Sparks (Katsuki Bakugou X Rea...

By XLee13X

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*BACK FROM HIATUS* When she displays a perfect, angelic persona to everyone, he's the only one that can see t... More

Chapter 1: Preparing for the Entrance Exam
Chapter 2: Entrance Exams
Chapter 3: Acceptance Letter
Chapter 4: First Day
Chapter 5: Quirk Assessment Test
Chapter 6: Second Day
Chapter 7: Combat Training Teams
Chapter 9: Combat Training
Chapter 10: After School
Chapter 11: Late For School
Chapter 12: Class Representative
Chapter 13: Spicy Yakisoba
Chapter 14: The USJ
Chapter 15: Villain Attack
Chapter 16: I Am Here!
Chapter 17: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter 18: After USJ
Chapter 19: Preparing for the Festival
Chapter 20: Weekend with the Fam
Chapter 21: The Start of the Festival
Chapter 22: The Obstacle Course Race
Chapter 23: Cavalry Battle
Chapter 24: Lunch Break
Chapter 25: Tournament Matchups
Chapter 26: Preparing for the Tournament
Chapter 27: Midoriya vs. Shinsou
Chapter 28: Todoroki vs. Sero
Chapter 28.5: Happy Birthday
Chapter 29: Your Match
Chapter 30: In the waiting room
Chapter 31: Bakugou vs. Uraraka
Chapter 32: After the Battle
Chapter 33: Todoroki Vs. Midoriya
Chapter 34: (Y/n) vs. Tokoyami
Chapter 35: The Final Four
Chapter 36: Brain vs. Brawn
Chapter 37: The End of the Sports Festival
Chapter 38: A Fight to Remember
Chapter XX: Your Family (updated)
Chapter 39: Picking Hero Names
Chapter 40: Sparks
Chapter 41: Hero Agency Internships

Chapter 8: Bakugou vs. Deku

10.1K 287 91
By XLee13X

You and the rest of your classmates were in the monitoring room. It was big and empty except for a huge screen to watch the two teams battle. To your disappointment, there were no chairs meaning you couldn't sit at all while watching the first two teams. It was a small issue, but nothing you couldn't handle. What's a hero if they couldn't deal with standing for a while, right?

You looked up at the screen, watching the first two teams. You didn't really get to see Bakugou fight all that much during the exam; it was only a glimpse, but the immense power he held was undeniable. It would be a lie to say you weren't excited to see him fight now. You were also interested to see what Midoriya would do. Since his Quirk hurt him so much, would he even use it?

"All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!" All Might announced over the speakers. He then turned to the rest of the class, "Pay attention kids, think about what you would do."

Everyone one watched Midoriya and Uraraka walk around the building. Suddenly, Bakugou jumped out from around a corner and attacked Midoriya and Uraraka. They managed to dodge the attack leaving Bakugou's punch to explode against the wall instead. His attack left a huge gash in the wall. You raised your brows upon seeing the damage done to the wall. He had broken it so easily. You couldn't imagine what it would've felt like if he'd hit the other team.

You watched as Bakugou stepped towards the heroes, dissipating the smoke with one swipe of his arm. Bakugou glowered as Midoriya shakily stood back up.

"He almost got the jump on them," Mineta commented.
"Sneak attack Bakugou? What kinda man pulls cheap crap like that?" Kirishima said clenching his fist.
You agreed, "Yeah it's cheap, but think about his role. That's definitely something a villain would do."
"Yes. It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part. He's acting like a true villain would," All Might said.
"It didn't work, Midoriya dodged him!" Ashido said pointing to the screen.
"Look, there he goes!" Kaminari exclaimed.

Bakugou shouted before lunging at Midoriya, but to everyone's surprise, he grabbed onto Bakugou's right hand. The blond was frozen in shock. Midoriya then proceeded to throw Bakugou over his shoulder and slammed him onto the ground.

You winced, imagining what that must've felt like.

Bakugou lay sprawled out on the floor for only a moment before recovering and propping himself up. You watched your classmates closely, intrigued by events unfolding. You were even able to read Deku's lips as he spoke to Bakugou.

"You always use a big right hook to start a fight," He appeared to say, "I know, because I've watched you for years."

