Supernatural Oneshots [DISCON...

By SuperHamWriting

28.4K 468 35

Welcome to my book of Supernatural Oneshots! I only write x readers so please feel free to request for any of... More

The Prince- Gabe x reader
Demons- Dean x reader
Trapped- Lucifer x Reader
Boom!- Charlie x Reader
Soap- Gabriel x Reader
Somewhat Sketchy- Sam x Mute! Reader
Protector- Gabriel x Reader
Your Hand in Mine- Jack x reader
Requiem- Jack x reader
Princess of Hell- Jack x Reader
Trapped pt. 2- Lucifer x reader

Dance With Me- Castiel x Reader

2.3K 54 3
By SuperHamWriting

Reader gender- female
Warnings- swearing
A/n- my tumblr is SuperHamWriting if any of you want to check it out! And thank you so much for 150 views!

"Y/N!" Dean yelled, grabbing your attention from the book you were reading.
"Huh? What?" You asked.
"Jesus Christ, I've been trying to get your attention for forever!" He groaned.
"Oh, sorry, it's uh, it's a really good book." You said, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment.
"Yeah, whatever. So there's this high and mighty vamp family in Missouri that likes to throw balls every month or so and kill off some of the people there. Sam and I have a bunch of missing persons reports down in Arizona so we're heading down there. You think you and Cas can handle it?" He asked.
"Yeah, sure. Email me details, I'll go pack up." You stood, grabbing your book and heading down the bunker hallway to your room.
"Yo, Cas!" You yelled, pausing in front of his room.
"Yes, Y/N?" He looked up from a book he was reading.
"So, we're heading up to Missouri to take down a vamp nest. You're gonna need, like, a tux or something."
"Would one of my FBI suits be appropriate?" He asked.
"Not really. You know what? Come with me, we're going shopping."
He stood and followed you to the living room where you slipped on a pair of shoes, grabbed your car keys and hopped into your car, Castiel in tow.
"So, what do we need a tuxedo for?" Cas asked on the ride to the mall.
"The vamp family we're hunting has these balls where they kill their vics so we're going to one of those. Dean made us reservations under Mr and Mrs Novak. Which reminds me-" you groaned, "we have to get some cheap rings."
"Oh. I see." He said quietly.
"Something wrong?" You asked. "Is it with us going as a married couple? Sorry, we probably should have asked you first."
"No, it's not that, I understand it's just for business. It's, umm," he trailed off.
"What?" You asked as you pulled into the mall parking lot.
You locked the doors before he could leave and avoid your question.
"Seriously, Cas, what is it?"
"I, umm, I don't know how to dance." He admitted shyly.
You promptly laughed out loud upon hearing his confession.
"Oh my god!" You laughed.
"Y/N, please, it's really not that funny." He sighed.
"You're telling me," you laughed as you unlocked the doors and got out, "you're telling me, that you've been around for, like, millennia and you don't know how to dance."
"I've never needed the knowledge." He shrugged.
"Don't worry about it, Cassie. I'll teach you."
With that promise, you two walked into the mall, heading for the Men's Wearhouse.
"Everything here basically looks the same so go nuts." You said, gesturing to the store lined with black suits.
It didn't take long for him to pick out a tux that fits him, as well as a pale blue tie. After paying, you two walked a ways through the mall before coming across a Nordstrom.
You sighed among seeing the many racks of dresses in the store. "I hate dress shopping." You groaned.
Cas trailed you like a lost puppy as you fumbled through the clearance racks, looking for something appropriate. You darted around, grabbing anything that caught your eye. When you had collected a assortment of different dresses, you sat Cas down in front of the dressing rooms and went to try on the first one.
The first was a teal dress that flared out significantly at the bottom. The top was all lacy and the sleeves came down to your elbows. It was tied with a pink bow around the waist. You decided that while it was nice, it wasn't moveable enough for vamp killing.
