Silver | Kylo Ren x Reader

By supremekylo

16.9K 861 374

30 years have passed since the last wolf attack in the small town of Havensboro; after a gruesome wolf murder... More

The Wolf with Silver Eyes
The Man Named Armitage
The Wolf Attack
The Sacred Silver Necklace
The Truth Behind Ben Solo
The Scarif Book Store Massacre
The Three Words
The Kidnapping
The Last Howl (NSFW!)
The Epilogue

The Claw Marks on the Wall (NSFW!)

1.6K 74 19
By supremekylo

Feeling an unusual amount of warmth radiate onto you, your eyebrows narrowed. You were so used to waking up in the morning shivering from the lack of heat and drop in outside temperature.

Shifting—or at least trying to—in your spot, you realized there was something tightly wrapped around your waist as there was a pressure against the back of your head. Fluttering your eyes open, you saw nothing but pale, bare skin and your comforters lifted up to your nose.

Lying with your forearms pressed against the warm skin, you smiled as you remembered the previous nights events—Ben kissing you and you kissing back with such passion. It was so hungry that the thought of it made you blush. You couldn't remember the last time you kissed someone that way.

Turning your hand so your palm could rest against his chest, you felt his body heat warm it. He was a living, breathing, radiator. No matter what, with or without clothes, he was always warm. Perks of being a werewolf, you thought. Gently moving your palm against his smooth skin, you instantly felt the scars that marked his body against it. There weren't too many big ones, but you traced them with your fingertips.

The one on his shoulder was the most visible, aside the one on his bicep. You wanted nothing more than to gently press kisses. But, for now, the tips of your fingers would suffice.

You wondered what the stories were behind them. How did he obtain them? What happened that caused them? When and where did it happen? You could only imagine the life he was living and had with being a werewolf.

A werewolf, it was something you would never get over. How could you? You thought they were nothing more than folklore. Makes sense as to why he read those books, anyway.

Taking in a deep breath, you turned your attention up to his face. He seemed so peaceful. So at ease. His features were soft, his lips lightly pursed as his hair sprawled over his forehead. Lifting your hand, you gently pushed the hair away and behind his ear. Biting your bottom lip, you carefully lied your hand on his cheek. He was so calm, so relaxed, you couldn't help but wonder if this had been the best sleep he's ever had.

Studying his face, a smile grew on your lips. This was the first time you truly got a good look at him up close, from his dark hair that was soft to his sharp nose. Then, there was his eyebrows and eyelashes. His cheek bones and ears. His lips... something you knew were kissable—and they truly were. They were so soft and plump, they connected perfectly with your own.

And then there were his beauty marks. There were so many that you hadn't noticed until you had a better look. You wanted to connect them. They sprinkled his face and looked like the night sky. They were beautiful.

Letting out a small huff, holding back the urge to pepper his face with sweet kisses, you were just about to move your hand away until Ben got a hold of your wrist.

Feeling your breath hitch, Ben brought your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss against the back of it as your heart fluttered. Lying your arm over his shoulder, he brought you closer to him, your forehead pressing against his own as his hand moved deep into your hair.

Lying in silence as your heart pounded against your chest, Ben only lowered himself. Resting the side of his head against your chest, he listened to your rapidly beating heart. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I didn't mean to scare you." Hearing his morning voice, your heart skipped a beat. You never expected his voice to get anymore deeper than it naturally was.

Trying to steady your breathing from the sudden movement he made, you let out a breath. It was unexpected, but you didn't seem to mind. "It's fine," you softly responded, hand moving into his hair and brushing your fingers through it.

Taking in steady breaths, getting used to the sound of your beating heart, Ben kept his eyes closed. He could get used to the sound, it was soothing and calming, something he'd listen to to keep him at bay. He could probably point it out in a crowd. It was your heartbeat. "How did you sleep?" He asked, you smiling.

"Wonderful. You?"

"The best in years," he admitted before opening his eyes. "It's hard for me to sleep. I normally get five hours, if that. Maybe six if I'm lucky."