Years? The word had stuck out to you. It made you wonder about the history the two boys had together. If anyone knew anything about toxic relationships, it was you, and you could tell that these two boys had one. Although, it was worthy to note that their dynamic was much different than you and your mother's. In Bakugou and Midoriya's case, it seemed like it was Aggression vs. Admiration. You thought it was an interesting dynamic to have developed. God, you were so curious.

Suddenly, Bakugou got up off the floor and moved into a fighting stance.

His eyes were narrowed, nostrils flared, and a disgusted sneer was plastered on his lips. You then watched as Bakugou erupted, now shouting at his opponent. The tension between the two boys was raging now. It was like a bomb, ticking down and getting really close to exploding. Everyone else was silent, waiting in anticipation at what was to come.

You saw Bakugou talking again, but it was clear that it wasn't directed towards Midoriya.

"Hey, who is Bakugou talking to?" Kirishima asked, "I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?"
"He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner," All Might explained, "I gave it to him before the match started. Along with a map of the building. Also this, a roll of capture tape. wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them and they're out for the rest of the game."
"So, there's a fifteen minute time limit and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Ashido questioned.
"Correct!" Answered All Might.
"Then the Heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one," Ashido brought up.
"Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" All Might nobly replied, "All together...!"
"Plus Ultra!" Everyone shouted.
"Monsiuer," Aoyama spoke,  "He's on the move."

Everyone turned back to the screen. You watched as Bakugou used his explosions to create momentum in order to launch himself towards Midoriya. He went in for a kick, but Midoriya dodged and was wrapping the capture tape around Bakugou's leg.

'He's using the capture tape!' You thought to yourself.

Bakugou grew irritated and tried to punch Midoriya, but Midoriya jumped out of the way just in time, failing to fully wrap the tape around Bakugou.

"The little guy's really good!" You're partner, Sato, exclaimed.
"He's holding his own and he hasn't even used his Quirk yet!" Sero added.

On the screen, it looked like Bakugou was about to blast his Quirk when Midoriya suddenly dashed away around the corner. Bakugou shouted, clearly aggravated and ran after Midoriya, but it was too late; he had lost him. He ran every which way, trying to find his target, but Midoriya kept running, turning around every corner to avoid his enemy. You watched as Bakugou lost his patience and shouted in frustration, his hands seemed to spark uncontrollably.

"That guy has some real anger issues... kinda scary," Kirishima admitted.
You turned to Kirishima, "I'm with you there, imagine being the target of that insane power"

A flash of pink on a different screen caught your attention. On it, you saw Uraraka walking out from a pillar she was hiding behind; she had been discovered by Iida. You had totally forgotten about them since all the action was centered around Bakugou and Midoriya. Iida was guarding the weapon and maniacally laughed.

'Talk about playing the part,' You thought to yourself.

You looked to see Iida and Uraraka just standing; Iida was probably monologuing, and Uraraka was frozen, not knowing what to do after being found out. You then switched monitors to see Midoriya hiding around a corner with the capture tape in his hands. In only a few moments, Bakugou appeared from around the corner. One of his gauntlets lit up red, and he held it up to show Midoriya. At the sight of his gauntlet, Midoriya braced his body into a fighting position. Bakugou was irritated by Midoriya's unfaltering courage. He clenched his teeth and scowled at Midoriya, but it quickly changed into an evil smirk. Bakugou slowly raised his arm, extending it towards his opponent. He pulled back the metal stick on his right gauntlet which revealed a pin. He adjusted his gauntlet and aimed it right at Midoriya. You wondered what was in store. 

"Young Bakugou! Don't do it! You'll kill him!" All Might shouted over the speakers.

You snapped your head over to your teacher. Kill Him?? It was obvious that Bakugou's Quirk was powerful and that his aggression was off the rails, but the thought of him actually killing his classmate here? There's no way he'd go as far as that. Sure, he may just be really playing into his role as the villain, but overall, this was hero training right? Your thoughts stopped as soon as you watched Bakugou pull the pin out of his gauntlet. You felt your stomach drop. 

Bakugou's willingness to go to the extremes worried you a little. It really made you wonder if he was really fit for being a hero. He was just so... violent. Sure, it would be good to intimidate villains with his aggression, but to be honest, he'd probably terrify the civilians and hostages he'd be protecting even more.

