The Three Words

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The sound of your heart racing echoed within your thoughts, your ears ringing with the sound of your staggered breath as your chest heaved. You were still in a panic, and it had only grown worse with the growing distance between you and Ben. Wherever you were now, you knew you were far from him and the thought of him being murdered frightened you. You wanted him safe, away from them and right beside you. Yet, you couldn't have that, because wherever you were was filled with those who hunted his kind.


"Leave me alone," you muttered, sitting in your spot, holding onto yourself as you shook.

"Y/N, please—"

"I don't want to hear it!" You snapped at Rey, looking at her with bloodshot eyes. You had been crying the entire time, worried about Ben. Your near death experience didn't seem to be much of a matter anymore when you had no idea if Ben wasn't or was alive. "I don't... want to hear it..."

"Y/N, please let us explain," Finn begged, but you wouldn't dare look at him. "We don't hunt werewolves or any wolves for fun. That isn't our job. We protect our people from those who want to cause harm. Those you saw back there... the one's surrounding you. Snoke. Hux. Those are the ones we fight." Hearing Finn's words but not looking at him, you shook your head.

"You lied to me," you shook your head again.

"So did he," Rey said, but your head instantly snapped upward.

"No! Unlike you three, wherever the hell Poe is, Ben told me the truth! He showed me the truth!" You shouted, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I know he's a werewolf, I know who he is! I know what he is! That didn't change anything! Nothing, none of it does!" You continued to shake your head, bottom lip trembling. "He isn't the man they say he used to be..." you whispered, chest aching as your hands vibrated. "He... isn't."

Watching you with scrunched eyebrows and watery eyes, Rey rubbed her face. She, nor Finn nor Poe, never wanted you in this situation. Never. They wanted you far from it. "He was one of them—"

"I want to go home," you firmly spoke, swallowing as a tear slipped. "I don't want to be here. I want to be home, alone."

"You can't leave. You're still in danger," Finn reminded but you glared.

"I want to go home! I don't— I don't want to be near any of you!" You shouted. "I have no idea if Ben is dead or alive because of you! I have no idea if he's being tortured or if he's just lying out there, dying!" Feeling your heart ache, you held onto your chest and looked down, tears hitting the grey tile beneath you. "I don't know anything anymore..."

"We need you to stay," Rey breathed. "They could so easily find you back at your place and kill you... and we don't want that. We need to keep you safe, Y/N..." Taking in a deep breath, Rey swallowed. "They know where you live. You'd be in danger if we let you go."

"Please, try and sleep," Finn urged, you only looking up at him and shaking your head. "We have to keep you safe."

"Then I rather be left alone." You mumbled, Rey and Finn exchanging looks. "Please..."

Sighing, Finn turned and walked out, Rey just about to do the same but spoke one last time, "Know that we want what's only best for you." At that, she left your sight, you not bothering to look up as you stared at your shaky hands.

"How is she?" Leia asked, seeing the two walk past her. "How is she holding up?"

Looking over at her, Rey shook her head. "Not good."

"Why aren't you two with her?" Leia questioned, eyebrows narrowed.

"She asked us to leave," Finn sighed, shaking his head and sighing. "She's upset, but also scared out of her mind over Kylo." Looking at him, Leia took in a breath. "She's beyond worried about him. You can see it in her eyes... and hear it in her voice. She's terrified."

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