"Oh..." You frowned, Ben could sense your change in emotion. "Why's that?"

"Just... a lot on my mind. My life, my past... Loneliness." He breathed, eyes fluttering from the feeling of your nails gently running against his scalp as you brushed through his hair.

"I'm sorry... do you... do you want to talk about it?" You asked, feeling as if you were walking on eggshells. With the silence you received, you only bit your bottom lip. You had hoped that didn't upset him.

"I don't want to bother you," Ben spoke, breaking the silence.

"You won't," you shook your head, now twirling some of his hair around your finger. "Talk to me. I want to know Ben Solo."

Sucking in a breath, he lifted his head enough to kiss your collar bone, sending chills throughout your body. "I've been on my own for a while now, I moved out when I was about fourteen, fifteen... It was a... foolish decision but, but I couldn't be around others when I realized what I was. I was alone in this world, unsure of what to do. What was I supposed to do? I'm a damn werewolf... Not many people believe it. Those who do, they either hunt us down or treat us like some sort of prize." He sighed, you only swallowing. "It's not an easy life to live, especially when you're all alone."

"But, you've survived," you pointed out rather optimistically, causing Ben to lightly smile. "You're still breathing."

"Mhm... yeah, I am." He nodded. "But, it wasn't easy to get here. It was hell, it's been over a decade of me being on my own. I've gone through so much, so much that'll be stuck in the back of my mind forever. Others..." Lifting his head up to look at you, his hand moved to your cheek, "are a blessing." Feeling yourself blush, you shyly shifted your eyes. "I honestly don't know how it is that I was lucky to have run into you, although in a very shitty situation, you still came into my life." Moving your eyes back to his, you took in a deep breath. "It's been so long since life has handed me something nice... Yet, here you are." Pushing some of your hair behind your ear, Ben's fingers brushed through it before lying his hand on the back of your neck, thumb on your cheek as he caressed it. "And... you're not afraid of what I am."

Gazing at him, seeing how shaky he had become, with his hitched breathing, you leaned in and kissed his cheek. "It was brave of you to reveal yourself to someone you've only known for a short period of time. You must trust in me..." You wholeheartedly smiled.

"It was a risk I was willing to take. I couldn't hide it from you, I didn't want to. I— I... wanted you to know," he stuttered. "I told myself, if you were to run away then I'd leave you alone. That I wouldn't bother you with my presence. But you— you stayed. You stayed and you... didn't run. You weren't afraid."

"Of course not... you've saved my life so many times... how could I be afraid?" You nearly whispered, looking into either of his eyes. "I like you, Ben. I really do. And if this is who you are, so be it. It doesn't change who you are as a person."

Not realizing that his eyes had been welling up in tears, he pulled you into a kiss, trying to avoid the waterworks. He couldn't remember the last time someone accepted him and actually cared for him like you had. He knew it, he could feel it, you wanted him safe as much as he wanted you to be. "Thank you," he mumbled against your lips, pressing a smaller one, keeping his eyes closed.

For once, something good came his way.

Sitting on the couch, eyes glued on the screen as he intently watched, as if to find something, Ben's eyes squinted. His focus was deeply set on the news that he hadn't noticed you were right next to him until you lifted a mug in his vision. "Here." Taking it in his hands, he smiled up at you as you smiled back.

Wrapping his arm around your waist, Ben's hand held on. "Thank you." Taking a sip of the hot coffee, he let out a small breath.

"They're still talking about Scarif?" You asked, eyes set on the television as Ben nodded. Keeping his eyes peeled in case of any sign of Hux or Phasma, he swallowed. He knew... He knew if there had been a hint of a sign or evidence of them being at fault, then he'd have take extra care of you.

They were on the hunt, and he knew for a fact it was you that they wanted.

Looking up at you and seeing you gaze at the TV, his eyes trailed down your chest. Seeing the necklace he had given you, he took in a deep breath and shut his eyes. He was more than thankful that you were okay because of it. If not, he wouldn't be living with himself if you had died.

