Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
Right in front of your eyes
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal

University roommates

37.4K 978 3.1K
By phanallamallama

It's my birthday so I thought I would upload a cute fic because I haven't finished my brotherly love chapter because hell I don't wanna write sad stuff on my birthday

Genre: HELLA cute fluffy fluff where they get together and aww

Word count: 6523

"Alright Dan, this is where it gets serious." he muttered to himself as he pulled his bag through the grounds. Luckily for him it wasn't raining like it had been for the past week and the sun was starting to shine through the trees on his new campus.

He looked around as he walked, checking the map that had been shoved his way when he came through. He was in room 221b- the rooms were split up or something- in Baker block. The dormitory buildings were apparently named after the founders of the uni, and there were quite a few, Dan he hadn't really cared when being shown around before, it had been pretty boring really.

Now he regretted it as he had no idea where the hell he was going.

He continued until he saw the building and dragged his trunk behind him, cutting across some grass quickly before noticing the 'Do not walk on grass' sign. "Oops." he thought, going back onto the path awkwardly, hoping no one had seen and would shout at him. Thought that might give him a badass reputation. 'Dan Howell who is so hard he will walk on grass he isn't supposed to'. Or maybe not.

He pulled it into the lobby and saw an elevator. He clicked the up button and waited, tapping his feet impatiently. The doors pinged open to reveal two people making out heavily. Oops, good start Dan.

They broke apart when they saw Dan and stepped out, hardly caring as the girl tugged on the guys hand, pulling it suggestively. The boy raised his eyebrows at Dan, and then followed after. Well... That had already been interesting.

Dan stepped quickly into the elevator and pressed 2nd floor button. He rose upwards, feeling a little nervous. He was going to meet his roommate soon. He hoped he would be nice enough, and he was at least mostly neat.

Dan walked down the hallway, counting the numbers on the door until he found his own. Taking a deep breath he twisted the key in the lock and dragged his bag in, noticing one of the beds had been taken, but that no one was there, thank god.

A Muse poster was already displayed on that side of the room with a toy lion placed carefully on the pillow. Dan nodded in approval at the poster, the boy had good music taste, hopefully the rest of him would be okay.

He hauled his trunk into the bed and decided to start unloading it. He pulled out clothes and saw the his wardrobe nearby his bed and opened it, starting to shove seemingly endless amounts of clothes into it. He brought out his own posters, Fall Out Boy, Halo, and Adventure Time ones. (He had left his Avengers one at home, it was too precious.) He placed them above his bed and bounced a little on it, testing out the springs. It felt secure enough, and he didn't want to be fussy, mind you, he couldn't be picky.

He took out all the rest of his things from his bag and when it was empty stored it under his bed. He had left his sheets on pillow and decided to change them, making them more interesting. His dark grey and black checks contrasted weirdly from his roommates bright green and blue, but Dan wasn't a dark person, he just suited the colours. Actually, looking at them more closely, they were exactly the same style, both from the fabulous ikea, just different colours. Dan chuckled lightly, they shared pattern choices as well.

He finished and flipped back onto his bed and closed his eyes, trying to get the feel of it. The bed felt quite new so it didn't really feel like it would cause him any pain, but he guessed he would find out later. Dan sat up and flicked on the iPod speakers which were set up beside his bed, putting his iPod on shuffle, letting the music flow around him. He pulled out his laptop and plugged the charger in, it had horrifically died on the journey there, leaving Dan halfway through a movie which has pissed him off quite a lot. His mum had texted him earlier to tell him to Skype her when he was settled into his dorm. Since his ghost room-sharer was out he thought now would probably be a good time.

He pulled up Skype and saw his mum was online, making him smile. She was probably waiting for him, she never wanted to miss him. He clicked her name and started a call, adjusting his hair quickly while it connected.

"Hey sweetie," he heard her say as her picture swam into view.

"Hi mum. I am alive and well. Just finished sorting out my half of the room," he said, knowing she would ask how his journey went and what he had been doing.

"Can I see?" She asked him. He picked up his laptop and spun it slowly around the room, commenting at different things there.

"So have you met your new roommate?" She was full of questions, but Dan knew it was because she cared.