When Bakugou pulled out the pin, the biggest blast you've seen was released from his gauntlets. It was a huge flash of light that tore up every surface of the corridor it was traveling through. It directly hit Midoriya and burst through the wall of the building, creating a hole to the outside. The explosion was flashy, loud, and powerful. The whole building shook; you could even feel it in the monitoring room. Everyone gasped as the building shook.

"Woah! Woah! This is nuts!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"Geez, I just hope Midoriya is okay!" You said worried.

You couldn't image the thought of a classmate dying on your second day of school; your mom would surly pull you out if that was the case.

"Come in! Come in, Midoriya!" All Might shouted in concern.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, you saw Midoriya lying on the ground. He propped himself up and shielded himself with his arm, defending himself as best as he could in his position. Bakugou came out of the smoke, confidently walking towards Midoriya. You saw him laugh at his classmate cowering before him. His ruby-red eyes sparked as his left gauntlet lit up. A malicious grin grew on his face.

Your eyes switched to the screen with Iida and Uraraka, finally seeing some movement from them. Uraraka started running towards the mock villain. Iida noticed and charged at Uraraka, but she jumped and started floating.

'Since when can she make herself float?' You wondered to yourself.

She was falling towards the weapon, ready to grab it when all of a sudden, Iida rushed in and snatched it away from her. In the blink of an eye, he'd placed it on the other side of the room and guarded it while Uraraka rolled onto the ground and smacked against the wall. His speed was unmatched. It was totally different than seeing it during the Quirk assessments. 

Your eyes moved to the other screen, immediately remembering the situation Midoriya was in. The boy just sat there, deep in thought. Maybe he was saying his prayers? You weren't gonna lie; You totally would be doing the same thing in his position. You weren't gonna try to hide it, having to go up against Bakugou would be terrifying! But at the same time, the fear would be exciting, engaging your flight or flight response in an instant. Your mind wandered, thinking about what you'd do if you ever had to face Bakugou in combat, but you were soon pulled out of your thoughts by Kirishima's voice.

"Sir, isn't this getting out of hand?" Kirishima worriedly asked, "That Bakugou guy is acting real crazy. He's gonna kill him!"
"Not so," All Might nonchalantly replied.

You wondered what he meant as your teacher remained silent for a few moments. Finally, he spoke into the micorphone. 

"Bakugou. Use that stored-up power again and I'll stop this fight. Your team will lose."

Bakugou looked up, a sneer on his face.

"To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy whether you're a Hero or a Villain. The penalty will be a massive loss of points," All Might boomed.

Bakugou started trembling and scowling. He then snapped and yelled in frustration before launching himself at Midoriya with his blasts. There was no way the boy could dodge this. He seemed to realize it too, so he clenched his fist and prepared to counter Bakugou's attack. You watched in anticipation, doubting Midoriya could actually do anything, but what came next shocked you and everyone else in the room. Bakugou made an explosion right in Midoriya's face. The blast projected him up and over Midoriya while also serving as a smokescreen to blind his opponent. Bakugou then used another explosion to push himself closer to Midoriya and blasted an explosion on Midoriya's back. You winced as Midoriya fell forward, tanking that direct hit. Everyone else in the room gave reactions too; you heard collection of gasps and "ouches..." all around you.

"What was that move?" Kirishima questioned.
"He doesn't come off as a guy with a strategy, but he's actually quite intelligent," The Ice guy stated.
You nodded, "Yeah, that technique and quick thinking is kinda impressive."

Everyone turned to look at the two of you.

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima wondered.
Your icy classmate spoke, "He changed his trajectory while in mid-air using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen. Very clever."
"A feint attack like that requires an extreme amount of precision. He had to calculate the physics and demonstrate control over his Quirk," You added.
"Ugh, Bakugou is uber talented. I hate it," Kaminari groaned.

You smiled at Kaminari, although deep down, you disagreed. It was clear that Bakugou was talented; there was no denying that, but you knew that precision like that came from hours of honing and developing his skill. Bakugou had probably put a lot effort into his abilities. It sparked something in you. A real competitor. Someone to prove yourself better than -or someone to prove yourself to, but you'd never admit that. You'd never admit that you loved it. The ferocity, the intelligence, the power, the rush, and of course, the competition. Skill and power like that wasn't common; it made you want to spar with Bakugou, to feel the rush of it all.

That was the next spark.