Taking a few sips here and there, feeling the hot liquid work it's way down, you let out a sigh. Feeling Ben's eyes on you, you turned your head and looked at him. "You okay?" You asked, your free hand moving onto his head, fingers brushing through his soft hair as he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah..." He breathed. "I'm just... glad you're okay."

Smiling at him, your hand moved onto his cheek, you leaning to kiss the other. "I'm glad you're okay. You were so worried..." You softly spoke, Ben taking in a deep breath.

"I was afraid something had happened. I panicked, my heart was racing so fast. You were the last person I wanted to see on the news because you... you died." He nearly cringed. The thought of you dying and him not being able to save you frightened him.

Giving him a sweet smile, your hand moved onto his shoulder. "It's okay, Ben. I'm right here. Alive." Sitting on his lap, you gave his other cheek a kiss, wrapping your arm over his shoulders as you sat your mug down to change the channel.

"Thankfully..." He whispered, pulling you a tad bit closer to him. He could practically hear your heart beating in his ears, almost as if he were pressed against your chest. It was a pleasant sound. Even if he could mute the noise, he didn't want to. It was a reminder that you were right there, alive.

Picking up your cup and taking your sips from it, watching the TV, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. The TV was at a low volume but it was enough to be heard. The light hum of the air conditioner and the distant sound of cars passing by rang in either of your ears. It was such a simple moment, a relaxing one, Ben found himself enjoying it.

Finishing off your coffee as Ben had as well, you grabbed his mug and went into the kitchen, putting them in the sink. "I should get going," he spoke, rather lowly as if hoping you wouldn't hear it. Truth is, he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay with you for as long as he could.

"Okay, I'm gonna go shower," you said, reappearing in his line of view. 

"I could stay until you're done? So you won't be left alone... You know, safety reasons..." He trailed, nervously looking away as he scratched the back of his head.

Smiling, you walked over to him and grabbed his chin, "I'd appreciate that." Leaving a small, yet sweet kiss on his lips, you turned around and walked back over to your bedroom.

Taking in a deep breath as he heard your bathroom door shut, he stood up and entered your room. Pulling on his clothing that you had neatly folded on your dresser, Ben was in the midst of buckling his belt until he heard light footsteps. Turning his head, he watched you exit in nothing but a robe, hair tied up in a messy bun. "I forgot my clothes..." You shook your head, walking over to your dresser that Ben had stood by.

Swallowing hard, his eyes trailed your body. Your robe must've been loosely tied for it to fall off your shoulder so easily, the soft skin being exposed. Lowering his eyes, they landed on a portion of your breast that had been revealed. The sound of your beating heart had been replaced with his own. It was so loud and heavy against his chest that he had to take in deep breaths.

Unable to look away as he eyed your neck, collar bones, bare legs and back to the portion of your chest, Ben felt himself breakout into a sweat. The apartment was chilly, yet, his body was burning.

Licking his lips as his body itched to feel yours, hands aching to touch you as his lower half throbbed, Ben felt like he was in a trance.

He wanted you and he wanted you bad. He wanted to rip your robe right off of your body, pin you against the ground and fu—

"Are you okay?" You asked, looking up at him as you realized he stood in the way of your drawers. His hands had left his belt, it hanging loose at his hips as his fingers twitched. Ben wanted to grab you right there and then.

Seeing the sudden hunger in his eyes, the way they darkened and almost changed in shape, you lightly swallowed. Lowering your eyes to his lips, there was a faint smirk on them.

Licking his lips, your heart fluttered, the pinkness of them catching your attention as your breathing grew heavy. You couldn't tell what got over you but in a matter of seconds your urge to have him was strong; you hadn't realized how fast your breathing had become.

Not waiting any longer, Ben quickly grabbed onto your face and pulled you into a kiss—a hungry one, much like the first one you two shared. His lips were moving harshly against your own, wanting to feel every bit of the kiss until he was numb. Your hands held onto his wrists as the two of you breathed against one another, tongues colliding as the kiss grew sloppy.