"Not yet, he has unpacked but I have no idea who or where he is. But he seems to like Muse so he is probably alright," he shrugged. He really hoped he wouldn't be a maniac who would watch him sleep, he was pretty self conscious really.

"I'm sure he will be. He might even be cute," she said cheerfully and Dan whined, blushing a little. Dan just wanted him to exist at the moment, he didn't want a ghost roommate as he could not handle that.

She asked him question after question, checking every little thing to make sure he would be okay on his own.

"Anyway darling I am glad you have settled in, I have to go and start making dinner now. Remember to eat something and don't get too distracted by your studies! Bye sweetheart." she said, waving, then the call ended. He smiled again and shut his laptop, pushing it off his lap.

He stood up and stretched, really wondering when his roommate would appear. How could someone unpack then disappear? He decided to stand up and go and have a walk around campus, maybe find some people to talk to. A few friends would not be bad for him at all.

He opened the door and started walking through the corridor when his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and grinned. It was a text from his mum already.

I forgot to say I love you! X

Dan texted back saying he loved her too but just as he sent it he bumped into someone, making both of what they were holding fall to the floor other a loud crunch and even a yelp from the other person.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," the boy said hurriedly, dropping to the floor and picking up some books that had been scattered as well the box he was holding, balancing it precariously.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," Dan said quickly, retrieving his phone from beside the boys shoe.

"I'm Phil," the boy said. Dan looked up properly to see him for the first time. Black straight hair with bright blue eyes, skinny jeans and a checked shirt, a small grin on his face. He stood up and looked at him again. His mum was kind of right- he was cute.

"I'm Dan. What dorm are you in?" Dan asked him, maybe a little hopefully it would be close to his.


"Oh so you're my mystery roommate! Good thing I finally bumped into you, literally!" Dan said, amused they had met this way.

Phil grinned at him and they started walking back towards the room, Phil explaining he had been getting his stuff while Dan got here, struggling under the amount of books he was holding and having to balance the big box as well.

"Want some help?" Dan asked politely.

"Yes please," Phil said, passing some of the heavier books to Dan. "Thanks,"

"It's fine." Dan smiled.

Dan clicked open the door and dropped the books onto the bed, whilst Phil placed the box down beside it.

"Oh so you like Fall Out Boy too Dan?" He asked, looking happy they already had something in common.

"And you like Muse. Well that's handy, we won't have fights over music choices." Dan laughed back. Phil grinned at him, his tongue sticking slightly out of his mouth. Dan thought this was very cute and then turned back to the box on Phil's bed, his mind thinking a little ahead considering he had only just met this boy.

"So what's in the box? More books?"

"No, mostly movies," Phil told him, taking out a stack of DVDs and scattering them on his bed.

"Scott Pilgrim... Howl's moving castle... Good choices," Dan told him, impressed he liked that sort of thing.

"Thanks, the thing I treasure most though is my Buffy collection," he told Dan, pulling out a box set carefully, gently putting it on the bed rather then throwing it.

"An even better choice," Dan told him. "I love Buffy, but probably not as much as you do."

"I love how I know so little about you Dan, but I am already happy you're my roommate," Phil told him, smiling at the floor shyly.

"Me too,". Dan told him honestly, and they went back to sorting through Phil's film collection, hiding their cheeks by trying to dip their fringes as far down their eyes as possible.


That night as Dan lay in bed he smiled to himself. He may not have actually started working yet, but considering it was his first day and he already had a friend, things seemed to be going pretty well. Phil was really cool and Dan found his mind wandering to him.

He had accidentally walked in on him while he had been showering and had only a towel around his waist. He had gasped and clasped his hands over his eyes while Phil laughed at him, but only after he had gawked at Phil's bare torso, towel slung low around his hips. He had stuttered his apology and left when Phil had accepted it, he had seemed fine with it. Dan wondered if he was bi as well, or likes boys at all, but didn't want to ask so quickly, it might seem weird and just make things plain awkward between them and as they would be living together. Phil had a pretty nice body really, pale skin, slender figure and was confident about it, making Dan like him even more. Confidence was sexy to him. Dan had mentally hit himself for thinking that. Phil was his roommate, his friend, if anything more happened it could be incredibly awkward- they had only just met! Dan knew he could fall so easily for people, it had happened so many times before, he didn't want that with Phil. He started thinking back to high school and relationships he had had, but fell asleep part way through, his mind wearing itself out.

