Chapter 22: Lies of Omission
Chapter 23: Status Asthmatics
Chapter 24: The Last Chimera

Chapter 1: Surprises in Mexico

8K 148 35
By TeenWolfHuman

~Somewhere in Mexico~

A small red taxi cab passed by where Luna was walking on by with a newspaper in her hand. She briefly looked down at the date and let a small sigh escape from her lips.

This time three weeks ago, she was killed by an Oni along with Allison Argent and Aiden. She should be dead and buried six feet under. Instead, she was somewhere in Mexico, tracking down Derek Hale but she had lost track of the mystery woman and Derek when the car she stole, broke down by the border of Mexico.

After getting the car fix by a mechanic, Luna continued on her quest, searching each town in Mexico for Derek, but so far she had no luck.

Luna took a good look at the small town and she thought it seemed quite nice for a place to settle down since she knew she would never be able to return back to Beacon Hills. Luna looked around once again. There were people smiling, laughing and seemed to be kind and friendly towards one another. 

"This doesn't seem so bad," she mumbled to herself as she started walking through the town. She stopped by a fruit stand and brought an apple. She turned around and bumped into a girl.

"I'm so sorry," Luna exclaimed. "I didn't see you." The girl waved her hand. "It's fine." The girl then looked Luna up and down from her head to her feet. Luna wondered why the girl was staring at her like that. "You know, I'm heading to a party with my friends, you should come." 

"I-I don't know-" "You're new around here right?" the girl asked. Luna nodded. "My name is Teresa." "Luna." Teresa smiled. "Like the moon?" Luna nodded as Teresa let out a small laugh. "I like your name. It's...unique." "Thank you."

It was quiet between the two teenage girls. "So? How about you come to the party with me and meet the people of this town?" 

Luna sighed. She wasn't in the mood to go party with a bunch of strangers. She had to find Derek but how could she when she had no new leads. "Okay," Luna said giving in. "I'll go."

Teresa clapped her hands. "Fantastic!" She then looped her arm through Luna and pulled her off for a street that didn't seem as lively or friendly as the rest of the town. "You won't regret it. The people who owns this place throws the best parties ever." 

Luna looked up at the building as they came upon it and found that the entrance was being watched by two rough looking men. Luna could tell from the smell of gunpowder leaking out of them that they were armed. She made a note that she had to be careful now.

Teresa spoke to the men in Spanish as she held up a card. The door then buzzed open. Teresa and Luna walked on in and found themselves in a dimly lit and empty hallway. Teresa and Luna walked in and the door was shut right behind them. 

"Come on," Teresa tugged Luna forward. "Yeah, this place seems scary right now but wait until you see the other end." Teresa went and opened the door and Luna was hit with a rush of lights and sound. 

There was a loud and lively party in full swing complete with drinks and a DJ. Luna's eyes scanned the room and she found a few security men watching the area. Her eyes went to an upper landing where she saw a man with a walkie talkie looking down right at them. 

Teresa grabbed Luna and went to make their way for the bar. They got to the bar where the bartender greeted Teresa and quickly gave the two of them shots. Luna went for her wallet but Teresa stopped her. "These are on the house! Drink up!"

Luna's eyes widened as she watched how quickly Teresa chugged down the shot. Teresa let out a loud cheer when she slammed her shot glass down on the counter. "Now it's your turn." The bartender said as Teresa nodded her head.

Luna briefly glanced down at the shot glass before looking up at the bartender and at Teresa. "Eh...what the hell?" Luna said before grabbing the glass and quickly drank down the shot. As it went through her throat, Luna barely felt anything. When she had her brief stint of coming back alive, she had trouble controlling her powers but now she got a hold of them.

Luna could barely feel the buzz of alcohol since werewolves could not get intoxicated or drunk. But she still quickly put on a show for the bartender and Teresa's benefit.Teresa and the bartender laughed at Luna's dance moves.

"Now what?" Luna asked. Teresa smiled and grabbed Luna's hands. "Now we dance." Luna smiled and let out a fit of laughter as Teresa pulled her toward the crowd of dancing teenagers.

While Teresa and Luna were letting loose in the crowd, Luna should have kept her werewolf senses in check because if she had, she would have seen and heard Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin walk in.


Stiles and Lydia were now with Araya Calavera while Scott, Kira and Malia were now working on the second phase of the plan. While Stiles and Lydia were keeping Araya busy, they would scope the building and try to find Derek. They had already managed to get passed the front door and were already in the party. Scott moved off by himself while the girls stayed inside the party room.

Kira quickly noticed that a few of the security guards were starting to move about and going through the crowd of partiers. She quickly ran to Malia who was moving about on the dance floor. "Something's happening," she told her.