Letting go of your face and grabbing onto your hips, he instantly picked you up and nearly slammed you against the wall. Gripping onto your thighs, your breath had hitched as you realized you hadn't been in your underwear, his now hard-self pressing against you and making your heart race faster.

Gliding his palms up your thighs, Ben had expected to feel the material of your underwear hugging your hips but felt nothing. Nothing but soft skin.

Nearly whimpering at the feel, your heartbeat now echoed within his head. You were just as hungry as he was for the feel of it all—if not, starving.

Pressing himself against you to keep you in place as your legs had wrapped around him, Ben was quick to remove his shirt once again and drop his pants, kicking them off. For a mere second he had left your lips, only to move back.

Digging your fingers into his skin, nails scratching at it, Ben untied your robe and pushed it off of your shoulders, letting it fall beside his pants. Your bare backside was now against the cold wall, Ben's hands tugging at his boxer briefs and removing them. He didn't want to waste anymore time, he was going to have you now and he was going to make the moment remarkable—something that you couldn't possibly forget.

Grinding himself against you, you let out a breathy moan. The sound made him smirk, driving him to move his hips again as he brought his kisses down your neck. Squeezing your thighs, Kylo licked at the skin of your neck before nipping it. "Ben..." you breathed, your voice sending him. He continued to tease you, frustrating you as you just wanted to feel him.

Sensing your neediness, Kylo brought his lips back to your own before lifting you higher. He positioned himself and filled you, your lips opening as a groan left your throat before he began to thrust against you. Holding tightly onto your thighs, fingers digging into your skin, your hands moved into his hair and tugged. He almost felt as if he was losing his mind; the more you tugged at his hair, the faster his hips moved, to the point he was pounding into you.

Taking in deep breaths against the sloppy kiss, Ben's hands moved up your body, along your side and up to your arms, bringing them above your head as his fingers interlocked with them. Pinning your hands against the wall, Ben's pace grew staggered, his chest heaving as his hot body broke into a sweat against yours. He hadn't felt this hot in ages, as if he were on fire, and you were feeling the heat of it all.

Biting on your bottom lip before tugging back, you moaned. Shifting his head and nibbling just under your ear, your chest ached. "B—Ben..." You breathed, eyes rolling back as your back arched. You wanted to feel more and more until you couldn't feel at all. "Ben..." You moaned, the sound being sweet music to his ears.

Kissing along your jaw, back down your neck and leaving more marks, you moaned even more. It was becoming louder and louder, bouncing off the walls as the decibels raised. It was almost to a point you were screaming his name. No one had ever made you feel this good before and you weren't even sure what was so special about it.

Deepening his thrusts, a small growl left his lips and vibrated against your skin. He couldn't feel himself, he felt as if something else were in control of his body. There was so much lust pumping through his veins, his body was burning and his skin was damp from his sweat. It was something foreign to even him, nothing—no one—made him feel this way. No one made his body  numb and no one had ever brought out this side of him before. It was a beast of its own.

Pounding against your core as your head fell back, hands squeezing onto his, you panted and whimpered all together. The pleasure of it all, the euphoric state you were in, it felt so good—to the point you were in tears. You knew, without a doubt, that the faster he went the faster you neared your orgasm.

"Be— Ben!" Biting your bottom lip as your insides burned, growing hotter and hotter as you tightened around him, Ben's grip left your hands and pressed against the wall. Moving your hands back into his hair as you pulled, nearly digging your nails into his scalp, Ben let out a disgruntled sound. His body was beginning to tremble as he felt his high. He was getting there and he knew very well you were on the edge of climaxing.

Pressing wet kisses up your neck, he breathed against your skin. He wanted to taste more and more of you, not seeming to care if your body was already marked up with enough bruises from his bites.

Hearing your moans become cries, your legs around him grew stiff as you soon came. You couldn't hold on any longer, your body was aching and throbbing. No one had ever fucked you that good.

Giving in his last few thrusts as he pressed his forehead against yours, Ben hadn't noticed he had clawed at your walls until the tips of his fingers had touched the surface once again. It was clear something took over him... let alone, the both of you.