Dan woke up to the sound of Fall Out Boy playing softly through the door. He opened his eyes and saw Phil's bed empty and the bathroom door locked. He heard singing accompany the sound, smiling. So Phil sung? He was pretty good too, and had chosen a good song really.

"Be careful making wishes in the-" Dan heard the wall being hit twice. "Dark, dark! Can't be sure when they've hit their," Slam slam. "Mark, mark!" Phil sang loudly.

"Besides in the mean, mean time," Dan started to sing, hearing that Phil had stopped. "I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart,"

"I'm in the de-details with the devil, so now the world can never get me on my level," Phil sang back.

"I just gotta get you off my cage. I'm a young lovers rage," Dan replied, grinning widely.

"Gonna need a spark to ignite!" They shouted together.

Phil opened the door and poked his head around the frame grinning, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.

"Good morning, nice voice," he said to Dan, nodding his head in approval.

"Thanks, your not bad yourself. Is this how we are gonna wake up every morning then?" Dan joked, smiling back at Phil.

"Probably." Phil said, then pulled his head back behind the door.

Dan giggled and then started pulling clothes out of his wardrobe. His black t-shirt and skinny jeans and some clean sonic boxers. He switched his pants but as he was starting to put on his jeans Phil came back through the door now fully dressed.

"Sonic boxers?" He asked, grinning a little.

"Nothing wrong with sonic," Dan said a little defensively.

"Never said there was. In fact..." Phil trailed off, rummaging through his draw before pulling out his own pair with sonic on.

"Have you been going through my laundry?" Dan joked, making Phil clasp a hand over his mouth.

"No!" He protested, giggling and turning scarlet.

"Sure, right." Dan said sarcastically, pulling on his t-shirt and plugging in his straighteners.

"Oh so you straighten your hair? Shame, I think it looks good curly," Phil said casually, but then turned away to his bed quickly.

"I hate having hobbit hair, it really annoys me. So I straighten it," Dan told him, smiling at the compliment.

"Fair enough, I straighten mine too, otherwise it goes all flicky and weird." Phil said, pulling a face. Dan giggled and set to fiddling with his hair, smoothing out the tangled mess while Phil put on some music and sang along again.


Dan really liked Phil being his roommate, well, actually after this amount of time, Dan would call him a best friend. They had really similar interests as well as a shared music taste, so everything they did seemed to be almost in sync.

It had been a little awkward at times (Dan had found out Phil was gay when he came into the room and saw him making out with a random guy on his bed. The guy was now history, but it was pretty awkward for Phil having to explain. Also by the fact Dan was a little jealous over the fact that guy had gotten to kiss Phil, then had mentally scolded himself. And then realised it would have been the perfect time to tell Phil he was bi but had never gotten around it it) but most of the time they were incredibly close. Dan was getting really synced to Phil, he was so lovely and Dan just felt like he was amazing and understood him perfectly.

He might even have a crush him a little. Or maybe a lot. There just seemed to be so much chemistry between them. Phil wasn't classically good looking, but his eyes made Dan burn for him. The contrast of his pale skin and bright eyes combined with the darkness of his hair was mesmerising. He was so beautiful and interesting he was absolute perfection in Dan's eyes.

So in simple terms, he was fucked.


One weekend they were both lying in their beds on their laptops, simply browsing the Internet. Dan heard a popping noise, someone had messaged him on Facebook.

Do you wanna have a movie day? X

If was from Phil. Dan chuckled as he read it and looked over at Phil, who was just staring at the screen, a small smile placed on his lips.

Yes please, but I get to pick the first movie x

Deal x


"Right, so what do you wanna watch?" Phil asked Dan, getting up and kneeling beside his bed, having to go right under it to get to his box of movies. Dan gazed at his ass for a while, before finally realising what he was doing and moving his eyes away, looking at a poster above his bed, feeling guilty. This was what he was trying to avoid with Phil, he didn't want things to go wrong. He hadn't actually had a best friend before, and he certainly didn't want to lose one as good as Phil ever. Even if it meant he could have the chance of kissing him and taking him out on dates and showing him off to people and... Dan was going to make himself sad if he continued these thoughts.