The next had a long red skirt with a cream top that had rose patterns on it. It was gorgeous, but squeezed your chest so much it felt like you would pass out.
Another was a red satin dress. A jewel encrusted belt lay at your waist with the top of the dress wrapping around your chest. However, with the straps looping around your arms, you could hardly raise a finger.
Narrowing down to your last few dresses, you pulled on a pale blue one that flared out and ruffled at the bottom. It was strapless and hugged your chest tightly with jewels lining the top of the dress and the waist. The skirt was big enough that you could run in it and there wasn't any ribbons or loops to get in your way.
"What do you think?" You asked Cas as you exited the dressing room.
"Beautiful." He breathed before raising his voice, "I- um- the dress I mean. The dress is beautiful. Not that you aren't beautiful, you're just always beautiful and the dress, it just enhances... your...  beauty." He rushed awkwardly.
"I guess we'll take it then." You laughed, walking back to change into your regular flannel and jeans.
Coming out, you saved the blue dress and deposited the others on the rack and walked with Cas to cashier.
"Okay so we'll stop by a jewelry store and get some plain bands- 200 dollars? Jesus Christ, okay.- and I have a ring at home I can use for an engagement ring. Shoes: I've got some boots I can use and I'm sure Dean has some dress shoes you can- Cas? Are you okay?" When you looked over at the angel you saw that his cheeks had donned a bright red.
"Your, uh, your shirt isn't buttoned very far." He mumbled.
You looked down at your flannel which you had only buttoned half of the way, leaving the valley of your bra exposed.
"Oh, sorry," you said, buttoning it up, "I guess I kind of rushed."
"Mm-hm." He hummed, a blush still gracing his face.
"Has anyone ever told you, you get flustered very easily?" You laughed.
"It's been mentioned a few times." He admitted.
After you had purchased some plain, silver bands, you hauled your purchases to the car and made your way back to the bunker.
After you dropped off your stuff at your rooms, you searched around and found a large, empty room that you and Cas could practice in.
"Okay, so, when you waltz, you count in threes. There'll be two counts of three in one movement, okay?" You explained.
"Alright." He nodded in understanding.
"So, when we're at the ball, you'll be the one leading because it's customary for men to lead. So, I'll help you through the lead steps. So the leading person takes their partner's hand in their left hand and puts their right hand on their partner's shoulder. The following person puts their left hand on the leaders waist." You did things as you said them, lacing your hand with his and guiding his hand to your shoulder.
"We bring our elbows to shoulder height," you raised your elbow and he did the same, "and you stand with a straight back and loose knees."
"So you, the leader, will start with your left foot touching my right foot." You pushed your right foot to his left foot. "You'll step forward with your left foot as I step back with my right."
You followed his hesitant step forward with a step backward.
"Relax, Cas, it's a very flowy dance. So, now you're gonna step diagonally with your right foot, I'll do the same with my left foot."
You guided him through the rest of the movements: step together, forward right, diagonal left, step together, repeat. After going through the dance a few times, with him stepping sparingly on your feet, you decided he was ready.
Grabbing your phone, you played one of your favorite classical pieces. You laced your hand with his and placed your hand on his shoulder.
You two gracefully waltzed around the room, lost in the music. When the song had finally cut off, you ended your dance.
"Well, I think you're all set. Let's go to Missouri."