Letting out a throaty sound as he released himself, his hands fell back to your face as he pressed a lazy kiss onto your lips; your legs growing tired and wanting to fall.

Kissing back just as slowly and haphazardly, his hands went to the back of your thighs as your legs had unwrapped from him. He didn't want to leave the moment, not just yet. Your hot bodies were pressed together, sweaty chests against one another as his lips moved tiredly along yours.

Slipping your hands from his hair as your arms fell limp onto his shoulders, Ben removed himself from you before carrying you to the bathroom. It'd only make sense to share a shower with you now that your naked bodies were pressed together.

Sitting you on the counter, Ben's hands grabbed onto your own as he gave your lips a few pecks, you kissing back just as softly only to bite on his bottom lip as he slowly leaned back.

Taking in deep breaths as the two of you had separated, Ben gazed at you, studying your face until he looked you in the eyes. You looked tired, more tired than you were earlier. He had only hoped your body was okay with how fast he rammed himself against you. But, with the smile on your face and the glisten in your eyes, he knew you were okay. You were glowing.

"Was I... too much?" He asked, looking at you as you simply shook your head, fingers interlocking with his.

"Mm-mm... you were great. Actually, you were amazing," you laughed as Ben grinned, leaving a kiss on your neck. "That was amazing..."

"Way to boost my confidence," he winked as you rolled your eyes. "But I wouldn't want to give my best to anyone else." Leaning in, he pressed a kiss on your forehead, then your cheek, your nose and chin and finally your lips.

"Join me for a shower?" You muttered against his lips before he went to kiss under your ear.

"Mhm." He hummed, letting go of your hands. "You need to wake up, you have school later." Ben stated as you shook your head.

"I am awake... just... my body is exhausted," you said.

"Love." Giving you a look, you sighed.

"Well, I just got throughly fucked, I don't think I was going to be running miles or writing papers after that," you laughed as Ben shook his head.

"At least now I know I 'throughly fucked' you." He said with air quotes before bringing you down, walking up to your shower as he slid open the door before turning the water on and bringing you in.

"I'm not complaining," you shrugged, the warm water now soaking either of you as Ben held your face. "Like I said, that was amazing."

"I know, baby." Leaning down, he whispered, "I'm sure there's more from where that came from." Kissing you, your heart skipped a beat. The idea of having more moments like that honestly made you excited; a side of you you've never discovered before.

Kissing you so softly and gently, Ben reached over for your soap and began to gently massage it onto your skin. Rubbing your shoulders and arms, even your back, lips still attached to yours.

Allowing him to clean you, he grabbed more soap and rubbed your chest, only for you to grab his wrists and place his hands onto your breasts. Sucking in a deep breath, he massaged them ever so gently. You couldn't help but moan into the kiss. It felt good. The way his thumbs rubbed against your skin and brushed over your nipples made your breath hitch. He was being so delicate towards you—much different than he was not that long ago.

Getting more soap, Ben separated from the slow kisses and knelt. Rubbing your stomach, he then moved to your thighs and washed them, all the way down to your ankles as you chuckled. "Ben..."

"Shh..." Making sure he could get the accessible areas, you shook your head and covered your face, only to look down at him and run your fingers through his wet hair. "I want to take care of you."

Taking in a shaky breath as your eyes fluttered for a moment, your heart ached. Those were words you didn't know you liked to hear. You were so used to being on your own, so comfortable about it and proud of your independence, but it felt so... nice knowing someone wanted to watch over you and take care of you. "Thank you..." you whispered as Ben looked up at you, a soft smile on his lips before he stood up.

"Always." Kissing your cheek, he went to grab some shampoo before he started washing your hair. You nearly fell asleep from the feeling, your body rocking and nearly falling forward as you had your eyes shut. The sight of you made Ben laugh, he wanted to kiss your cheeks and praise you even more. Even for something as little as your sleepiness. "Stay awake, baby."

"Mmm..." you hummed, Ben massaging through your hair before rinsing it out, adding a little more before rinsing that out and then doing your conditioner. He nearly soaked your hair in the conditioner... which only made you wonder if that's what he did with his own. "Okay... I'm sleepy," you finally admitted.