He heard a thud as Phil dropped the box on top of his bed and Dan got up and sidled over, walking towards Phil's collection. He started flicking through them, thinking of a good movie to watch, before deciding on the perfect one. He walked away from Phil's box to one of his draws and pulled out his most guilty pleasure.

"High school musical," He said, bluntly, a smile playing around his lips.

"Really?" Phil asked him, rolling his eyes a little.

"Yes. Wildcats are the best." Dan stated. He slotted the disk into his laptop and watched as the adverts came on.

"We should make it like a cinema. Let's move our beds together and turn off the lights," Phil said excitedly, not giving Dan time to answer before starting to pull at his bed frame, but it wouldn't move, at least not without help.

"Should we take off the mattresses and put them against the bed, making a sort of sofa and put blankets and duvets and pillows over it?" Dan asked, more reasonably, humouring him outwardly, inwardly loving this idea.

"Yes!" Phil said, his eyes shining.

Dan moved his laptop to a shelf were it wouldn't get trampled on during their redecorating and helped Phil tug off his sheets and mattress. They put it standing longways against Phil's bed and then covered it with a blanket. They then ripped over Dan's mattress and put it underneath, creating a sofa. They covered that with another blanket and then shoved as many pillows as the had on it, finally laying the duvets out on top.

"Perfect." Dan said. He moved the laptop to the frame of his own bed opposite their makeshift couch and pressed play, then dived under the covers, close to Phil. "Oh and a heads up: I will sing along," he told Phil.

"Looks like I will just have to join in then." Phil winked back, turning his attention back to the screen.


"Right, my turn to choose!" Phil said, leaping up. Dan laughed loudly, he seemed so excited, it was really cute.

He had enjoyed singing with Phil, their voices went well together, especially for the main duet. Phil searched through his box before pulling out a DVD and holding it up like it was Simba. He slotted it into the disk holder and pushed it in, watching the menu come up. He had his body in front of the screen and because they had shut the curtains he couldn't see what film had been chosen. He scurried back almost sat on top of Dan, causing them both to blush violently, but the dark hid it well. And then fact it was dark in the room too.

Phil had chosen My neighbour Totoro.

"I love this movie! I have my own Totoro plushie at home!" Dan exclaimed.

"I have one of tiny ones with its leaf umbrella at my parents house." Phil commented back. Dan grinned at him. He was actually perfect.

Every little thing he heard Phil say made his heart scream at his mind. 'Dan you really like him! Tell him!' He pushed the voice away, hiding it in the back of his mind. It would be too tricky and could end so badly. He wouldn't want to make Phil live with him if it made him uncomfortable.

The next movie that got chosen was scream 2. Dan had subconsciously remembered that Phil had told him he liked it a lot, even if it scared him, so he thought he would put it on. He sat back down next to Phil again once he had pressed play, arms touching, but neither moved or said anything. Phil seemed alright while the movie was petty low on tension as Dan kept slipping him sideways glances, but he felt his arm tense when things got creepier. He heard a small cough and looked over at Phil, he looked terrified.

"Erm, Dan? Not to be weird but I am really scared. Can I cuddle up to you so you can protect me?" He asked, looking down nervously at his request.

"Sure, I'm quite scared too." Dan said truthfully. He brought one of his arms over Phil's shoulder and pulled him into him, feeling Phil relax a little and cuddle into his body. Dan felt like a wave of warm air had just rushed over him. His heart was pacing quickly, his breath was increasing. He felt his heart move into his ear and whisper something quietly.

'You are falling in love with him, and you know it.'

It was true. Dan was starting to love Phil. The sensation he had when he was around him was extraordinary and now to have him in his arms... It was just magical.

Half way through the film Dan checked his phone for the time, it was about half 10 and no light was shining through the blinds. It was getting late. They probably had time for one more film before needing to sleep, and it was Phil's turn to pick next. He hoped it wouldn't be another horror. He felt Phil's head drop onto his shoulder, one hand sliding up his chest a little, feeling Dan's heartbeat and the other gripping his waist.

"Thank you for keeping me safe Dan," Phil said quietly.

"No problem Phil. Thank you for keeping me warm."