"I know," Malia said, still dancing. Kira was starting to panic. "What do we do?" Malia however was still calmly dancing to the music. "Blend in." Kira looked about as if trying to find out how to do that and Malia smiled at her. "Dance with me dumbass." Kira's eyes widened. "Oh."

Kira then started to move a bit and dance but it was awkward. It seemed to do nothing more than make Kira stand out even more. The guard she was looking at seemed to think so as he stared at her and spoke heatedly into his walkie talkie. Even Malia thought Kira was doing terribly so she moved over to her and grabbed her hip to try and help her relax and move. Kira was slowly starting to smile and began to start getting into it.

With the two of them dancing together so fluidly, they started to truly blend into the crowd so much that the guards seemed to be overlooking them now. They even began to get joined by other partiers which further helped to hide them from security's eyes.


Luna and Teresa were now dancing with Teresa's group of friends when they noticed that the security was starting to get more aggressive. They actually brought their guns out and kept them at their sides as they violently shoved through the dancers, checking them out one by one.

One guard forcibly grabbed Luna and scanned her over before roughly pushing her into Teresa who began shouting in Spanish at the guard who walked away.

Teresa than turned toward Luna, checking over her. "Are you okay?" Luna nodded. "I'll be fine. Are the security guards normally like that?" Teresa shrugged. "Not really. Only if they think a real threat is in here." 

Luna shrugged it off and resumed on dancing with Teresa and her friends while the security guards made their way toward Malia and Kira, who were both still dancing sensationally. One of the men caught sight of them and was going for them just as a woman with a shotgun moved to stand behind them.

Malia noticed and leaned in closer to Kira. "Ready?" 

Kira nodded as she brought out some nunchucks. She then started to swing them at the woman behind them while Malia turned to the man stomping for them. Kira was swinging the nunchucks around so quickly that the guard couldn't find an opening to get to her. Malia quickly disarmed her target before she went and slammed him down to the floor.

She then punched him hard in the face just as Kira whacked her target in the face with the nunchucks. Another guy was moving for them but Scott quickly moved in and pushed him into a beam. He then grabbed him harshly and threw him across the room to have his back slam against the wall. The three of them then moved to leave the party room just as Teresa pulled Luna up onto a table as the party goers cheered widely for the pair. 


Meanwhile, Stiles and Lydia were getting nowhere with Araya. She wouldn't tell them where Derek was. Araya reached for her walkie talkie. "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate." 

Severo got the signal and he moved to the DJ where he gave them the okay to begin the smoking pyrotechnics. Immediately, smoke started to pour into the party room to mix the laser lights and cause a dazzling visual effect for the partiers.

Luna ran her hands threw her hair as she moved her body along to the beat. Suddenly just as the smoke started to settle in, Luna felt weak in the knees and was starting to collapse but Teresa caught her just in time. 

"LUNA!" Teresa cried. "Get-" Luna coughed. "Get me out of here." Teresa did not waste a moment as she carefully got Luna down from the table and quickly carried her out of the party room.

Teresa pushed the door open and Luna flung herself to her knees and placed her hands on the sandy ground as she repeatedly coughed, trying to get the smell of wolfsbane out of her nose. 

Teresa bent down and patted Luna's back just as the coughing began to stop. Luna was now trying to catch her breath. "Are you okay now?" Teresa asked. Luna barely nodded her head. "I-I'll be fine." Luna said as Teresa helped her stand up. Teresa's hand fell from Luna's arm when she stepped back.

Luna awkwardly shuffled on her feet. "I'm just-I'm going to head back to the motel I'm staying at and get some rest." Luna turned around and walked away but stopped when Teresa called her name.

Luna sighed before turning around just as Teresa walked up to her. "Here," Teresa said handing Luna a slip of paper. Luna looked down at the paper and saw a phone number. "Something tells me that you won't be staying here for long. So, wherever you will end up...keep in touch, please?"

Luna looked up at Teresa and gave her a small smile as she pocketed the note into her back pocket. "I will keep in touch." Teresa smiled big before hugging Luna. Luna let out a light laugh and hugged her.

The two then pulled away and waved goodbye to one another before heading their separate ways.


Luna had finally arrived at the motel she was currently staying at. She walked through the parking lot but stopped by a motorcycle and began to admire its beauty.

Luna froze when she heard the click of a gun and slowly turned around. Luna's eyes widened but she still kept her ground as she stared at the person in front of her, holding the gun up high at her face.

Luna cleared her throat. "Braeden." 


The two girls never took their eyes off one another. "Weren't you killed by my father back in Beacon Hills." "Weren't you killed by an Oni three weeks ago?" Luna narrowed her eyes at Braeden. "Touche."  

