!Yandere! Danny Phantom X Rea...

By SkylarPromer

21.4K 640 639

Please read the first book otherwise you will be a bit lost!!! I hope you will all like this sequel as much a... More

I Fell In Love With A Ghost
Oh, Under The Moonlight
You Took My Hand And Held Me Close
For Once I Was Alright
Like A Waterfall
And I Swear I Could Feel You In My Arms
But There Was No One There At All
You Were My Clarity, I Swear
Alone In A Daydream
Yeah There Was Magic In The Air
And You Were Right Here Beside Me
Held Down Like An Angel With No Wings
I Wanna Fly Again
I Just Can't Get You Off My Mind
And Now
I'm Gonna Be Up All Night
The Prequel is out!

I Cried And The Tears Fell From My Eyes

1K 38 19
By SkylarPromer

"Two years have passed. Elizabeth just turned three you know." Danny chuckled and shook his head, "We miss you Y/N." Danny placed a small kiss on the girls' headstone before standing up again.

"I have to go now, Vlad should be bringing our little Ellie home from preschool any minute." The ghost king gave one last look at Y/N's grave, garnished in the many flowers Danny had ordered to be placed there, and turned to head over to Vlad's mansion. With a quick wipe of his teary eyes, Danny made his way to the car he had waiting for him.

"Danny! You don't mind if I come with you, do you?" Grace asked the moment Danny stepped foot into the car. The car had already started to drive off towards the destination.

"I guess I can't say no." Danny joked lightly, giving the ghost girl a small smile.

"I thought I should come with you today anyway." Grace said, turning her attention to the passing world outside the window, "For... support." Suddenly Danny remembered, Ellie would meet her Grandparents today.

Danny had been exchanging letters with Y/N's and his parents for the past three years. He had come clean and told them everything. Even about how Y/N had passed away. Her parents were furious at first. In the many, many letters they sent after they learned that their daughter had died, they had done nothing but curse Danny and sent their hopes that he suffered the same fate. His own parents had been rather calm at the news of Y/N's death. They sent letters, telling him how much they loved him and hoped that he would come home again someday. But they were also understanding in his decision to stay away for awhile. The letters had lessened after that. Until Danny had the courage to send each of the parents a few photos of Elizabeth. He was surprised at the amount of letters after that. Y/N's parents became nicer and more understanding, they loved how much Ellie looked like Y/N. Danny's parents were thrilled that they were grandparents, and begged Danny to visit so that they may see the both of them. Danny had been scared to see any of them so for two years he denied going to see them. But after a long, convincing talk with Vlad, he finally agreed to visit them.

The plan was, they were all going to meet at Y/N's parents house, Ellie would meet them all, Danny would make things right between everyone, and they would all figure out what to do next after that.

The car came to a stop right outside Vlad's mansion, bringing Danny out of his thoughts.

"Here we are your highness." The castle guard smiled as he opened the car door for Danny and Grace to get out.

"Thank you." Danny said to the guard, Grace nodding her head towards the guard in her own silent thanks. The two made their way into the mansion to await Vlad's and Elizabeth's arrival.

They didn't have to wait too long because a few minutes later, Ellie ran through the mansion doors and into Danny's arms.

"Daddy!" Ellie exclaimed, hugging onto him.

"I missed you my little Elizabeth!" Danny laughed and hugged back. He let the little girl back onto her own feet and she quickly took out a piece of paper.

"Look what I drew!" Ellie pushed the piece of paper into Danny hands and waited for him to look it over. It was a picture of a big smiley face and a few scribbly hearts on the side. She signed it with a dull green crayon.

"It's beautiful Ellie." Danny smiled and tried handing it back to the small girl but she just pushed it right back into his hands.

"It's for you." She grinned. Danny nodded and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you. We'll have to hang it up when we get home!" Ellie's eyes lit up at that and nodded.

"Vlad, thank you again for letting us use your address for Ellie to go to school." Danny said, turning to the older ghost man.

"No problem at all Daniel." Vlad smiled, "I'll see you on Monday to pick you up for school okay?" Ellie nodded and gave Vlad a hug.

"Bye Uncle Vlad! Bye Aunt Olivia!" Ellie yelled out the window of the moving car before settling down in her car seat again.

"Are you ready to meet your Grandparents?" Grace asked from across the car. Ellie nodded excitedly.

"Just remember, if you start to feel sick, tell Grace, Vlad, or I immediately." Danny told the small girl.

"But Vlad's not here." Ellie said, suddenly confused.

"I meant that if you ever feel sick again, ever, whether it be at school, with Uncle Vlad, with me, at home, or when we go visit your grandparents right now. If you feel sick please tell us. Okay Ellie? I don't want you to have to go to the hospital again." Danny said seriously, still afraid of the idea that she might end up getting sick again. "Reye syndrome never really goes away." The doctor's warning rang in Danny's head every time Ellie went or did something new.

"Just be careful sweetheart." Danny said softer this time. Ellie nodded and they sat in silence the rest of the way to Y/N's parents house. Each wondering what they were going to be like. 

Sorry that this chapter was late!!! I went to a concert on Thursday and was extremely tied on Friday and completely forgot that I didn't put up the new chapter!!! The next chapter will be when Danny and Ellie finally reunite with more of their family!!! Will Danny be accepted by Y/N's parents? Will Ellie like her grandparents? Find out next Friday!!! (I've always wanted to do that weird announcement thing!!!) Well anyway, I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter!!! I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!


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