"Okay, last film, your turn to choose." Dan told Phil, not wanting him to be released from his grasp, but not wanting to be clingy, they were only friends. Phil wriggled away from him and Dan instantly felt cold. He buried into his duvet and peeped over the top, wondering what Phil would pick to watch. Phil clicked play and turned around to only see Dan's eyes protruding over the blankets.

"Dan, you okay? You seem to have lost part of your face," Phil said smiling at him. Dan pulled his chin over the covers and smiled back at him.

"Yeah, just a little sleepy. Oh when I get really tired I might go a bit hyper. Or just fall asleep randomly. Or act like a 5 year old. Just thought I would say," Dan said, yawning.

"You still wanna watch the movie or go to bed?" Phil asked him, looking down at him.

"I still wanna watch it, I just might not stay awake for all of it,"

"It's Warm bodies,"

"And I am awake." Dan said, his head perking up and a grin spreading over his face when Phil laughed at him.

Phil climbed back under the covers next to Dan and leant against him fondly. He must have realised what he was doing and shuffled away a moment after.

"Sorry," he said in a small voice.

"It's fine, I found it pretty comfortable really," Dan told him, blushing a little.

"Well then," Phil said, and cuddled back up to him, hugging his arm. Dan beamed and looked down at his ebony haired boyfriend. No, friend. Just friend. Fuck.

He saw Phil's little 'Lion' clutched in Phil's hand, head peaking out to watch the film with them. He grinned again and rested his head on top of Phil's, feeling him clutch his arm a little tighter.

They watched the film happily, occasionally chuckling or making little comments, but not focusing too intently.

"I think R is pretty hot, I think he would be my type," Dan said after a while.

"He has dark hair and pale skin like me. And his eyes are blue too," Phil cheerfully.

"Oh yeah." Dan said, then blushed furiously, realising he had pretty much just called Phil hot. He looked over at Phil who cheeks looked a little darker than usual and smiled a little. They stayed quiet for a while after that, Dan not daring to comment in case he said something like that again.


Dan couldn't stop yawning, he was starting to become pretty sleepy and a little childish, his mind was babbling a lot of things that didn't make proper sense. When it was getting near the end of the film Dan's eyes were slowly drifting shut. His head lolled against the mattress behind him, a foolish smile placed on his lips. He started to fiddle with Phil's hair, humming to himself while he fidgeted.

"Phil," he said, stretching out the I.

"What Dan?" He said sweetly.

"If you loved someone, would you save them from a load of zombie skeletons and fall into a pool of water for them?" Dan asked, twiddling Phil's hair between his fingers.

"If I loved a guy like R loved Julie then I would," he replied, sighing a little.

"I think I would too. But if I jumped off a building with a guy or girl I loved then I wouldn't worry at all as Doctor Who would save me," he giggled. He saw a glint run over Phil's eyes.

"So you're bi Dan? I thought you were straight, that you meant you would date someone like R as your gay crush,"

"Nope, I play for both teams. Cowboys and Indians. Milk and cookies. Potatoes and... More potatoes," he said. "Seriously, what goes potatoes?"

"Good to know." Phil said, smiling a little. Dan was starting to curl up smaller, burbling to himself, Phil not commenting at all. He was talking about R being pretty

"Phil you're pretty, I like you a lot," Dan mumbled after a while, closing his eyes. He heard Phil say something back and something brush against his forehead but he didn't catch it, sleep was already pulling him under and before he knew it, he had blacked out.


When he woke up the next morning, Phil was still beside him, hugging onto his arm tightly. Dan smiled sleepily and pulled him closer, closing his eyes and simply listening to Phil's quiet breathing. He felt so comfortable, so relaxed. If he could choose to spend the rest of his life with one person, it would be Phil. Dan knew it was wrong that he was choosing his best friend for more then that reason, but Dan was falling in love with him, he had no one else in mind.

He kept his eyes closed with his mind shut off until he heard Phil rustling around beside him and opened them to see a bright blue reflecting them.

"Morning," Dan said, smiling a little.

"Morning. I didn't realise I fell asleep on you. Do you remember much before you feel asleep last night, I hardly remember anything. And we didn't even drink," Phil asked, sounding amused.