It was quiet between them. Luna carefully observed Braeden and let a light chuckle escape from her lips. "Are we really going to do this?" Luna asked.

Braeden gave Luna her answer when she moved to strike her with the gun. Luna quickly moved to grab at Braeden's arm to direct the gun away and then sent a hard punch in her face. After getting punched, Braeden staggered back a bit. She then spit the blood out of her mouth before she moved to point the gun at Luna but the werewolf leapt at her and thrust the gun off to the side just before she made the shot.

Luna grabbed Braeden's arm and quickly bent her arm behind her back before kicking her legs, making Braeden drop to her knees. Braeden hissed from the pain as Luna bent her arm back even further. 

"Looks like I win again," Luna whispered. "Then why don't you finish me off," Braeden dared. Luna's eyes flashed blue but she blinked her eyes and they returned to her dark brown eyes. She then let go off Braeden's arm and stepped back.

Confused, Braeden stood up and faced Luna while rubbing her arm, trying to get the feeling back. Having enough of the awkward silence, Luna turned around and headed toward her room but stopped when Braeden yelled out her name.

Groaning, Luna turned around. "What?" she snapped at Braeden. "Why didn't you kill me?" Luna was quiet. "This was the perfect opportunity to kill me and yet you didn't. Why?" Luna's eyes softened. "Because I refuse to become the person I was before." "Which was?" "A cold hearted killer."

Braeden simply nodded her head. She hadn't believed the rumors that Luna was a changed person but yet here she was, standing in front of her and she hadn't tried to kill her.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Luna asked, snapping Braeden out of her thoughts. "I'm sure there's a lot of people that want me dead. Plus, I must be worth a lot." 

"You are." Braeden replied. "I figured." Luna admitted making Braeden shake her head. "I didn't kill you because I wanted to test you." Luna looked taken back. "Test me? Why?" 

Braeden huffed. "Look, I don't do this. Like at all," she said before continuing. "But I sort of need your help with a mission I'm on. I could use your...fighting skills." 

Luna crossed her arms. "How do I know you're not just trying to lure me into my own death?" "I'm not. I would have killed you already." Luna tilted her head  to the side. "That's true..." she mumbled. "Well?" Braeden asked, clearly getting impatient. Luna uncrossed her arms. "Fine. I'll help." 

Braeden smirked before getting on her motorcycle. "Don't loose your sight on me." "Wait!" Luna stopped Braeden. "What?" "Aren't you going to let me on?" "No." Braeden said before driving off. 

Luna coughed and fanned away the sand that Braeden's motorcycle blew into her face. Luna sighed before walking over to her car and getting in. She breathed in the air and caught Braeden's scent and drove after it.


Stiles leaned into his jeep as he, Lydia, Malia and Kira watched Scott have a talk with Araya. Shortly after, he walked away from her and joined his pack by the jeep. "So what now?" asked Stiles. Scott shrugged his shoulders, "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek and Sabrina." "She's going to tell us where?" Malia asked. "Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide."

The sound of a motorcycle caught the pack's attention as they all looked up to see a motorcycle stopping a few feet away from them. The girl turned off her motorcycle and took off her helmet. "You know her?" Stiles asked Scott. "Braeden," he breathed out. "Who's Braeden?" asked Kira. "She's a mercenary." Lydia told her.

"Right now, my new acquaintance and I are the only ones who are going to take you to La Iglesia." Lydia narrowed her eyes. "The church?" "What's the church?" said Stiles. Braeden smirked at him. "It's not a place you'll find God."

"Huh?" Stiles mumbled before shaking his head. "Wait, who's your new acquaintance?" Braeden smirked when she heard a car rumble behind her.

Braeden looked behind her as the pack did the same. The Toyota came to a stop as the pack watched a girl step out and closed the car door. 

They couldn't see her face but once she looked up, everyone froze and let out a small gasp. Luna froze. This was Braeden's mission? Helping out her friends?

Luna looked over at Braeden who was smirking at her. Luna glared at her but stopped when she heard an all too familiar voice say her name.


She looked over to see a widen-eyed Scott, standing in front of his pack. After all of the surprises she had in Mexico such as making a new friend, almost dying from wolfsbane at a party, to fighting and helping Braeden out...seeing Scott again took the cake.

"Scott." She breathed out.

[Published and Edited 7/30/17]

CLIFFHANGER! AAHHH You all have no idea how excited I am to write this second book in the Scott McCall series. The next chapter will still be about the first episode of Season Four "The Dark Moon" AND will also involve LOTS of Scott and Luna scenes since they are reunited again.

Stay tuned! 

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