"Novak." You informed the host as you approached the doors of the ballroom.
"Mr and Mrs?" He asked, reading from the list in front of him.
"That's us." You confirmed, shooting a glance at your intertwined hands, both of which held the bands you had purchased. Yours also held an simple, cheap ring with a fake diamond on it.
"Enjoy your night." He said, gesturing to the open door behind him.
You thanked him and entered the vast ballroom, your dress gently sweeping the floor.
"Should we be looking for them?" Cas asked, nervously scanning the ballroom.
"Nah, we don't want to look too suspicious. Let's just chill for a little bit. From what Dean told me, it seems like they'll come to us." You sighed upon seeing Cas' still worried face. "Dance with me, Cassie."
"Excuse me?"
"C'mon! I didn't teach you for nothing! Dance with me!" You laughed, pulling Castiel onto the dance floor.
You began your dance just as a new song started, dozens of other couples dancing with you. You saw Cas look around at the other groups, the way the men would spin and dip their partners.
"Cas..." you warned, fearing that, if he were getting at what you thought he was, he would mess up and drop you.
Ignoring you, Cas spun you around and cradled your body as your dropped down, his face dangerously close to yours. After holding you there a moment too long, doing nothing but staring into your eyes, a voice broke you two apart.
"Excuse me," the voice of a little girl said.
"What is it, hun?" You asked after Cas put you back on your feet.
"My mommy was getting something out of the pantry for the party and she got locked in. Can you help me get her out?" The girl asked.
Everything about her story screamed 'suspicious'. As you followed her down a hallway, you reached down to your boot and pulled out the machete you had somehow managed to shove in there. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it worked. You looked back to see Cas with a machete of his own. Where he stored his, well, you preferred not to ask.
She led you into a large empty room. You spun around as the door slammed closed behind you. A snarling figure emerged from the shadows.
"Hunters." They growled.
"What?" The little girl asked as she spun around. "Dammit! I'm so sorry mom, I didn't know!"
"It's fine." The vamp sighed.
"Hunters?" One vamp asked as they emerged from the shadows.
"Great." Another groaned.
Pretty soon, you were surrounded by about a dozen vamps.
"Well this has been a nice chat." The leader said, peeling herself off the wall. "But, it's time for you to die."
"Funny," you replied, "I could say the same for you."
The vamps lunged at you, trying their best to sink their fangs into you. Backing your way out of the horde, you swung your machete, cutting off head after head. It was easy to tell these vamps didn't do much actual hunting; they were slow and sloppy.
After a short lived fight, you wiped off your machete with a rag you brought and shoved it back in your boot.
"Good thing I've been doing this for years, otherwise I'd have ruined a perfectly good dress." You turned to Cas whose suit was dotted with blood. "You'll get there, Cassie." You laughed.
"Yes, I suppose. Shall we go now?" He asked whilst wiping the blood off his jacket.
"Yep. Let's take the back door; you kinda got a little something." You joked.
You exited out the back door and hopped in your car, quickly driving from the crime scene.
"Y/N, where are we going? The way to our hotel was back there." Cas remarked after you had been driving for a while.
"You'll see." You responded with a slight smirk on your face.
After another hour of driving, you came across a small forest on the side of the road. You pulled over and got out, Cas following close behind.
"Now will you tell me?" Cas pleaded.
"It's still here." You breathed as you broke out of the trees into a small clearing.
Fairy lights lined the trees. Beautiful flowers made up the outer circle, leaving the center clear.
"What's still- wow." You laughed happily and ran over to turn on the lights.
"I used to live right by here. My friend and I found this clearing one day and we decorated it. We would come here everyday, weed the flowers and just sit. The weeds are going crazy though. I guess she hasn't been here in awhile." You sighed, suddenly missing your childhood friend.
"I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Is there any reason you brought me here?" Cas asked.
You brightened up, remembering the reason you drove all this way. "Yes!" You raced over to your phone and started playing music. "We never finished our dance!"
"Y/N, it's midnight, we have to drive another hour back, it's the middle of October..." Cas complained.
"Oh hush, Cassie, you know you wanna." You laughed, grabbing his arms and pulling him in for a waltz. He danced reluctantly at first, but soon gave in, twirling you with a smile on his face.
You shuddered as the song finished. You hadn't realized how cold it was, especially in your strapless dress.
"Are you cold?" Cas asked as you pressed yourself into his chest for warmth.
"Mm-hm." You hummed.
You suddenly felt something soft wrap around you. It felt as though Cas had just wrapped a blanket around you but how would he-
"Oh my god." You gasped as you looked at what was enclosing you. "Cas are these-"
Hugging your body were two large, white wings. The feathers were the softest things you'd ever felt and you were warmed instantly.
"My wings. I haven't-" he sighed, searching for the right words, "it's a very intimate thing among angels to show someone your wings. I've never felt a strong enough connection with someone to actually show them my wings. But, it's a connection I think I share with you."
"They're beautiful, Cas." You breathed, stroking the wings that surrounded you.
"Thank you but, we should probably be going now." He started to pull away from you but you quickly clung onto his chest.
"C'mon, Cassie. The night is still young. Dance with me one more time."
"If you insist."

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