"No, I remember... saying you were pretty... oh god sorry that must have been really weird. Not that your not pretty, it's just that would be weird and... Shut me up, I am digging a hole. But I fell asleep straight after, though I think a spider or something fell on my forehead, I felt something there," he told Phil truthfully. "Oh and you said something to me slightly before that but I didn't catch it,"

"Yeah about the same. And what I said wasn't important," he said causally, smiling at Dan, but he looked a little upset.

"You sure? You seem sad," Dan prompted, hoping it wasn't something that could have been really important or he had missed it and may never hear it again.

"Yeah I'm sure," Phil said with a smile then stretched out, getting up. Dan felt a little empty but stood up too.

"Can I have first shower? I'm all smelly, I probably got your germs all over me," Dan joked, trying to diffuse some tension.

"Yeah sure go ahead. And I am not he one that smells, thank you, so if anything my germs smell of raspberries," Phil said matter of factly.

"What ever you say fruity boy." he said, taking the piss a little before walking into the bathroom and locking the door.


When Dan had got out of the shower and was brushing his teeth Phil knocked on the door. Dan unlocked it and Phil poked his head around the door.

"I have to go and do some work for a bit, I will see you later. Keep your phone on," Phil said, fixing his hair a little while talking. He looked a little nervously before saying "erm... Dan? I just want to say that it was really nice sleeping with you last night." and disappearing out the door quickly.

Dan blushed furiously then laughed a little. He spat out his toothpaste and smiled at himself in the mirror. He couldn't tell too much as Phil was pretty awkward and innocent but he thought Phil might have been trying to suggest something, of maybe even flirt with him. He chuckled to himself and his heart leapt a little at the thought that Phil could like him back. He had said he liked sleeping with him, maybe it could become more of a regular thing. Then Dan sighed. No roommates would ever do something like that, but then he thought a little more. Maybe they weren't just roommates. Not quite.


"No! Help!"

Dan sat up quickly. He saw Phil from across the room thrashing around in his bed, seemingly asleep, stuck within the cruel grasp of a nightmare. He was kicking around and shouting, begging to be helped but no one was coming. Dan decided to slip out of bed and creep over to him and sat down beside him, carefully, trying not to wake him. He gently started stroking back the sweaty hair on Phil's forehead and he started to quiet down, stop shaking, and start to smile. Dan stopped for a minute, just to stare at the boys face, but a frown seemed to be pulling his lips down and his eyes snapped open.

"Dan?" He asked, looking worriedly.

"It's fine I'm here. You were having a nightmare," he said calmly, starting to stroke back Phil's hair again. Phil sat up and looked at Dan, as if to see if he was real or just part of a mirage.

"What happened?" Dan asked. He saw Phil shift a little uncomfortably. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want. I will get you some water," he turned to go but Phil grabbed his hand, squeezing it quickly before letting go.

"Thanks Dan."

Dan walked through to the bathroom and got some water for Phil and carried it through, setting it down next to his bed before climbing back into his own mass of covers and switching off his bedside lamp. A few minutes passed when he heard a little sound.



"Can I sleep in your bed with you please? I'm scared,"

"Of course you can."

Dan heard the patter of feet and felt someone slide on next to him and snuggle into him. They lay there in silence before Phil started to say something.

"In my dream it was last night when we were watching Warm bodies. Except the Bonies came out from the laptop and dragged you away from me. They didn't try to kill you but they kept hurting you in front of me, tormenting me that I couldn't help you. Then a sudden wind blew over and all the skeletons turned to piles of bones on the floor. I was able to rush over to you but when I got there your face started to go pale, and your eyes bloodshot. You started moaning and grunting. You reached out and grabbed me, and I didn't know what you were going to do, it looked like you could hurt me, or do something else. It was like you were dying.Then I woke up." he said quietly, burying his face into Dan's chest.

"Oh Phil, I would never let anything like that happen. I would snap my fingers and all the Avengers would appear and protect us alright? And Thor would give you a big high five and take a selfie with you after they had killed them all okay?"

"Thanks Dan, you're perfect," he heard Phil mumble, then he started to snore softly.

"I love you." Dan said quietly and kissed the top of his head.