"You have some time left before your class. We could..." Trailing as he rinsed your hair, your eyes slowly opened as Ben's heart raced. "We could—"

"Cuddle," you grinned as Ben nodded.

"Cuddle." He repeated. For the rest of the shower, he cleaned himself as you helped a little, mostly standing there and admiring as he smiled down at you, on occasion kissing your face.

Now out as Ben dried you up, he went to grab you new underwear and helped you put it on. Rather than giving you a shirt, he pulled you with him, over to your bed and under the sheets with him. He was completely bare as all you had was your underwear—and you didn't mind.

The two of you lied there for a bit, pressed together as Ben's hand gently stroked your cheek. Peppering your face with soft kisses and mumbling sweet nothings to you, you lied in ease and at peace. You felt at bliss and so did he. He wanted this to last forever and for nothing to ruin it.

But for some dark reason, deep down inside, he knew this wasn't going to last long. Something was creeping by...lurking, about to ruin his happiness.

"Thank you for taking me to school," you said over to Ben, sitting in his car at the drop off area.

"With everything going on, I want to keep you safe... and make sure you are safe," he sighed, hand holding onto yours as his thumb brushed against the back of it.

Sweetly smiling over at him as he kept his focus on either of your hands, held together, you swallowed. "Do you think... what happened at Scarif was because of werewolves?" You curiously asked, Ben's head nearly shooting up. It made your heart skip a beat... and Ben noticed this. "I'm just... wondering... I don't think any wolf would casually walk in and kill."

Looking at you, Ben's jaw tightened. He couldn't possibly tell you that you were someone's target. He didn't want you fearing your life. But how was he supposed to lie to you? He couldn't seem to do so. "I... I don't know," he breathed. "I just know it was messy and terrifying... knowing you could've been in there." Looking in either of your eyes, as if reminding himself that you were okay and right there, you let go of his hand and reached over.

Stroking your fingers through his hair, you moved closer. "I'm okay," you whispered, leaning in and kissing him as Ben held onto your thigh. "I'll see you later, okay?" Seeing him nod, you kissed his cheek before picking up your bag and opening the door.

"Be careful..." He said, you getting out and looking at him, nodding.

"Of course." Shutting the door, you walked off. He wasn't going to be far, he needed to stay close to you. Ben was afraid something would happen and he wouldn't be around to save you.

From afar, Hux kept his watch on you. He had one job and he wasn't going to fail it, unlike the day before... the utter failure and embarrassment he received in front of the entire pack. Keeping his eyes set on you, he watched your figure move about, only for something to glisten on your chest.

Narrowing his eyes, he snarled. He recognized the crystal... he knew what Ren did. "That son of a bitch..." He spoke through gritted teeth, fists clenched as he was well aware he had no chance of getting to you and bringing you to Snoke if you had that on.

Making your way to your class and taking a seat, you found yourself sitting back with your laptop open, pen in hand as you bit onto the top. You couldn't help but be caught in a daze nearly the entire lecture. Every time you tried snapping out of it, you only got sucked right back in. Ben had made you feel a way no one else was able to make you fel. Sure, you've had your fair share of good sex but that... what Ben had given you, that was otherworldly. It was breathtaking—literally.

You couldn't help but think, so that's what it's like to get screwed by a werewolf. Nearly blushing, you shook your head away from the thought. It was almost as if you could still feel his hair through your fingers, his skin on your digits and... him inside of you.

Shifting the slightest in your seat, you took in a deep breath. Thinking back to the moment you first saw Ben in the woods, completely bare, then earlier in the shower, you bit your bottom lip. He's so hot.

"Remember! Finals are coming!" The professor spoke as the class was dismissed, you instantly sitting up and gathering your things, putting them away.

Walking down the steps and exiting the class, you decided to go the longer way seeing as everyone was piling out the same way. Exiting through the back doors of the building, making your way around to the front, you nearly stumbled as someone ran passed you and snatched your necklace off of you. "HEY!" You shouted, heart instantly racing. "HEY, WHAT THE HELL!" Pulling out the pepper spray that you had finally bought, you chased after the man.