You watched the screen attentively as Midoriya reached his hand around to where he was hit on his back. But in an instant, Bakugou lunged towards him, and Midoriya swiveled his head to look behind him. Bakugou slammed his gauntlet against Midoriya's elbow. He grabbed onto it and used his other free hand to create blasts and build momentum to flip Midoriya over his shoulder. Bakugou yelled as he slammed Midoriya onto the ground with one hand. The impact was so great, Midoriya bounced up off the floor.

Bakugou was brutal in a way where he showed ferocity, yet he was polished enough to never break his form. His technique and strategies were well thought out. He was powerful and his endurance carried him far. The way he moved and used his Quirk to his advantage was crazy. It was possible that you had finally found a match for yourself. 

"This is hard to watch!" Ashido exclaimed, pulling you out of your thoughts, "All he has to do is wrap tape around him, not kill him!" 
"Bakugou's certainly acting like a villain," Tokoyami said.
"I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing at the start of the fight, but he's completely outmatched in terms of combat power. Not to mention, Bakugou seems like a natural at all this stuff," Kaminari stated.

You glanced over at All Might, watching to see if he'd stop the fight although he stayed still. He was going to let it play out.

"He's running away!" Ashido exclaimed.

You looked back up at the screen to see Midoriya crawling away.

"Not very manly, but he doesn't have a choice. He's outgunned. Unless he's got some kinda plan," Kirishima said.

Midoriya turned around and faced Bakugou once he reached the wall. He had no where left to run. Bakugou slowly stalked up to his target. Midoriya lowered his head; he'd probably admitted defeat. But just as you thought that, Midoriya raised his eyes, locking them Bakugou's. They were talking to each other. It was brief, but it was different than before; there was less shouting.

Then in an instant, the two of them rushed at each other. They ran towards one another and jumped. They held their hands back, both getting ready to swing. Midoriya's arm lit up as pure energy pulsed through his veins, causing his sleeves to rip off. Your eyes widened at the sight of seeing your classmate's Quirk activate. Bakugou on the other hand set off ignited small sparks in his hand as he warmed up.

"They're gonna kill each other! Sir!" Kirishima exclaimed his voice laced with worry.

All Might just clutched the microphone, hesitating to interfere. Any normal teacher would immediately stop the fight; It was clear that they intended to unleash their full power onto each other. Who knows how much damage that would cause? 

Bakugou and Midoriya both yelled out war-cries as they flew towards each other.

Unable to contain himself any longer, All Might shouted into the microphone, "Both of you, Stop-!!"

The boys didn't back down, but under your close watch, you could see Midoriya's lips moving. While wondering at what he had said, you also noticed the tiniest shift in his arm positioning. It was clear now, he wasn't going to attack Bakugou, he was going to- 

In an incredible clash of power, the two came together and released their attacks. Bakugou blew up a fiery explosion in Midoriya's face, but Midoriya punched upwards, creating a strong blast that blew all the way through to the top of the building. Bakugou's eyes widened at Midoriya's move. On the other screen, you saw Uraraka had picked up a support pillar and swung it like a baseball bat, hitting all the debris at Iida. Iida shielded himself from the chunks of cement hurtling towards him while Uraraka jumped again. Her weightless body floated past Iida and grabbed hold of the weapon. 

"She got it," You said quietly, "That means the battle's over right?"

You turned your attention back to Bakugou and Midoriya. They stood opposing each other. Bakugou was even more pissed than he was before while Midoriya had reverted back onto his sheepish self. Bakugou glared at him in shock. You watched the two staring at each other and wishing so badly that you could hear what they were saying.

Once the dust and smoke cleared, you could see Midoriya's right arm broken and his left arm blackened from Bakugou's explosion. He had scratches all over his face, his suit was ripped, and he looked close to tears. You felt bad for him. He'd tanked yet another incredible blast from Bakugou. Speaking of Bakugou, he stood frozen, almost. His face had a look of petrifying shock on it. You worried about him too. He hadn't been physically damaged at all, but it was clear that some emotional damage had shook him to his core. 

The sound of the timer echoed throughout the room. Time was up, yet no one reacted. They were all caught in shock as well. Who would've thought that Midoriya had a Quirk as powerful as that? The room was silent. Everyone's eyes were wide, some even had their mouths hanging open. No one knew how to react. 

Finally breaking the silence, All Might spoke up.

"T-The Hero team... WINS!!"

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