The Sacred Silver Necklace

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The sight of the tan wolf haunted your thoughts, all you could do was daydream about it, the way it looked at you as if it'd easily eat you up. You couldn't seem to understand as to why you were its target... or maybe it hated humans in general. You couldn't tell, because it clearly was focused on you and not Ben.

Standing beside Ben in the elevator as you decided not to take the flight of stairs, you were in complete silence. Ben knew you were traumatized by the incident, it wasn't everyday you encountered a rather ravenous pair of wolves. At least... he didn't know.

Looking over to you every now and then to make sure you were okay, Ben had the urge to reach over and hold your hand, but you were one step ahead. You weren't thinking, but your body was craving some sort of reassurance—as if to remind you that you were safe and nothing could happen.

Although your focus was on the metallic doors parallel to you, your hand slid into Ben's own as your tense soul slowly loosened up at the warmth radiating off of his own hand.

Feeling your hand reach into his own, Ben looked down at them, tightening his grip. Even though you were no longer shaking, your hands still vibrated. It was such a lovely evening, why did something like a rabid animal have to ruin it?

Rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, your thoughts slowly slipped away from the wolf and over to the sensation in your chest. Your heart was beating faster than normal no thanks to the rather bold—yet not so bold—move you made.

Feeling Ben's thumb brush against your skin, you let out a shaky breath. Somehow you had found comfort in that.

Hearing the elevator ding as the doors opened, you walked out alongside Ben and to your apartment. Stopping at the door, your free hand reached into your purse and pulled out your keys, unlocking the door and pushing it open. Not even bothering to let your keys go or put your purse down, you walked in with Ben, the man being hesitant at first but going along as he eyed your small apparent, shutting the door behind him.

You didn't want to let go of his hand, but you knew you eventually had to. It was already five till eleven and you knew he must've had work in the morning as you had classes... yet, your hand was still in his. "I'm sorry..." You spoke up, just about to let go of his hand although it was clear you didn't want to. "I don't mean to be so clingy... but I'm still shaken up."

"That's okay," Ben spoke, "You don't have to let go if you don't want to." Looking up at him, you swallowed. You didn't want to let go, that was the truth, at least not for a while. But, you were exhausted from the long day, all you wanted to do was sleep. But how could you now when you knew for a fact you were going to have yet another sleepless night?

"Do you... Can you stay... a little longer?" You nervously asked, looking down as if in shame.

Eyeing your figure, Ben had no intentions of leaving you unless he knew you were okay. "Yes... Of course." Looking up at him as you gulped, you only pulled him with you to your couch, placing your purse and keys on the coffee table before sitting down.

Hands still interlocked, you found yourself leaning against him, head resting on his shoulder as you sat in silence. All you wanted was to feel secure, to be able to sleep fine for once. You didn't want to continue to lose your sleep because of wolves. Something you swore wasn't of importance to you.

But, somehow, they seemed like a big matter to you.

Finding yourself becoming drowsy, falling in and out of sleep, you eventually knocked out. Feeling your whole body grow limp, Ben looked over to see your closed eyes. Lightly smiling to himself, he made himself comfortable knowing very well it was going to be a long night.

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