Whoever they were was clever enough to stick to the backsides of the buildings. You would've dropped it if it was any other necklace, but it was a gift from Ben and you weren't about to let someone take it from you. "HEY! ASSHOLE!" You shouted at them, only to see them turn a corner.

Chasing after and slowing your pace as you turned the corner, your eyes landed on the necklace lying there on the pavement. Taking in a deep breath, you walked over. "Who the hell steals something and drops it?" You asked yourself, as if you'd get a response.

Just about to crouch down and pick it up, a hand wrapped around you and pressed a small towel against your face, you instantly thrashing around, trying to get them off of you, but the more you tried breathing, the dizzier you had become. Your muffled yells died out and so had your fighting.

Feeling your body grow limp as your bag fell from your shoulder, whoever it was tossed the towel and picked you up in their arms. "Now your boyfriend can't save you." Hux spoke, carrying you away.

Looking down at his watch, waiting in the car for you, Ben grew anxious. It had easily been fifteen minutes since you were supposed to meet at the pick up again. Looking at his phone and seeing no messages from you, he bit his thumb. Sending you one more message—after the good three he had already—Ben waited five more minutes.

Seeing the time pass as you still hadn't arrived, he parked his car and got out, searching your scent. His instincts were going off and his heart was racing. His stomach turned for the worst. It didn't feel right, the atmosphere was hard around him and something was off. He hated how ninety-nine percent of the time, his instincts were right.

Searching around a building his senses took him to, he came to a stop as his eyes landed on your bag... then, not so far ahead, the pendant. "No..." He breathed, slowly walking over. "No, no..." Breaking into a sprint as his eyes caught sight of a white towel, Kylo ran up to it and could smell the chloroform from his spot. "NO!" He screamed. He knew who had done this. "Y/N?!" He shouted, picking up your things and looking around. "Y/N?!" He shouted again, eyes instantly burning. His fear was eating him alive now. "Y/N!"

"Ben, I need you to breathe—"

"No! You don't understand, I know they took her! I know they did!" He yelled into his phone, zooming through the streets and over to the preserve. "They took her! Mom, he has her!" He cried out. "They took her because they know—"

"They know, what?" She asked.

"That I've imprinted on her!" He admitted, and for the first time to himself.

"You..." Stopping herself, Ben could hear his mother breathe on the end of her line. "Do not go to him, I will send people to get her."

"I'm already here." He said, now standing just outside of the preserve.

"Ben, that isn't safe! Don't go in, you know—1" Hanging up, he put his phone into his pocket and lifted his other hand up, eyeing the pendent.

Tightening his jaw and lowering his hand, he broke into a sprint. He knew very well that encountering Snoke was never a good idea, even when he had first became an omega, but for you he couldn't care. He wasn't going to let you die.

Slowing his pace as your scent had become nearly suffocating, knowing you were close, Ben could hear the talking in the distance. Inching closer and seeing the group of wolves surrounding something, Ben's eyes then landed on Snoke as he was sat on a large rock, you at his feet, lying unconscious.

Fluttering your eyes open, you nearly shrieked at the sight of a good dozen of wolves around you. Just about to stand up, a hand instantly wrapped around your neck and tightened, cutting off your airways as your eyes filled with tears.

Feeling his heart snap in his chest, Ben was just about to run over to you until Snoke forced you to stand on your feet, the man standing tall and lifting you to be on the tip of your toes, clawing at his hand. "I wouldn't make another move, Kylo Ren." Snoke spoke, his eerie voice ringing in your ears as you felt something—claws—pressing against your skin. "It was foolish of you to leave the pack in the first place... but to imprint on a mere human?"

Clenching his jaw as Ben kept his focus running between you and Snoke, his upper lip twitched. "Don't hurt her." He growled.

"Don't hurt her?" Snoke questioned. "Me? I think I'd be saving her the misery of living with someone like you." He grinned as Ben took in a deep breath.