He held Phil close, worried something would now try and steal him away from him, he didn't want to lose him ever in any way possible. He started to fall asleep himself, drifting quietly away into a peaceful slumber, but a thought flashed through his head. He heard the words 'I love you' repeated in his head, but this time it wasn't his voice, it was Phil's. Then darkness took over and he was swallowed whole, stuck in a restless sleep.


Ever since that night Dan and Phil always shared a bed. They ended up pushing both their beds together so they had more room, in case one wanted more space, but they always stayed huddled up together.

Each night when Phil fell asleep if Dan was still awake, he always told him how much he loved him, stroking his hair and watching him smile in his sleep. He wondered if Phil ever heard him, if he was part of his dreams- Phil was definitely in his own. Weirdly though, he hardly ever slept, he just watched Phil sleep quietly, it relaxed him and revitalised him more than sleep ever could.

One night once Phil had started to drift off, Dan stared into his face, cupping his cheek with his hand.

"Phil, I love you so much. I know I tell you this every night, but it's the only time I know I will be able to. When you're asleep. Coward, aren't I?"

"You could always try when I am awake," Phil mumbled quietly, snuggling into Dan's chest. Then his eyes flashed open, shocked at himself. "Erm... I...ummm...crap,"

"You knew I loved you?" Dan asked, looking down into his covers.

"I heard you a few nights ago talking and it woke me up. I heard you say you loved me, but I didn't know how to say I knew," Phil said, tilting Dan's chin up so he could look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have probably made it really weird between us now," Dan said sadly, looking away from Phil's face, upset with himself.

"Well then I will just have to make it weirder then." Phil said, and gently pressed his lips against Dan's startled pout for a few seconds, pulling away to see Dan's shocked face and smiled, leaning back in and kissing him again.

Dan automatically reacted, moving his hand from Phil's cheek to his neck, pulling him closer, trying to tell Phil how he felt with more than clichéd words. He gripped him like he couldn't bare to let him go, like if he did he would lose him forever in a dream, one that would never come true. Phil stroked up and down his arm, touch as soft as an angels wing, reassuring Dan he wasn't going anywhere, slowing down the rushed kiss, helping Dan to understand it wouldn't be their last. As Dan nudged their noses together affectionately Phil broke apart.

"I love you too Dan," he said, smiling and watching the sparkle appear in Dan's eyes. Dan pulled him back into his body and kissed his temple. They lay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before Dan piped up.

"Really, I don't think you have made this weirder. If anything you fixed it and made it perfect." Dan said, smiling sleepily. He yawned and then closed his eyes, seeming to sink into his pillow as he fell asleep.

"Now," Phil said to himself quietly, "I can tell you how much I love you. After the first time we fell asleep together, when you woke up, I thought I saw the sun rise in your eyes, making them shine, a new spark I hadn't seen before. I have been trying to get that sparkle back in your eyes for a while, but it only fully came back a few minutes ago, when I said I loved you. I think that as you started to love me more, it started to shine brighter, dazzling the rest of the world. If that sparkle ever leaves your eyes I promise I will be the one to bring it back, no matter what." Phil closed his eyes and kissed Dan's jaw, resting his head on his chest and breathing in his scent of chocolate lynx and vanilla, feeling the clouds float under him and lift the couple up into the stars.


When Phil woke up he saw Dan had wriggled down in his sleep because his head was resting on his shoulder and his arms were wound tightly around his torso. He smiled and pecked his lips gently, wondering if it would wake him. Dan smiled cutely and slowly blinked his eyes open.

"Morning sleepyhead," Phil said, pecking his lips again.

"Morning love. Morning Lion," he said, waving over at the table where Lion was sat, looking over them. Dan almost imagined him tutting and tapping his foot, warning Dan that if he didn't take care of Phil that he would nom him to death. Dan nodded at Lion, silently promising he would and then giggled.

"What?" Phil asked him, still grinning at his new boyfriend.

"I'm so glad you were my roommate Phil. And now I am glad you are so much more," Dan told him. He reached up and kissed him for a couple of seconds, savouring the sweet taste of Phil's lips on his and pulled away grinning.

"I'm glad you're mine," Phil told him and hugged Dan to him. "Mine and no one else's."

Dan looked over at Lion again and winked. There was no need for him to worry, he was never going to let Phil go.

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