"She knows of what I am! She isn't afraid!" Ben shouted, taking a step closer but Snoke dug his nails in, you yelping.

"I figured that already..." Snoke shook his head, using his free hand to caress your face. "But, you didn't tell her everything... of course." Looking back over at Ben, he could see his body vibrating. "Oh... you haven't?"

Trying your best to breathe as the grip around you was tight, the tears slipped from your eyes. "Leave her out of this—"

"Tell her. Tell her, Ben." Snoke said. "Tell her your name that was given to you after your first kill. Tell her who you worked for and why. Tell her what you did."

"I— I am not that man anymore!" Ben shouted. "That isn't me!"

"So, it wouldn't bother you if I told her that you were named Kylo Ren, joining the pack after killing your first human? Or would it bother you if I told her how many people you have killed for us? Maybe the fact that you worked for me?" Snoke seethed, voice growing stronger and stronger.

Shaking his head, Ben bit down harshly. "It doesn't matter anymore! That isn't who I am! That never was what I wanted!" He fired back. "You manipulated me!"

"I wasn't the one who ripped someone into shreds with my bare teeth! I wasn't the one who'd be drenched in blood after a massacre!" Snoke shouted as you flinched. "You had every chance to run before you even took your first life. Yet, there you are. Memories of those you have killed, the blood staining your hands. You killed them. You are a murderer. A monster."

Continuously shaking his head, Ben felt his chest ache, watching you struggle there. He just wanted to keep you away from it all, he wanted you to live a life unaware of his past. A life where who he was now was all that mattered. "That's— that's—" Seeing his eyes blur up, Ben gulped. "I—"

"I never forced your hand onto that woman, the one you slashed your claws against her throat," Snoke harshly said. "Just like how you'll watch me claw at hers." Seeing Snoke about to dig in his nails all the way and pull back, Ben sprinted over and pulled you out just in time, carrying you in his arms and running far off before a wave of guns being fired were heard.

Looking over his shoulder and seeing familiar faces from the Resistance rush in, taking down and fighting the wolves, Ben realized Hux nor Snoke were in sight.

Sitting in his arms and trying to catch your breath as you held onto him, Ben could hear your heart racing loudly in his ears. Placing you down and holding onto your face, looking you in the eye and seeing your tears spill, he swallowed. "It's going to be okay." He assured, you looking up at him and seeing the redness in his eyes.

"Ben..." You breathed, voice cracking. You couldn't stop crying, your heart and heavy breathing was making your chest ache, you were panicking.

"Shh... I'm going to keep you safe. I'm sorry." He blinked a few tears away. "I'm so sorry." Pulling you into his chest as you vibrated against him, Ben was amazed you hadn't slapped him and ran off. It was almost as if you expected it to happen. "I'm sorry... you're going to be okay. They won't ever—" Feeling his grip being taken away from you as you were ripped from him, your eyes widened.

"Ben!" You shouted, instantly being tossed back as you watched both Hux and Snoke take him on. "Ben!" You called out, wanting to rush over and save him, but couldn't with how you were being held against your will.

Seeing him trying to fight back, he was only being pummeled. The more he fought back, the further he found himself against the ground. No matter how hard he tried to get away from the hands of Snoke and Hux, Ben found himself being beaten down.

"BEN!" You cried, breaking away from the grip, you were just about to run over, only to be pulled away. "Let go of me!" You screamed, looking over and seeing it was Finn and Poe pulling you away. Feeling your heart skip a beat, you looked back and saw Rey had jabbed a silver dagger into the man who was once holding you back. Shifting your eyes back over to Ben, who was now pinned against a tree with a bloody face, your breath hitched. "Ben? Ben?!" But, no matter how hard you thrashed around and tried getting them to let go of you, you were pulled further and further away from him. "BEN!"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A/N: Just when things were getting nice... it only gets bad...

Now that I'm rereading my story and editing it, I love giving Ben (even modern Ben) these sort of alternate endings/stories that can feel better than canon (though I love canon tbh).

Thank you for reading and - as always - please leave a comment and vote! I truly appreciate the support!

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